Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 329 The Mysterious Pseudohuman

"'Fire Zheng'. If it is really an ancient 'Fire Bearer', then perhaps, mysterious things have existed since ancient times, but somehow they disappeared, and then reappeared in modern times?"

Touching his chin, Colin felt that this possibility seemed not small.

Because there are quite a lot of abnormal images, it is quite simple.
For example, the shape of the eighteen-armed blue-black stone Buddha with "0-9'hunger'" is definitely not what it looks like, but because of some reason, it is possessed or locked inside the stone statue.

"Judging from the situation and experience of 'Script City', there are some senior executives in the company who are keen to transform abnormalities into 'human beings', and 'Snow Girl' is a classic example of being transformed."

"The humanity of 'Snow Maiden' has suppressed instinct, and is gradually occupying the instinct part. If one day she fully grasps her own strength and won't lose control easily, then I'm afraid her strength will be at the seventh or eighth level."

"If similar techniques have existed since ancient times, then the 'Great Food Buddha' is probably also an attempt, but it seems that the 'Great Food Buddha' has failed."

Ke Lin was a little curious. If the current techniques are learned from ancient times, then there are ancient mysteries. Why did they suddenly disappear in the middle?

And why does it appear again in modern times
However, Colin remembered that there was nothing in the world that could be said for sure in this regard, so he didn't think much about it.

As for the "Huozheng", apart from what he can find on the Internet, let Qin Chuan look for it, if he can find it, look for it, if he can't find it, forget it
"It doesn't seem to be a particularly important thing. Even if you find it, it will probably satisfy your curiosity."

Shaking his head, Colin was about to take a nap, then get up and play a few games.

He had a hunch that he might not have the chance to be so relaxed again in the future.

However, before he could close his eyes just after lying down, his complexion suddenly changed slightly, and then he reached out and took out the small parchment, and saw a message about the task dispatch on it:

[Weekly task: "Download a special software, join it, and observe its members". 】

"This trumpet's weekly daily task came just in time."

Ke Lin sat up helplessly, and continued to open the "task bar" to check the details.

This mission requirement can be said to be almost non-difficult, just like the mission title, find a special software, join it to lurk, supervise and observe the personnel in it, and watch it every day for about a week.
If the situation permits, appropriate attempts to contact the personnel within it may be made.

The method of finding the software has been written down. All Ke Lin has to do is follow the operation.

After a while, he completed the installation and successfully logged in.

"I don't know how the company got this account, but is the penguin imitated by this software?"

Colin couldn't help laughing when he saw the software that was almost exactly the same as the penguin, but called Emperor Penguin.

There are no friends in the account, but there is a positive @全球 group.

There are about 300 people in the group, and it seems that they are in class.

And seeing the content of the course, Colin almost didn't hold back—"How to laugh correctly like a human being?"

An administrator with the avatar of Xiaocaiji in the middle is sending out messages constantly:

"How to make a healthy enough laugh that can't be noticed has always been a problem for many of our classmates. Usually in some formal places, everyone around laughs, and it's not appropriate for us not to laugh, but because of lack of skills, some On the contrary, some students would make ugly laughter such as 'huchihuchi' and 'quack quack', which would lead to people noticing that something was wrong."

"Today's class is to teach everyone how to laugh politely and elegantly like a human being."

"First of all, the core of laughter is the use of air. There are usually two modes of laughing. Let's talk about the easier one first, the jet laugh."

"Huh? What's all this?"

Colin held the mobile phone, he couldn’t read it, but was shocked by it.

After simple observation for a while, it is basically confirmed that the people in the group should not be human beings, but a special species hidden in human society.
From the current point of view, they seem to be trying to find a way to better blend into human society.

And the content of today's study is "laughing".

A large group of people, under the leadership of the little rookie manager in the middle division, actively tried on the voice, and made all kinds of crazy and chaotic laughter. Just listening to it makes people feel like they are out of SAN.

Ke Lin couldn't help showing an inexplicable subtlety on his face.

It can be seen that these guys who are on the company's watch list and don't know what kind of creatures are really working hard.

Then, he looked through the previous documents in the group, and there seemed to be "How to Cry Like a Human", "Dismantling Human Confused Behavior", "108 Tips for Becoming a Human", "How to Find a Human Partner", "How to find a suitable job?", "Computer C language: from getting started to making money", "How to avoid official hunters" and a lot of documents
"Tut the more you look at it, it feels a little funny"

After investigating for a while, Ke Lin felt more and more delicate. First, he didn't expect that there were a lot of things mixed into human society. Second, he felt that the style of these guys' paintings was not right.

If the file name becomes: "How to Cook and Eat Humans", "108 Tips for Eating Humans", "How to Handle Fresh Humans Without Being Discovered", etc., it will probably be right.
"Only in terms of first contact, these gadgets are not very harmful."

Colin made a rough judgment, and then continued to dive in the group, eavesdropping on their movements.

Finally, after about an hour, today's class came to an end.

Then everything enters the free discussion period.
Many people were summarizing the difficulties they encountered when "laughing". Colin looked at it and felt that there was nothing more substantive, so he prepared to end the observation and continue to sleep without disturbing these abnormalities.

But at this moment, a different kind suddenly popped up among the study crowd:
"Help me! I've been kidnapped into a fraud den, can someone come and save me?"

"@Please call me Mr. Little Monster: Hey, isn't it good that you are running your script killing store? How did you get involved with fraud? What happened?"

The manager of the small chicken chicken in the middle part of the group asked curiously.

And Ke Lin, who was watching the screen, also noticed the words "script kills the storefront" in the other party's mouth.

"No way"

Ke Lin also thought of one thing at the moment, it seems that the owner of the dungeon killing shop today has not been caught yet
Two days before the accident, the other party said that he had to go back to his hometown in an urgent matter, but he didn't know where he went in the end.

Originally thought it might be just a coincidence, but looking at it now, it should be a deliberate escape.
"Mr. Kun, recently there was a problem with the batch of products that absorb spiritual power. When I was discovered, I ran away quickly. I wanted to go to Southeast Asia to avoid it, but I got caught when I came. I was originally only planning to let me participate in fraud, but Because the blood just matched someone's or something, they are now going to dig out my kidney, what should I do?"

(End of this chapter)

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