Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 337 "Pseudohumans" with a unique style of painting.

Chapter 337 "Pseudohumans" with a unique style of painting.

'Fuck, are the people from the External Operations Department in this area so ruthless? '

Qin Chuan couldn't help being shocked when he saw the scene.

Listening to the words of the elder brother beside him, he felt that the one on his side looked more like a big owl, rather than the guy opposite who was so frightened that he seemed to have lost his ability to think.

At this time, the owner of the manor saw the strange scene around him. Although he was shocked, he also recognized them from an inconspicuous mark on the other party——

A group of guys who possess mysterious abilities and are truly lawless!

Agents of the Global Occult Coalition!
Although in fact, this alliance is composed of a large number of different forces, and it is not a whole, but for those who have not stepped into this circle, but have heard about their deeds from some places, this is a terrifying giant as a whole!
if this group of people
That's true, even the guy he helped couldn't keep him!
Immediately, the owner of the manor immediately made a decision after two or three seconds: "I am willing to cooperate."

Just facing his words, the man in the cowboy hat grinned and revealed a mouthful of snow-white teeth, and said with a hearty smile:

"Sorry, it's late."

After the words fell, several gunshots rang out, and several blood holes appeared on the owner of the manor.

"You said it clearly, ten seconds." He widened his eyes and opened his mouth to speak, but because the bullet pierced his lungs, a large amount of blood gushed out from the trachea, and he could only make a coughing sound.

In the end, he stared and fell down unwillingly.

"I don't even think about myself, dare to tell me about the law?"

The man in the cowboy hat spat disdainfully.

He wanted to clean up these guys before, but unfortunately there was no suitable excuse.

But this time, given the opportunity, he will definitely not be lenient.

On the other side, Qin Chuan and the others couldn't help frowning. He didn't care about the life of the manor owner, but if this man was killed, what about his mission this time?
But before they could open their mouths, the man in the cowboy hat turned around and said with a bright smile with white teeth on his face again: "Don't worry, there will be no shortage of information that should be obtained.

"The person that the big man is looking for can definitely be found."

While speaking, a palm-sized, viscous blood oozed from his skin, and then shot at the staring corpse on the ground at an extremely fast speed.

After a while, the owner of the manor stood up again, showing his snow-white teeth to Qin Chuan and the others:

"Sorry sorry, let me think about it, well, there is good news and bad news
"The bad news is that half of that person's kidney has been taken out, and now it's being pressed on the illegitimate son of a rich man.

"The good news is that because he was worried that the operation would go wrong and his kidney would be damaged, the man was still alive with his remaining kidney.

"How? What are we going to do next?"

Hearing the words of the "owner of the manor", Qin Chuan thought about it and called Ke Lin.

Not long after, the phone was connected, and there seemed to be a "puff puff" sound of air waves over there, which sounded like a helicopter.

He immediately reported the situation at the scene
Hearing Qin Chuan's words, Ke Lin couldn't laugh or cry, feeling that this "pseudo-human" was very unlucky.

Not long after becoming a "human being", various accidents frequently occurred.

Up to now, there is even one less "kidney".
Of course, this situation is not fatal to them.

After lurking in the group of "pseudo-humans" for so many days, Colin probably figured it out. These guys seemed to specially select the guy who died due to various accidents as a replacement.

For example, the original owner of the old man whose kidney was dug out seems to have driven drunk and crashed out of the fence when passing a certain mountain road a few months ago, and rushed down a high slope of more than ten meters.
According to the investigations sent by Ke Lin, judging from the collisions inside those cars, the people must be dead.

However, the reality is that the other party "miraculously" survived and was finally rescued.

Then he replaced the original person and continued to live in human society. From the stiff expression at the beginning, to the unrestrained laughter now, the original owner's wife and daughter didn't even have much suspicion, just thought it was after a car accident frightened
In the group, this guy is a "top student" because he learned all kinds of details of human life in a short time.

"At present, after these guys replace them, the only abnormality is that they will find a way to do something to stimulate people's emotions and collect them. The purpose of the collection is temporarily unknown."

'However, I always feel that they seem to enjoy the experience of being human, and they will continue to share their experiences with other compatriots, and then find ways to find a better way out'

"The latest situation is that after some of them came into contact with Tieba, they planned to go up and pretend to be crazy and sell stupid things to become Internet celebrities, thinking that this would better collect emotions"

When Ke Lin thinks about the surveillance these past few days, he always feels that they naturally have a contradictory personality that coexists with indifference and optimism. They are indifferent to life and optimistic about life.
In addition to collecting emotions, they also actively experience various things in human society, and obey social rules more than ordinary humans, making Colin feel that they are a bit like playing a "human simulator".

But overall, it doesn't seem to be too dangerous.

Of course, only temporarily.

After all, the group of mentally handicapped robots chatting in the company, when the address is not revealed, the harm is almost equal to zero.

Before this group of guys revealed their final intentions, many things were indeed uncertain.

To figure out whether they are a threat, you have to wait until you figure out where they come from, what the source is, and what they do to collect emotions before you can draw a conclusion.

Then, Ke Lin shook his head, calmed down the thoughts in his mind, and asked Qin Chuan to find a way to create a vacancy, and let the "pseudo-human" brother escape by himself.

If you catch it deliberately, it's not very good
These guys still have enough protection for some of their sensitive information.

Therefore, after saving this guy, he needs to let him help him better integrate into the group.

After conveying his intentions, Ke Lin turned off his mobile phone, ignored the situation there, and then asked Hu Zheng and others to deliver the supplies he needed. He was going to prepare things for "World Number-13" tomorrow.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Chuan closed the phone and explained the situation to the person in the foreign operation team.

"I probably understand. Then, what about the rich kid who underwent surgery and was reborn." The man in the cowboy hat asked.

Thinking of Ke Lin's explanation, Qin Chuan said directly: "Don't worry about it, just create an opportunity for me and let me let him go. Remember, during this process, you can't show extraordinary means!"

"No problem!" The man in the cowboy hat showed a white smile.

When the final goal was determined and there was no one blocking the whole process, they quickly found the locked-up man in a forest village not too far away.
It was at this moment that a large number of gunfire and even the sound of artillery rang out in this small village with simple folk customs.

(End of this chapter)

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