Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 379 "Fog Gate" retreats!

In the task bar, more detailed events were displayed in front of Colin.

[Special event: All members leave this place by entering the "fog door"! 】

"Remarks: The 'Fog Gate' will be established in a weak space on the mountainside. It will take about 15 minutes to establish and will remain open for 45 minutes."

"Attention": Please leave through this door as much as possible. If you can't leave through this door, there will be a certain risk, and you can return to the same way after at least three months. There is no upper limit for the maximum return period
"There is no upper limit on the return date? Isn't this euphemistically expressing that there is a probability that you will not be able to return for the rest of your life?"

Colin was stunned. He thought that when this special event started.

Everyone will be like the "advent type" before. Suddenly, all the members return, but unexpectedly, something seems to go wrong this time?

As thoughts flickered, he stood on the edge of the cliff on the mountainside, his eyes seemed to be staring at the battlefield below, but he looked at the sky from the corner of his eye, and he could perceive that in the sky that was more blood-red than the sunset, there were bursts of fire from time to time, and strange breaths infiltrated into it.
The battle between all parties is still going on, but the company seems to be at a disadvantage?
The employees of the company below may not have noticed it, but from a bystander angle, he vaguely noticed that the red light on the followers of the "Red Moon" seemed to be a little more intense than before.
"Tsk, the version has been strengthened. However, it seems that the company can still support it for an hour. In terms of retreat, it should be able to withdraw at least 90.00% or more."

Colin withdrew his gaze from below, then turned around and looked at the mountainside.

With the death of this C-Class
The unreal feeling like a dream around me quickly dissipated and disappeared.

At this moment, other cult members who were "invisible" gradually appeared in front of them as if they had surfaced.

"The injury I just received seems to be recovering"

Colin first felt himself, and then looked at the group of heretics, aliens, and abnormal things
The vast majority of people seem to be still trapped in the "dream" and have not awakened.

And a small part of them trembled as if they were about to wake up at any time.
"Sleep well, don't wake up in a hurry."

After thinking about it, Colin unceremoniously took out the bone spur and poked the nearest one who was about to wake up.

The tip of the bone spur touched the outside of the cultist's eyelid and got a little bit stuck
But then Colin exerted a little force on his hand.


There is a feeling like pricking rubber in the hand.

Then it pierced into the eyelids and pierced through the eyeballs into the brain smoothly.
"By the way, this feeling is right! The previous feeling that is harder than diamonds and tougher than steel is wrong!"

Recovering some touch from this cultist, Ke Lin couldn't help but burst into tears.

And with the smooth insertion of the bone spur.
With a plop, the figure fell to his knees.

"You, you" was wearing a weird robe, an unknown cultist opened a bloodshot eye, pointed at him as if wanting to curse something.
But as Colin didn't talk about Wude, he stabbed again.

The cultist's divinity was shattered immediately, his body swelled, black water flowed from his five sense organs, and he died suddenly on the spot.

After confirming his death, Colin did not hesitate, turned around and walked towards another lucky cultist, followed the same pattern, and killed them all before they left the "dream".

From these weak bodies, Colin regained the bone spurs he had lost before.

However, of the nearly 50 figures present, he killed less than one-sixth before the accident happened suddenly.

A red light suddenly spread.
While Colin was on guard, he saw several "Red Moon" followers with red lights on their bodies suddenly opening their eyes in the venue.
However, just when he thought the battle was about to break out, the faces of these "Red Moon" followers showed a trace of panic, and then their bodies suddenly exploded, turning into blood-red rays of light, and blasting towards the foot of the mountain.

"Escaped?" Ke Lin was taken aback, he thought that these "Red Moon" followers were strong.

Like those ordinary "Red Moon" followers, they will fight brainlessly when they see whoever bites them.

It can be seen that they seem to have a certain brain capacity.
And at the same time that the "Red Moon" followers escaped by self-destructing, another change occurred in the venue.

"Ah!!!" A foreign race covered with crystal clusters, whose energy aura is not weak, but fell on the ground like a stone suddenly let out a strange scream.
Immediately afterwards, Colin saw a crackling sound on its body.

