Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 336 Complicated and Chaotic Internal Fighting

"Let's not mention what is recommended."

Colin also waved his hand. He has a lot of bad things now, and he doesn't have any sophisticated ideas, and he doesn't really want to get involved in the mess here.

As for the Mr. Gao mentioned by the other party, Ke Lin has never seen it, but he has heard of it. He seems to be another ninth-level personnel in China.

He is also a master of the two paths of talisman and god.
However, from some gossip, I'm afraid this person's condition is not very good.

Thoughts swirled in his mind one by one. After a few seconds, Colin blinked and retracted the divergent thoughts.

Then, Tang Qinghu and others did not continue talking, and left here.

Not long after he left the building, some black aura suddenly gushed out from him, wrapping him and the people around him, forming another "secret room".

"Are you sure? Is it the one you met before?" He whispered to Hu Xiaoyuan and Luo Wenhao behind him.

Hearing this, the two looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time.

"It's just a little similar, maybe, maybe not, but I can't be sure." Hu Xiaoyuan said.

"Forget it, this aspect is not that important." Tang Qinghu said expressionlessly.

Afterwards, several people boarded an eight-seater commercial vehicle and prepared to go to the airport.
However, when the car was halfway through, Tang Qinghu, who was sitting at the back of the car, suddenly felt his heart tighten, and then realized something. Just as he was about to sit up from his seat, he saw a dump truck full of gravel speeding by outside the window Come.

His pupils shrank, and he was just about to mobilize his strength, but found that he "went out of order" because of his desperation.

And in this short time.
The out-of-control dump truck slammed into the rear of the car.

But I don’t know if it’s because of quality reasons, the front part of the commercial vehicle is fine, but the rear part “just happens” to be the area where Tang Qinghu rides, and it is disconnected from the body as a whole, and is directly thrown out by Chuangfei.

The huge force just rushed to the place where he exerted his force, knocking away the breath he had finally lifted.

Finally, after a flash of lightning and sparks, he landed in a construction site toilet full of excrement.
Ten seconds later, Tang Qinghu, who was in a mess and smelly, stood up from the public toilet, and looked expressionlessly under a big tree not far away:
"A lot of gold."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left without saying a word.

He knew very well that the opponent who was also at the eighth level couldn't do it, so he couldn't resist the whole process.

Well, if I don't leave now, I'm afraid I will only be more embarrassed later.
After all, this is not their territory.

At the same time, on the other side, Colin had already boarded the returning helicopter. As the propellers turned, he couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly as he recalled the conversation just now.

'The interior seems not as peaceful as I thought. '

Ke Lin generally knew that the miscellaneous factions inside, no matter what ideas they held, could be roughly divided into two parts.

One is planning to leave, that is, "Tinder", "Expedition", "Ark" and so on.

No matter what you call it, the meaning is the same.

There is also a school of "water control" who thinks that human beings will win, and if they don't leave.
One runs, one stays, it seems irrelevant and can coexist.

But in fact, no matter whether to leave or stay, resources are needed, and now, around this aspect, both sides are striving for enough resources as much as possible to cope with the future.

"Looking at it this way, the impact on the 'World Barrier' this time may not be as light as Mr. Wu said. Or, what happened to make these people jump up?"

Colin rubbed his fingers under his chin, and roughly made some guesses.

As far as the matter is concerned, he has no special prejudice against those who tend to flee
After all, it is indeed difficult to act externally. There are countless unknown threats to face, and it is not easy to open up a pure land from these countless threats.

Also, those who leave cannot all be generalized
He also seems to have heard about the "big run" and "trot run". Of course, the big run is to get as many people as possible to leave together, looking for a new way out.

The trot is to let a small number of elites leave with a large amount of supplies
Or there are even more disgusting ones, those who pull investment under the cloak of "big running", but are actually planning to "trot"
It's kind of complicated anyway.

However, this does not mean that there are so many ambitions left here.

Because when looking at the information on the followers of "Red Moon", Ke Lin was shocked to find that a considerable part of this group of people could be classified as the Retainers.

Of course, they are the most extreme kind.

Thinking that if we leave the earth, human beings will not be human beings, and we must protect this place at all costs.

Humans themselves are not capable of guarding this place, nor are they able to survive the final day, so they must rely on the help of foreign gods.

In addition, there are some people who think that human beings will win.

"Speaking of which, I feel like I can't hide from '2044' no matter if I run or stay."

Colin remembered that in other worlds, there was also news about this thing.

If you can be fine just by running outside, then some senior members of the campfire company and some abnormal places don't need to always mention this thing.

It's a pity that so far, Ke Lin still hasn't figured out what will happen in 2044.

It just feels that, whether it is a company or those truly great beings, many things seem to revolve around this thing.

"Forget it, maybe when the authority is high enough, you will understand these things. As for now, compared with these things, it is more practical to consider the 'Advent Project' the day after tomorrow."

Colin took a deep breath, emptied his mind a little, and began to think about what to bring in next time.

At the same time, thousands of miles away, Qin Chuan and his little partner got off the plane after the plane stopped at a small airport in South America, and soon met with several local international colleagues stationed abroad.

Not long after, they appeared in a manor that said it sold fruit, but actually sold "flour".

The owner of the manor received their group in the hall.

At this moment, looking at the guns surrounding them, Qin Chuan couldn't help feeling a little numb in his scalp.

As an ordinary Extraordinary who had just reached level 3, such a scene was quite shocking to him.

This two-liter-three still got further resources through Ke Lin's back door.

However, he wasn't too scared, after all, there were several big bosses who came here this time.
For Colin's orders, the higher ups usually attach great importance to them.

after all
It's all part of the plan.

Although Qin Chuan didn't know what the plan was.

"I don't know what you are here for?" the owner of the manor asked in fluent English.

Hearing his words, Qin Chuan felt that someone touched him, and then he took a step forward, took out a photo and handed it to the other party, and said in the same foreign language:

"According to our investigation, this person was captured by you, and I hope you can hand it over."

The owner of the manor took a look at the photo, then shook his head and said with a smile, "Sorry, I don't know this person."

Admitting it is equivalent to admitting that he engaged in kidnapping in person. Once the news is spread, he will have a headache, and the real source will kill him to avoid scandal.
Hearing this, Qin Chuan frowned, they were already fully confident in coming here.

At this time, the international colleague wearing a cowboy hat suddenly said:
"If you don't want to hand it over, come with me."

"Sorry, you don't have any evidence, so according to the law, I don't need it."

The owner of the manor was talking, but suddenly saw the other party pull out a pistol from his waist and aimed at him, which made him lose his mind for a moment.

At the same time, there was a buzzing sound, and the subordinates immediately raised their guns and aimed at Qin Chuan and his group.

It only takes an order or a small movement, and they will immediately turn these guys into a hornet's nest.

This gave the owner of the manor a little more sense of security in his heart.

However, at this moment, his eyes froze, and he saw that all his subordinates seemed to have deflated balloons, and they all shriveled up.
On the ground, streams of blood gushed out towards the Asian man wearing a cowboy hat.

While feeling the joy brought by the blood, he said:
"Sorry, when we act, we want names, not evidence.

"From now on, I'll give you ten seconds to agree.

"Otherwise including you and your family, I will capture them all and kill them all.

"Remember, none of what you call backstage means anything to us."

(End of this chapter)

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