Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 339 "The Disaster of the Magic Mist" strikes!

Chapter 339 "The Disaster of the Magic Mist" strikes!
"Did something happen?"

Colin frowned, looking at the scene in the church, he immediately had a lot of associations.

Estimated the impact of the last "World Number-4" mission, he couldn't come in as normal last week.
So this time, it was already seven days later, not the second day like before.

At the same time, Li Ming and the others, who were about to take a few pills and work overtime just after arriving, stopped their movements when they saw the scene in front of them, froze for a few seconds, and immediately said:
"What happened? What happened?"

Accompanied by his voice, the bonfire believers who kept praying in the church opened their eyes and noticed their arrival.

Immediately, the believers seemed to have found the backbone and called out.

The scene was a little chaotic for a while.

"Be quiet and tell me what happened first."

Colin raised his hand and selected a believer who was in a normal mood to tell the story.

"Master Bishop, during your return to the 'Kingdom of God', it was the 'Disaster of the Magic Fog', the terrifying things in the 'Disaster of the Magic Fog' attacked here!"

The old believer talked about what happened these days while weeping.

The monsters from the "Disaster of the Mist" appeared around four days ago.

It's just maybe lucky, they have always been sensitive to living people, and they haven't launched an attack here, as if they didn't notice it.

But three days ago, things suddenly changed.

The wandering monsters suddenly arrived and attacked here
At that time, there were tens of thousands of people in the territory. Obviously, it was impossible for everyone to run away, and it was impossible for everyone to run away.

Therefore, the part that cannot leave can only hide in the church.

Originally, everyone thought that they would be buried here with the church, but at this moment, they noticed that all the monsters avoided the church.

Many old, weak, sick and disabled escaped unharmed.
'So these things are those monsters? '

Colin raised his head and sensed the situation outside through the door.

It can be felt that there are some people in the area outside the church, most of them are elderly and sick, and some seem to be some more loyal believers, vowing to live and die with the church.

And a little further away, about 50 meters away, creatures of different sizes and distorted shapes wandered around.

From them, one can feel a distorted hostility towards the living.

But perhaps because of fear of the bonfire, or for other reasons, they did not dare to enter within 50 meters of the bonfire.

However, because of the arrival of these monsters, the surrounding houses have all been torn down and destroyed, like ruins.

"The strength of the monsters around here is not very high, and it can be solved, but the number is a little bit high, there are hundreds of them, but the problem is not very big."

Colin took a deep breath and further analyzed the information in the smell.

After roughly understanding the information, a piece of information suddenly appeared on the retina
[Event [-]: Rescue the victims who came for the bonfire as much as possible. 】

"Remarks": You will get a higher task evaluation.

When this task appeared, Colin immediately felt that there were several "guidance" at about nine o'clock.

Although I can't feel the specifics, I can vaguely confirm that there are many survivors.

"Good luck, not all of them died."

Colin secretly heaved a sigh of relief. For him, the greatest significance of this task is that he can accurately find those people who have been in front of the bonfire through it.
Although he could find out bit by bit through the smell, it definitely didn't come as quickly as this one.

This time, if they all died because of this incident, then he would not accept it.

This is a territory that he has invested a lot of effort in establishing!
From scratch, a little bit of development to the current territory.

Afterwards, Colin looked around the church and was about to leave, but at this moment, he suddenly found that an important person was missing.
"What about 'Red'?" Colin asked.

If she was here, she would have rushed over as soon as she arrived.

However, no one has been seen so far.
In the church, there was no smell of the other party at all, and the faint smell seemed to be a few days ago.

This gave him some bad premonitions.

That is to say, the words fell, and several children popped out with red eyes: "Master 'Bonfire', my sister left suddenly after the arrival of the monsters, and led away some monsters. I don't know where she is now."

"Leaving by yourself?" Colin frowned deeply.

He knew that there was something special about Xiaohong, but that kind of special, there was a high probability that she couldn't cope with the current situation.

But seeing a few crying children, Colin said, "Don't worry, I will get her back."

After comforting him, he glanced at Li Ming and the others: "You are responsible for managing the affected people first. This time I brought you some helpers. You can learn how to use them yourself."

Colin raised his hand, and three clusters of silver mist flew towards them respectively.

The nano-omnic content in it is about five catties, enough for the trio to cope with the current situation, and even attach a layer of nano-omnic armor to their bodies.

After finishing all this, Ke Lin quickly opened the door, glanced at the group of monsters in front of him, and then jumped vigorously, facing the gazes and exclamations of thousands of believers at the scene, falling into the group of monsters like a cannonball.

A monster that happened to be at the landing point was trampled on the spot by Colin.

He turned his eyes left and right, quickly scanned the scene, and saw a large number of distorted shapes, the smallest being the size of a passenger car, with off-white chitin claws or hammer-shaped creatures, all over the place.

At this moment, Colin felt that a kind of disordered and strange mental wave covered him
At the same time, all the monsters immediately attacked him after the initial astonishment.

"Psychological attacks initiated by groups? It seems that there is still a strong pollution?"

While thinking, Colin quickly took out a 300ml test tube from his pocket——

Originally squeezed "Fire Bearer" essence oil, 0 added, does not contain any additional substances!
This was just received from the company yesterday, and I haven't had time to add water yet.

Moreover, the situation was urgent at this moment, and Ke Lin didn't intend to keep his hand. He directly pinched the test tube hard, breaking the test tube, and the flame ignited.


A huge flame erupted directly from the group of monsters.

The scorching fire first rose like a mushroom cloud, and then exploded and spread like a wave, devouring all nearby monsters and creatures.

Under the high heat, many weaker monsters immediately charred and died suddenly on the spot.

Even those who were a little bit stronger, they all wailed and died within ten seconds of the flames.

(End of this chapter)

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