Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 357 Fighting like this, no one can die!

Chapter 357 Fighting like this, no one can die!


"Son of Sex Abuse" patted his chest and made a guarantee:

"Don't worry, as long as we don't die, you won't hurt a hair!"

"Speaking of which, do you have a 'Body of Violence'? If not, we will go up later and bring you one."

"Yes, yes, don't worry, the points are all rounded up for you!" "Xiao Caiji No. 7" nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

The next task may not be 100% passable. In case of failure, we have to establish a good relationship and regroup next time.

Moreover, even if it is a one-off, this kind of big tits with special auxiliary means is also a rare animal in the company, and maybe it can be used in other missions in the future, so handle the relationship well, have multiple foster fathers, it is not a loss anyway!

''A body of tyranny'?Why do I want that rubbish talent."

Ke Lin was a little dumbfounded to deal with the enthusiasm of several people, and told him that this was all his help.

Everyone didn't care about this, saying that it was enough.

"There are still 7 minutes, the battle is about to start, everyone is ready to fight"

"Son of Sexual Abuse" looked at the time and reminded him, as if thinking of something, he looked at Ke Lin: "By the way, do you have any means of self-protection?"

"A little."

Ke Lin showed his fighting style, using nano-omnics to attach to the body, analyzing the lens, and an imitation enlarged and bolded Han sword temporarily bought from the trading market. The effect is "perfect feel" + "weight exemption" 90%".

The big sword, which was originally piled with more than 30 catties of material, only weighed less than a few catties in the hand.
"...It's okay, you don't have to think about fighting anymore, just find a way to protect yourself."

"Son of Sexual Abuse" didn't say much, and glanced at Ke Lin's figure, with small arms and legs. Although this figure does not indicate combat strength, it does look weak.

If those D-level personnel were allowed to beat them casually, even with the protection of the silver aura, they would probably be seriously injured.

Be careful and protect it!
Not long after he solemnly warned everyone.


In front of the people in the train carriage, there was a sudden, extremely slight vibration, as if they had collided with something while driving.

At the same time, a piece of information appeared in their minds.

[The connection has been completed. 】

Immediately afterwards, a larger double door covered the original connecting door.

And behind the gate, there is an extremely thick mist.

The sound of rustling conversations came from behind the fog, and the sound of someone exchanging conversations could be vaguely heard.
Judging from the movement, the people inside didn't seem to notice them.

Ke Lin listened for a few seconds, but unfortunately he didn't hear any useful information. Seeing the appearance of several people preparing to enter the door, he couldn't help asking curiously:
"Try without using the 'Book of Fortune'."

Before the words fell, several people present said in horror almost at the same time: "Don't use it!"

"What's the matter? Don't worry, I haven't used it yet." Colin was curious.

Seeing that Ke Lin hadn't used it yet, several people breathed a sigh of relief, and then "Son of Pervert" said:

"I forgot to tell you, these D-level employees seem to have special anti-reconnaissance means, once you use them, you will definitely find out, and just discover it.

"If you're unlucky and you get a few special personnel, they can even directly tamper with the content you got from the fragments of the 'Book of Fortune'.

"It can make you cry directly."

At this point, many employees of the company have suffered a lot.

"Tampering? Can you still do this?"

Colin was taken aback. He had been discovered several times before, but it was the first time he had heard of directly changing the content.

It seems that even "0-09 'Hunger'" can't seem to do this.

"Let's go, we can't stand here for too long."

As the team leader, the "Son of Sexual Abuse" didn't explain too much, stretched his hand forward, poked through the fog door, and walked forward slowly.

And Colin and others followed closely behind.

Soon, after taking a few steps forward, the intermittent chatter in the carriage behind the fog door disappeared directly.

However, the voice didn't stop, but changed a channel and appeared in my mind.

"There is something intruding, you two, protect the injured first, move them backwards, and notify the other compartments as soon as possible to inform the situation here, humanoid, unknown strength, unknown purpose."


"The others. Follow me,. Block"


Some information that seemed to be a dialogue arrangement came out of my mind.

Colin was not surprised by this, because he knew before coming in that when they were fighting, they seemed to be able to access the other party's internal communication group, and could directly spy on their actions.

That is, when these sounds appeared, the gray fog dissipated in front of the eyes, and a very empty interior space of the car was displayed in front of them.

Although it is still a carriage, the area of ​​this carriage alone is at least thousands of meters!
Among them, Colin saw several D-class personnel wearing brown hunter coats, that is, the moment the two sides met, there was no redundant communication.

A D-class personnel wearing a brown hunter coat took a big step forward.

In the next moment, his figure flashed, appearing above everyone's heads, holding a sword hilt in his hand, and making a slashing movement towards everyone. Gradients start to emerge.

The "Son of Sexual Abuse" standing in front of him stretched out his hands without changing his face.

Dozens of brilliant lights bloomed.

The giant sword cut off rays of light, and exploded a large area of ​​flames like an explosion.

A storm breaks out at the junction
That is, after the first collision, the face of the D-class personnel in the brown hunter coat showed a sense of fatigue, as if the blow had consumed a lot of energy, so much so that the sword could not even be lifted.

However, "Son of Sexual Abuse" is not up to the mark at all, and he doesn't chase at all, but just swings, spins and jumps like a hip-hop dancer.

Brilliant rays of light burst out from his body, forming a dense protective film around him, and two Ke Lin and others entered.
At the same time, in Colin's mind, the internal brainwave-like communication of the enemy appeared again.

".No pursuit? It seems that the captain can't use 'Last Strike' anymore. They seem to be very cautious."

"It doesn't matter."

".These people are not strong according to the observation of combat effectiveness."

"Don't be careless, 'Numerology' tells me that there seems to be something wrong with these enemies"

"Don't worry about whether there is a problem, first look at the situation, kill the one who applied the BUFF, I will tear a gap, and you rush in."


When this information surfaced, the team leader who had collided with the "Son of Sexual Abuse" suddenly changed his fatigue. First, he took out a fiery red energy crystal and threw it into his mouth. Protective film, sending out swift and continuous slashes.

Its speed was so fast that it dragged out afterimages on everyone's retinas
(End of this chapter)

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