The marks of fists emerged on Qishi's body.

In the end, like a stone stuffed with explosives, it exploded on the spot, split into countless pieces, and scattered all over the place.
"The encounter in the dream feeds back into reality?"

Colin was thoughtful.

Then, with the death of the first "personnel", there seemed to be a chain reaction of the dozens of other bodies present, and the screams and moans of pain were endless, and the noise was like a vegetable market.
At the same time, various injuries also erupted from them.

There were dozens of potholes on the body that were hammered like rice cakes, COS explosives exploded on the spot for a moment, some bodies were cut into pieces by countless blades, and some were covered with vortex crystals and died. There are also some whose bodies turned black inexplicably and gave off bursts of barbecue aroma, as if they were ignited by fire, but they did not see the fire
All the figures present died suddenly in various special ways at this moment.

His soul is forever immersed in the dream that the "God" has not completely dissipated, and he can never escape.
"Here, his methods seem to be richer than I thought."

Through the various methods of death of these people, Colin realized that the C-level personnel obviously had other means of fighting besides his powerful physical body.

Some kind of bladed item, or campfire power
Even, from the corpses covered with vortex and picture scroll crystals, Colin suspects that the other party may initially grasp a part of the power of that "god"
"Hiss, it feels like if it's a life-and-death situation, even if I release the small part of 'hunger' in my body, I may not be able to win."

Colin swallowed.

No wonder he always has the feeling that the other party keeps beating him
Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll beat him to death accidentally and without paying attention.

'In retrospect, I don’t know if he used some means, the memory in my mind is very clear, it’s almost like a movie, I can recall it in high-definition at any time, zoom in and zoom in, and I can even see my own pores clearly.”

'After I go back, I should look back and settle down, and I should be able to improve a lot. '

"However, the top few hundred people in C-level are so terrifying. Fighting some cult apostles who have been endowed with divine power is as simple as playing. No, if he can come back alive now, he may not necessarily be as powerful as the first few. That’s it.”

In the turbulent thoughts, Colin knew that besides the heart traits of the "Fire Bearer", the other party left him with the most precious memory in his mind.

At the same time, when thinking of this battle, he couldn't help but think of "The Man Who Chases the Light."

The fighting methods of the two sides are different, but they are both extremely rich in experience. They are very able to use their own advantages to find the enemy's weaknesses, and then strike.

'I can look back and see if I can spend some points to find "The Man Who Chases Light" to practice with me right now, and let him help me practice.'

However, before Colin continued to think about it, the heart on his left hand
There was a sudden "plop".

heart beats
Then, on the ground, all the divine corpses ignited spontaneously without fire, and were ignited by the suddenly rising orange-red flame, burning and evaporating into strands of white mist. The mist seemed to be pulled and gathered and formed at the entrance of the mountainside site.

A majestic ten-meter gate leading to nowhere is slowly established.
The door is currently closed and has not been opened. It seems that it will not be opened until it is formally formed.

This speed is not very fast. It is like someone using a pen to draw strokes in the air. It takes a certain amount of time.

At the same time, some abnormal movements suddenly came from below the mountainside.

In the alliance of heretics, it is not unresponsive to the high-level personnel of one's own side who are dying quickly one by one.

"What's going on, what happened on the mountain? Why, why did our god make the breath of the lord disappear!"

"Why, only the followers of 'Red Moon' ran down, did they succeed?"

"No, the 'Red Moon' follower emote doesn't look like success"


Amidst the chaos, all the aliens felt great unease looking at the motionless halfway up the mountain.

Soon, their unease came to a head with the appearance of Colin's flaming figure.
Seeing this, some heretics immediately realized what was going on, retreated secretly, and quietly left the battlefield.

There are still some people who have tried their best to look ashamed and hopeless

Someone saw that figure and murmured unwillingly.

Now that their senior management is dead, but the enemy has walked out safely, let's think about the few "Red Moon" followers who just retreated.
The answer is obviously obvious.

They lost.

