Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 316 What's going on in this "Bonfire Camp"!

Chapter 316 What's going on in this "Bonfire Camp"!

"I don't believe those guys in the 'Bonfire Camp' will let this guy get out of control!"

The Devil Earl feels that no matter what those "campfire camp" guys think, they must not let this thing completely get out of control.

"'Bonfire camp'?" The two "containers" were a little puzzled.

Seeing their appearance, the Devil Earl knew that the other party's "lord" must not have told them too much information.

I guess they're just throwaways.
He wanted to say that, but thinking of his current situation, he silently closed his mouth.

"You just need to cooperate with me. First, control your subordinates and let them die on their own initiative. When that guy eats to a certain extent, something will come to deal with him. That thing is the 'campfire camp'."

"As long as 'camp fire' comes, things will get better!"

The Demon Earl hurriedly dealt with those big hands while conveying his plan to them.

They want to let each other eat, but not let each other eat too much, lest the "bonfire camp" come, but they themselves are also eaten.

The Earl firmly believes that as long as it reaches a certain level, the "campfire camp" will definitely make a move.

At that time, he would have a chance to escape from this damn place.

Although the other two were puzzled, they could only cooperate with the execution.

As the plan unfolded, Colin's "recovery" really rose steadily little by little.

Ten minutes later, under the watchful eyes of Brother Gou and others, when the recovery value of "Hunger" reached "2.5%", the Earl of the Devil was looking at Colin, and a more and more solid reflection of the god image was reflected in his eyes.

At this moment, he suddenly realized something and wanted to close his eyes, but it was a step too late.

"Boom" sound.

The reflection in his eyes suddenly attacked him, a blue-black hand stretched out from his eyes, and then buckled back toward his head, as if trying to crawl out of his eyes.

But at the critical moment, the devil's heart became ruthless, he cut off half of his head with a backhand knife, and then quickly fled.

At that moment, a terrifying blood-colored figure crawled out of his small half of the head.

"Well, why are you running so fast?"

Ke Lin quietly looked at the fleeing figure, said dissatisfiedly, shook the long bloody hair on his body, then opened his mouth, clicked, clicked, and ate the half of the brain mosaic sashimi.

The demon in the distance was terrified, and he didn't dare to turn his head. Now the degree of recovery has reached the point where he can't even look at it.

Its "invisible" power is initially showing
As long as you see it, the other party may appear directly from his eyes.

And according to the memory of the "ancestor", this is only the initial stage. After a while, as long as you think of him in your mind, there is a certain probability that he will burst out of your brain directly.

Engagement with it will become more and more troublesome as the opponent's recovery level rises
Another important point is that after so many years, the knowledge of the ancestors may not be useful, because no one knows how many things "hunger" has devoured and how many abilities have been acquired during this period of time.

For example, now among the eighteen big blue and black hands, several of them are covered with bloody long hair.

These long hairs squirm and can guide their emotions to extremes.

This is the ability that was not there before
"What is 'Bonfire Camp' doing! Come out quickly! Do you really want to let this guy get out of control?!"

The Devil Earl cursed the inaction of the "campfire camp" in his heart.

He clearly remembered that according to the rules and regulations, it was impossible for low-level employees to carry this level of threat.

But such a low-level employee can actually have this thing on him. Isn't this a serious violation of relevant rules and regulations?

What happened to this "Bonfire Camp"? !
Although he is very clear that this is only a part of the fragment, "hunger" has a very special place. The incomplete part of him can still be supplemented by continuous devouring. upper limit.

It is still possible to reach about 30.00%
At this level, it can already be said to be a catastrophe on the level of destroying the world. At that time, only the Grand Duke or the champion gods have the ability to deal with it.

At the same time as he was cursing, Colin's "recovery" reached a certain stage again.

"Why, why, I just want to have a good meal, why are you unwilling to cooperate?"

Ke Lin muttered to himself, shot suddenly, killed a "container" and ate it.

But this time, the "divinity" he was most looking forward to on the food he just got was destroyed.

"Obviously as long as you let me eat with peace of mind, everything will end, why not?"

Colin's expression was a little twisted.

This time, not only the devil, but even Brother Gou and others felt something was wrong.

They were eating melons and watching the show at the bottom, smiling and watching Brother Shunzi drive the "Xu Neng Zuo Hu", eating and drinking in a crushing posture all the way, but watching and watching, they suddenly felt that something was wrong.

The blue-black smog began to surround them at some point, making weird "chewing" sounds to them.
Immediately, they couldn't laugh anymore, and felt that they and others had turned into walking drumsticks.

At the same time, the Earl of the Demon also extended an olive branch to them, seeking cooperation.
After a while of hesitation, they noticed that Shun Zi's rationality seemed to be getting more and more out of order, so the two sides secretly united to form a united front against "hunger".

The demon and his summoner control the food into Colin's mouth and control the progress of the recovery.

Brother Gou and others reported secretly, and the Queen of the "Sea Fairy" also used her own means from time to time to help the demons not be eaten, so as to avoid the sudden acceleration of the "hunger" recovery process and the loss of control
Now Brother Gou and others feel that the only thing they are thankful for is that Colin still maintains a certain sense of reason and did not attack them. However, listening to the increasingly clear chewing sound in the blue-black smog, they do not know this situation How long can it last.

But at this moment
["0-9 'hunger'" recovery observation, the real-time value at this moment is about 3.51%. 】

A distant and ancient bell rang in my ears.


Following the oscillating sound, the deep sea world before everyone's eyes was covered with a thin layer of gray mist at some point.

At the same time, one after another content emerged in their eyes.

["Bonfire Protocol" application approved]

[The "Bonfire Agreement-Special Support Project" is drafted, and the task is being dispatched. 】

["Ms." applied to claim the task. 】

[Accepted, this task will be fully responsible and executed by "Ms.." 】

[When executing, the following detailed rules should be carefully followed (click to open the details). 】


[Notice: "0-9 'hunger'" information has been detected, and the degree of recovery has reached "3.7% (essentially 0.5%)". In view of the special circumstances, Campfire will activate a special support mechanism through multiple agreements. 】

[Abbreviated content: Due to the urgent task and unable to obtain assistance in a short period of time, the employee "Unnamed 123456" had to use special means to use the "0-9 'hunger'" power to gain enough time to ensure the arrival of rescue]

[The formulation and execution unit of this event: Group Army "Zoo" Mixed Squad*12. 】

[Execution content: 1. Recycling items with great value. 2. Provide assistance to employees in distress. 】

[The target unit has been locked. 】

["Arrival Protocol G-3" is starting. 】

(End of this chapter)

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