Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 378 "Firebearer" Inheritance!

In Colin's mind, a picture quickly emerged——

The figure of a C-level personnel more than ten meters away suddenly disappeared, and appeared in front of him by incomprehensible means, and then raised a sandcastle-sized fist, and he met the enemy with a bone spur, but when he punched down, the bone spur pierced into the hands of the opponent, but at the same time he exploded into a cloud of blood mist on the spot.

"Hiss, isn't it just in the dialogue stage? Why did you suddenly attack? And this flash and a punch will kill me? What kind of monster is this?"

With a flash of thought, Colin skillfully reached into his pocket and grabbed a card.

That is, in the next second, the figure of the C-level personnel suddenly appeared, and as expected, he raised his right fist and slammed down on him fiercely.
Except for the flash, this action is not fast, if there is no "fatal insight".

There is a high probability that Colin will stick a bone spur into it.
But now, "Force Repulsion" starts!
The terrifying repulsive force explodes.
All items within the range were affected and pushed out directly.

After a while of tumbling, the opponent stopped his body and did not attack immediately. Instead, he looked at this side with his face covered or swallowed by the vortex, his figure staggering.
".It's so strong. The item is so strong. You are the enemy. Don't be afraid. I will take you home."

"Everyone can go home"

"go back."

There were bursts of chaotic whispers in his ears, with obvious self-blame in his tone.

There was even a low cry.
"The aura is the same as the previous one, and it can be confirmed that it is indeed the same person, but the previous one speaks very rationally, and this personality who keeps feeling guilty and repeats the original incident is simply two people."

Ke Lin watched carefully, trying to find some breakthroughs, such as provoking words to find flaws?

Or should we just wait for the other party to completely lose their mind like we did on the train before?
However, just as Colin was thinking, he found that as the other party cried and wailed, there were a lot of weird eddies around, and the whole world began to give him a sense of unreality.
In this huge halfway up the mountain, the figures of other cultists are also slowly disappearing.

Everything seems to be unchanged, but it seems that some indescribable distortion has happened invisibly.

"This effect is a bit like the pull of the 'Shield of Fairness and Notarization'? No, you can't let him affect this place like this, you have to take the initiative."

Thinking of this, Ke Lin took out a "colorless crystal" and ate it, and a large number of flames burst out on his body, stirring all directions, and eliminating the invisible feeling of falling.

Then, he took out the "Revolver Retrograde", aimed at the opponent and pulled the trigger.

While the muzzle flashed, the enemy still did not move.

clang clang clang.
The flaming bullet hit the opponent's skin, making a crisp metallic sound, and then burst into flames.

"This body is harder than it looks."

Colin's eyelids twitched when he saw the broken bullet fragments.

However, he used this gun to trigger the "lethal" effect of 33 rounds of bullets, and he didn't expect this kind of ordinary bullets to have much impact on the opponent.

"The 'death' effect can even have a significant effect on level 1 containment. If all of them hit him, it should be no problem. Well, there are still 9 rounds left."

After a round of firing, Colin immediately reloaded and continued to shoot.

But this time, I don't know if he sensed some threat, the breath of the crying and wailing figure suddenly changed, as if he had changed his personality all of a sudden, he tore off his brown coat with one hand, and flicked all the bullets out of the air. drop off.

A slightly gray complexion, but with a metallic texture, and a muscular body with sharp edges and corners is revealed.

"Are you one of those... who hate mechanical life? Unfortunately, you met me"

The C-level man didn't know if he used some props, and made an arrogant voice, as if he regarded Colin as some kind of enemy he hadn't encountered before:
"A weak machine cannot compete with my body that has been tempered for thousands of times!"

"The tone of his voice is the same as when he suddenly used 'False Powerhouse', but even if it is, this item probably won't be able to affect C-rank."

Ke Lin couldn't help thinking about it, but he didn't wait to think about it, that is, after the words fell, a man with a body shaped like steel in front of him bowed slightly, and then appeared near him like a flash, and punched him.

