Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 335 "Boat ticket" at the end of the day.

"Infinite Train?"

Ke Lin had a strange expression, and was not sure for a while, after all, there are actually many abnormalities in similar trains.

He picked up the file from the table and looked at it in his hand.

"Aliases 'death train', 'fog train', 'strange train', characteristics, when currently observed, will only appear in areas where anomalies exist."

"When it appears, there will be gray fog around, and then, time will appear abnormal 'fast forward'. In addition, some researchers believe that this is a kind of 'process' reduction rather than fast forward."

"So far, no one of any strength has ever seen its front or rear. People will hear the common flute sound of trains in the last century, followed by a yellow light observed, and then the train gradually stops. the process of."

"In an unexpected experiment, a member tried to find the front of the train after entering, but finally gave up after walking more than 100 carriages. It is known that the train carriages may be infinite."

"No known method can reach the front of the car."

"It's really an 'infinite train'"

Colin read it halfway, and he was sure that he knew that, and he found that the official knowledge about this train seemed to be quite a lot.

It's a pity that it's all superficial research.

I know some taboos, but I don't know why.

On the whole, it seems that he knows a little more than he knows, but not a lot.

After briefly reading the brief about "Infinite Train", Ke Lin put it on the table.

"I do have a little understanding of this anomaly, so what do you want to know."

Colin put his right leg on his left leg, raised his toes, and leaned back.

Hearing this, Tang Qinghu hardly thought about it, so he spoke directly:
"I heard that you seem to have a way to control the train to come, and then pass it to where you want to go?"

According to the news they got, Qin Chuan and Ke Lin escaped by train in the last accident.
And from the current information, it can be known that members of the Bonfire Company seem to have more or less contact with that weird train.

This is enough to show that the campfire company has the ability to use that train.

'Control the train to come?Don't you think too highly of me?"

Colin pursed his lips. He knew that "Ms. Rabbit" had a high probability of having a certain authority to move the train, but ordinary employees had never heard of such ability.

Everyone got on the bus through the mission, and then got off the bus according to the mission requirements.

Other than that, I have never heard of any employee who can take the initiative to adjust the landing location.
After thinking about it, Ke Lin said, "If you think I can control the train, then you're probably going to be disappointed. I'm similar to other employees, and I can only use the train passively through tasks."

Hearing this, Tang Qinghu and others frowned, this was obviously not the answer they wanted.

At this time, they heard Colin continue to ask:

"I don't have the means to control the train, but I'm a little curious, where are you going to go through it?"

Why do you ask without you. Tang Qinghu couldn't help complaining in his heart. He felt that it was not because Ke Lin didn't have it, but because he was too selfish and lacked dedication, so he didn't want to confess.

This is also the reason why he wanted to use some small means to let the conversation enter his rhythm.
Of course, this is also the way he has always been used to dialogue. Deterrence first, then slowing down a bit during the dialogue, and then "entrusting him with important tasks" can often achieve good results.

Unfortunately, Colin's methods are far more mysterious than the information he obtained.
He still can't understand how he was taken down by the opponent in an instant.

Shaking his head and restraining his thoughts, he continued:

"Through this train, we have found several unique extraterrestrial areas. If something happens, through this train, we may be able to achieve a large-scale transfer.

"No, based on the characteristics of this car, if it can be used, it will surely save countless people."

As he said that, he looked at Colin, with a face full of flesh, showing a kind of sincerity: "If you can do it, it will definitely be awarded."

"Don't, don't, don't do this."

Colin raised his hand to interrupt the other party's words: "I can't do what you said, but if I have a chance, I will find out."

"Of course, I believe that with your character, you will definitely do this."

A smile appeared on Tang Qinghu's stiff face. At this moment, he seemed to think of something: "Of course, besides this road, we have other preparations. At that time, you can rest assured that no matter whether things succeed or not, you and a part of your choice Anyone can take advantage of it.”

While speaking, he handed over a black gold card.

"What the hell?"

Colin's eyes dropped, but he didn't take it.

"This is a top-level 'ship ticket'. As long as you enter your or your friend's information into it, if something happens, their safety and retreat will be guaranteed at the first time. A dedicated person will pick it up."

"The method of use is also simple. You can start recording on any mobile phone that can flash NFC."

"Hehe, it's still the first batch of personnel to enter the list. After us, it will be the turn of others. This random quota can only be obtained by fighting outside, but this card can register more! "

Tang Qinghu briefly introduced the function of this card with a smile.

"Boat ticket".
Ke Lin still didn't take it, but thought of more things from it, guessing that the interior might not be as peaceful as he thought.

"To be honest, I prefer to call it the 'Expedition' program rather than the 'Tinder' program. Like the navigators who have explored the world for hundreds of years, we will explore unknown areas that humans have never reached."

"We will open up more land for human beings and reach the borders that cannot be touched by today's civilization."


Hearing Tang Qinghu's words, Ke Lin didn't respond, but Hu Zheng and the others beside him couldn't help curling their lips.

They don't have any opinion on the "Tinder" project, but it seems a bit annoying to package themselves like this and still move themselves.

However, seeing that this guy seemed to be talking a little bit, Colin was not polite and interrupted directly: "Okay, whether it's 'Tinder' or 'Expedition', I'm not particularly interested in it right now."
"If there is nothing else besides this matter, then this exchange will come to an end."

There are quite a few "different worlds" he has gone to now. It can only be said that the outside world may not be as beautiful as the other party thinks. Even if he goes, if he is lucky, he will barely survive.

"Okay, excuse me then."

With a stiff smile on Tang Qinghu's face, he stood up and was about to leave, but he didn't know what to think, and continued:

"By the way, there is one more thing, our plan also needs more talents, and you, believe me, we have infinite sincerity for talents like you, maybe if we need to know more, I can also You recommend to Mr. Gao"

Although they still haven't figured out the specific situation of Ke Lin in the company because of Mr. Wu's interference.

But they can also understand that this person seems to have some other identity in the company, so if there is an opportunity, they must find a way to recruit him.

Although there was a little conflict between the two sides before, it was not a big problem.

Once the recruitment is successful, it is a great achievement!
But before Tang Qinghu finished speaking, Hu Zheng suddenly coughed twice——

Let’s forget about those things in the front, it’s a bit too much to poach corners here in front of you!

(End of this chapter)

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