Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 370 "Time Stagnation" Item Liberation Application!

"Jie Jie"

A gray translucent sword with no sense of substance, with a coquettish woman's face growing on the hilt, flutters in mid-air, appearing and disappearing from time to time.

In the fierce battle on the battlefield, he flashed out from various hidden areas from time to time, and slashed at Colin.

Every time, a small hole can be cut in him
But taking advantage of the reappearance of the old Lu sword this time, Ke Lin, who had been cut several times, clenched his fist with his right hand, seized the right moment, and punched hard at the head on the sword.

In an instant, a shocking repulsive force erupted.

The Ghost Witch Sword let out a scream, and was thrown flying, its beautiful head even dented.

"Broken Sword is pretty smart. He knows how to inflict damage on me in a non-fatal way, so as to avoid the 'fatal insight' and scrape a little bit of blood, heh, but after so many cuts, let me catch the chance, right? Make you laugh."

Seeing that the sword with a human head could not participate in the battle for a short time, Colin withdrew his gaze and turned sideways to avoid other attacks.

Then he looked at a cane that was made into a cane, but because it was liberated, the tip of the cane was a bit like a prop for some kind of hand.

This hand is constantly manipulating various mind-like abilities to attack him
It's just that this mental power can't penetrate the flame of the "Fire Bearer", so it can only grab some other objects and throw them, the overall effect is not very good.

Ke Lin was also constantly observing these things during the fight.

These props are said to be liberating 15.00%, but the overall power and effect after liberating are far more than 15.00%.

As far as his own feelings are concerned, at least there is more than double.

"Their state now is a bit like an uncontrolled snow girl."

Colin compared them subconsciously, and felt that the difference should not be very big.

I just don't know which demon is so lucky that it can be cut off by the company's hand and made into a prop that lasts forever.

At this time, a shout of anger came from the side.

A ray of light like the rising sun erupted not far away.

In Ke Lin's pupils, a terrifying giant sword spouting a large amount of white light was reflected.

On it, every ray of light emits a terrifying energy response.

Some people in the field felt their pupils tingling just by looking at them.
"Devil, die for me!"

The D-class employee holding the glorious giant sword roared, blood vessels bursting all over his body, and blood spurted out. One of the prerequisites for swinging this sword is to overuse thirty "colorless crystals" at one time.

This has greatly exceeded his physical limit. Although he won't die after using it, extremely serious injuries are definitely unavoidable.

But he didn't care, and just swung the sword with all his strength towards Colin.

"very good!"

Colin raised his right hand and raised the imitation giant sword in his hand, with countless flames attached to it.

Its momentum and movement are not inferior to the effect of the opponent's props after they are released.

This time, he no longer dodged, but went straight up against the huge lightsaber that fell from the top of his head. As for the reason why he didn't dodge, he could feel that the attack was locked.

If you want to avoid it, you can only use double gold, but if you have the opportunity, you still have to save the number of uses as much as possible.

Moreover, Ke Lin also wanted to experience how powerful the other party's equipment was.

From the current point of view, the liberated equipment should all be purple equipment.

"Heavy strike, Wuer strike!"

While meditating, his flames converged on the sword body, and the sword in his hand struck upwards.

In the collision of light and fire, a shock erupted at the junction, and the extremely bright light made everything present lose their color.

Finally, when the radiance faded, as if there was substance, the debris of the radiant light fell like snowflakes.
And the flame disappeared.

In the scene, there was only one figure standing.

"Is this...finally winning?" A D-class personnel who was physically and mentally exhausted couldn't help but mutter to himself.

On the other side, "Son of Sexual Abuse" and others were horrified: "Brother Shunzi won't be seconded, right?"

The light that erupted just now is so strong that even if their physical fitness has been strengthened, when they look at things, there is still a large spot of light in their eyes, making them unable to see things clearly.
But, before they could think about it any further, a ray of flame burned from that figure.

"Although it's only D-rank, it's not weak."

Calm words sounded in the field.

The hearts of all D-class personnel sank.
"It's dangerous, it has to be Brother Shunzi." "Son of Sexual Abuse" and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

If Brother Shunzi was killed, they would definitely be finished with him.

In the center of the battlefield, Colin's right hand continuously overflowed with blood, dripping down the ground along the blade of the ancient great sword.

If someone looked carefully, he could see a large number of fine cracks on the skin of his right hand.

For the first time, it was also the first time for Colin to feel a sense of threat from the purple costume.