Some demons looked at the figure blessed by the bonfire in the distance, and in their minds, countless tragic memories passed down from their ancestors long ago came to their minds.
Again, recall the fear of being dominated by the Fire Bearers.

The despair of history seems to be staged again.

For a while, the morale of the alliance of various ethnic groups plummeted.

Some extremely desperate cultists even ignored the chainsaw-powered swords slashed by the tall mechas ahead.

It's just ushering in death in the unwilling memories.
On the contrary, with the appearance of Ke Lin, the morale of the company's employees soared.

"Kill it! Kill this group of heretics! Especially the drummer! Damn, I've seen it before. That drum is made from the skin of a girl with great resentment and pain!"

"Plucking the skin of a beautiful girl, and this kind of thing!? I can't forgive it!"

"Ah? I didn't say she was a beautiful girl, don't describe it randomly"

"The group of people with three eye tattoos on their foreheads, don't let them go! These guys will sneak out your eyes while you're sleeping. During our last mission, we saw that everyone in a remote mountain village had their eyes taken alive. Several beautiful girls have suffered.”

"Don't let go of that ghost-like abnormality! This guy specializes in sneak attacks on the lower body and has cut off many people's little brothers. Even if there are beautiful girls in the future, they may not be able to stand up."

"Fuck, it turned out to be this guy. I was having a passionate fight with someone, and suddenly someone castrated my little brother, causing me to die once. Now I don't even dare to open my legs wide in the fight, just fuck him to death! !!"

"Unfaithful, unfilial, benevolent, unjust, disrespectful, unwise, untrustworthy, all of them are malignant tumors, kill them!"

"Brothers, follow Brother Shunzi's lead and kill all these cultists, leaving no one behind!"

In the high atmosphere of the battlefield, the employees of the company took the initiative to attack, carrying the crazy "Red Moon" cultists, and launched a comprehensive counterattack against the enemy.

However, in addition to them, some employees shouted to retreat.

"Don't kill, don't kill! Didn't you see the retreat mission? If you are left behind, you probably won't be able to leave!"

"Brothers, pay attention to the prompts in front of you. If your little brother is gone, it can grow again. If you are gone, it will really be gone. Retreat quickly!"

"Gather halfway up the mountain!"

In the loud shouts, some red-eyed guys noticed the prompt in front of them.

Then, the large-scale retreat officially began!
Except for some who are still reading the article, there are also those who have a little problem with their brain or mental state due to excessive use of various items. After seeing the possible unlimited return time, everyone obeys their hearts. Let go of the killing intent in your heart and choose to gather and retreat
Just like someone said, if the little brother is gone, it can grow again, but if the big brother is gone, it is really gone.


A fireball with a diameter of more than 15 meters, like a small sun, rose in the battlefield.

In the warm flames, some with mild dementia recovered quickly, and then escaped from the battlefield with the assistance of some company employees, while some with severe dementia
Kill him first.

Anyway, it only takes a few minutes to resurrect once, and it only takes 10 minutes more. Instead of trying to reason with him in this chaotic situation, it is better to talk to him about physics. Otherwise, the enemy will take advantage of the chaos to launch a sneak attack, and there will be no reason to reason.

Just like rescuing some people who have fallen into the water, rather than letting them flop around, it is better to knock them unconscious.

You know, on the battlefield, apart from the various races whose morale has plummeted, there are also a lot of out-of-control abnormal lives released by both sides.

Once these guys get out of control, they will kill enemies indiscriminately like nuclear pollution
Ke Lin did not end, but guarded in front of the gate, and allocated part of his strength to control the large fireball, overlooking the extremely chaotic battlefield below
Looking at it, he soon discovered something that the people in the scene hadn't noticed.

"There are also followers of 'Red Moon', it seems that they are starting to become troublesome."

Colin frowned and looked at the guys whose red light became increasingly intense.

Followers of "Red Moon" were slaughtered by both sides.
Not only did they not decrease, but they also had the intention of killing more and more. They often took advantage of the death of enemies outside the company to parasitize the corpses and occupy the physical bodies.

Even some abnormal things that were crushed could not escape the fate of being parasitized and corrupted.