Under the extremely strong instinct warning, he first took a few steps back to avoid the attack, opened a certain distance, and planned to finish the last round of bullets, but at this time, the opponent's figure flashed again
'I remember that the D-class personnel said before, one of this guy's famous means is that he can flash eighteen times in a minute? '

As his thoughts turned, Colin manipulated the flames and erected a huge fire wall to block himself and the other party.

The violent impact hit, Colin's pupils shrunk, and when he saw the firewall that could block the mud-headed truck, he was blown away like a piece of paper.

However, as expected, Colin activated the effect of another golden card at the same time.

"Using 'Time Stasis' now, he can't avoid it!"

Amidst the invisible roar, everything on the scene was pulled into an invisible stagnation. Colin looked at the figure stagnant in mid-air in front of him. Without thinking, he took out a dagger and directly tried to pierce the opponent's body.
But, what Colin didn't expect was that.

The tip of the bone spur stopped in front of the skin, but it failed to penetrate!
"Mom, it's too hard."

Colin held the bone spur in his right hand, his face was shocked, and then his eyes turned quickly, trying to find a wound or something on his body.

However, at the position of the opponent's chest, the original metal gap has been filled with a pile of vortex metal crystals.
There is almost no place to start from the whole body!

In a hurry, Colin quickly took out his revolver, aimed at the opponent, and launched the final shot——

To trigger the "death" effect, the bullet only needs to hit, without breaking the defense!

That is to say, only a few rounds of bullets were fired, and when the last three rounds were only short, the sound of the hands of the clock came from my ears.
Frowning, Colin chose to keep a certain distance.

When the "time stop" ends.
Colin thought that the other party would rush forward, but unexpectedly, the other party opened the distance between them instead.

"You seem to have a super high-quality prop that can affect space?"

The C-class personnel whose body was full of strength whispered.

Hearing this, Ke Lin was startled: Did he notice the influence of "Time Stop"?
In the past, people who experienced "time-stopping" in most cases only thought that they would appear in a flash, but this one seemed to have vaguely touched some real situations.

Taking advantage of the opponent's mental instability to stop attacking, Ke Lin used the "Combat Power Observation" of the "Gene Compensation Panel".

At this sight, Colin, who was looking directly, widened his eyes.

[Name]: Kong Shiping.

【Strength】: 53.7 (Strong!) (Note: 1.)
[Physique]: 77.1 (very strong!)

[Agility]: 19.9 (It doesn’t seem strong in comparison, but it’s actually still very strong!)

[Description]: Damn, the numbers are weird!
[Comprehensive Evaluation]: This is not to mention that he doesn't know what props are available, so hurry up if you encounter them, the wind is blowing!

【Note】: The above data does not represent the final combat power, please refer to the actual contact for everything.
"Hey, what kind of sky-defying value is this?"

Ke Lin gasped. He still remembered that the eighth-level mutiny and out-of-control personnel "Li Ping" had a physique in his twenties or thirties, which made him a little helpless.

Damn it, strength is [-], physique is close to [-]?
"I remember that I am now in the teens for all three items. Adding up the three items, I may not have as much strength as him."

Colin was a little dazed.

Is this the cards and values ​​of C-level personnel?

No wonder he used all his strength to use the bone spurs and couldn't even penetrate the skin
This number, not to mention the bone spurs, made Colin a little doubtful whether the nuclear bombs could be aligned and cause effective damage when they fell right in the middle!

However, as if he felt some kind of observation, Colin saw the man with the numerical value in the true sense, and slowly cast his gaze from behind the face of the whirlpool:
"I feel a familiar and respected power, you seem to have other powerful props
"Unfortunately, the use of these props is still too immature.
"Let me teach you a more detailed method."

As the words fell, Colin's hair stood on end, and his brain frantically issued an early warning.

In the next moment, the man flashed again, less than three meters away from him, and punched him with gravity.