"The effect of purple equipment in the hands of different people is indeed quite different. There are many props here, even if they are purple equipment, they are not as strong as the one in the hands of Brother Gou, but the effect in his hands is far greater Not as good as these people.'

Colin couldn't help recalling and comparing them.

Even before the "liberation application", he could feel that the people on the train had a high degree of "proficiency" in using props.

In addition, he also noticed one thing.
The D-level personnel on the train, the props in their hands are complementary in ability, but the quality is a bit average, and each person generally only has one purple outfit in their hands, and there will be no more than two at most, and then two or three green outfits.

There are even a third of them who don't even have purple clothes, only a few green clothes.

'But no matter what, the quantity and quality of the props are not as good as the current employees. You must know that even the F team almost everyone has one in their hands. The D-class personnel here seem to have two or three bases'

Ke Lin's thoughts turned, wondering if it was because too many people died.

As a result, there are many props and few props.

Especially when many props were first acquired, their integrity was extremely low, and they had to spend a little bit of points to repair them.

But without waiting to think about it, looking around, Ke Lin calmed down his divergent thoughts a little, took a deep breath, and looked at the remaining D-class personnel while the little maid quickly repaired the injury on his right hand.

Under his gaze, the faces of the few people were serious. Although they knew that they couldn't beat them, they didn't mean to back down.

In his mind, information was exchanged rapidly.

"Deputy team, what to do next." It seemed that a D-class personnel said.

"Here has been blocked and cannot communicate with the outside world, and he should be rushing to kill us. With our state and the combat power shown by the other party, it is impossible to escape, so we must break the blockade as much as possible. Before we die, convey the information here."

"Otherwise, if such a guy sneaks into the train, everyone will be in danger."


"Don't retreat, don't avoid, don't let, fight to the end!"

After the message fell, a female D-class personnel made a move, allowing the "magic sword" with a human head to blend into her body, and then she took off her hat, the eyes under the brim of the hat shone with scarlet light, and her hair grew wildly and squirmed.

Seeing that the deputy team was desperately fighting, the rest of them spread out and continued to try to kill Ke Lin.

"Although I admire your determination, it's a pity that the time is running out, so I can only send you on the road ahead of time to preserve your dignity."

Colin sighed, and then shot again.

This time, in order to let them "fight to death" smoothly, he used all his strength.

A few more minutes later, with the last person burned to the ground in the flames, the battle finally ended.

The seventh car, clear the customs!


Ke Lin let out two heavy breaths, and after fighting one after another, even he felt somewhat tired.

The difference between delaying play and this kind of frontal defeat is not the difference in effort at 01:30.

There is a high probability that the former D-level employees will not take desperate measures
In the latter case, it will take a lot of damage, even Colin is not very comfortable, because the methods of some D-level employees are really troublesome.

"Based on my strength, if I face more than 70 such D-level employees without adding C-level employees, I'm afraid I will be forced to start 'hunger'?"

Ke Lin thought about it, and suddenly felt that he was still too weak.

"Yes, there is something to try"

Ke Lin took out a gold card, and then said silently in his heart: "Application for the release of the 'Containment Protocol' item. The 'Time·Stagnation' item is 15.00% released."

After reading silently, Colin looked at his golden prop expectantly——

This group of D-level purple costumes are so strong, how about the liberation of golden props? !

However, after one, two, three, four, five or six seconds passed, Ke Lin didn't see that his "time stagnation" had changed.

'Is it possible that you want to read it out? '

Colin hesitated for a moment, looked up and looked around, saw the flames burning everywhere, his own voice should not be heard by others, and then moved his lips:
"Application for the release of the 'Containment Protocol' item, 15.00% release of the item 'Time Stasis'!"

Enduring some kind of shame to say this, he continued to look forward to it.

It's a pity that several seconds passed, and there was still no new effect.

Item release failed.

"Strange, I remember the original words should be this"

After thinking about it, Ke Lin changed another card and tried again, but it still didn't work.

"Could it be that my level is not high enough to open the seal of the golden item?"

Thinking of this, Ke Lin tried to take out the orange suit again, but it still didn't work.
Even purple outfits seem to be out of the question.

"Could it be unique to the D-class? But when I was outside, I really didn't hear that the D-class has this method. Hey, it seems that it is either the exclusive method of the former employees, or there are some special conditions. And speaking of it, the ghost Not all D-class personnel on the train have this method, only some of them will release the seal."

Colin sighed and silently put away the equipment.

