Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 371 Arrival in the real area where the "ghost train" is located

'This time, the train didn't move again, but the door still came out. It feels like it came on its own initiative? '

Colin stared at the front with all his attention, not daring to be careless.

Behind the fog door leading to the eighth carriage, the dim light is still there, and some small movements can be faintly heard
It was like someone was whispering, and it was also like a crazy and weird dream.

Beside Ke Lin, "Son of Sexual Abuse" and others looked there, their bodies were a little stiff, and they didn't dare to take a breath, for fear of disturbing something.

This time, compared with the previous few carriages, the rear of the eighth carriage always gives people an inexplicable sense of weirdness.

'I always feel that things over there are in a distorted state.'

Colin squinted his eyes, and the door he saw looked relatively normal.

But in his mind, the fog door was in a state of constant creeping.

And the voices of those people, if you listen carefully, you will find that they are not the words of normal people at all, they are all confused roars, and if you listen too much, even Colin will feel uncomfortable in his head.

And I feel an indescribable palpitation from the bottom of my heart
Obviously, there may be unexpected changes after the start of the eighth car.

However, the only thing to be thankful for now is.

After 10 minutes passed, the D-class personnel behind the door did not break into this side.

"It stands to reason that it will take no more than 5 minutes at most, and the other side will notice it, but this time, it doesn't seem to happen."

While analyzing the current situation in his mind, Colin was alert to the location of the fog door.

Next, a few more minutes passed slowly, and the time came to three minutes.

The continuous whispers suddenly disappeared.
Not long after that, the sound of glass shattering on the ground came, which made the hearts of several people present "thump".

Several people looked at the fog door of the eighth carriage again at the same time.

At this moment, some kind of low growls that seemed human but not human came from over there one after another, which made the whole fog door look even more distorted.

In the brain, it is like a whirlpool.
And from inside this vortex, there is also some kind of inexplicable and vague aura, which seems to be slowly overflowing from it.

However, under the light of the "Fire Bearer" flame, all those invisible things evaporated.

"Tsk, go in this time, and I'm afraid you'll be able to experience the real horror of a D-level employee losing control."

Colin pursed his lips, and probably had some guesses about what was behind.

Nowadays, when the D-class personnel on the train get out of control and go crazy, they just show madness without any other weirdness. The reason for this is most likely because the company removed those dangerous things when making the "duplicate".

But after the eighth car, the situation seems to be not right.

For the first time, Colin noticed the exact "pollution".

If you go in, there is a high probability that the D-level employees you encounter will not be in the state of "blackened and weak three points".

However, feeling some breath evaporate under the firelight, Colin also heaved a sigh of relief.

This shows that one's own flame can indeed disperse these things.

Fortunately, after another ten minutes passed, although the fog door seemed to be getting more and more distorted, Colin was basically sure that the abnormal staff in the eighth carriage would not come over.
At this moment, seeing the horrified look on the face of the "Son of Sex Abuse" beside him, Colin thought for a while, and comforted in a low voice in the bonfire:

"If nothing else happens, as long as we stand still here, they won't come over."

Hearing what Ke Lin said, several people looked at the flame and nodded, feeling a little more confident in their hearts.

They are not as well-informed as Brother Shunzi. After feeling the strange and palpitating aura behind the fog door, they always have the feeling of standing on the edge of a cliff, or looking down from the top of dozens of stories of buildings. Feel.
That kind of throbbing was particularly disturbing, and what was even more disturbing was that they had an inexplicable thought of "jumping off" upstairs that kept brewing in their hearts.

Fortunately, with a bonfire burning all around them, they could suppress this thought.

And based on Brother Shunzi's knowledge, since he said there is no problem, then it should be no problem
But just as they let go of their hanging hearts, they suddenly saw that Brother Shunzi's expression changed slightly.

At the same time, before they could ask what was going on, they heard terrifying and inhuman screams coming from behind the fog door.

Accompanied by a lot of messy footsteps, all the out-of-control employees in the eighth carriage started to move.

'what happened? '

Ke Lin subconsciously squeezed Shi Jinka with his left hand, and pulled out the bone spur from his pocket with his right hand. At the same time, the flames in the back of his head swelled.

