Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 36 "Bonfire Sacrificial Site"

Chapter 36 "Bonfire Sacrificial Site"

Taking a deep breath, Colin turned around and glanced at the deepest pit of the church, which was filled with a large amount of ash, and decided to pile everyone here.

Set up a bonfire sacrifice site, and then let the employees begin to descend.

The work of stacking these corpses is not complicated, but when picking up those corpses, there is some resistance to the dead or death itself in the bottom of my heart.

Nearly an hour later, Colin piled up all the corpses in the big pit of the church.

"A total of 190 seven people, less than I guessed at the beginning."

Colin clapped his hands and looked at the huge pile of corpses in front of him. The shriveled and dehydrated corpses were piled together like old trees and firewood, forming a large circle.

The height of the pile was as high as three meters. The shriveled corpses did not emit any special smell, not even a bad smell. They just displayed death in front of their eyes, in a wordless and absolute silence.

When Colin was packing up these corpses, he discovered that there was generally nothing valuable on them.

It’s fine if the clothes are usually patched, but some of the red robes with flame patterns don’t have any. That can only mean that someone has already picked them up, or they have handed over valuable things to others before that.

Judging from the traces that these corpses have not been touched.

Colin leans towards the latter.

"Unfortunately, I can't collect anything, and I don't know how to save some for me."

As Colin thought about it, he picked up the last few corpses and threw them on top of the pile of corpses.

At this point, the accumulation of corpses of all the followers of the Bonfire Church on the site was completed.

Only the last step of ignition remains.

He took out a bottle of blended oil from his pocket, and was about to pour it, but after thinking about it, it seemed inappropriate to use this kind of thing in church, so he replaced it with alcohol.

with a snap.

The blue transparent flame unique to alcohol burst into flames.

The moment the flame ignited, a special atmosphere escaped from the pile of corpses that were used as firewood. The flame seemed to be under some kind of control, covering the entire pile of corpses at once, and turned into a height of several meters in the blink of an eye. huge bonfire.

At the same time, the blue flame turned into orange red, burning blazingly.

Miraculously, the fire that almost reached the top of the church didn't burn anything. Even when Colin stood beside the flame that was several times taller than himself, he didn't feel any scorching heat.

And, if you listen carefully, you can almost hear the murmur of prayers in the flames.

It was as if the voice of someone who had already died sounded again.

The church, which has been abandoned for an unknown period of time, has become somewhat inexplicably weird and sacred.

At the same time, in Colin's heart, there seems to be an extra "coordinate" in this world.

As long as he is in this world, no matter where he is, he can feel the position of this bonfire and use it as a marker to determine his direction.

"Put it in the game, isn't this just for saving something?"

Colin looked up at the huge flame and suddenly thought, this church is sealed now
Could he have died from carbon monoxide poisoning?

Although his body has been strengthened now, he has not yet become the ultimate biological form that can survive without the air.

At this moment, a line of subtitles appeared on the retina.

[The "bonfire sacrificial site" has been established. 】

In Ke Lin's mind, information related to the "bonfire sacrifice site" emerged.

[The special flame ignited by special firewood authorized by the "Bonfire Company" can be used as the coordinate reference system of "Advent Project G-1". 】

[In addition, it has all people's beautiful imaginations about flames, including but not limited to: "warmth", "brightness", "expelling darkness" and so on.]

[In addition, it has a large number of properties for mysterious types such as anti-divination and anti-peeping. In most cases, it can only be observed through conventional physical means. 】

"It seems very powerful, but it didn't explain to me whether I would die from carbon monoxide poisoning."

Colin complained, and found that there was an extra piece of data in his mind.

["Bonfire Sacrifice Point": Level 1. 】

[Remaining burning time: 29 days, 23:57. 】

[Remarks: The bonfire is about to go out, but the firewood will not be added. You need to bring more bodies of powerful creatures to burn and extend the time. 】

【——Sacrifice a containment object that has been evaluated as a threat to level 2 (reference object: three-stage "lycanthropy") + 3000 points, which can increase the level of the bonfire and obtain more functions. 】

[——After 23:57, a "turbid energy block" can be produced. 】

"Is there one or a few game designers in the campfire company?"

Colin blinked, and began to wonder what the "turbid energy block" was again.

It's a pity that it was not mentioned above, and we can only wait a day to find out.

However, although there is still no information about the flame in front of me, but with the size of the flame, if there is a problem, the oxygen should be burned for a while, and there is no suffocation, which means that the problem is not serious.

"The next step is to summon the employees to deal with the stuff outside the door."

clang - clang - clang -

The distant and ancient bell ringing slowly faded away.

Li Ming propped himself up, shook his head, opened his eyes, and looked around in a little confusion, but soon he froze.

Surrounding it was a strange wasteland.

What's horrifying is that right beside him, there are four or five corpses lying here and there.

They didn't know how long they had been dead, their flesh and blood had already weathered, leaving only their skeletons wrapped in rags.

"Was it so exciting when you first came here?"

Li Ming's scalp became numb, and he took two deep breaths before recovering.

Then, he noticed that his crippled right hand, amputated right leg, and some burns on his body had all recovered at this moment.

No, to be more precise, the current body is not my own.

Is this the 'soul wear' mentioned at the meeting?
Li Ming felt his complete body for a long time.

At this time, a message suddenly popped up in his mind: "Can you see it?"

Li Ming was startled, then realized something, and instinctively replied "Yes" in his heart.

After getting a reply, Colin spun another message and sent it.

"Well, then feel the mission and start on your way. The distance should not be far away. I'll wait for you here."


Li Ming was about to ask where the other party was, but at this moment, a message popped up in his brain.

[Event [-]: Find the "bonfire sacrificial point". 】

[Description: Your executive team leader is waiting for you there, please act quickly to complete the rendezvous. 】

When he focused on this, he, like Colin, noticed that there seemed to be a constant signal coming from a certain direction.

And he is like a signal receiver.

Even when you close your eyes, you can feel that there seems to be a bright flame in that place.

But when I opened my eyes, I didn't see anything special. A little farther away, everything was blurred, as if there was a thin layer of mist like a veil covering everything.

(End of this chapter)

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