Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 330 Don't Worry About Your Wife

The language organization ability of this "Please call me Mr. Little Monster" is not complete, but the meaning is generally clear.

"Sure enough, it's the continuation of what happened today."

Colin was not surprised, but what surprised him was that this was abnormal!
He traveled all over the world, what happened to him?
It's not uncommon for Wei Wei to run away because of things being revealed. Although it's rare, it's not incomprehensible, but it's the first time he's met someone who ran away into a bandit's den and was about to be killed.
"Are all the people in this group really abnormal?"

Colin suddenly expressed doubts, which felt a little unreal.

At this time, after seeing this person's description, other people said one after another: It can't be saved, they can wait for death and reopen.

"But I have a good body. I still have a wife. If I die, what will she do?" Mr. Xiao Xiaoguai was a little anxious, his language skills were messed up, and he obviously didn't want to just give up.

Other members of the same family in the group typed words such as "I will take care of your wife, don't worry about you", "Give up this body and start again", "You work hard" and other words, expressing that there is nothing they can do to help.

The few who wanted to help, after seeing his description, expressed their unwillingness to take the risk.

"Now is an eventful time, and the official pressure is too great. Let us not move around there." They also gave their reasons.

"Tsk, you are still thinking about your wife? It's interesting, but these people of the same race seem to be quite cold-blooded. However, it is probably because this race has the means of rebirth, so you are not afraid?"

After thinking for a moment, Ke Lin took the initiative to ask his location: "Give me the specific path along the way, and I'll see if I can find a way to help you and create a chance for you to escape."

The company mission said that if you have the opportunity, you can try to contact them.

Colin also felt that it was necessary to really understand the situation of these guys.

"Okay ok, @Mr.Digital, I'll message you privately"

Mr. Little Monster was immediately delighted to see someone willing to save him.

After a while, Ke Lin received the other party's complete action path. After the script killing team had a problem, this guy ran away in a hurry, first took a plane to the border, and then took a bus to leave through the local snake.

Everything was going well until he found out that the bus was going to Beimian, not Bangkok.

"These humans are so unruly!"

Mr. Little Monster complained to Colin that if he hadn't hidden several mobile phones in his belly, he wouldn't even be able to send messages this time.

"That's unfortunate enough."

Colin didn't expect things to unfold so strangely.

"'Mr. Numbers' must be me. It is estimated that in a week or two at most, they will... Some r is coming, I can't tell you." Mr. Xiaoguai made a typo in a hurry this time. several.

"Okay, okay, don't worry"

Colin sent a message, but there was no response.

However, at this moment, another person sent him a message, "Mr. Kun".

"Although it's good to know what you mean, but be aware that for some reason, there has been a lot of pressure from the authorities recently. 'Mr. C' has demanded that even if we die, we cannot destroy our identities, let alone use those powers."

The increase in official pressure is the result of the impact on the "world barriers", right?But who is Mr. C? He seems to have a lot of energy in this race. Colin was surprised, but he still replied:
"Okay, don't worry, I have my own way."

End the interview and put down the phone.

Ke Lin's expression was subtle, and after a few seconds, he couldn't help but exclaimed, "The diversity of human species has become more abundant." After that, he called Qin Chuan and planned to ask them to handle the matter.

With his current status, to do this kind of task, he doesn't need to do it himself.

At this moment, although Qin Chuan was puzzled, he didn't delay. Even in the middle of the night, he worked hard to submit questions to his superiors.

On the second day, the people who kept running back and forth also changed from Qin Chuan to Xia Liufang and Hu Zheng.

“Action is pretty fast”

Colin grunted, probably knowing that this guy was flying to his destination with a few official personnel early in the morning.

In the next few days, apart from clearing various tasks, there were no other events.

The only thing that went wrong was Qin Chuan's side - when they arrived, they thought they could find him soon, but they didn't expect that Mr. Little Monster was tied up and sent to a on a plane bound for South America
As a last resort, Qin Chuan could only bring his own team to keep up.

Nothing else happened
Colin was rarely quiet for a moment.

After December 12th, he came to base 15 again.

For a while, the various guards along the way relaxed his guard a lot.

After walking a certain distance, Ke Lin met Mr. Wu's subordinates whom he had met before, the eighth-level "Fate Pusher", who looked like a middle-aged man, but was actually only in his thirties.

Knowing Ke Lin's straight-forward character, Duo Jin didn't say much, and said simply and directly: "Everything is ready, and it's all locked in a large containment room, just waiting for you."


Colin nodded, and then, under his leadership, came to the large containment room that the other party said.

Fifty white containers of different sizes are being held here—these are some things selected by the government that are not harmful, but have complicated mechanisms and are very troublesome and difficult to destroy.

'Officials seem to be wary of the company, not daring to trade those who pose the highest threat. '

Ke Lin glanced at a few of them, and most of them did not seem to him to be very threatening, and he had heard that the government contained some horrible things that were "inaudible, unspeakable, and invisible".

But these are not on the list of transactions.

Without thinking too much, Ke Lin withdrew his thoughts and turned to look at Duo Jin:
"Let everyone get out now, I'm here alone."

"And what about those special things? If they get out of control, they may explode immediately"

Many Jin looked at a special containment unit sealed by transparent glass. Inside was an ever-changing oil painting, and a person was sitting in front of the painting—

This item must be stared at by someone, otherwise within 1 minute, a creature that looks like a dog but not a dog will crawl out of it.
Moreover, every hour passed, the person had to be replaced immediately, otherwise the person would disappear if the hour passed.

In addition to this, there are many other things that need to be suppressed on the spot at all times.

While speaking, Ke Lin threw out a glass bottle from his right hand, and before it landed, he held his right hand by his side and swiped his thumb on his middle finger.

With a "snap", a cluster of flames erupted from the glass bottle.

A small sun-like fireball rose in the hall.

The scorching fire instantly radiated all abnormal creatures in the large containment room.
"With me here, they dare not get out of control today."

(End of this chapter)

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