Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 39 Lost Contact

Chapter 39 Lost Contact

Colin agreed decisively. After all, if he didn't hand it in, it would be useless for him to take the monster that had turned into black pus on the ground.

After making a decision.

In the air, a transparent vortex emerged.

Under its suction, every drop of liquid and debris from the corpse on the ground was sucked into it and disappeared.

"One thousand points, plus an item with the corresponding properties of this monster."

"Is this how the various props with strange effects in the campfire company come from?"

"Contain and capture all kinds of abnormalities, and then use their power to make props through special means?"

Ke Lin stood where he was, looking at the remaining traces around, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

He looked at the golden card in his hand, but he didn't know what it was made of.

Come to think of it, it shouldn't be an easy role.

Shaking his head, gathering up his scattered thoughts, Colin turned his eyes to the bone spur on the ground that played a major role.

I didn't rush to pick it up. After all, this thing was just soaked in pus. Who knows if there is a virus?
Ke Lin cautiously picked up the "analytical lens" again, pinched the upper and lower sides of the lens with his right hand, sent it to the position of his left eye, and took a close-up of the bone spur.

[A bayonet dagger made from the remains of a female clergyman after death, if stabbed by it, will encounter the horror she experienced during her lifetime. The body will be continuously injected with dirty water, and finally it will be dragged into the deep sea , died of difficulty breathing. 】

[Holding it for too long, the body will also gradually develop edema symptoms. After three to 10 minutes, if you are a little careless, you will die of organ failure caused by systemic edema symptoms. 】

"I didn't mention things like pollution. It should be fine, but I don't know why the introduction seems to be much more detailed than before."

Colin took back the "Analytic Lens", guessing that the reason may be that he knows more about the world, so he knows more.

Is the female clergyman mentioned above the Talisa?

She was drowned?
No. Simply drowning in water doesn't seem to be the case.

Ke Lin thought about it curiously, and took two steps forward to pick up the things carefully, and put them in the "storage room".

Then he glanced back at the church behind him.

There was no movement inside.

"It seems that the resurrection reading article should not be over yet."

Colin pursed his lips, then walked towards the church, and quickly returned to the church.

At this moment, the flames in the church did not change much, but all the corpses inside were reduced to ashes, and the ashes of nearly two hundred corpses were like hills.

Outside the bonfire, wisps of ashes gathered and scattered from time to time, as if they were condensing into a human silhouette.

Looking at the time, it seemed that he would not be able to be revived for a while. Colin first closed the door, looked left and right to find a place to sit, took some food from his pocket, and silently digested the negative effect of the gold card "time cognitive impairment".

Using this ability twice in a row, the symptoms are slightly obvious, that is, time is fast and slow, and he feels as if several days have passed just by entering the door. Feel.

But only 2 minutes have passed since I watched task five.

Fortunately, the frequency of use is not much, the symptoms are controllable, and as time goes by, the negative effects disappear little by little
Twenty or ten minutes after the actual time passed, there was some movement in the church. Colin, who was sitting on the edge of the altar, looked sideways. Before seeing the bonfire, the ashes figure finally merged into a dazed face standing in front of the huge bonfire. Li Ming was at a loss.

He touched his neck with lingering fear, as if death was still in the last moment.

"It takes about half an hour to revive once?"

Colin calculated the time, then put the chocolate in his hand into his mouth, then stood up and looked at the other party: "How do you feel?"

Li Ming now looks like a man in his 30s or 1.7s, with brown hair, medium to short build, dark skin, maybe less than [-] meters.

"It's okay, it's just a feeling, a little inexplicable discomfort, but it doesn't affect the activity." Li Ming twisted his neck.

"This should be the company's purpose to prevent you from being too substituting here. After returning to reality, you can't distinguish between reality and other worlds. It doesn't affect it anyway, and you don't need to care about it. But this is my guess. Specifically, Is it, I don't know."

Ke Lin explained briefly, but to be honest, if you stay here for too long and then go back suddenly, this situation may really happen.

At that time, Li Ming may run on the main road and shout in despair: I can't tell, I really can't tell which is real
Not too entangled with this, Ke Lin and the other party briefly introduced themselves to each other.

Only then did he find out.
This guy didn't seem to recognize his identity as the campfire agent, so he was called the captain.

"Captain, what are we going to do next?" Li Ming asked.

Colin didn't point it out, but said, "Stay here and protect the bonfire. I should be looking for other colleagues. I feel that they may have encountered some trouble."

While speaking, he silently sensed the location of the other two people in his heart. There was an intermittent message sent, but he didn't know if he received it. Anyway, he didn't respond.

The other one can't be said to be intermittent, it has to be intermittent, almost directly in a state of "disconnection" from the beginning.

For some reason, Colin couldn't even pinpoint the location of the latter.

It can only be confirmed that the two of them are generally in the same direction, but the degree of distance is different. I am afraid that he will not know the specifics until he gets there.

"But speaking of it, whether the signal is good or not has something to do with the distance?"

Ke Lin pursed his lips, how do you feel, the technology of the campfire company sometimes feels very powerful, and sometimes it is very hip.
Especially this so-called "advent protocol", let's say it is not powerful, it can span an unknown distance of tens of thousands of light years, and send people to a strange world.

Let's say it's amazing, it seems that every time you give it to someone, it will send it crooked
"No problem, but Captain."

After a pause, Li Ming asked: "Shouldn't we hold a group together to find someone at this time?"

"No, they're not close. It might take half a day for me to go alone. It may take more time to bring you."

Ke Lin rejected Li Ming's idea. After all, he was different from himself, and he couldn't travel long distances without resting.

If you bring it with you, you may not be able to catch it tomorrow.
And most importantly, the "book of fortunetelling" shows that the road ahead is smooth sailing, and there is nothing to be afraid of.

It's better to do everything according to efficiency.

After making the arrangements, Ke Lin was about to leave, but at this moment, he saw Li Ming standing aside with a troubled face, as if he had something to say.

Colin spoke directly: "Speak up if you have something to say."

"Captain, did you bring anything to eat?"

"You didn't bring anything to eat?"

Seeing him nodding, Colin frowned. Didn't he talk about the local situation in the previous meeting?How can you not bring food?

But he didn't make things difficult for the other party. Colin took out a pack of Snickers bars from his pocket and asked, "What did you bring?"

After finishing speaking, Ke Lin fell silent when he saw the pile of gadgets that Li Ming took out from his ten-liter space.

(End of this chapter)

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