"The repulsion explodes!"

Ke Lin didn't dare to be lazy, he muttered in his heart, and then directly activated the card effect.

However, what he didn't expect was that the power that was invincible before and could repel even the "divine" strong, actually somewhat failed this time.
The C-level man first flashed to a distance of 15 meters, and then swung a heavy punch.


in the shock of terror
A fist broke through the impact barrier of the "repulsion burst"!


Colin was taken aback when he saw this!
This is the first time he has encountered this situation.

"Is it the item that affects 'power' just now? However, it's a pity that I said that your use of the item is too superficial, and its effect is limited. If you stand within the range of the effect, you will be rejected from all aspects."

"Besides the effect, I only need to face the shock wave pushed out by its effect, not the repulsive force."

"Props of this quality, even without 'liberation', it is difficult for me to compete"

"You only need to step forward to avoid this result, but unfortunately you didn't"

".You didn't discover its shortcomings and advantages very well, and you didn't carry out in-depth development. Even the accuracy of manipulation is worrying."

A burst of whispers kept lingering in his ears.

Immediately afterwards, he struck again like a cannonball. Apart from flashing, he didn't have any fancy props or any fancy means. What he had was just the purest and simplest physical power release!

The surrounding air will explode with a terrifying sound of explosion every time he punches
Moreover, this time the C-level personnel are prepared, usually no longer flashing to get close, but relying on the body to get close, and then when he has the possibility to use the gold card, he will use the flash to leave to avoid being involved by "Time Stop".

It was extremely difficult for Ke Lin to deal with every blow. He was not in a hurry to deal with it a few times. After taking two hard punches, his body seemed to be falling apart. He could feel the gap between the C-level and those D-levels!

Now, the only fortunate thing is that this C-level employee doesn't seem to have used props much.

Also, there is good news, it may be the impact of pollution, the opponent's attack has no rules, it is relatively erratic, and it is easy to dodge
the bad news is
Ke Lin always felt that the other party was different from those on the train who were getting more and more brainless, and seemed to be getting more and more energetic.

A certain kind of madness transformed a little bit in the constant battles, and Colin felt like he was being trained by the military.
"You are weak in waving, your body is unstable, your footsteps are loose, and your reactions are slow. Among the basic items, none of the reactions or movements are completely qualified. Just like this, you can still be sent here?!"

"Even, all the props in the body, except for the timing of use, none of them are proficient in use. If the foundation is not good, the props and props are not good enough, and the whole thing is hesitant."

"To do a task is to find a way to complete the task by any means. What are you hesitating about?"

"As a person trained by the company with heavy investment, your strength did not let me break the defense, but your actual combat level is about to let me break the defense!" "You are the weakest employee I have ever seen!"


Amidst the stern reprimands, Ke Lin truly felt his own weakness, and was constantly suppressed by the other party based on this
But finally, in the midst of countless attacks.

Ke Lin found that this C-level personnel seems to have some attacks with his left hand. Can't keep up with the rhythm?
'etc!As soon as I came up, I was crushed and beaten by the frame, which made me almost forget that the D-class personnel who were like "death pusher" said that their captain suffered a serious injury in the armpit of his left hand.'

Thinking of this, while dealing with it, Ke Lin finally found an opportunity in a gap between the opponent's attacks and tried his best to pay a certain price.

"Time stands still"!
Invisible forces drag everything around into stagnation.
Looking at the C-level employee who didn't run away, Ke Lin stroked the sunken chest that had been punched by the opponent, and couldn't help but burst into tears while vomiting blood.

"Finally fucking settled again!"

Immediately, he pulled out the bone spur and looked towards his left armpit.

After confirming that there was indeed a wound that was almost healed, he took out the bone spur, aimed at the wound and stabbed it down.

This moment, the attack finally worked, the bone spur penetrated into his skin more than three inches deep!

"It was you who made me do whatever it takes. Don't blame me for not talking about martial arts."