Originally, the followers of "Red Moon" were only in quantity, but now they are changing, not only in quantity, but also in quality.

It's just that Ke Lin didn't see the senior members of the "Red Moon" followers who had just escaped.
However, although in order to avoid accidents, some people do not speak martial arts and come to steal the house, and he cannot easily leave the halfway up the mountain, but it does not mean that he cannot interfere below.

He will also take action from time to time on the edge of the cliff, attacking some troublesome guys from a distance and helping thousands of employees retreat.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

A distant and ancient voice came from behind. When Colin turned around, he saw the closed door slowly opening, like a pair of big hands.

The "Fog Gate" has taken shape!

"Hurry up!" Ke Lin urged some employees who were hesitant when they saw this door for the first time.

Hearing his words, some employees had no objection and went in directly.

With the lead, others quickly followed suit.
Seeing this, Ke Lin glanced at the crowd, and after confirming that nothing had gotten in, he looked down again.

"The number of people is too large, and it's quite troublesome to retreat, but fortunately, this mountain is still a no-fly zone, otherwise it would be a little troublesome, and there are more D-class personnel than I thought, and it feels like there are one or even two hundred indivual?"

Colin glanced at the various large intestines, brains, eyes, limbs, weapons, clothes, and even living dentures that were flying in mid-air under the influence of the power of the red moon. He picked up a stone on the ground and rounded it up. Smash down the mountain to kill or push back some troublesome enemies.

At the same time, at the foot of the mountain, company personnel also acted in an orderly manner according to the tasks they received.

"All D-class personnel, guard the resurrection point carefully, and withdraw all E-class and below members first, and then retreat!"

"Fuck, help me, my puppet girlfriend has activated and run away."

"Damn it, I have nothing to say about this iron Two-dimensional. If you're resurrected, you'll retreat quickly. What's the ink stain? If you don't have a doll, you won't die. I didn't say anything when the ps5 I just bought flew!"

"Why did you bring a ps5 when you came to war?"

"Don't fucking talk nonsense! Concentrate on defense! Concentrate on completing the mission!"

In the battlefield, D-class personnel cooperated with each other to block the invading enemy.

Now, the only good news is that because of the success of Brother Shunzi, that group of heretical alliances were beaten to pieces.Otherwise, it would be very troublesome to withdraw the personnel from all over the battlefield in an orderly manner.

But at this moment, a decisive voice sounded from among the heretics.
"Fight! Are you going to give up everything just because of the loss here?!"

"The long struggle has just begun!"

"We haven't really failed yet! Believe me, even if the cage of the bonfire comes again, as long as someone resists, it cannot be said that there is no hope of destroying it!"

A strong man with "divine" power raised his arms and shouted, and power surged from his body.

Facing the gazes of many aliens, he clenched his hands into fists in front of his chest and spoke loudly.

"Don't you want to go back to that era of freedom? That era where you can freely cultivate beastmen, perform sacrifices on the streets at will, and go out to catch blood food at will?"

"Are you going to let the future of mankind fall into the hands of the Red Moon, or be buried in the hands of these fire-loving paranoiacs!?"

"For the continuation of all mankind, for the ascension promised by the Lord! In order to survive the catastrophe that will never come, we must unite again!"

The voice of this cult member was exceptionally contagious, and instantly sparked fighting spirit in the hearts of many members of the cult alliance.

Moreover, his words are very strange. A seemingly identical sentence falls on the ears of different people, but expresses different content.

Some are fighting for the Lord, some are fighting for freedom, and some are fighting for the survival of mankind
Whether it's demons, cultists, or even some weirdos, they've all heard messages that can cheer them up.

On the mountainside, when Colin heard such bewitching rumors, his eyes turned, and he quickly locked on a strange person among a group of enemies, a person without a breath of life.
"The dead are talking?"

This is not a simple dead person.

Colin discovered that there was an invisible and immaterial thing lying on this powerful enemy.

Intuitive spiritual feedback.
It looks like a mouse emitting red light?

