Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 386 The weird "Dawn Star" Church.

Under the deep sea, several figures are attached to the sharks, looking up from below.
"There seemed to be some unusual movements before."

"Maybe you saw it wrong. It was the movement of seabirds. I didn't feel it."

".Probably. Continue patrolling."

Ruoyouruowu's whispers came from the water, and Colin stood in the water above them, with a straight line distance of less than 30 meters. Under the influence of the "Emblem of the Humble Knight", even though their eyes actually glanced at him several times There were two people above my head, but I kept missing them as if I couldn't see them.

As for their conversation, Colin's senses were different from ordinary people and he could roughly hear them.

As for the Level [-] official who was caught by him, he heard nothing. He only realized that there might be something when Colin suddenly became alert and raised his index finger to his lips.

After a while, the cultists who were patrolling underwater like riding sharks left.
Colin also retracted his hand.

Seeing that the situation seemed stable, the Level [-] personnel made a sign. Colin couldn't quite understand it, but he could probably understand the meaning: Are you leaving?
"I'm leaving for now."

Colin nodded, and then without waiting for the other party to say anything more, he asked, "Is there any place to stay near here?"

Nowadays, as we get closer to our destination, the guidance becomes a bit blurry, and it feels like we are in the mountains and we don’t know our true identity.
'Why do you feel that when this mission guide is on this side of the earth, it is not clear and clear in another world?'

A thought flashed through his mind.

At the same time, the Level [-] personnel who wanted to ask something heard his words, thought for a moment, looked around, especially after pausing several times at several sea buoys, they quickly pointed in several directions:
"Go here for more than ten nautical miles, and you will soon see a beach island. If you go here, a few nautical miles away, there is a group of reefs, this way."

After pointing out six or seven places one after another, he said: "If this group of cultists are in this sea area, then there is a high probability that they will be found in several places around here. Of course, there is also a certain probability that they will be there. Some other secret place."

"Well, let's go to the reef first."

Colin opened his mouth. The direction here was quite different from that of the patrolling figures, but his intuition made him feel that there should be something there.

Then, without waiting for the other party to refuse, Colin asked the little maid to move again.

This time the speed slowed down again and the journey became more secretive.
A few minutes later, Colin saw the reefs mentioned by the other party. Under the hard reefs that were inhabited by a large number of shell creatures, there was a faint smell of strange smells coming from them.

"If they are here, they should have used some method to open a cave somewhere under the water. These 'Dawn Star' cultists are indeed good at this kind of thing." The Level [-] official whispered. Open your mouth.

While speaking, he looked at Colin and wanted to say that at this time, the suggestion was to go back and apply to invite some special extraordinary personnel to come over.

Otherwise, it may be a bit difficult to find the entrance to the reef.
And since there are no specialized personnel, this group of cultists may have fled as soon as they found their location.

But before he could open his mouth, he saw Colin leading him to jump onto a surfboard, and then the surfboard turned into a silver haze and fell into the water.

"This group of people is quite cunning. There is no surveillance at the target area. If the patrol officers follow them, they may be led to other places."

When Colin thought about it, he felt the figures of some cultists underwater from time to time.

None of these figures will come close to here, but they will all run to other areas.
The speed of the search was not very fast. In order to avoid accidents, the little maid did not move too much. It was more than an hour later, when Colin was sitting on the rocks and being exposed to the strong sun, and he got new feedback from the little maid.

"We found it. There is indeed an underwater cave 1.7 kilometers away and 200 meters underwater that meets the requirements. There are signs of life activity inside, and it is not weak."

Colin raised his head and glanced at the westward sun, then slowly stood up from the rock.

"Have you determined the location?" The level five personnel were delighted when they heard this and stood up.

Once the direction is determined, they can formally begin the layout and request the arrival of more senior personnel.
"They should be inseparable."

Colin followed the direction given by the little maid and was basically sure that the location was accurate.

Next, it’s time to dive in.
Seeing Colin's actions, the Level [-] personnel realized that the other party seemed to be planning to take further action in person, and his face was suddenly startled: "If that is really the enemy's lair over there, then I suggest that we'd better return now and deploy secretly. Avoid alerting the enemy.
“Also, it will be safer for us.
"Otherwise, if something unexpected happens."

Having said this, he paused and glanced at Colin. With such an "equal" status, if something happens here, who can bear the responsibility?

