Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 38 The Virtue of Defilement

Chapter 38 The Virtue of Defilement
Something is fleeing towards eleven o'clock!
Although Colin still couldn't find anything from the naked eye and smell, he believed in his own senses, decisively took out a handful of bone spurs full of cracks and rushed towards that place!
This is the item that stabbed him in the last incident.

Once stabbed by it, the organs of the whole body will quickly fail due to edema, even if he was in the state of lycanthropy at the beginning, he couldn't bear it.

Da da da.
Just ten meters away, I heard the sound that the time-stop effect is about to end.

However, he has already come to the target position!
Relying on some kind of fighting instinct, Ke Lin tightly grasped the handle of the bone spur, and stabbed the "air" in front.

click -

Indistinctly, the sharpness of the front part of the bone spur seems to have pierced a layer of hard protection, and then took advantage of the opportunity to plunge into the meat-like tactile thing.

In the blink of an eye, without waiting to think about it, a picture suddenly appeared in Ke Lin's mind.
In the picture, his head flew up, as if he had experienced another beheading.

Immediately, before the time-stop effect completely disappeared, Colin let go of the dagger decisively, and there was a roll to the left.

A deadly and stealthy voice passed overhead.

Colin didn't get up immediately after rolling over, but fell to the ground by taking advantage of the momentum, drew his gun instantly, raised the gun and shot towards a place that seemed to be empty.

When the trigger was pulled, the flames flickered, and several bullets flew out and disappeared immediately.


Colin didn't hear the sound of the bullet hitting something, and under normal circumstances, anything would hit the house behind.

There is only one possibility for this situation.

The bullet hit.
However, because he couldn't see the target, he had no idea what the effect would be.

"Well, the feeling of hitting the cotton with a fist is really uncomfortable."

Colin cursed in a low voice, then turned over with his right hand propped on the ground, took out the bullets to reload the revolver, and was vigilant about his surroundings.

Once stabbed by that dagger, nothing will happen!
Then just wait.

Sure enough, after more than ten seconds, there was a sound of liquid dripping from the direction of three o'clock!

Colin turned his head immediately, and saw a human silhouette protruding from the air, and it became more and more obvious.

The opponent's ability similar to invisibility is failing!
Ke Lin was shocked and realized that it was because the bone spurs had played a role!
While watching full of vigilance, he saw a humanoid creature wearing broken armor and a handful of white bone spurs in its chest gradually appearing.

Under its armor is not a body of flesh and blood, but a large amount of black and weird jelly-like substance. It has no helmet, and its head is wrapped around a dirty linen like a mummy. There is faint black blood on the linen. Exudation, can not see the appearance of the facial features.

In its only remaining left hand, it held a mutilated and broken rusty sword.

Colin even saw holes in its body made by his own bullets, but these holes had little effect on it.

At this moment, it seemed that because the dagger was still taking effect, its body became more and more swollen and filled with water, like a corpse that was soaked to float in a pool.

A nasty stench hung in the air.

"It should not belong to the living."

Ke Lin's eyes drooped slightly, his body leaned forward, his left hand held a gold card, and his right held a gun, posing in an attacking posture like a cheetah.

At this moment, this humanoid monster in broken armor, dragging a rusty iron broken sword, moved his legs, and walked towards him step by step, intending to launch a final charge.

However, before taking two steps, its body's edema seems to have reached its limit, like a balloon that has been blown up, black pus oozes from its pores, gathers and drips to the ground like a stream.

His swollen body, like a giant's view, let alone charging, even walking is strenuous.

However, in order to avoid accidents, Colin still used the golden card again when it was close to the effective range.

This time, the filled bullet fired again, leaving six holes on the monster's body.

After the time stop ended, Colin first felt a strong sense of time confusion, and then he noticed that the humanoid monster fell to the ground at some point, with nauseating black pus gushing out of the six holes.

Like a rotten watermelon with a hole poked in it.
The foul-smelling liquid flowed all over the place.
"Is it so miserable to be stabbed by this dagger?"

Colin's breathing was slightly stagnant. He estimated that even if he didn't make up the knife, the monster would explode in a short time.

The results of this dagger's first actual battle left people with lingering fears.

At the same time, as it fell, task information emerged in Colin's brain.

[You successfully killed a "Dirty Knight of Virtue". 】

[Event 7 "Killing the monster guarding outside the door" has been completed, and the reward content will be settled after the return. 】

"Dirty knight of virtue?"

Colin finally knew the name of the monster, and at the same time breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the normal time of this confrontation was less than one minute, excluding the ten seconds of two stoppages, the psychological pressure it brought was not small.

It's not how strong it is, but its ability is too weird.
Well, it's all over now.

But after glancing at the corpse on the ground, Colin rolled his eyes, turned his head, and looked at his cheap subordinate, wanting to ask him to help pick up the bone spur.

But when he turned his head, he found that the subordinate had a wrong expression, staring at him, moving his lips a few times, as if he wanted to say something, but before he could make a sound, his head suddenly fell off his neck.

It hit the ground with a bang.

Blood mist burst out from the cut of the neck, and sprayed high above the sky, like a rain of blood.

This... unexpectedly didn't have time to save it!

Ke Lin was stunned for a moment, he felt that his reaction was fast enough at that time, and the reaction speed might only be one-tenth of a second.

In the end, it still failed to save Li Ming.
Is the speed of the sword so fast?

And why did it take so long to chop off the head?

Not scientific.

However, the blood rain didn't last long. Li Ming's whole body quickly disintegrated, turning into gray mist, and swept towards the flames in the church.

"Go back and read the resurrection?"

Ke Lin probably guessed the reason, and didn't know how long the process would take. In desperation, he turned around and looked at the rotting corpse on the ground, and took out a monocle from his pocket.

[This is a strong man who can actively reduce his own sense of existence and restrain his breath, so as to be difficult to be perceived by others. Before he was alive, he was enough to be called extraordinary. 】

[According to the official name of "Knight of Virtue", it can be guessed that his ability is related to the "Eight Virtues", which may represent "Humility" among them. 】

"Humility here refers to a real strength, not just a moral honor?"

Colin was thoughtful, and he only noticed at this moment that after the monster died, there were actually a lot of footprints and a special smell on the scene. It not only reduced its own sense of existence, but also reduced the sense of existence of everything related to it. are lowered.

Compared with pure invisibility, this ability is much more troublesome to deal with.

"Tsk, if one kind of virtue represents a kind of power, then I don't know what effect the other virtues have. One kind of virtue is so terrible. If eight virtues are added to the body, then it's okay?"

Colin felt a headache just thinking about it.

At the same time, he was still a little curious, wondering whether the eight knightly virtues in this world were related to the eight virtues on earth.

Is it a mere coincidence?Or, is it something made by former employees again?
It's a pity that Colin is limited by his lack of understanding of the world, so he can't guess much.

And at this moment, another message suddenly appeared in his mind.

[If you agree to hand over the corpse of the "Knight of Corrupted Virtue", you can get an extra thousand points and an item with corresponding characteristics. 】

【Submit? 】

(End of this chapter)

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