After a successful hit, Colin took out his revolver again. As the seven seconds were about to end, he fired three more rounds, and the sound of the hands indicating that the countdown was about to end sounded again.

Colin quickly opened the distance, and then saw that the other party seemed to be about to catch up.

But his body stiffened suddenly, then trembled, and stopped in place.

"Bone spurs and 'lethal' worked."

Colin was somewhat relieved. By now, he could be said to have exhausted all his strength.
But this time, a mutation arose.

A strong sense of crisis came over him, and he suddenly saw the figure of the other party appearing in front of him, waving at his face.

At the critical moment, the nano-omnic on Colin's neck exerted force, pulling his muscles and making his neck tilt to avoid the blow.

A terrifying force ran across the side of Colin's earless right cheek
It was only a few centimeters away, and he was about to die suddenly on the spot.

However, before Colin could breathe a sigh of relief, his scalp tensed up, and he moved his eyes stiffly, and saw a hand that seemed to be made of metal resting on his right shoulder.

The figure in front of him disappeared like a phantom.
At the same time, a voice sounded from behind:
"The last lesson is, don't let down your guard when the enemy is not completely dead. Even a beast will take one last bite before it dies."

"It's over."

Colin's pupils shrank like needles.

This guy's physical quality is simply inhuman, and if he is approached at such a close range, he will almost kill him.

However, just when he thought everything was over, there was a sudden sound of a heavy object falling to the ground behind him.

Colin regained his senses in an instant, jumped to the side, and found that this C-level employee who kept picking holes in the battle, like an instructor, fell to the ground, trembling all over, as if he was enduring great pain
Pieces of vortex crystals fell off his body, and thick black water flowed out from where they fell off.

However, even enduring such pain, he was still struggling, got up, sat on the ground, and looked at Colin.

The vortex on his face also slowly disappeared at this moment, revealing a resolute and thin face.
"This thing of yours is a bit cruel. It seems that it can't hold on any longer."

The man with C-level authority looked at Colin and said slowly.

At this moment, his tone regained a certain sense of reason and gentleness.
While speaking, he took a deep breath, put the five fingers of his right hand together, exerted force suddenly, and pierced his chest. Then he seemed to be holding something, and with a violent yank, he pulled out the heart that Colin had seen before. .

"Since that part of its consciousness in my body is finally gone, I don't need to use it to suppress it anymore."

After finishing this step, his face suddenly turned gray, like a dead person.

Then, he looked at the heart that was slowly burning with orange-red fire after his hands were exposed to the air, with complex emotions in his eyes.

"My family and I survived the dark turmoil because of the protection of the 'Fire Bearer'. My dream has always been to become a powerful 'Fire Bearer' to face all the enemies of mankind. I have paid a lot for this effort."

Speaking of this, he paused, and said with infinite regret: "It's a pity. It's still a step away."

Shaking his head, the C-level employee raised his head again, glanced at the sky for the first time, as if he saw the battle in the distance through layers of vortex aurora, then retracted his gaze, and glanced under the cliff.
Finally, he looked at Colin: "There is not much time. We don't seem to have an advantage in this battle. However, there should be a little time to talk. You seem to have some questions?"

"The one on the train, what does that have to do with you?" Colin didn't get any ink.

"That's me. However, the real me has just disappeared with 'it'. Back then, a big man found the dark side of the universe and found us who had already died with the enemy. He used some means to fuse a part of us, Created a 'ghost train of disorder'."

"I received the final task, waiting for a finisher to recover the items here"

"I don't understand why the top management would do this, but, I took this task."

During the longer conversations, he communicates directly in the form of brain waves, and his mouth does not stop when he speaks:
"One thing I have to clarify. You are not the worst class I have ever seen. In other words, you are not bad in this class. The real bad ones are the challengers on the train.
"And the part at the bottom of the mountain, I'm really worried, if the real 'me' sees this kind of wasteful use
"Maybe I will be resurrected from anger"


Colin was a little embarrassed. He listened to the other person's brain waves and voice at the same time and didn't know how to respond.