However, he did not finish his words, and then changed his tone: "I have applied for a level 7 expert before. As long as he can come over, everything will be solved."

"Level [-]? I'm afraid it's not easy to solve things here at level [-]."

Colin accepted the feedback from the little maid and was basically certain that this mission was much higher than F level.

Only D-class personnel can execute it, which is more reliable.
Colin was not surprised when this happened. After all, based on current understanding, when Bonfire Company allocates tasks, it not only refers to employee levels, but also to the actual combat effectiveness of employees.

In other words, as long as employees can endure hardship, there will definitely be endless hardship.
But what it controls better is that it prevents employees from suffering to death all at once, but allows them to endure hardship sustainably.

At the same time, the Level [-] personnel were shocked when they heard Colin's words.

"Can't Level [-] members solve the problem here?"

Instinctively, he didn't believe it, because the seventh level was the middle and high-level people in the country, and they were strong enough to solve most problems. If even they couldn't solve it, then the things here were a bit beyond his imagination.

But thinking about how special this person is, I also realized that what the other person said might be true.
For a moment, his breathing stagnated: "That"

He wanted to apply for an eighth-level staff member to intervene in the incident, but the problem was that since Liping from the district disappeared for unknown reasons, the higher-ups could not spare more eighth-level staff to come and take up the post. They have always had three seventh-level staff here. Joint management by senior personnel!
Of course, it is wrong to say that there are no level eight personnel, because there is one in Base Five.

It's just that the guy at Base [-] cannot leave the base.
Local official forces do not have the right to mobilize much of the power of Base [-]. The forces there only obey orders from the upper levels of the center.
As for transferring people from other regions, it's not impossible, but after this set of procedures, I don't know how long it will take for people to come.


The Level [-] personnel looked at Colin and thought of the document in his hand.

This almost top-notch customs clearance document in his hand is almost the same as the person who traveled with him in ancient times. In a sense, he can also represent the central will. If he comes forward, maybe he can get it from the No. [-] base. , invite that top combatant.
However, as thoughts flashed through each other, as soon as he had an idea, he heard the other party say: "Why are you still standing? Let's go."

"Ah?" The Level [-] personnel was stunned. He saw Colin walking forward:

"Wait, you mean, let's go solve it?"

"Otherwise?" Colin looked matter-of-factly and was letting the nano-intelligent machine spread out and turn into a small diving device.

It's impossible to dive tens of thousands of miles into the deep sea, but it's not a big problem if you dive a few hundred meters.

Even if it explodes hundreds of meters away, with his physical fitness, he doesn't have to worry about being torn apart by the sea water.
"Didn't you say that level seven personnel can't solve the situation here at all?" The level five personnel looked confused.

He still couldn't see Colin's strength, and could only guess that the other party might be carrying some special items. But no matter what, with the other party's strength, he would be unstoppable at level six or seven.
"So I'm here right now?"

"You're here?" The level five personnel didn't react for a while.Colin didn't know that so many thoughts were running through the other person's mind just a moment ago.

Seeing that the other party had not yet moved his feet, he stretched out his left hand to grab the other party's shoulder, and then jumped into the diving device turned into a little maid.

Then, he took a deep breath and held it.

In an instant, with the blessing of a secret power, the presence of everything related to him was rapidly reduced.

And during this period, any movement he made would have a very low sense of existence.

In his current state, as long as he does not exercise strenuously, he can easily hold it in for the maximum time for each use of this prop, which is three to 10 minutes.
However, only 5 minutes later, the two saw a crack under the reef.

Enter along the crack and go all the way down. It is very narrow at first. After more than ten meters, as if you have bottomed out, after passing a corner, an upward tunnel appears.
Although it was extremely dark up there, Colin could already feel the breath of some people.

"It's rare for this group of cultists to find such a remote area to hide and hold cult rituals in such a place."

Colin grunted inwardly, and then asked the little maid to continue upward.

About ten seconds later, they emerged from the water and saw the entrance to a cave.

At this moment, the Level [-] personnel's scalp suddenly went numb because he saw three brown-haired cultists with foreign faces at the entrance of the cave, in different places.
They appeared directly in front of the enemy!

However, what surprised him the next second was that the items in the hands of the staff member carrying the "Tongtian" documents were still in good condition. They were clearly standing in front of these people, but they seemed not to see them.
They were discussing some very novel things among themselves.

