Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 323 "The Migrant Emperor Virus Incident"

"厣孒嫒①勼勼⑦": What's the situation, why don't I have daily tasks this week?It's been two weeks! ! !I haven't sent out any missions for two whole weeks, and I'm only short of a bronze mission voucher to open an E-level promotion mission
"Fishing Immortal": I do have tasks, but the difficulty seems to increase suddenly
"Unnamed 114514": @莣孒嫒①勼勼⑦, I know I know, but because it involves some secrets, I can only tell you privately
"Partner of justice": No, to be precise, the missions in C, US, UK, RUS, EU and other countries have been reduced. If you go to some remote places, there are still more missions.

"Standing and forgetting the way": I don't feel much. I still have two or three weeks of daily tasks every week, so many people don't want to do them.

"Baishou is so cute": @站忘道, if you have a task, do it as soon as possible. In fact, the company recently recruited a group of people, and the tasks were divided. F-level bears the brunt, E-level is coming soon, and D-level is estimated to be temporary will not be affected.
"God? Activate!": Damn, why did it start to roll up, there will be no problems, these people?

"This is. The content of the official cooperation with Ms. Rabbit has begun to take effect?"

Colin glanced over, and soon realized the reason behind the scenes. Now, most of the time, as Ms. Rabbit said, the general tasks will be given priority to those official personnel.

And this has also led to the fact that some people are now unable to receive tasks.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that this kind of situation also existed in other countries besides China.
"The internal chat channel has indeed become very active all of a sudden, how many people have been recruited in this batch?"

Ke Lin originally thought that there might be only one or two hundred in China, but unexpectedly, foreign countries were also recruited.

Estimating now, I feel that there may be thousands of tricks in this batch, which directly doubled the number of people.
And as he looked through, he found that some old employees began to suspect whether these people were some new type of intruders who specialized in robbing tasks so that they could not develop
Some people even called it the "employee emperor virus incident".

"Tsk, I complained about too many tasks before, but now I complain about the lack of them. I really should catch them all and go to build a different world with me."

Ke Lin pursed his lips. There are too many people here, but his "World Number-13" is still short of people!
Even if you bring all this group of people there, you can use it - anyway, the points are issued by the company, not him, the more people come, the better.

'I don't know when I will have the opportunity to talk to Ms. Rabbit again. See if there is any way to meet the wishes of the employees and give them more jobs. These days, everyone says that foreign countries are good and want to make money. There is not much difference between getting rich abroad and getting rich in another world, it's all about getting rich anyway. '

The thought flashed by, and Colin couldn't help laughing.

He knew that if there was such an opportunity, all the employees would cry like asses.

Just like the arsonists, he just swiped the chat to see that the "Arrival Project" of this group of people is not over yet, just like himself, starting from next Monday, they will go to "World Number-4" every Monday.

The only difference between Colin and them is that he can choose whether to go to "13" or "4".

"That's good too, at least...their mermaid wife may be settled, and the salary is high."

Colin was quite relieved to see someone carrying out the "Arrival Project" like himself.

In terms of remuneration alone, this aspect is actually relatively sufficient. He has more than 3 points in this wave, and Brother Gou and the others have each received anywhere from [-] to [-], which has earned them several years since joining the company. most of.
Although there will definitely not be so many follow-ups, at least one or two thousand is considered a good salary.

The only small flaw is that it is easy to encounter all kinds of accidents with no upper limit, and it is a little bit easy to burp
But it's not a big problem. If it gets cold accidentally, you can buy a diamond-encrusted cremation box, which is more expensive than others.

Thoughts of jokes flashed by one after another. Colin put away the parchment, then touched the head of the bed, found the mobile phone that had been charging and was on standby, opened the screen, and saw a message from a strange beautiful girl's profile picture, he was at a loss for a moment.

It wasn't until he noticed the note of "Old Mr. Wu" that he realized who this person was.

"The Kikyo in Inuyasha? You're young at heart."

Colin pursed his lips, clicked on the profile picture, and saw the other party's reply——

The response to the sudden looseness of the body before.

"During this period, there were signs of a sudden increase in abnormalities in some areas, and the 'barriers' were impacted to a certain extent. This situation is not special, just like 'showers', which occasionally appear, which caused some fluctuations, but I have a hunch that among them It seems that there are some other things hidden, but in this regard, there is not much gain for the time being."

"Just 'showers'?"

Colin frowned, feeling something was wrong, but he couldn't tell where it was wrong.

Then, reining in his thoughts, he continued to read the follow-up content sent by Mr. Wu. The second paragraph was about the task.

"Bonfire Company's means of discovering anomalies is far superior to our own. It directly found out the hidden things in many areas, and solved many hidden dangers before they broke out. In this regard, I represent myself and' All of the Global Occult Coalition would like to express their gratitude to you. Of course, corresponding rewards will be sent to Base 5 in a short period of time. In terms of content, I guess you should be interested.”

Finally started a more formal cooperation
After reading it, Ke Lin had an indescribable emotion, that is, the old employees have suffered a lot in this regard. Besides, I don’t know what the reward is about.
And the third paragraph behind this is that the official has preliminarily prepared a list of items to be traded with the company in the past few days, and the items are constantly being shipped to Base 5, asking him when to trade.

"'Ms. Rabbit' didn't respond, and I don't know."

Just as Colin was about to reply that he was still not sure, a message suddenly popped into his head.

[The task event "December 12th, trade by train" has been issued. 】

"December 12th, that's four days later."

Colin nodded, opened the quest and looked. He didn't see how the train came, nor did he mention the specific location. He just said that he would be there when the time came.

Without thinking too much, he first sent a message.

Look at the next content again, this time it is about some abnormal inquiries in the company.

However, he only saw one, and his expression was a little weird.

"If you can, find out who 'Unnamed 123456' is. I have some guesses, but I'm not sure."

'There is no outsider here, the object of your guess is not me, is it? '

Ke Lin couldn't laugh or cry, but he didn't intend to respond to this. Anyway, he understood some things, and he couldn't say more about what he didn't understand. The interests are related, and I believe the old man can realize it by himself.

Then, there were inquiries about some abnormalities in the "Bonfire Company".

After Colin looked at it, the smile on his face subsided, and his brows were slightly furrowed:

"You are really not afraid of death.
(End of this chapter)

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