Because he was beaten badly just now.
"I can rank in the top [-] battles in C-level. You are only at E-level now. You have not kept up with many things. It is normal to beat me. It is not bad to be able to pick up a few moves without liberating props. , at the D level, they are considered the elite among the elite, so, what that 'I' said when I was out of my mind, except that your foundation is really poor, you don't need to pay attention to other negations, and don't doubt yourself too much."

"But if it's not that the situation is wrong, I really want you to release that thing in your body and have a good fight, but your comrades are waiting for you to complete the task."

" fulfill my unrealized dream, to be a...'Firebearer.'"

As he spoke, he handed the "dream" in his hand to Colin.

Colin reached out to catch it, and wanted to take it back, but found that the other party was still holding it firmly.
uh this?

Just as he was confused, Colin heard the other party's voice sound again: "You don't seem to have prepared any powerful moves for yourself after becoming a 'Fire Bearer'?"

Colin nodded, and then saw a smile on the corner of the other party's mouth.

"How can a qualified 'fire bearer' not have a move that can be shouted out? I kept some things in it, remember to try to learn it, this is what I originally planned to use to kill the Quartet move."

"Okay." Colin nodded.

Then, like taking over the torch in the torch's hand, he took over the burning heart in the opponent's hand.

That is, the moment the heart was released, the breath of the man in front of him was like a fan that had been cut off, losing all power at once, and his powerful body also fell to the ground at this moment, with black pus overflowing from the surface of his body.

And the weird unreality surrounding him quickly dissipated at this moment.
The dream of "God" is being shattered.

A piece of knowledge flooded into his mind, and Colin knew what the other party left behind.

"The sky is falling!"

That is to say, according to the D-class personnel who is like "promoting life", even if the body of a level 1 containment object is attacked, there is a chance that it will freeze on the spot for a period of time!
This has been made into some kind of "skill"-like ability.

You can use it when you get it!

"Thank you." Colin sincerely saluted.

But at this moment, on the ground, the body whose life was dying quickly looked at Colin, and seemed to have a myth to say, but seemed a little hesitant.

"Do you want to ask something?" Colin asked.

"I don't really want to ask some questions, but in the end, I can't help it. I want to know. I don't know what's going on with the company."

"But are we still on the right path?"

"'Firebearer'. Is it still fighting for humanity as I thought?"

Hearing this last weak murmur, Colin's mind flashed through the known "fire bearers", and said, "Yes."

"Okay, then, I... don't worry, I can... take a rest with peace of mind"

"Finally, after the task is completed, let's take them back together."

"For this task, they haven't been home for a long time."

them?who are they?Ke Lin was puzzled, and then he saw the man who fell on the ground and gradually collapsed, reached out from his trousers pocket, took out a small iron card that was chained through it, and handed it over.

The names of the past are clearly engraved on the smooth iron plates that have been wiped and shined one by one.
As for the number, there are 72, representing 71 D-level personnel and one C-level personnel, no more, no less.


Ke Lin squatted down, carefully took the name in the opponent's hand, and put it in the "storage room".

After all this was done, the C-level personnel in front of him was completely out of breath, and his eyes were closed as if he had fallen into a deep sleep
"Good night."

After saying a word silently, Colin slowly stood up.

And with the death of the other party.
The process of disillusionment in this part of the world intensifies like an avalanche.

Suddenly, Ke Lin's heart trembled, and he vaguely saw a layer of blood-red light appearing in the sky
There is no "dream" as a barrier.
The power of those terrifying existences is also quickly seeping into this place.

However, at this moment, a message directly sent by the company's upper management emerged from his mind.

[Special event: All members leave this place by entering the "fog door"! 】

Note: 1.

The numerical level of ordinary people is about 1, and most people who don’t exercise at home can’t reach 1
ps: Big Dazhang asks for a monthly pass. (end of this chapter)

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