Moreover, when the man waved his body and arms impassionedly and spit out droplets to "speech", the imperceptible "mouse" on the head made the same movement.

Or to be more precise, it was the "rat" who manipulated the corpse to do the same.

However, without waiting to think about it, Colin saw that, encouraged by its crude speech, the morale of the heretical and alien alliance, which had plummeted, broke out again.
"The 'Fire Bearer' hasn't appeared yet, we haven't failed yet, we still have a chance! Fight! Kill as many as you can! Ever since I came here, I didn't want to go back alive!"

"We just raise hundreds of millions of humans as blood animals, but we suffered a brutal blow from the campfire people without magic. The entire race was almost destroyed. I want revenge!!"

"In order to bring mankind back to the right path, we are bound to do so!"

"Even the followers of 'Red Moon' seem to stop attacking us, unite and charge!"

"Regain the sovereignty of this star field! Let mankind be reborn again from destruction!"

"In order to escape the fate of being enslaved and squeezed."


With the help of a group of invisible influences and various slogans, the demons and monsters once again launched an unhesitating attack.
There are also some cultists who have discovered something is not quite right
For example, didn't those allies who shouted died before?
How did the dead speak?
However, although there were some doubts, they "numbly" followed the crowd to kill the enemies at the foot of the mountain under the formed mental torrent.

At this moment, the pressure of everyone in the field can almost be said to have skyrocketed!
Many employees were intercepted and killed halfway, and entered the resurrection of reading articles.
On the field, at least one-fifth of the people did not evacuate, and most of them were relatively strong D-level employees!
Seeing this situation, although Ke Lin still did not enter the arena, he continued to increase his support, directly creating various large-scale high-heat and high-pressure fireballs, and smashing them down.

There is "Revolver·Retrograde", there is "Fire Bearer" raw oil, there is "Fire Bearer" heart and some knowledge information inherited from it
His degree of control over the flames has gained a new level of improvement.

Every time the fireball falls, it can smash a huge hole and kill a considerable amount of enemies
Some enemies who are hit in the head will even have their resurrection red light ignited.

A few minutes later, all E-level and below personnel in the battlefield returned behind the defense line formed by D-level personnel.

Wait for the last few personnel to be revived before they can finally withdraw.

"One minute left! All the last batch of people will be resurrected! This wave of people is our limit, and there is nothing we can do about the others. By then, this 'resurrection point' will cancel attention and cooperate with the retreat. Be careful, don't do it again died!"

"Life mentor is so cute" reminds everyone through some special prop effects: "Although it is said that even if you die, you can be resurrected after three months, but it is best not to do this."

As he finished speaking, another group of people emerged from the bonfire.

At this time, the pillars of fire that reached the sky suddenly dissipated from the four people including "Son of Sexual Abuse" and "Xiao Caiji No. 7".

The few of them were finally able to move again.
However, after the flames dissipated, a thick darkness surged in.

It is like a thin veil, covering dozens of D-class personnel and quite a few other personnel.
"what is this?!"

In the darkness, the shrouded employees felt the darkness around them, and it became incomparably dead silent, and in the dead silent, there were rustling and extremely disturbing sounds.
"Damn it! We are trapped." An employee said in fear and despair.

But there was no response.
Obviously just now, many teammates were less than half a meter away, but now they are isolated.

And in this darkness, any light is wiped out, everyone can feel a chill, the body temperature is dropping rapidly like a landslide, and life seems to be lost with the drop in body temperature.
If they die here, they may not die in the true sense, but they don't know when they will live.
Outside the shady scene, because of the gap here, a group of evil spirits broke through the encirclement, preparing to attack the retreating employees, leaving more people on this battlefield.

"This shady scene is a bit familiar. It's a bit similar to the one on Ao Island, and it's also a bit similar to the night of 'World Number-13'. Overall, it seems to be a pretty powerful item, but are you here for me?"

Ke Lin stood on the edge of the cliff, his expression unchanged, he had a faint feeling.