"Ah, the ceremony is about to begin. I'm so looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to the mercy of the Dawn Star. I'm looking forward to her tentacles slapping my body hard."

"It's too light, it's too light. Only a newbie like you would like this kind of non-stimulating thing. Unlike me, I hope she can use hers to tear my mouth apart and pour it in hard. .”

"I'm going to stick out my tongue and lick her portrait."

".I have washed every corner of my body clean."

'Ah, for heavy taste, it has to be European and American.'

Although he had long known from intelligence that the "Dawn Star" cult was a little strange compared to other cults, when he heard these words, Colin almost burst into tears.
He felt that he had come not to a cult gathering place, but to a parent-child place.

"And what is the situation of the so-called most beautiful girl 'Dawn Star'? Her name sounds quite normal, much better than the followers of 'Red Moon', but her behavior is even worse than that of 'Red Moon' followers" unbelievable"

Colin glanced at a cultist and could smell a strong smell of blood on his body.

And you can see the wounds caused by self-abuse under his clothes.
However, after only stopping for a moment, he continued to hold on to the level [-] personnel, passed several guards, and walked to the entrance of a multi-forked tunnel. He smelled the smell in the air, and then stepped forward to go deeper.

And all the marks he left behind when he walked were cleaned up by some nano-intelligent machines nearby.
Even the foam left in the water when it floated was eliminated.

Although these footprints will not be discovered while he is holding his breath, once he removes the effect, everything will return to its original state.

"If I didn't take the initiative to attack, I would probably have to have an official level seven to notice it. Well, that's not accurate either."

"If you are a particularly sensitive Extraordinary like the 'Fate Pusher', you may be able to detect it at level [-] or even level [-]."

“You still have to be careful”

As thoughts flashed one by one, Colin grabbed the shoulder of the fifth-level personnel with his left hand, and the ring in his right hand changed into a revolver. The muzzle of the gun was inserted into his pocket, in case he could trigger the "American Iai" at any time.

At this moment, while walking in the complicated tunnel, Colin couldn't help but think: "If it weren't for the possibility of involving some high-level existence, wouldn't it be beautiful to use a 'Book of Numerology Fragments' at this time?"

It's a pity that if you use one now, it will almost tell the higher being behind the scenes——

I'm coming to raid your home.

"It is estimated that only advanced beings of the 'destiny' path can achieve harmless observation. Others can only borrow this power superficially, and using it may be almost like seeking death."

Sighing secretly, Colin suddenly smelled a bloody smell that was different from that of cultists.

After thinking about it, he adjusted his steps and walked that way.

A short while later, a series of exhausted screams were heard coming from the front of the tunnel.
At this moment, the Level [-] personnel were startled, as if they had realized something.


Colin raised his finger to his mouth.

From the other party's reaction, he could probably guess that the one who screamed should be the undercover agent assigned to the church.

Not long after, the two of them saw the undercover agent in a man-made cave.

At this moment, it was obvious that he was caught because he ventured too far into this area, and was now tied to a stone pillar with a large number of thorn wires, looking miserable.

The top of its head, starting from the scalp, is divided into three parts like a banana.
Above the ferocious flesh and blood, seawater filled with thick salt dripped from his head from time to time.

Falling on the head that already lacks the protection of skin tissue

The tied undercover screamed.

Seeing this situation, the Level [-] personnel were filled with jealousy and couldn't help but want to save people, but were held down by Colin.

'In order to prevent him from dying, those people did some treatment to stop the bleeding, and he is now in a semi-conscious state. This is a good thing. This injury, although it looks scary, can actually be saved by then.'

Colin narrowed his eyes slightly, looked away from this man, and looked at other parts of the cave.

It was discovered that in addition to this undercover agent, there were as many as a dozen other prisoners.
Surprisingly, there are actually "Red Moon" followers here!
"Ahhh! Dirty masochists! Kill me if you can! Otherwise, you will regret it sooner or later! Our Lord will purify this land and drive out all of you heretics, leaving no one behind!"

At this moment, the "Red Moon" follower, who had almost no skin on his body, was screaming and roaring.

Just when Colin lamented that the vitality of the "Red Moon" followers was as tenacious as cockroaches
Suddenly there were footsteps outside the cave.

someone is coming
(End of this chapter)

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