However, the scene of a large number of abnormal employees rushing out of the fog door did not appear.

Instead, in the eighth carriage, there was the sound of fighting.

"Clang clang clang!"

Amidst the sound of some kind of heavy metal weapon colliding with the surroundings, terrifying vibrations came one after another.

"Hiss, what invaded the eighth carriage?"

Ke Lin stood up suddenly, his heart was dignified, and he could feel that the guy who fought against the abnormally out-of-control employees was very strong
The entire eighth carriage sounds like it will be scrapped at any time.

The battle didn't last long, and after only 3 minutes, everything seemed to have fallen to the ground.

From the slightly staggering footsteps, it can be heard that
The winner should be the one who just broke into the train car.

After dealing with the out-of-control employees, it walked towards the fog door of the seventh car.

Ke Lin looked dignified, held his breath a little, and decisively used a few "colorless crystals" without hesitation to put himself into a state of full energy.

And the "Son of Sexual Abuse" and others are also planning to hide in the corner OB.

But, just when Colin thought the battle was inevitable
Dragging some kind of heavy metal weapon, the figure walking step by step, the sound of its footsteps finally stopped behind the fog door.

follow closely
A very hoarse, painful voice seemed to be suppressing something.


" can't solve it"

"Leaving here is dangerous"


leave?Colin frowned, not knowing how to respond.

He probably had some guesses about the guy behind the fog door.

"There is no small probability that the only C-level employee on the train, and the D-level employee who is similar to 'death' can rely on their own characteristics to discover the fact that they have become an NPC, so there is a very high probability that a life level will occur. The qualitatively changed C-level employees have something special about them, so there's no reason why they can't discover this. '

'By the way, that's the one who helped me when I was about to lose my hold on the fifth carriage, as 'the life mentor is so cute'? '

'Looking at it this way, although this C-level colleague was similarly polluted, he maintained a certain state to some extent, instead of going crazy like other D-level colleagues without even a little resistance? '

Thoughts flashed through Colin's mind.

It's just that at this moment, it seems to feel that they haven't left yet
The voice behind the fog door became a little frantic and impatient.

"Leave! Leave! Leave!"

"leave here!!"


The hoarse voice suddenly became repetitive and irritable.

'I'm sorry bro, it's not that we don't want to leave, but we really can't. '

Ke Lin muttered a sentence in his heart, and the fireball in the back of his head expanded further, and a large number of flames fell down, as if his body was also ignited.

At the same time, he yelled several times, but did not see any response.

The figures behind the fog gate acted again, as if they didn't leave, and planned to send them "leave" with their own hands.
At this moment, the entire fog door twisted horribly.

Then, a few seconds later.
A pitch-black palm covered with cracks protruded from the center of the swirling fog door.

Terrible strangeness spreads from the palm
However, just when the palm just reached into the range of the firelight, it suddenly retracted.

And then.
Colin, who was ready to fight, heard it.

The guy left?
The sound of heavy footsteps gradually faded away, and disappeared completely after a while.

The fog gate that was almost turned into a vortex also changed back to its original form at this moment.

"What does this mean, let us go?" Seeing this situation, "Son of Sexual Abuse" and the others couldn't help being surprised, not quite able to understand why the other party left so decisively.

At this moment, they felt quite uneasy when they saw the enemy appearing behind them in a blink of an eye.

However, Colin was sure that the other party should have really left.

"According to what he said, it should be because he felt that our strength is not enough, so he let us leave. However, it may be because he just reached out and felt something, so he admitted our strength."

Raising his hand and touching his chin, Colin spoke thoughtfully.

He saw it very clearly. The reason why the opponent retreated was most likely because he felt the breath of the "campfire".

It's just that there are some problems that he doesn't quite understand.

'Assuming this guy is really a C-level employee, and the company's target is also the other party, isn't it a good opportunity to make contact just now? '

'But judging from the mission situation, it seems that the company has no intention of continuing to follow up the train or contact the other party. '

Colin frowned slightly.

