Chapter 35

"It's relatively barren there, some people have magic-like means, there is a danger of encountering unknown monsters, food is relatively scarce, and there is a special and abnormal climate, so I suggest starting from these aspects, as for the restrictions on carrying items, and No."

Magic, high-risk monsters, lack of food, weird weather. Duncan nodded and sat back: "Understood, thank you for your answer."

He wasn't surprised by the name of a monster.

After coming here, even if the people in front of him say that tomorrow is the end of the world, he will believe it.

Seeing that both of them were asking questions, Li Ming, the civil engineer at the side, hesitated for a moment, thinking whether he should also ask a question, so he also raised his left hand and asked an unimportant question.

"Mr. Bonfire Agent, will we be asked to do those inhuman, bloody and cruel things?"

Tang Ken didn't really care about this issue. From his point of view, going to other worlds, conflicts and even death are all foreseeable things. Lin Yilan seemed to care, but she didn't seem to be very resistant.

Ke Lin took a look at the expressions of several people. If you quantify the moral values ​​of several people, then it should be Li Ming-Lin Yilan-Don Ken.

Then, he shook his head and responded:
"Basically not."

After briefly answering everyone's questions, Ke Lin dismissed the meeting and asked everyone to go back and prepare from now on.

When the last person disappeared in the office, Colin also returned to reality.

"The five incidents this time, it seems that the human body stitching monster was not mentioned. In my opinion, there is really not much follow-up to the crisis of the sky."

Colin sat in a wheelchair, thinking about the task of today's update.

It can be seen that the campfire company really doesn't seem to care much about this aspect.
But if you think about it carefully, the campfire company has mastered the way to descend across the world, and can even make time-related props.

What it shows is far beyond reality.

The only thing that is not sure is where it came from and which side it belongs to. Colin didn't simply think that this thing is something that people on earth can make.

If this could be achieved, the earth would have already entered an interstellar civilized society.

After thinking meaninglessly for a while, Colin withdrew his thoughts.

The next day, Monday, at 59:[-] p.m.

Ke Lin looked away from the wall clock, then lay on the bed, closed his eyes, and waited silently for a while, and a distant and ancient voice appeared in his ears on time.


When Colin opened his eyes, he saw the heavy gray fog slowly fading away, and a familiar interior picture of a church appeared in his field of vision.

This time, there were no surprises.

The gloomy church, the densely packed corpses lying on the ground, the dull air, and the locked gate Colin looked around. Everything was not much different from when he left last week.

"The body has become normal again, but now I feel that it is not my body. Although it is healthy, it is still a little uncomfortable."

Ke Lin looked at his hands. Except for the white skin and slightly long hair, he could hardly tell that he was a patient of "lycanthropy".

That is, he felt from the bottom of his heart that the aura of "vestification" became more inflated.

"Borrowing strength from this aspect, it seems that you should be more cautious, or you might suddenly go crazy. The task belongs to the company, and your life is your own. I don't want to hear me mentioned in the task of the next successor. is a 'former employee of the company'."

Ke Lin took a deep breath, put away his thoughts, and noticed the pieces of clothes on his body that were torn like pieces. He pursed his lips, hoping that he had foreseen this time, and took the underwear from the "storage room" Put on pajamas for yourself.

Then, he randomly picked up a set of villagers' clothes and put them on outside to cover the clothes that didn't match the painting style of this world.

"People here don't seem to have the habit of wearing underwear."

When Colin was in prison last time, his pants were empty and uncomfortable.

This time I brought a few extra pieces.

Then, he silently recited the name of the campfire company in his heart to strengthen the connection, and then he was going to complete the task of establishing the "bonfire sacrificial site" first.

But as soon as the connection was strengthened, I noticed that the "task bar" in my mind kept flickering.

This seems to indicate that some tasks have been completed.

"Strange, I haven't started the task yet."

Ke Lin opened it subconsciously, and was taken aback when he saw the information inside.

I saw that there were more than a dozen new tasks in the task bar originally thought to be five tasks, and a small half of them had been completed.

[Event 17 "A breath of fresh air from 'World Number-13'" has been completed: 20 campfire points. 】

[Event 18 "Observe the architectural appearance of 'World Number-13'" has been completed: 50 bonfire points. 】

[Event 21 "Take the first step of Earth humans on 'World Number-13'" has been completed: 20 bonfire points. 】

[Event 9 "seeing the life activity form on 'World Number-13'"]

"Fuck, missions can still be played like this? Is this the benefit of having a leader?"

Ke Lin was dumbfounded, and within 2 minutes of coming, he directly earned almost 300 points.

Miss Rabbit was really generous when she applied for side missions for help!
Most of the tasks that have not been completed are not very difficult, and they can be easily completed after waiting for a long time.

In other words, there are five hundred points guaranteed here alone.

As for those who have some requirements, such as [Event 6 "Find the child of the lycanthropy mother"], [Event 7: "Kill the monster guarding the door"], you have to spend a little time thinking about it.

Colin looked at the ones with certain requirements, and found the missions related to those "braves".

[Event 9: "Saving the Hero who Faltered". 】

This task is a bit similar to the task of finding a former colleague when it first came. When he focused on it, Colin could feel his current direction at 01:30 and a signal was sent.

I can't say how far it is, but it is definitely farther than the first time.

It may take two or three days to arrive without interruption.

"Even if they can't live for a month, they should be fine if they live for more than ten days, so there is no need to be too anxious. However, this time, only after the completion of event 5 can they return to reality, and the others can go back without saying what they have achieved."

Colin frowned slightly, and the remaining time of event five has been refreshed, and now there is still "167 hours, 57 minutes and 31 seconds" to end.

Doesn't it mean that he has to wait for seven days before returning?
Brain pain.
"Forget it, now it's not the time of the prison, you won't be sent to the Holy Healing Church, and you won't meet that Pastor Sabie, let alone that 'him', so if you're a dog, you should be fine. .”

Colin smacked and felt that the only problem was that there might not be enough food.

But it's okay to save a little and carry it for seven days.

(End of this chapter)

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