Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 324 The company's first strange story "mentally handicapped robot"!

"Are you trying to get in touch with the company's No. [-] strange story 'unnamed mentally handicapped robot'?"

To be honest, Colin didn't quite understand it, but he was shocked.

According to the feedback from Mr. Wu, it can be seen that during the past few days when they were "sleeping", they made some attempts to find out what it was.

However, the result was that the new employee who posted the address disappeared on the spot, but that was not the end. The two seventh-level personnel who protected him died on the spot and the other disappeared, and another eighth-level personnel went crazy on the spot.

In addition, a bunch of related experimenters all died violently or disappeared on the spot.
Except for the new employee, the others are not considered to be in direct contact, they are just trying to rescue during the experiment.

The most important thing is that after paying such huge casualties, they got almost nothing.

They don't even know how their own people died.
The super serious result of this incident almost shocked the extraordinary circles of the whole world.

"Didn't I say in the previous conversation that there are some taboos in the company that you should never touch? Why are you so stubborn?"

Colin frowned. It's not that he didn't mention this, but he didn't expect the officials to dare to go deeper.

The only good news is that this is a research initiated by other forces in the "Global Occult Coalition". Except for one Level [-] personnel who died suddenly on the spot, the others are all from abroad.

The results of the disaster were spread evenly, and the impact on a certain area was not great.

As for their result, Ke Lin is not surprised at all. Don't look at the stupid robots on the chat channel, but if someone really dares to touch the taboo, there will be absolutely no good fruit to eat.
For things that the company can't solve, it's best for ordinary forces not to even understand them.

You know, even "Ms. Rabbit" shy away from that stuff at the beginning.

'Tou Tie's group will die as soon as they die, I hope they don't attract anything else. '

Colin prayed secretly, then thought for a while, and responded to Mr. Wu: "I don't know about this, but I guess, there is a high probability that it involves some kind of containment that is defined as '0' level in the company.
"Now that the situation is stable, you'd better ban related research to avoid really attracting anything."

At the time of "World Number -13", the source of the "lycanthropy" was at worst an existence that could match the level 1 containment. As a result, it was eaten by "hunger" not long after it showed its face.

Although Ke Lin made a small contribution at the beginning, you must know that the "0-9 'hunger'" was also in an extremely incomplete state, only a few percent.
From this, we can get a glimpse of how terrifying creatures of this level are.

Although the company's definition of disaster is not the same as the official standard, but by comparison, I believe that Mr. Wu can understand the horror of this thing.

In addition, he also reminded some other things.

"Robots that do not change their names in the group", "out-of-control dungeons", and some foreign projects, most of the high-level executives who are missing, the manufacturing department, the evaluation department, the war department, and the department with special powers Mysterious agreements and more
It is best not to study these things too much, they are really untouchable content.

"Speaking of which, the government sent a group of people to track down the Red Moon cultists, and finally entered the 'Script City'. This aspect of things can't let them go deep."

Colin remembered this, and immediately reminded him sternly——

If they were to be put in order, when the "City of Scripts" was brought into line with reality, and countless dusty "copies of plots" came to reality, it would definitely be a catastrophe at the level of the end of the world.

Among other things, just those "NPCs", it's fine if they still maintain their human form. Once they lose their humanity, then, as long as they have a name, every one with a minimum strength equal to or higher than "6" personnel transformation Horrible creatures that came out.

And this is only the case in the city of low-level scripts "Paradise in Love".

The more advanced "horror zone" and so on, I can't even think about what is closed.
However, after the message was sent out, Colin noticed one thing, which almost indicated that he had entered the "Paradise of Love", and there were only a few people who entered this copy recently
But, before he could withdraw the message, Mr. Wu sent a message.

"Well, thanks for the reminder, we have banned related attempts at present, and we also apologize for our rash attempt."

You replied in time, but Colin pursed his lips, and didn't know what to say for a while.

At this time, the old man continued to send messages:
"The list of the first batch of containment items has been determined. There are about 12 of them. We will transfer them to Base 15 before December 5th, according to the method you said."

"No problem." Colin responded.

"Then, there are two more things about you. The first thing is that a group of people should come to you soon. They are people from another department. In the name of task exchange, I don't Good to stop."

"It's not a big problem." Just as Ke Lin was about to say this, Mr. Wu sent the next paragraph.

"One thing, these people have a bad temper. Sometimes they talk without thinking. I don't know if their heads will cramp this time. It's fine if they communicate normally, but if... hehe, as long as people don't die, I will You've got the bottom line."

It sounds like you are here to trouble me?How do you feel that there is an element of fire?

Colin thought about it, and then sent out "not a big problem" that he had typed just now, and then asked the second thing.

"The second thing is your own destiny. It may not be too safe. I can't go into details, because I don't know. I can only feel that you seem to have been in some kind of big net. In this regard, you pay attention to yourself"

Mr. Wu told Ke Lin that the incident itself might not have happened because of him, but it was as if he had stepped into a calm lake, creating ripples. These ripples would not disappear after rippling out, but would touch After reaching the shore, bounce back.
"Hey, look at what you said for yourself, can you understand it? Tell me something human!"

Ke Lin couldn't understand it for a long time, and finally couldn't help interrupting his speech.

"It's just that you are lucky and have a lot of gains, but it's not good, because you may find something. Generally speaking, it's not that good. Anyway, you have to be careful."


Ke Lin took a deep breath. Although he still didn't understand it very well, he paid attention to it a little bit. After all, this was a reminder from a Level 9 personnel.

And the most accident-prone event recently, if you think about it carefully, it should be the "ghost train of disorder".

'It seems that although it is not an out-of-control dungeon, there are no teammates of crouching dragon and phoenix chicks, and it is not an advent project, but you can't be careless just because it is an ordinary event, you must prepare well. '

After secretly raising his attention, the conversation with Mr. Wu ended here.

Ke Lin read some news about Qin Chuan again—they were all trivial matters, such as reminding him that it was time to go to work, so he didn't read much.

"The last hammer class, I just worked so many days, it's time to enjoy some free time"

He closed the phone, took out the parchment, and started the talent synthesis.

After a while, after spending about [-] points, he got a green talent card.

Then, Ke Lin consumed the points, removed the "Physical Explosion" on his body, and put the two into the "Advanced Fusion Coupon".
(End of this chapter)

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