Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 356 Your life, I guarantee it!

Chapter 356 Your life, I guarantee it!

"It's other staff"

Through the IDs on several people's heads, Colin quickly confirmed this.

As for the enemy, it seems that he has not seen it yet.

Everything is fine on this train.
However, at this moment, pieces of information emerged from the brain.

[Event 3000: 'Infinity Train-1-10' is expected to connect with the disjointed accident train in three to [-] minutes. Please prepare as required to investigate at least three disjointed and out-of-control train carriages. 】

"Remarks: After completing the investigation of the three out-of-control carriages, it can be considered as completing this mission."

"Note: Further investigation is optional."

"Three and 10 minutes, it was actually given a break and break-in time, and it didn't make a big move in the face as soon as it came up. It really is."

Colin collected his thoughts and sat up straight.

Judging from the small reactions of other people, they should have also received the mission request.

However, the people who had been on multiple missions closed it without carefully checking the content, got up together, walked through the shaking carriage, and came to the vicinity of Colin.

Several people looked at each other, and then "Son of Pervert" took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and smoked one, and handed it between his fingers.

"No." Colin declined.


"Son of Sexual Abuse" didn't force it, and put the cigarette on his ear, and said, "With the ID display, we won't introduce ourselves, buddy, now can you make sure what you said is true?"

So far, this "654321" has only shown a mark of gluttony, and other things have not been shown.
Just based on its excellent evaluation, they still let people in.


Ke Lin nodded without refusing. He first took out the "Power of Gluttony Mark" and threw it directly to them, and verbally gave some permissions for them to use.

"Ah this."

Several people looked at Ke Lin's hand, and they were somewhat stunned. Under normal circumstances, props are usually not given to people at will.

Because it’s okay if you don’t look at it, but you may not be able to help but feel a little bit of thought when you look at it.

However, when they roughly understood the "negative effects" of this thing, they also understood why "654321" was unwilling to use it by themselves.
"It's not bad, the negative effects can be tolerated, but the recovery is not fast enough"

"Sunの天皇" tried it and made an objective evaluation. It is estimated that this thing can have good results when used in the follow-up recovery of hemorrhoids, appendix cutting, tooth root extraction, or large-scale burns.

But before high-intensity battles, it's not enough.

"However, brother, I'm not talking about you. Your method of directly borrowing items from your hands can easily attract others to covet them. This kind of undead dungeon mission is fine, but in real missions, if we have You are an outlaw, you are probably going to be unlucky, and you will be robbed easily."

"Emperor Sun の Emperor" said while handing back the props.

Dude, are you introducing yourself by saying this with this ID? Colin took back the power of gluttony, nodded to thank the other party for the reminder, and then said:

"Whoever kills yourself, I will show my other methods."

After finishing speaking, "Xiaocaiji No. 7" stood up, took out a seemingly sharp knife, and scratched the back of his hand with some effort, making a small cut
Seeing this, Colin directly and secretly ordered the nano omnic to repair it.

Soon a few people saw that the knife edge seemed to be pulled together by some kind of force, and it was quickly glued together, and there was almost no trace of the wound.

"If this ability is combined with the 'Power of Gluttony', the recovery time can be greatly shortened. Under normal circumstances, as long as you don't die suddenly on the spot, I can solve your internal injuries and fractures."

Speaking of this, Ke Lin's eyes slightly closed, and the topic changed: "However, in order to use it better later, I may need to use my ability to bless you."

Everyone has a nano-omnic of about half a catty, so if there is any accident, he can intervene as soon as possible.

It's just that this time he didn't choose to become the captain forcefully, so doing so may attract rejection from this group of people.

However, what Colin didn't expect was that.
Hearing his words, not only did the few people present not show suspicion, but they were delighted.

Especially "Son of Sexual Abuse" couldn't help laughing and said: "Okay! Finally a decent support came to the fuck, hurry up, buddy, add BUFF to me!"

"And me and me."

"Me too!"


There is no doubt at all, are the requirements so low?Unfortunately, I thought there would be a lot of intrigue.
Colin was silent for a while, and then injected the power of intelligence into everyone.

Unlike the last round of mission Arsonists, this time they did this by themselves, and they had to say thank you.

"Dude, thank you!"

After the "Son of Sexual Abuse" and others felt the "breath" pouring into their bodies, all the functions of their bodies were strengthened to a certain extent!

Finally, almost half a year later, a normal "milk" finally came!
"Remember, you two, you must try to protect this buddy's life as much as possible!"

The captain "Son of Sexual Abuse" looked at "Xiaocaiji No. 7" and "Fore Mushroom" and gave instructions again.

Looking at the few people who seemed to have picked up treasures, Ke Lin suddenly felt a little guilty for some reason: "By the way, I still have some special strengthening methods."

While speaking, he took out a palm-sized energy crystal, and controlled that force to fly towards the four of them.

As the energy pours in, they feel themselves entering a state of fullness and perfection.

"Damn it, there is actually a BUFF!"


Several people were overjoyed, this "milk" can actually add more than two kinds of BUFF!

It's rare, this time it is really hopeful to pass the customs!
"Brother, don't worry! I'll take care of your life with Xiao Caiji! You can't even die if the captain dies!"

"Fore Mushroom" made a guarantee with a serious face.

Colin nodded, thought for a while, and tried to stretch out his hand, and aroused the power of a gold seal that he carried close to him: "When necessary, I can also provide some of this effect."

While speaking, a faint, but not negligible, white light appeared in his palm.

At this moment, looking directly at this brilliance, several people present can truly feel the inner peace, the brain is unobstructed and active, and the strength of the body has increased to a certain extent!
"Fuck, big brother, no, it's the foster father! You are my foster father now!"

"Don't worry! Unless I'm dead, those enemies will never touch a hair of your hair!"

"Father, if you don't give up, I will be your thug in front of you from now on! If you have a mission that you can quit midway in the future, you can come to me!"

When this brilliance appeared, several people were immediately convinced, this mother is a tit!

What kind of demons and ghosts were those recruited before? !

(End of this chapter)

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