Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 380 belongs to the "sealed right hand".

After stepping into the fog door, a trace of fog surrounds you, like pairs of soft hands.
Nothing could be seen around except thick fog.

None of the thousands of employees who had just entered disappeared.
In the fog, Colin's expression gradually became dull and he stood still.

But at this moment

The distant and ancient bells sounded deep in the mist.

It took a while for Colin to react again, and walked towards where the sound came from.

Not long after, he saw a "sun" hanging above his head, it wasn't very big, but the flames falling from it were far more powerful than his own.
At the same time, Colin saw that many strange things evaporated from him.

There are strange words that burn and scream
There are all kinds of strange lights
And the most of them is a kind of crimson light that seems to be alive and wriggling.

"Even though there were flames added to my body at the time, I still got hit by a lot of things before I knew it."

Colin looked dull, enjoying the firelight and mumbling to himself.

That is to say, when he could no longer burn anything on his body, he saw a ball of fire flying out from his body and merged into the big flame.
Intuition told Colin that this was very important.

However, without thinking too much, a bell sounded slowly from nowhere.

In an instant, in a trance, the eyes suddenly went dark.

"came back"

Colin shook his head vigorously, then opened his eyes, and saw the familiar ceiling.

Putting his elbows on the bed to exert strength, he sat up and looked at the scene in the bedroom in a daze.

It seems that there are still shouts in the ears, or it seems that a strong man can be seen rushing toward him with a generous and self-sacrificing expression, about to self-destruct.
This time, apart from those demons and ghosts on the zenith, it may not be the highest level of battle he participated in, but it is definitely the most frequent battle.
Fighting from beginning to end, especially breaking through the siege, was locked by a large group of enemies.

The intensive attack has been non-stop.
He himself was seriously injured, but he just held on - if those aliens really caught up with him in the end, he felt that he might not be able to continue fighting.

So it can be said that it can be regarded as singing an empty city plan.

But fortunately, I thought that when I came back, I would lie on the bed for a while and not be able to move.

But this idea obviously underestimates the company.
Apart from feeling a little tired, Colin didn't have any abnormalities at the moment.


After being in a daze for a few more minutes, Colin's thoughts slowly calmed down, and he finally "come back" after taking a deep breath.

He looked up at the time, December 12, seven o'clock in the evening.

"When I entered, it was on the 20th, and the approximate time I stayed there should be about two days. It seems that the ratio of mission time this time is based on a one-to-one ratio."

"Well, I don't know how the fights above the head are doing now, whether the company has withdrawn."

While thinking about it, Colin took out the parchment and opened it expectantly.

Soon, on the flat yellowed paper, I saw a comprehensive evaluation of this mission.

[In this incident, your evaluation is: A. 】

[You have completed this incident with excellent performance. 】


[All items have been transferred to the "storage room", please check. 】

"Unpretentious points, guaranteed green talent and guaranteed purple item draw coupons, nine gold mission vouchers are good, hey, 'Disordered Ghost Train' designated props?"

Colin looked at the end of the reward settlement and was surprised.

But soon, he remembered that as long as he could pass the fifth carriage, he could get a designated item.

“This is not bad”

Colin touched his chin, thinking about what he had encountered.

Those people have a lot of offensive props, it can't be said that they are completely mediocre, but in terms of quality, they can't even compare with many F-class ones
Just like the "Son of Sexual Abuse" was able to hold on to the first few carriages, seven out of ten credit points were due to the hip-hop defense item, only three points were due to himself, and the remaining ninety points were due to him.

"A waste that only relies on props to make tricks!"

Colin made an objective assessment.

"Defensive items don't seem to work either. As for functional items, they seem to be good, but the level is a bit lacking. You have to choose a healing BUFF effect."

In terms of healing props, the level of the props of the train members has suddenly increased.

after all
Now few employees in the company have similar items at all, so as long as they have them, they are top-notch.

After probably having some ideas, Colin was not in a hurry to start choosing now.

And after the comprehensive evaluation was dispersed, another reminder appeared.

