Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 309 Don't look at me directly!

Chapter 309 Don't look at me directly!
"...If I didn't know it was detoxification, I would have thought it was grilled fish."

With a groan from the bottom of his heart, Colin stepped forward: "There is still half an hour for them. If they can't recover, they will be knocked out and carried."

"Okay." Tina nodded, beckoning to the others to put the Sea Demon Girl down on the grill.

As the last time came, Colin found that the monsters around here became more and more outrageous. Many monsters looked strange, had huge bodies, and had very deadly attack methods. Even just colliding with their own bodies made people feel breathless .

But fortunately, except for the big ones, most of them are just silver guns and wax heads, and they have already been solved by groups of "Sea Demon Girls" without Colin's action.

Suddenly, Ke Lin's eyes narrowed slightly, and his pupils changed instantly, turning into vertical pupils, and an extremely huge circular island could be vaguely glimpsed from the dark green deep water.

Its diameter reaches an astonishing ten kilometers.

Immediately, without hesitation, he stuck a badge on himself.

"Everyone is ready, come with me and enter the enemy's formation!"

At the same time, in the Holy City, the Queen of the "Sea Demon" stood outside the Holy Fire Hall, holding the scepter inlaid with exquisite sapphires, and raised her chin to stare at the chaotic battlefield above her head——

Countless grotesque creatures tirelessly attacked this holy place without fear of life and death. Among them were pseudo-humans, and there were also many unknown creatures, schools of fish, and so on.

However, before they approached, they were blocked by a huge blue barrier that protected the holy city like an eggshell.

A tentacled creature exuding a terrifying aura slammed into the blue barrier.

Although it has not yet broken through, the terrifying power in it made the Holy Land tremble.

The queen raised the scepter in her hand, and a series of data-like symbols flashed in her pale golden eyes.

In the next second, many metal minarets built in the holy city began to operate, and some of the more than 1000 minarets released ice from the tops, reducing the temperature of the sea water.

She, who deals with these things from time to time, knows very well that in a low temperature environment, their activity will be greatly reduced, making it easier to deal with them.

Sure enough, all biological activities polluted by the crimson spores slowed down.

Seeing this scene, the queen waved the scepter again, causing lightning to be released from part of the spiers, and it went straight through the barrier and split into the sea.

In an instant, a large pile of infected objects turned white
And those few individuals with divine blessings had to avoid this place.

Another round of impact was blocked.

Seeing that the situation had temporarily stabilized, the queen's guards on one side hurried forward and cast spells to help the queen regain her energy.

"These monsters would avoid the sacred flame before, why did they charge up directly this time?" the Queen's guard was very puzzled.

"I don't know, I always feel that they seem to be in a hurry."

The queen didn't understand the situation very well, but she could feel a certain anxiety from the infected creatures.

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the top.

"Give up this place, my lord promises that you can leave safely, and grants you the blessing to resist the call of the deep sea, and even allows you to be irradiated by flames every once in a while, give up, it doesn't make sense for you to stick to this place. "

The queen raised her head and followed the prestige, and saw a strange creature surrounded by a large number of tentacles. After listening to the other party's words, she just responded with one word without changing her face:


The mermaids of "Sea Fairy" live by the holy fire. If there is no holy fire, they will quickly lose their sanity and become irrational creatures wandering in the air.

Only flames can maintain their humanity.

So no matter what, it is impossible for them to give up this holy object.

As for what the other party said will be used by them—they don’t believe that the other party will allow them to use it after handing over the things anyway. Once they do so, they will really become fish on the chopping board and be slaughtered .

And just after the short conversation ended, a round of fighting broke out again.

This time, the intensity of the battle suddenly increased, and the blue barrier was almost broken through many times.

Although it is generally stable, there are quite a few enemies breaking in.

The "Sea Demon Princess" who had been prepared already went up to meet the enemy, hand in hand with the enemy.

After several rounds of fighting, blood suddenly overflowed from the scales on the Queen's body. Before the guards could speak, she seemed to feel no pain. While maintaining the connection between her brain and the defense system of the holy city, she said calmly:
"Put all the fuel into the furnace to maximize the operation of the Holy City. I want to open the 'Eternal Domain'!"

"Eternal Domain"? !

The guards standing by were stunned when they heard this. Once this was done, not only the enemies, but also the holy city would be frozen in a short period of time and then die.

And a large area of ​​the surrounding sea will be frozen and inaccessible.

"I have received the news through the 'Soul of the Sea' scepter. It will take 130 to seven hours at the earliest before Queen Kalidos will support me here. Except for the means of 'Eternal Domain', we can't last that long. "

The queen said calmly.

Callidos is another queen of the "Sea Demon" and the most powerful one. She is united with humans and has the most powerful emperor-class deep-water battleship in her hands.

This thing is enough to deal with the current situation, but they can't support it until then.

So the only way is to freeze the battlefield until that moment.
Several guards were silent for a while, and were about to execute the order, but at this moment, they saw the Queen's expression suddenly changed:
"Wait, who is it? Tina?"

On the dome, through the connection with the holy city's defense system, the queen "saw" a mobile bubble island rushing towards it, and Tina, one of the escaped daughters, was on it!

"Damn it, it's so dangerous here, is she crazy?!"

The queen was a little out of breath.

Among my eighteen daughters, Tina was the least intelligent!
But it was also at this moment that the three divine creatures who had been attacking the barrier suddenly turned around, gave up attacking them, and instead attacked the bubble island.


The queen cursed in a low voice, wanting to stop it but was helpless.

In her opinion, the simultaneous action of these three divine creatures is enough to destroy Bubble Island.

However, unexpectedly, before the attack came, a cluster of huge flames suddenly erupted on Bubble Island, which was filled with some kind of terrifying inner flames, and even made the three divine creatures stop, as if they were facing an enemy.

"Is this a holy thing? No, no."

The queen was stunned. If it wasn't for the fact that the "sacred object" was indeed in the hall, she would have thought that someone had already taken it out.

However, it wasn't until then that she noticed that there was actually a human being standing in the bonfire, a human with flames on his body, arms crossed, looking down and looking down at the three divine creatures!

"This is the person from before? How is it possible, he can... manipulate the flame? How could the holy flame be controlled by someone?"

The queen was puzzled, but before she had time to think about it, she suddenly heard the man with the arrogant expression suddenly speak in a confrontation with the three divine creatures, and said in a very awkward tone:

"Who allowed you to approach me?
"Who allowed you to face me?"

(End of this chapter)

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