Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 338 Mr. Link asked me to say hello to you!

Chapter 338 Mr. Link asked me to say hello to you!

"What's the situation, the gangsters are fighting?"

The elder brother whose kidney had been dug out took a deep breath while clutching the surgical suture on his painful back. While feeling the rustic smell of gunpowder in the air, he could also feel a stream of pure "grain" floating in the air. in the air.

Although the "spiritual food" is very tempting, it is obviously a good opportunity to escape, but unfortunately there is an iron chain around his neck, and he cannot escape at all.

But without waiting to think about it, a figure suddenly entered the room.

"Am I dead, or dead?"

The "pseudo-human" brother had a look of grief and indignation. After finally getting such a good start, he just explained it like this.

But just as he was about to die, he found that the other party had broken his chain with a gun.

"You..." When he was surprised, he saw that guy who was obviously an Asian man said to him:

"Go out and run from the right, after a while, there will be a small town.

"I'm a mercenary who came here specially."

Hearing this, my brother didn't quite believe it, so he stood still and didn't move.

After thinking about it, Qin Chuan said:
"Mr. Link, ask me to say hello to you."

"Mr. Link? He really saved me!" The elder brother was moved to tears immediately. He didn't expect that among his compatriots, he would actually do what he said, and he did it so well!
Immediately, without any further hesitation, he clutched the knife on his back and ran out of the door.

After he left, the battle here suddenly accelerated, and within 10 minutes, everything was over.

Smelling the smell of gunpowder smoke mixed with blood in the air, Qin Chuan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief—Mr. Ke Lin's mission was finally completed.

After running this trip, it can almost circle the earth.

"Okay, about that person, we will also arrange someone to supervise, don't worry."

A man wearing a cowboy hat came out of the smoke, showing a mouthful of white teeth and a hearty smile: "Next, I have some things to deal with here, so I won't continue to pick you up."

"Well, there's nothing else to do." Qin Chuan nodded, followed a few team members who came together, and left directly.

Watching them walk away, the man in the cowboy hat lowered the brim of his hat slightly, and quickly left in the other direction.

As a man of faith, he always walks the talk.

If you want to help the manor owner's family reunite, then you must help them reunite!

A few hours later, he randomly found a phone booth and dialed a number: "Solved."

Hearing this, a relieved voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Remember my reward, 'Blood of True Ancestor'." The man reminded.

Just after finishing speaking, an old man's gentle voice came from the phone: "This incident is obviously different from what I expected. Maybe we need to talk about the relevant distribution."

He has now learned that this sudden investigation was not aimed at him at all, so it is really a shame to pay such a precious thing for it.

"Hey, it's not my business. Although the matter is over, accidents may happen." The man in the cowboy hat laughed:
"Besides that big man, I'm afraid there are quite a few people who are interested in some things about you."

After speaking, there was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, and finally agreed to the deal.

Then the old man's voice continued: "One more thing, can you investigate, who actually initiated the order this time?"

Although the current information indicated that it was just an accident, he was still not at ease and wanted to understand the situation.

He still felt that it was a bit unrealistic to make such a big fanfare this time, only to make money for someone.

Moreover, it has been an eventful time for family relocation recently.

"It's very difficult. As far as I know, this assistance order comes from a real big man who is almost top-secret. It is almost impossible to find it, even if I have been a partner with you for more than ten years."

The man in the cowboy hat said what he knew, which made the old man on the other end of the phone feel that this incident was unusual, especially after hearing the difficulty of the investigation, his heart sank to the bottom.
But just when his breathing became a little heavy.

The man in the cowboy hat suddenly changed the subject: "I need to pay more."

"En?" The old man was taken aback.

"I have a way to find out behind the scenes, but this time, I want the 'blood of the ancestors'!"

Hearing his request, the person on the other end of the phone was silent again, and finally said "yes" with difficulty.

When the call ended, the man in the cowboy hat squinted his eyes and was not in a hurry to leave.

He took out an encrypted mobile phone from his pocket: "Mr. Wu, they should have agreed, and then I will have the opportunity to contact their core personnel."

"Very good! Continue to act. As long as there is contact, you can confirm whether they are followers of the 'Red Moon'. It is confirmed that the real culprit was behind the tragedy. At that time, none of these guys who still want to come over will be able to escape." Lose!"

Listening to his words, the man in the cowboy hat couldn't help but think of a large-scale bloody tragedy caused by some "Red Moon" believers who were active in the country.

It was obviously a festive day for the New Year, but as a result, more than a dozen villages evaporated overnight. Except for him who was studying abroad, none of his immediate family members survived.

After traveling here for many years, chasing from domestic to foreign countries, in the end, he clearly knew who the enemy was, but he was unable to act. After all, those guys were also real forces in the circle, and he could not act like today.

It wasn't until not long ago that a certain important person in the country suddenly found someone and found the owner of the manor. The people of this family seemed to be frightened and promised many things to let him solve the hidden troubles.

This also allowed him to find a breakthrough.

"I'm looking forward to that day," said the man in the cowboy hat.

Putting aside personal grievances, he is very clear that the reason why the higher-ups are paying so much attention to these guys this time is because the "world barrier" has been hit recently, which has made the island that once ruled most of the world extremely pessimistic.

Some of the antiques from other countries that were once plundered are now out of control one by one. As many places were robbed at the beginning, then there are as many kinds of weirdness in them, which can be called the place with the richest variety of anomalies in the world today.
Many local ancient forces are preparing to flee and migrate outwards.

This group of guys is no exception, but the direction of their migration makes the country feel threatened——

East India.

And without a suitable reason, it is very easy to cause a large-scale dispute if you want to take action against them.

At this time, Ke Lin probably never imagined that he was just an ordinary task, so that a large group of people could not sleep and eat, and was willing to pay a huge price, just to confirm who he was, and thus stir up a huge incident.

December 12th, twelve o'clock at noon.

The boundless and distant ancient bells slowly fade in my ears
Colin came to "World Number-13" again.

But just now, when he saw the scene in front of him clearly, he couldn't help but feel a little bit in his heart.

Before the bonfire, a large number of old people and children knelt down and prayed tremblingly, with frightened faces, constantly chanting the name Colin left in this world.
Outside the church, there were constant heavy sounds of terrifying creatures moving around.

(End of this chapter)

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