[Congratulations, you have completed this round of promotion tasks]

[Your company authority level will be adjusted from "E" to "D", and your company authority will be changed. The details of the changes are as follows—]

["Storage room": 300 liters → 1000 liters (1m). 】

["Personal Resume": "Talent Grid" → "Talent Grid*2"]

["Personal Resume": add a "skill grid". 】

["Trading Field-Mall": more items can be purchased, please open the "Mall" to check for details. 】

[Obtain a "D-level item draw coupon". 】

“The storage room has finally expanded again”

Colin's eyes swept over it. With this space, he could carry a lot more things.

Still, go to "World Number-13".
It seems that what can be carried in one cubic meter is not enough to feed the more and more bonfire believers.

"I remember Li Ming's alien trio. They said before that this week or next week, it seems that they will be promoted from the temporary G rank to the F rank?"

Ke Lin remembered that these people said during the last mission that they seemed to be able to upgrade once they entered "World Number-13".

But it seems that if you get promoted, there is only 10 liters of space to 100 liters, which doesn't make much sense.

"I don't know if the parchment will open chat channels and other functions after they are promoted"

Colin remembered that except for the mall and the storage room, their parchment had nothing else.

I guess it will be better when it goes up.
Without thinking too much, Ke Lin opened the "Resume" and took a look.

In addition to having an extra "talent grid", he also has an extra "skill" option.

"There are three ways to obtain it. The first one is to spend [-] points for self-awareness. Usually, the one I am most proficient in will become a 'skill'. I am the most proficient and often used. What else do I need to do?"

"The second way is to extract coupons and buy them from others. Coupons are the same as item extraction. They can only be obtained through task settlement. Buying from others, I don't seem to see anyone selling them. It seems that the requirements for selling are not low."

"The third type, if you are familiar enough with someone else, there is a certain probability that you can directly steal a skill from the other party. This is something, but the probability of stealing it seems to be quite low, and it is the most difficult of the three, so it doesn't make much sense. "

"However, once it becomes a 'skill', it can be used directly regardless of the physical condition without paying a price. This is not bad, and the 'skill' is not suitable, and there is no cost to change it. We can see if anyone sells it later. "Colin probably figured out what's going on with this thing.

In his opinion, the biggest advantage of this thing is that he can have the opportunity to get a method that he is unlikely to learn without paying the price of learning.

In this way, "skills" are not entirely without merit.

After thinking about it, Ke Lin tried to consume a thousand points, and soon, he saw many light spots flying out of himself, rushing to the vacant "skill grid" on the "personal resume".

The entire "skill grid" was shaking more and more violently, as if something was condensing and forming.

"If nothing else, the company has always been very attentive to the special effects provided in such inconsequential places."

Colin's intuition told him that these special effects were dispensable.

However, without thinking too much, about three seconds later, a skill called "Crisis Sensing" appeared in the retina.

"Ah this."

Ke Lin opened his mouth and was stunned for a while, under the condition of "fatal insight".

What is the use of this thing?
"No, this is an active skill. It can actively obtain information about all things that threaten me within 300 meters through some kind of feedback. It does not conflict with 'Fatal Insight', but is like radar."

"Every three 10 minutes, you can use it once."

After carefully checking the content, Colin suddenly felt that the thousand points were not bad.

The actual effect is not yet certain, but the range of effects is quite large.
Colin used it once directly on the spot, and immediately felt that a radar map-like picture appeared in his mind, within a few hundred meters of himself, something threatening to him.

Only a gasoline tanker truck that happened to pass by quite a distance away
None of the others could fight.

"It's not bad, it's not bad to use it as a small map"

Colin restrained his thoughts, opened the "storage room", and took a look at the things inside.

The entire space has expanded several times.

It can hold a lot more things.
However, after opening it and taking a look, Colin's expression suddenly became a little ugly.

"'False Powerhouse' is almost completely damaged, 'Smiling Corpse Mountain' has lost about 30.00% of its integrity, and everything else, except for orange equipment, has problems with its integrity. Did it break after a bit of use?"

