Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 326 Eight Planets of the Solar System

Chapter 326 Eight Planets of the Solar System

"No, it shouldn't be discovered, but something has been noticed, but what happened in the end, and who cast the dice? Mr. Wu? What happened to the fire, it seems to have the breath of a 'fire bearer' But even more violent and brutal."

With a storm of thinking in his brain, Ke Lin picked up his mobile phone and planned to send a message to Mr. Wu to ask him if he knew about this.

Soon, he finished editing the relevant content and sent it over.
Just waiting for a reply, a red exclamation mark appeared next to his message.

"'Message failed to send'?"

Colin frowned, looked at the signal, and sent it again. The result was the same, and the message could no longer be sent.
After several sending failures in a row.

He wanted to try another device, but suddenly re-edited the content "Are you there?" and sent it.

This time the send was successful.
Even Mr. Wu replied almost instantly: "What's the matter?"

"never mind."

After thinking about it, Colin didn't continue to try this topic. He had a premonition that he would fail.

Countless accidents will lead this communication to failure.

Although he is still very curious, as an experienced employee, he knows that if he chases after his curiosity to satisfy his curiosity, he must be the one who gets hurt in the end.
"However, it is basically certain that the dice in the dream must not have been cast by Mr. Wu. I haven't even used the 'Book of Fortune' directly recently, so it should not be the 'Dice of Probability', but in this case, who would it be?" ? Level [-] can’t do this, level [-] is just one life pusher.”

There was a storm in Colin's brain, but in the end he could only suppress his uneasiness and sigh: "When I don't know when, I will talk to 'Ms. Rabbit' again, and see if I can get some news from here.

"Others, maybe we can start with some astronomers."

Then restraining his thoughts, Colin got up from the bed and got out of the bed. Barefoot, he walked into the bathroom with a few steps, took a hot bath, changed his clothes, and then went to the mirror in the room, and took a look at himself at the moment , then bowed his head.

"It's almost 130 catties, and the weight is starting to recover a little bit."

Colin looked away from the scale.

Since the onset of frostbite, and he didn't eat much, he lost weight suddenly. It is only after a little adjustment recently that he regained it.

However, this thing has an impact on his combat power, but not very much. More impact is just that his figure may not be good-looking.

"The next more important things are NO.15 Extraordinary item transaction, NO.17, next Monday's 'Advent Project', and NO.20' Disordered Ghost Train'."

After roughly sorting out what he was going to do, Ke Lin sent Qin Chuan a message back.

Of course, it's not about going to work, but I'm going to ask him to help contact a scholar who knows a little bit about astronomy.
"There are some things that I can't communicate to the outside world, or I can't know. At present, I should not be able to know anyway, at least within 24 hours. If I can figure it out, then I can try to understand it."

Colin remembered that there was a feeling of being in the universe at first.

He plans to contact the corresponding scholars to see if he can get any content.

Soon, in less than an hour, Qin Chuan and others, who seemed to be paying attention to Ke Lin all the time, rushed directly into a university at his request and grabbed a lucky astronomer at random.

"Dong dong."

Opening the door, Ke Lin saw Qin Chuan, Xia Liufang, Hu Zheng, and an astronomer Sun Liancheng who was bewildered beside him.

After inviting people in, Colin asked his own questions and described what he saw.

Although the scholar felt that it was a bit nervous to call out to ask questions because of a dream, but he didn't dare to neglect when he thought that this was a heavyweight who was reminded by the big man above.

"...Uh, assuming that the place you dreamed of and the small bright spot you saw was the earth, then according to my guess, it should be the scene observed on a satellite of Jupiter"

The astronomer pondered and said, "Have you seen a relatively huge Jupiter? Or..."

He added some knowledge.


Colin shook his head, and the other party's description did not match what he saw: "I can be sure that there should be no other stars around. Well, can you tell me about the situation of our planet in detail? Let me see if there are other possibilities."

"Oh yes."

The middle-aged scholar took out a crumpled map: "This is our solar system, there are a total of eight planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto"

"Huh?" Qin Chuan pointed at Jin Xing: "Isn't this one closer?"

"I just wanted to say. According to Mr. Ke Lin's description, it should not be Venus. Because of the high temperature, there is a very dense layer of fog, and the earth cannot be seen."

"Okay." Qin Chuan waved his hand.

"Could it be some meteorite or something?"

"It's possible, but unlikely, because"


During the conversation between several people, Ke Lin stared at the map for a while, and finally he could only shake his head to end the discussion on relevant aspects, and sent the scholar who came here with a confused face away.

However, although the matter has not been resolved, he has some hunch that this matter is not over.

"It is estimated that after I get enough merits and become a level 6 personnel, I may get a further answer. However, the 'Book of Fortune Telling', this thing is not at all oppressive."

Ke Lin felt emotional, feeling that Ms. Rabbit's investigation mission was a big pit.

Shaking his head and concentrating his thoughts, he was about to go home and lie down, play a few games or something, but before he turned around, he saw Qin Chuan and the others looking at him with some inexplicable expectations.

"Okay, let's go to work today first."

Colin reluctantly agreed to the request of these people, and while heading to the work place, he asked about the content of today's work by the way.

"There are probably a few nearby incidents that need to be resolved, and what's more, all the talents sent by Mr. Wu have arrived."

Listening to his words, Colin understood the current situation little by little, and it was nothing serious. However, after ten minutes, when he saw a dozen or so people in his spacious office, he couldn't help changing his expression:
"Talent? You call these talents?"

I saw that in the office, there were a lot of first-level or second-level "Fate Pushing" members, both men and women, generally around 20 years old, and there were as many as nineteen of them.

This scene reminded Colin of a game called Pokemon, and there was a learning device in it, and it was quite similar this time.

It's just that if you're stuck to death, you'll be dragging one by one, and he can almost be said to be dragging nineteen by one.

"You guys really trust me."

Ke Lin is a little suspicious now. Is there a possibility that the reason for the nightmare yesterday is that the passivity of "Fatal Insight" made him sense this group of soy sauce in advance?
Hearing Ke Lin's sarcasm, Hu Zheng smiled wryly: "This, I..."

He didn't know what to say, even he felt that there were too many bastards.

(End of this chapter)

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