Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 315 The most notorious "0" level containment

Chapter 315 The most notorious "0" level containment

Eighteen huge blue and black slaps covered the sky, almost sealing off all corners, bringing an airtight and terrifying pressure.

On each of these slaps, there is a huge toothless mouth like an abyss.

"Damn! How could you come across such a damned thing as soon as you come out!"

The Devil Earl couldn't help recalling the fear of being dominated by "hunger" deep in his memory.

Originally, he thought that the person who fooled the bloodthirsty demon was an ordinary human being, at most a low-level employee who did not have high-level authority, and this was indeed the case during the observation.

But I didn't expect that the lower-level employees are indeed lower-level employees, but the question is, why the hell is there a "0" level containment on this lower-level employee?
Still one of the most notorious of the "0" class
Cursing secretly, he glanced at the guys behind him bitterly, wishing he could kill them first.

However, at this moment, he couldn't care less about these things. The memory from the "ancestor" revived in the earl's heart, and he seemed to feel something. A terrifying black mist erupted from his body, shaking away some invisible restraint around him.

"It's so risky, I was almost charged with death."

The Earl of the Demon let out a rejoicing, and the images of blood and tears of countless "ancestors" flashed in his mind. He remembered their experience in dealing with this damned creature. He knew that the reaction was a little slower just now, and the surrounding space was frozen.

Then, he swung his sharp axe, trying to split the space and achieve teleportation, but unfortunately, the wrapped "stomach" was so strong that it was impossible to break it open.

Taking a deep breath, he watched the overwhelming attacks with eyes like a melting pot, and quickly thought about the way to deal with the enemy.

"Fortunately, the level of control doesn't seem to be very high. Ignoring space, devouring rules, and not being able to look directly at the unknowable have not come out yet. Otherwise, I really wouldn't have a chance to fight."

After a quick search of his memory, he suddenly looked at a red figure under the phantom like a mountain. That figure was covered in red hair and had an ominous look. It seemed to be the carrier of "hunger".

If he can be beheaded.
The Demon Earl stretched out his giant hand from a considerable distance, intending to launch some kind of curse-type attack.

However, he had just launched his attack, and one hand suddenly blocked it, crossing in front of both sides.

Normally, once he locks the target, "Curse Kill" cannot be blocked by this simple method.

But something incomprehensible just happened
As the mouth on the big blue and black hand sucked, his attack sank like an ocean.

"It's really a monster."

The Demon Earl gasped. His combat instincts made him realize that it was impossible to sneak attack on his body, so he immediately gave up the corresponding action and found a relatively illusory big hand without a mouth to launch a surprise attack.

With the current situation, it is impossible for the opponent to have the same strength in every hand.

And the few "containers" beside him didn't dare to hesitate when they saw this, and followed each other directly.

Facing their full-strength attack, the weaker hand was broken.

However, there was a "container" that moved a little slower and failed to escape the encirclement. In a panic, he threw out a terrifying air blade composed of concentrated energy, and a large number of torpedo bombs were hidden in the air blade.

However, what he didn't expect was that the air blade hit the opponent's hand, and before it exploded, it was swallowed by its mouth.

The giant hand was getting closer and closer to him.
Seeing this scene, he quickly released a large number of spores, and tried to order other infected people to come over to block the knife.

But at this moment, his body stopped, and his whole body quickly lost its vitality.

More than a dozen giant hands grabbed at him, tearing it up and devouring it like dried squid.

"You!" The remaining two "containers" looked at the big demon in surprise.

They all saw just now that the other party stretched out his hand towards his companion, and somehow exploded. As a result, the companion was seriously injured and half dead, and then was easily killed by the enemy.

"He can't run away anymore. Instead of letting him pull a lot of nutrition and swallow the monster that the divinity gave him as an extra meal, I'd better give him a step."

The devil count said coldly.

A "container" was silent for a moment, looked at the gigantic demon that was more than ten meters in size, and said, "Then what should we do now? How can we defeat that thing? We summoned you, but we begged you to defeat the other party!"

'defeat?Come, come, come, I will give you the name of Earl of the Devil, you can fight. '

The earl of the devil was almost laughed at by his words. If the other party can really defeat "0-9'hunger'", what kind of earl would he be?I have already gone to run for the Demon Grand Duke or Prince!

The reality now is that after searching the memories of his ancestors, he got a piece of desperate information.

Under the existing conditions, "0-9 'hunger'" cannot be defeated.

Although in fact his current strength or various values ​​are actually slightly higher than the opponent.

But in the face of "hunger," it doesn't mean much if it's not much higher.

During the battle, the opponent can continuously devour their attacks, and then become stronger and stronger, and in the process, he will be gradually digested.
In other words, if you slash at him, he can swallow the power of your knife, and then every attack is your attack + his attack synthesis, which is quite an alternative and more advanced rebound.
To defeat the opponent, there must be some special rule-based means.

"Don't think about it, it is impossible to defeat, especially now we are still fighting in each other's 'belly'."

"Then what should we do? Is it possible to wait for death?" a "vessel" said.

And at this time, the weird laughter came again, and the terrifying creature came again after eating one of their companions.

"Hahaha, everyone must die, none of you can escape, let me eat it, it is your honor! It is also your only choice!"

Ke Lin's smile was slightly distorted, and he stretched his hands forward, and stretched out his big hand again. This time, after devouring another lamb, the degree of recovery has reached 2.1%.

The weird blue-black smog is more and more in the stomach space like his gastric juice
Many small shrimps who are not strong enough have been completely digested without taking action.

And he wasn't in a hurry to eat those big fat sheep running around, but was just playing around, enjoying the fun of fishing in troubled waters.
"Happy Little Fresh, Happy Little Roasted Catfish"

Colin hummed a ditty while launching an attack, and the look in his eyes became more and more crazy.

In his eyes, those monsters covered with distorted tentacles have turned into seafood feasts, and they can be stuffed into their mouths if caught
In the front, the Earl of the Devil struggled to parry and escaped several times under the big hands. Taking advantage of the gap between the attacks, he quickly said:
"We can't deal with it, but it doesn't mean no one can deal with it!"


"'Bonfire Camp'!"

(End of this chapter)

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