Then, with a thought, the flames began to trace back from all directions.
At this time, I saw the flames covering the entire carriage shrink back to the back of Colin's head again, turning into a fireball like a small sun.

"Son of Sexual Abuse" and others realized that the battle should be over.

They first took a distressed look at the props in their hands before walking out.

Then, when they saw Ke Lin whose face was pale and bleeding from his body, their expressions changed slightly, and they hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Brother Shunzi, how are you doing?"

"It's okay, skin trauma."

Colin waved his hand, and took out the "Power of Gluttony - Imprint" to heal himself.

Most of the injuries on his body are ruptured blood vessels, internal bleeding, etc. With the help of "Nano Omnics" for the auxiliary treatment, it is estimated that it will take less than an hour for this kind of injury to heal.
While self-healing, he continued to call out the task and took a look.

It seems to be due to the successful suppression of the seventh carriage.

There is an additional three-hour countdown timer on the task.
"Three hours should be enough to catch up, at least [-]% of the recovery is no problem."

Colin made some estimates and probably made some judgments.

If there is no accident, the next encounter will be the big one.
"I hope that the power of the 'Fire Bearer' can really prevent pollution as that guy said."

Colin secretly prayed in his heart.

But just as he was thinking, another new task popped up.

[Event 8: It is expected to connect with the eighth carriage in one hour. Please prepare according to the requirements, enter the follow-up carriage, and carry out suppression operations on carriages 9-[-]. 】

"Remarks: After completing the investigation of the nine out-of-control carriages, it can be regarded as completing this mission and receiving huge rewards."

"Note: Further investigation is optional."

Ke Lin was taken aback. How could this task seem to be in conflict with what is currently being carried out?

The current task is to stop in the seventh car for three hours.

This is to continue into the next compartment.
"What's the situation?"

On the one hand, "Son of Sexual Abuse" also received this task, with a puzzled look on his face, he looked at Brother Shunzi: "Look, if I remember correctly, it seems to be a normal task process before, 3 to 5, 5 to 7, Which one should we implement from 7 to 9?"

Hearing his words, Colin thought of one thing, and asked doubtfully, "I've been wondering about one thing, except me, has anyone ever hit the seventh car?"

Hearing this, several people were taken aback for a moment, then thought for a while, and then shook their heads one after another.

"It seems. No, the fifth quarter is the limit. 5 to 7 is certain, but 7 to 9 is not sure. Except for us, I have never heard of anyone else hitting here."

"Then how do you know that 7 will continue to come in order?"

"It seems to be... Anyway, there is such a saying, but I don't know who spread it." Several people thought about it, not very sure.

Now the task is changing, and I don’t know what will happen if I stay here, but it is also unknown to continue to walk into the follow-up compartment.

If one is not chosen well, there may be big troubles, and they may have to stay here forever.

Seeing the appearance of several people, Colin took a bite of concentrated chocolate to supplement nutrition, then licked his chapped lips, and then continued:
"Then, do this task for three hours now, and ignore the one that goes to the next section."

The last task should have been sent by "Ms. Rabbit", and I can see the stamp. Since the accident of "The Seventh Garden World", all the tasks of "Ms. Rabbit" seem to have a stamp that no one else can notice.

As for this newly emerged, there are two possibilities
One is that the "Ghost Train" originally came with it.

That is to say, after hitting a certain level, the next task will automatically appear, which belongs to some kind of mechanical program.

There is also the second type, which is similar to the trap mission of inexplicably throwing him into the "Seventh Garden World". There may be some ghosts and ghosts secretly trying to trick him.

If it is the second case, it is quite difficult to say whether you can come back after entering.

For mutual comparison, Colin chooses "Ms. Rabbit".

"Then, will the people in the eighth carriage run in?" the former squad leader "Son of Sexual Abuse" couldn't help asking.

From the current point of view, if you don't enter the fog door for a long time, the people in the other car will come over on their own initiative.

"Not very sure, but if I come over, I will solve it as soon as possible."

Colin comforted them by saying that in the seventh round, he did not use bone spurs in order to give them a decent face.

But in the eighth round, he would have to stop and give the group of people a quick end to the battle.

From the current point of view, D-class personnel still don't have many effective countermeasures against the "time stagnation" item.

Hearing this, several people were somewhat relieved, and believed in Brother Shunzi's words.

And as time goes by
An hour later.

Amidst the slightly changed faces of the "sex abuser" and the others, the wide open fog door appeared in front of everyone again.

(End of this chapter)

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