Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 327 An Abnormality Keeping Up with the Times

"Oh, forget it, send me today's task, and I'll see where to start to solve it better."

Colin waved his hand and sat in his seat without thinking too much.

And Hu Zheng hurriedly sent the report he had prepared a few days ago.

After taking it casually, Ke Lin leaned back on the boss's chair, resting his feet on the table casually, as if sitting on a reclining chair, and flipped through the contents in his hand.

clatter clatter
Ke Lin had a general understanding of the surrounding situation, and also understood the general situation of this group of people.

Among the dozen or so "death pushers", there are two or three who joined the company not long ago, and the things to be dealt with this time are basically their tasks.

".According to the above, even if I don't bring it, someone will solve it, so why should I go? Oh, I forgot, I still have to accumulate meritorious service, so I can find someone who can do it, and it's fine."

Colin pursed his lips and turned the pages one by one.

It's not that he's afraid of doing the task, he's afraid that if he accidentally triggers something, the situation will suddenly become complicated.

After all, he was hit once before.

And just as he was turning the page, on the other side, a group of men and women who "destroyed" couldn't help but look at Colin.

"Is this really the state and mental outlook that a person of that level should have?"

A female pushing Mingyong spoke in a low voice, not maliciously, but very confused.

When they came, they probably heard that the person they were going to hug this time, no, the person they were going to follow was a strong man with at least seven levels of strength.

Originally, they thought it should be a "God Fighter" with a stiff face and unpredictable emotions, or about 30 years old, but they saw a big "death push".
Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a young man who looked a little thin.

From him, I can't see that kind of inexplicable strange feeling that only big people have.
If it weren't for the attitude of Qin Chuan and others, they might only think that he is a handsome, but in fact, ordinary person.

"It shouldn't be a problem. You see, Brother Hu, I was only on the same level as me a while ago, but now I've skipped directly to level four, and I feel like I'm going to be promoted again soon. When I reach level five, I can start to be independent."

"I heard from inside sources that this person might be more than level seven."

"Level seven? Are you kidding me? The leader of one of my relatives said that in previous accidents, this person had single-handedly repelled the extremely threatening deep-sea gods, blocking tens of thousands of alien races and forcing them to retreat to the sea." .”

"Stop talking about level 9!"

"Is your news true?"

"You kid, don't care if it's true or not, just say you believe it or not."

"God of the deep sea? Did you say 'Father of the Ocean'? When did I do such a thing? I didn't force them to retreat, they retreated by themselves."

Colin listened to the whispers of a group of people, but he didn't pay much attention to these things, and just complained a little in his heart.

Then, after reading through a dozen documents, he selected one of them.

The title of this document is "A Script to Kill Anomalies in a Chamber".

F-level weekly daily tasks, the requirement is to go to solve the abnormality inside, even if it is completed.

Compared with other casual workers in general companies, the biggest advantage of official personnel is that they will not fight alone, and the resources they can mobilize are far higher than they were at the beginning.

What kind of script kills the room, someone has already entered the investigation, except that some rules need to be followed
In fact, it is not a big problem.

Basically, it can be said that when these people really start to act, they can easily pass the level.

'The government still attaches great importance to the employees who join under them. The protection is much stricter than I imagined. Except for the stupid experiment, they have not let them take any risks in general. '

"But yes, the officials are still waiting for them to earn points and buy more genetic compensation medicines."

Ke Lin changed his mind, flipped through a few more documents, and finally decided to start with the script.

"Just do this first, arrange it, and start acting now."

"Okay." Qin Chuan quickly took it, and quickly went out to arrange a car and so on.

While he was busy, Colin also sat up straight and began to secretly check his equipment, making full preparations to avoid accidental accidents——

As far as his personal experience is concerned, accidents are quite easy to encounter.

If there is no accident, he is really not used to it now.

After another ten minutes, Ke Lin and others arrived at the location of the anomaly, a factory building in the outskirts of the town.

Originally, these factories were abandoned, but because of the rise of script killers, they were rented out at low rents for renovation, and turned into places dedicated to receiving script killer players.

"I just discovered the word 'script'. I hope it doesn't have anything to do with that thing. I hope it's not my paranoia."

Ke Lin glanced over and saw some scene layouts, and knew that the crew was working hard.

But at this moment, due to abnormal reasons, the warning line has been pulled up.

Ke Lin looked past them, and under the guidance of his intuition, he looked towards the second floor of one of the factory buildings. Then, his nose twitched, and he smelled some restlessness.

What was said in the report was that the owner of this script, which mainly focuses on folk horror, bought some strange stone statues of the night ghost with a bull head and a horse face at a high price. They were originally intended to increase the atmosphere.

I didn't expect these things to be "real goods".

This also led to the fact that several employees were controlled as slaves, constantly tricking people online to try.
"The abnormalities of this era have also advanced with the times."

Ke Lin couldn't help feeling secretly, at this moment, Qin Chuan came, beside him, followed by another man in his thirties.

This man's face has a certain unique stiffness. Through this feature, Colin can basically be sure that he is a "god".
However, since he was only at level five, his impact was not high.

"Mr. Lin, these are some taboos here. Please take a look first. As long as we follow the above rules, we will not be affected too much even if we enter it." The man handed over a document.

Colin nodded and took it, took a look in his hand:
"Rules of the Great Temple Museum, 1. Don't look directly into the eyes of the statues. If you find them looking, you must look away. 2. The exhibits are just exhibits, there is no weirdness here, don't worry, if you find anything wrong, please contact the administrator"

A dozen or so rules seem to have a little meaning.

Moreover, compared to other incidents where people die at every turn, the anomaly here is actually considered "friendly". Except for the crew, the other players did not suffer any harm when they came over.

However, after returning from playing, they generally showed signs of mental weakness in the next two or three days, and some even suffered serious illnesses, were admitted to the hospital, and stayed in the ICU for a few days.

But overall, it's all minor injuries.

(End of this chapter)

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