Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 37 Is This Dangerous?

Chapter 37 Is This Dangerous?
"It feels a bit far away, so let's make some weapons to defend ourselves before we go on the road."

It's not that Li Ming didn't bring something for self-defense, it's just that it's not very suitable for taking it out now, and it's not suitable for dealing with unexpected accidents.

Looking around, he quickly found embarrassingly that there seemed to be no larger stones around, and there were no useful weapons at all.

But at this moment, he noticed a pair of white leg bones scattered on the ground.

uh this
Li Ming looked at these good brothers around him, and suddenly realized that it seemed like he couldn't find everything.

It just seems to be a bit unreasonable in conscience.

"My friend, you don't want to just expose the dead body in the wilderness, and there is nowhere to be buried in the ground?"

Li Ming asked in a low voice, and seeing that the other party had no objection, he squatted down, "Don't worry, I will guarantee it in the name of my captain. When I get things done, I will definitely come back to help you bury and erect a monument when I have the opportunity."

After all, Li Ming picked out a "femur", one of the hardest bones in the human body, from these good brothers who were happy to help others when they saw each other, and left here without looking back.

Keeping her head in the direction of the target, she walked briskly for half an hour before slowing down and looking back.
Very good, nothing unclean followed me.

After taking a few breaths, he glanced at the four hard and slightly pressed femurs on his back, silently grateful for the gift of nature.

Then, throw three of them by the side of the road.

He only wanted to take one at first, but he was worried that if he turned around halfway and saw the "good brother" leading other "people" to catch up, he took one for each corpse.

Now that it's all right, there's no need to bring so much.

After all, this thing is quite heavy.

Then, on the way, Li Ming looked at the strange "death" scenes around him, and felt the same confusion as Ke Lin had at the beginning.

What happened here to make everything die so thoroughly?
There is no answer.

After another hour or two, Li Ming, who was somewhat exhausted, saw a deserted town.

"Captain, I seem to see the town you mentioned, are you in it?"

"Well, there is a white church building in the town, come here directly."

Li Ming looked at a huge non-human footprint on the ground, and swallowed: "Boss, is this dangerous?"

"Yeah, otherwise why would I just sit and wait for you to come?"

Ke Lin didn't hide the fact that there was danger outside the door. Anyway, these people have a few lives in their bodies. If they don't dedicate themselves at this time, when will they dedicate themselves?
If I remember correctly, the monster will inevitably expose itself for a short time.

Wait until that moment, stop when using it, and it should be fine to focus the fire for five seconds
At least the "Book of Numerology Remnants" shows that there is no problem.

Thinking of this, Ke Lin closed his eyes and sensed the news he got from using the fate paper while the other party was on his way.

[You are waiting for your subordinate employees to walk to the door of the church, touch the door, take advantage of the moment he is attacked, decisively use "time stagnation" to freeze the scene, stab the opponent with the dagger, and under a round of concentrated fire beat it. 】

After that, the book of fortune telling said that after he met Li Ming, he successfully found the next employee.

This premonition does not end with death.

Instead, on the third day of writing, the paper disappeared after being filled.

'The book of fortunetelling will occasionally end with death, but otherwise, if all goes well, the futureseeing will be written until the paper disappears without any blank lines. '

Ke Lin remembered what he saw on the company's internal communication group.

However, just as he had guessed before, the information given by the Book of Fate will be more inaccurate the later it is given. Generally, the information after seven days is basically unreliable.

Because that's what happens in a certain ideal situation.
For example, when someone is planning their future during a vacation, they have to do things when they wake up: brush their teeth and wash their faces, read a book, run, have breakfast on time, exercise, invite friends to climb mountains, come back to bed at nine, and live a healthy life.

But in fact, if most people wake up, if they don’t have to go to school or go to work, the first thing they do is take out their mobile phone to check it out, then put it down and go back to sleep, get up, invite friends to play games, and play all night on their knees
But there is one thing, under normal circumstances, most company employees will not end in death when using this thing.

Only he has used five cards so far and died four times.

Without thinking too much, Colin took out a third-level head and put it on himself. With "Time Stasis" in his left hand and "Revolver Retrograde" in his right hand, he came to the door of the church.

About ten minutes later, some noises came from the quiet town.

At the same time, a message from Li Ming also came in his mind.

"Captain, I have seen that church, what should I do next?"

"Keep getting closer, come to the door first."

Colin remembered that he was attacked because he opened the door. Before that, he would not be affected by knocking on the door and shouting.

Soon, Li Ming's footsteps appeared not far from the door.

Colin held his breath, holding the gold card in his hand, ready to use this card at any time.

but as he thought
As long as there is no attempt to open the door, the fatal attack will not come.

Outside the door, footsteps stopped about two meters away from the door, and there was only one door between Ke Lin and this employee.

After Li Ming stopped, Ke Lin soon had a message in his mind.

"What next?"

"Get ready to open the door. Remember to open the door forcefully for an instant, and when opening the door, be as careful as possible behind you, because there is a high probability of an attack."

Ke Lin silently sent a message in his mind to his subordinates two or three meters away.

Li Ming was not afraid when he received the message. He knew that he had three lives. Although he didn't know if it was true or not, if he didn't cooperate and returned to reality, he would die slowly.
Moreover, there are various indications that this company does master unimaginable technologies, such as the "Advent Protocol", soul piercing, that huge and terrifying fireball, and so on.

All of them show how terrible the company is.
Putting his mind back, Li Ming pressed both hands on the crack of the door, and pushed it violently with all his strength.

The heavy door was only pushed open a small crack.

It's now!

A ripple suddenly appeared in Ke Lin's intuition, that guy who didn't know whether it was stealth or some other means made a move!
He used "Time Stasis" without any hesitation.

At the moment when the picture froze in front of him, Ke Lin drew his gun, took aim, and shot within 0.2 seconds, and three bullets shot at Li Ming's empty back.

Then, Colin was taken aback, and the bullet passed through the place without hindrance.
Not behind? !
If there is an entity, this will never happen!
But at this moment, in the frozen space, he suddenly felt that there was something within the range of ten meters to 15 meters, trying to get out of the range of the time-stop effect!

(End of this chapter)

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