Some hitherto hidden enemies are forcing him down the hill
In essence, this mountain is the remains of a powerful ancient existence, and the C-level personnel said that he and the other party died together, and their consciousness merged with each other.
It's hard to say whether the other party has stayed here waiting for the "finisher" for so many years, and whether they still have a hand.

So it’s normal that those guys don’t dare to go up the mountain.
Under the premise of this intuitive feeling, the most sensible approach is obviously to give up sacrificing a small number of people to avoid accidents. After all, his "value" in the scene is undoubtedly the greatest.

"I want to take everyone away today, and I want to see who can stop me!"

A blazing and magnificent fire rose from the edge of the cliff, and suddenly fell from the edge of the cliff, tearing apart all obstacles along the way.

The next moment, like a meteorite falling to the ground, Ke Lin joined the battlefield!

A big crater was made in the earth, and the ground shook. The fire exploded, and many alien figures were burned to death within the impact range.
On the melting ground, Colin's figure slowly emerged.

At this moment, on top of his head, the heart floated up by itself, and continuously sprayed out flames, setting everything around on fire.

Even the weird black mist quickly evaporated in the firelight.

One of the desperate employees who thought they were bound to die, also saw at the same time that a flash of fire melted the shady scenes that made them helpless like a hot knife cutting butter.
At the same time, everyone present could hear Brother Shunzi's voice from far away.

"All retreat, I will come to the rear!"

In other words, after Ke Lin fell into the battlefield, in addition to feeling that the "false strong man" received many eyes from his own side and the enemy, and gained a lot of effective recognition, his body strength grew rapidly.

Immediately, I felt that there were many powerful visions that seemed to have been hidden for a long time, coming from everywhere
In Ke Lin's mind, three strange figures covered in rags and holding a machete also appeared.

They looked light and ethereal, as if they had existed in this area for a long time, but they hadn't appeared, and the aura they emitted was far stronger than those divine apostles they encountered before.

The strength is at least at the level of the second-level containment.
Even without the use of "divinity", their combat effectiveness is very powerful!

At the same time, behind Colin's head, his heart spit out a flash of fire.

Intangible inspiration emerges.
"'Bonfire Stalker'?"

Colin glanced at these guys, then at the "mouse" who was speaking, his chin was slightly raised, and flames surged in his eyes, and he mocked:

"You know you can't beat him and dare not go up, so you want to use this method to force me down?"

Facing his words, these beings did not respond, but the "rat" lying on a parasitized corpse opened its mouth, making a bewitching murmur.

"You are lucky and strong, but in front of your mother, it doesn't make any sense."

"It is a law of nature that all things return to the 'Red Moon' mother, and it is also an unstoppable trend!"

"Now, as long as you can surrender with the will of 'First Fire', I can grant you an offensive request on behalf of my mother, that is"

"You are allowed to return to His nest first in a special capacity, and then descend as the Son of God." (Note: 1)

"Become the agent who walks in the world before He fully recovers, and obtain His infinite pampering and love for you"

"In his nest, there will always be a place for you."


'What's wrong with my ears to hear such outrageous words'

Ke Lin was silent when he heard the words. Hearing the tone of "it's your honor" in the words, he felt that there was indeed something wrong with the brains of the cultists.
Just hearing the superficial meaning of these words gave him goosebumps.
Immediately, there was a "da".

Colin snapped his fingers, and the strange whisper was disillusioned by the burning fire.

"It seems that you rejected mother's kindness."

The invisible "mouse" made the final sound.

As the voice fell, the earth squirmed and activated, as if it had life. Just as Colin was about to make a move, a "campfire stalker" floating in the air like a ghost suddenly took out a bloody right ear.

Then, he stabbed down with a dagger wrapped in a spell.

In the next second, a large number of wounds appeared on Ke Lin's body. In the wounds, strange words "crawled" out of the wounds like tarsal maggots, as if trying to wrap him up
"Curse? Damn, it's you who secretly cut off one of my ears?"

The flames on Ke Lin's body continued to burn, burning up those "words".

At this time, the wriggling earth, countless flying organs in the sky, various curses, and bright and dark attacks are coming at the same time, as if they want to take down Colin as soon as possible.
"That's. Brother Shunzi, be careful!"

