Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 350 Boiling inside the company

"Arsonist, pig hunter, brother dog?"

Ke Lin looked at the IDs of these people and found that they were from the previous mission.

Soon, after simply browsing through their comments, he also roughly understood the reason why this group of people @ him.

Related to "World Number-4"
"This time the time seems to be corrected. Like me, I entered at [-]:[-] noon, and then returned to the real world at [-]:[-]. Didn't the timeline get corrected like last time?"

Sitting on the bed, Colin touched his chin.

For this situation, he is not very surprised. At present, the "world numbers" should be equal at all times.

But for a while, these people didn't encounter any twists and turns in the deep sea world. In the past, they carried out some ordinary exploration tasks sporadically.
With the assistance of the local race "Sea Demon Princess", the problem is not too big.

As for those more powerful beings, it is estimated that they will not come up to continue to find fault in a short time.
After all, when Colin went before, those existences would be stressed, all because they were worried that he would immediately activate the "nuclear button" when he came up and found it.
Now the misunderstanding cannot be said to be resolved, but as long as he does not destroy the world, the higher beings should not continue to jump.

Although everyone still doesn't like each other, they can make do with each other, and they can still live a good life.

"I didn't expect that the evil god would one day protect the world."

Colin, who had thoroughly sorted out the logic, still felt a little subtle in his heart.

"It seems that the affairs of the 'Group Army' are not over yet, and I don't know what those people are going to do when they enter 'World Number-4'. Could it be that they want to use that as a springboard to enter the first three worlds?"

Ke Lin has some guesses. After all, at present, the company is quite serious about former employee Rosen.

And among the "World Numbers", a giant of the "Bonfire Company" died.

From the obvious point of view, the former employee died while performing the recovery work on his legacy, and the specific details of the executable tasks were not mentioned.

"I just don't know what level the company members who can be dubbed giants by the 'Bonfire Company' are."

He feels that it should be a high-level existence that can face a complete level 0 creature head-on.

As for whether this "giant" is human, it's hard to say
Shaking his head, he looked again, and found that apart from these things, this group of people kept asking him when he would go to "World Number-4" next time. Although there was no crisis on their trip, the people tortured by Tina were a little Nervous.

That little "Sea Demon Princess" popped up from various unexpected places almost every minute.

Crazy asking the arsonist and others when will he come
Not only her, many mermaids will ask, but Tina is the craziest one.

"Go to 'World Number-4'"

Colin tilted his head and thought for a while, feeling that he didn't have much time in the short term.

He didn't think much about it afterwards, he looked at the task settlement.
Including the guaranteed 7000 points of "Ms. Rabbit", after the settlement, there are only about [-] points.

Colin wasn't interested in points, though.

"Two gold mission certificates are not bad. I have nine gold mission certificates now, and I only need 3 gold mission certificates + 1800 points to buy a D-level genetic compensation potion."

Touching his chin, Colin thought about his future plans.

Currently, he already has a D-level gene compensation medicine obtained from a previous mission.

That is to say, as long as the next task goes well, he can become a late D-level existence even if he does nothing, lying at home and using the potion every other week
Then, get seven more gold mission vouchers, add the remaining three, exchange for ten "discretionary points" of the "gene compensation panel", and you can become a D-level Dzogchen!

And then there's the C grade.
"Well, 'Ms. Rabbit' said at the beginning that if she successfully investigates the status of the 'Book of Fortune' and successfully completes the 'undercover' mission, then she will personally assist her. From her tone, it doesn't seem difficult?"

Colin sat cross-legged on the bed and touched his chin.

Although the current "undercover" career is a little bit different from what he thought.

It feels like everyone in the world knows he's an undercover agent
But it's not a big problem. The company usually cares about a result, and doesn't care much about whether he was discovered.

"Aside from this point, even if I can lurk well, it doesn't make any sense."

After roughly sorting out the current situation, Ke Lin opened the internal chat channel of the parchment and looked at it.

It's not much different from what I saw before I went in this morning.
Those who are asking for help are still asking for help, those who popularize science are still popularizing science, those who sell equipment are still selling, those who ask for offline truth every day are still asking for offline truth, plus a large number of newcomers have come in recently, the internal chat is still full of vitality A scene where everything competes.

"It's just that the conflict between old and new employees seems to have intensified."

Ke Lin dived secretly, his eyes flicked across the messages.

Because there are too many people doing things and the distribution of tasks is uneven, many veteran employees have averaged 0.5 tasks in the past two weeks, and their monthly point income is less than 300. The wealth gap has further exacerbated.

And without points, they can't buy what they want.

The rate of advancement has been greatly slowed down.
As a result, many old employees have to leave their hometowns, leave the place where they have not moved for 80 years, go to other small cities or even directly go to some remote countries to find jobs, and then scold the new employees for not talking about martial arts, for being too introverted, etc. .

The previously unpopular "emperor's invasion incident" or the "King King Virus" have now been put on the table
"Who is doing this task?"

"It's been three weeks, a full three weeks, and I haven't gotten any new missions, and I can't even get regular missions"

"Who is doing the task now?"

"What's the matter with so many people popping up all of a sudden?"

"These people don't show off when they come in, they don't show off their equipment, and they don't share mission experience. Are they still human?"

"I know how to grab tasks every day."

"I used to be able to take the initiative to apply for extra tasks when I was free, but now all the orders have been robbed. What kind of things do these people come in and don't do, do they only do tasks?"

"It's fine if there are fewer routine tasks, and the active application tasks on the 'task bar' are also grabbing"

"Are these tasks that you rookies can complete?"

"It turned out that it was not only completed, but the speed of completion was scary. Is this a newcomer? What's the matter? Even robots are not as good as these guys."

"It's all like this, so the company doesn't care? If we don't grow up, who will be responsible for the destruction of the world?"

"Company, company, come out and say something!"


Change the back cover first, Chapter 2 and so on. (end of this chapter)

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