In this case, either the company's target is not a C-level employee, but something else, or the persuading brother who is suspected of being a C-level employee in the eighth carriage is not actually a C-level employee.
After thinking for a while, I feel that there are two possibilities, and there are too many variables.

So Colin didn't continue to think too much about it.

And with the departure of "Brother Persuading Tui", the seventh car once again restored its previous peace and harmony.

But, as time goes by little by little, when the time comes to the last hour.

"Zizi" the sound of electric current flashed by
In the huge carriage, the successive fog doors slammed open, and the retro electrical gas lamps everywhere that had been constant and dim, also began to gradually fade at this moment.

And with the dimming of the lights.
The gray fog that had always existed outside the carriage slowly disappeared.

This speed is not fast.
Moreover, as two things went wrong, they both had a feeling that the carriage was slowly falling "downward".

"According to this schedule, the lights will go out in one hour, and the fog should also dissipate at that time. Well, overall, it happens to be the end of the third hour required by the mission."

"There is also this feeling of falling, like taking an elevator."

"It seems that it is really like what the 'death pusher' D-class personnel said, the company intends to use this as a springboard to enter the real disaster scene?"

Colin guessed secretly, and then stepped up his efforts on the flames.

He remembered that the mission description mentioned that the company had found the missing person, learned about the situation here, and even made a copy of it as a promotion mission to test new employees
But it seems that it did not mention the company's final treatment of the disordered ghost train.

Look now.
The company didn't seem to have everything figured out at the time?

'Is it intentional, or can't get people out? '

In Ke Lin's view, with the company's peak combat power, it is certainly impossible to solve the anomaly here, not to mention the company's Big Three, just let the person in charge of "0-09 'Hunger'" Zhu Li Luosen come over , it can definitely be done.

It is also mentioned in the mission description that the company attaches great importance to this matter, and the probability of sending high-end combat forces is not small.

However, the company does not seem to have completely resolved this issue in the end.
From that point of view, there is a high probability that it was kept on purpose, but the specific reason is not very clear.

However, there is no time to think about it at the moment.

time is coming
As the lights faded out, the interior of the train car became more and more dilapidated.

Shaking his head secretly, Colin withdrew his thoughts and looked around vigilantly while staring at the countdown in his mind.

Finally, after another few minutes, the countdown ended.

The lights in the train completely disappeared.

Advent complete.

Ke Lin and the others didn't care about the completion of the task, and they all looked through the train carriages to observe the situation outside by the light of the fire——

In an extremely empty and desolate place, the surrounding scenes showed a gray tone in the firelight.

In the gloom, there are many sticky lumps that look like meat wriggling.

However, before they looked at the situation carefully, a sudden change occurred.


A huge bloodshot lump of flesh suddenly squeezed through the door on the right side of the train carriage. On the flesh was a very simple and scribbled face that looked like it had been drawn with a brush.

It also has facial features that are chubby and crowded together like a baby.

Seeing something coming, Colin prepared to do it without saying a word.

"Friends. Good friends. You, are you friends?" A childish, childlike voice came from the mouth of the scrawled face.


Ke Lin showed a strange expression, stopped moving, hesitated, looked at the big piece of meat crowded at the door and smelled: "Who are you?"

While speaking, he sniffed the scent, and soon smelled some familiar scents from the air——

Is this monster made of human flesh?

"Friends, friends, are you friends?" The meatball that made a child's voice didn't answer, but squeezed at the door, repeating monotonous vocabulary, and did not show any malice or hostility.

Do you have to answer whether you are a friend before you have any further reactions?
Colin was thoughtful, and he had a premonition that there was not much danger, so he replied: "Yes, we are friends."

After the words fell, the whole piece of meat trembled, and then Xinxi shouted in a childlike voice: "Great, I have a friend, a good friend, a good friend is delicious."

"Well, we are good friends, can you tell me what happened here?" Colin immediately tried to formulate the words.

But as soon as I finished speaking, I realized that something wasn't quite right.
'kindness?Good friend, delicious? '

While thinking about it, Colin's eyes froze and he saw it suddenly.

The big piece of meat, which was harmless just now, suddenly opened its wide mouth several meters away, and rushed towards them.

(End of this chapter)

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