Among all the attacks, what shocked everyone the most was that the red light on the top of the cloud squirmed and gathered, turning into a piece of flesh and blood that looked like an umbilical cord and a tentacle hanging down from the cloud.
On it, a terrifying red light is bred!

Some campfire employees felt that everything in their bodies had been revived just by seeing it, and a lot of thoughts appeared. It would be troublesome to suppress them, let alone provide practical help to Brother Shunzi.

"Don't worry, I will retreat completely, it is impossible to stay here."

After Colin finished speaking, he looked forward and pulled out an imitation white Han sword from the "storage room":
"Afraid of him but not of me, you really don't take me seriously
"My sword is not bad!"

The blue veins in his right hand sprang up, facing the attack that came like a mountain roar and a tsunami, countless flames gushed out from the heart behind him, and gathered on the sword body.

He opened his mouth, and while slamming it violently, he shouted angrily:
"The sky is falling!"

Calling out the ability name will not increase the attack of the move, but...
How can a qualified 'fire bearer' not have a move that can be shouted out?

next moment.

An extreme day seemed to explode at this moment.

Fierce and majestic flames swept forward, like a terrifying sandstorm composed of flames, devouring everything on the battlefield, and in the flames, a long sword with flames hit the "umbilical cord".

In an instant, the hanging umbilical cord ignited and burst.

Those enemies who were covered by the flame storm along the way disappeared under this blow.
Nuo Da's battlefield was full of casualties.
"how so."

"This, the umbilical cord of the newborn has been interrupted? Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"This completely surpasses the power of ordinary 'god envoys', why won't they be attacked?!"

"It's over, we are going to be taken back and exploited again."

When the surviving cult alliance saw the broken world in front of them, they were shocked, muttered in despair, and lost all motivation.

At the foot of the mountain, Colin, who blocked countless enemies by himself, staggered a little after this move.

However, at this moment, no one dared to step forward
"The brother of the C-level personnel is right. My strength is not very good, but my item level is very high."

Looking at the devastated battlefield, Colin touched the blood on his face and smiled.

Although I'm afraid I'll have to lie down for a while after I go back, and there may be sequelae.
But it's okay if people don't die.

Afterwards, he took out the "Smiling Corpse Mountain" and let the meat mountain pounce on the battlefield. He precisely found an ear that fell on the field and was cut in half. After grabbing it, he jumped back and ran back. before Colin.
Passed his missing ear with his tongue.

But looking at his ears that were licked clean by saliva, Colin twitched the corner of his mouth, feeling that this guy seemed to be taking advantage of the opportunity.

After sneaking a few times, all the blood on it was eaten away.
But without thinking too much, Colin put his ear into the back and opened it, then pulled out a handful of bone spurs from his pocket, and slammed into the air in a certain direction.

A hidden "campfire stalker" was pierced immediately, and after a scream, it exploded into countless black water
Afterwards, Colin looked at those strange races: "Instead of looking at me, why not think about how you will deal with the followers of 'Red Moon' next.
"They may also have the idea of ​​​​stopping me, but their purpose is probably not just to stop us"

"What do you mean?" Some obtuse cultists didn't understand.

However, Colin ignored these sounds. He waved the bone spur in his hand hard, and a flame blade spread out, drawing a hundred-meter-long horizontal crack on the earth.
"Whoever chases me will die!"

While speaking, Colin turned around and walked towards the fog gate halfway up the mountain.

Countless are still hiding behind the scenes, looking at the seemingly undefended back with red light, ready to move.
But finally I took a look at the line on the ground
They choose to give up.

after all
Just like what Colin saw through and said, their purpose is not all to prevent the "fire bearer" from appearing.

Unlike the persecuted powers, they are not particularly afraid of the "Firebearers".
However, since this continues, there will be no more benefits.

Then all the figures surging with red light turned their attention to the remaining existences.

Especially the powerful bodies of those demons in reality
They are all biomass, which one is not the same for recycling?
ps: Very big chapter, please vote for me!

Follow up first and then change (end of this chapter)

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