"Wait, 'Yuki' ring. 'Where's Yui?!'"


Startled, Colin took out the somewhat broken ring and injected it with spiritual induction.

The "snow girl" didn't appear as usual
He didn't suddenly pop up and spray him with cold air.

It seems to be gone?

This "Snow Girl" is a bit different from other props. "Snow Girl" relies on humanity to exist. If her humanity is destroyed in the previous battle, then
The effects of the props may still be there, but the one that comes out may only be a monster restricted to props by the "containment protocol", not "Snow Girl"
Just when Colin felt a "thump" in his heart, he was relieved by a cold breath.

Yesterday, no, it was because he moved too much before that the "Snow Girl" was too tired at the moment, so she was sleeping
"Sleeping as if I was dead, it scared me."

Ke Lin heaved a sigh of relief, and talked to the "Snow Girl" inside. After confirming that there was nothing wrong, he gave a few "colorless crystals" and put them in the "storage room".

Then, he glanced at other equipment.

"Except for a few ordinary white outfits that are completely broken, the rest can be repaired, but it will cost some money, [-] to [-] points plus some silver mission certificates."

Colin opened the messages one by one and looked at them, and felt that the problem was not serious.

He doesn't have a lot of anything now, but he has a lot of money. As long as he spends money, nothing can be solved.

But soon, Colin suddenly noticed something
"Where is my heart?"

Ke Lin suddenly discovered that after he entered the fog door, the heart that had been stored in the "storage room" was gone.

He took a closer look at the huge space
He put it inside, and the heart of such a big "fire bearer" was gone!

However, this is it, a picture popped up in my mind.
The content of the picture is that after entering the fog gate just now, when he saw the flame, his heart ran out by itself and merged into the "sun"-like flame.
"Damn it, you came and stole my stuff while I was in a bad state."

Colin's eyes widened.

It's not impossible to hand in this, but after handing in, it won't be the price of this task now!

How could it be possible to buy his "Fire Supporter" heart with just tens of thousands of points?
If this thing becomes a prop, it will start with an orange base!

"I have made contributions to the company, and I have shed blood for the company"

Colin couldn't help muttering to himself, but at this moment, a fire-like message appeared in his mind, which made him feel a little relieved.

The heart is just recycled to strip some information out.
When it's almost time, I can go back to him.

"Besides, the 'nameplate' seems to have been recalled by the company, which is nothing."

As for the company's reputation, Ke Lin is quite at ease.

Generally speaking, it can be done
I'm afraid that it won't say anything.

Afterwards, he glanced at the three different types of drawing tickets, and Colin was not in a hurry to draw them. He was no longer what he used to be, and he would not be so anxious to use anything. Moreover, it was night, and the drawing at night was not as good as drawing during the day— —

That's weird.

"'Advanced Talent Draw Voucher' starts!"

Colin decisively used one of them.

Soon, a flash of orange light appeared.

The smile on the corner of Colin's mouth didn't even have time to pull away, and it became a little weird.
[Name: "Special Card·Sealed Right Hand"]

[Quality: Rare. 】

[Status: stable (completeness 76%)]

[Energy level: B+ class. 】

[Effect Description: This prop is a special prop, usually used as the "Containment Protocol-Proper Liberation" of "Time Series" such as "Time Stasis", "Time Acceleration", "Time Countercurrent" in "King of God in Cards" . 】

[When you do not hold any "Time Series" card, this item cannot be used alone. 】

【Remarks: It is one of the necessary conditions for the "Props Liberation" of the "Time Series". 】

[Mr. Katu, an inventor of Bonfire Company props who did not want to be named, said: This is a relatively unique prop. If unlocked and conditions permit, it can control the power of a certain range of time. Trust me, it is not will disappoint you. 】

[Note: Every minute this item is used, it will consume at least one percent of integrity. 】

[——Status restoration conditions are: for every 1% integrity, you need to pay 95 points, and the highest integrity can be increased to [-]%. 】

[The item has been transferred to the "storage room", please check it. 】

(End of this chapter)

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