Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 387 The missing “True God Container”


Compared to the footsteps coming up, an invisible tentacle arrived earlier and hit the head of the follower of "Red Moon". His neck was broken in response and hung on his shoulders as if dead.

The angry shouts also disappeared at this moment.
However, within two seconds, the neck muscles of this "Red Moon" follower squirmed.
His originally dilated pupils quickly regained their brightness during this process.

"Damn masochists"

The sound of yelling came again.

"The vitality of the followers of 'Red Moon' is indeed tenacious. They won't die even if they do this."

Colin watched in amazement. It was the first time he met these guys. He had bone spurs on his body. When facing these guys, he always stabbed them accurately. He thought they were all squishy little monsters.

But when I didn't use bone spurs later, I discovered that these guys' vitality was amazing.

It is difficult for ordinary injuries to cause direct damage to them.

"These 'Red Moon' offal are really disgusting, you won't die even if you do this"

"If it's not a short-term action that requires their activity, I don't want to see them at all."

"Indeed, just like cockroaches, forget it, move quickly, it will be evening soon."

"This is the best corner to observe the 'Dawn Star'. Except it's not on the surface, everything else is perfect."

Several "Dawn Star" members walked over, talking with disgust on their faces, and passed by Colin without noticing that there were other people standing next to him.

Colin's eyes swept over these people. They were all wearing gray hooded robes. Their seemingly normal skin had many wounds, whether from the enemy or themselves.

Soon, under the secret observation of the two men, they moved all the prisoners out of the place.
It was only at this moment that Colin noticed that, except for the undercover, the people this group of people were looking for to be tortured seemed to be some weird people from other forces.

Then, they put the group of people into a cart and left the cave.

At this moment, Colin did not follow immediately. Instead, after basically making sure that no one was there, he took out an oxygen mask with a small breathing bottle built in and took a breath, and then followed the vague smell in the air to catch up.

Nearly 10 minutes later, Colin and the two came to a spacious cave hall. All kinds of joyous shouts and whipping sounds filled the cave hall.

A large number of people use various means to create wounds on themselves.

Those who had been moved here before were piled in a sacrificial array.

In addition to more than a dozen prisoners whom Colin had seen, there were many other arrested persons whom Colin had never seen before, totaling more than 100 people.

The fifth-level official members next to Colin couldn't help but feel the strength of some of the top executives of "Dawn Star" inside. They knew that what Colin said before was not false. Generally, seventh-level personnel would probably not be able to solve the problem here. of
Because all the wanted high-level officials of this force are basically concentrated here right now!

'It is indeed a small organization, and overall it is very weak'

Colin felt it for a while, but he didn't even feel an existence that contained "divinity".

If he is really F-level, it may be more difficult.
However, he did not jump in and kill randomly now simply because the time had not come yet.

'This kind of intensity makes me a little doubtful about the strength level of what the 'Dawn Star' behind them got. '

Colin muttered in his heart and looked towards the center of everything. There was a strange stone there.
An extremely beautiful, dark and transparent mineral crystal with many reflective crystallization points. When viewed flatly, it looks like a star map.

However, they didn't think much about it. They waited for a long time, occasionally leaving here to get some air. After almost two hours, the ceremony finally began.
Countless followers of the "Dawn Star" chanted a certain name while beating themselves with thorny whips.

Under the stimulation of pain, their spirits became higher and higher, and the overflowing spiritual power gathered on the mineral crystals.
After a while, those crystals became darker and darker, and the light points in them flickered like a starry sky. After a while, all the starlight dimmed, and one of the crystal points became very bright.

If Colin looked up at the stars at this moment from the sea, he would feel that a star that is usually difficult to detect is extremely dazzling at this moment.

Something seems to be coming from an unknown distance.
Colin felt a sense of crisis in his heart, and the spiritual feedback in his mind had vaguely revealed an enchanting female figure wearing a starlight cloak.

The proportions of his body make people feel like he is "perfect".

The starlight in the black mineral crystals is also slowly descending into this space at this moment through the spiritual power of the "Dawn Star" believers.
It's not clear what's behind the Dawn Star, but this one is at most an incarnation with a certain degree of divinity. It's not that strong. If you successfully capture it, then give me the "Chasing the Light" "The tuition fees of the people who are there are already settled. Otherwise, if I just rely on the little accumulation of the 'Fire Seal Tree', I can only repair a piece of equipment at most. The key is to rely on myself."

'But my combat intuition tells me that this thing runs very fast, which is a bit troublesome.'

'Well, there must be a way to win it all at once'

Colin's eyes flashed. Originally, he did not intend to take such a risk, but after sensing its strength, he immediately had a lot of thoughts about the "Star Girl" and planned to take her away by force in front of these people.
Submit it to the company and get a lot of points!
And just when Colin was thinking about how to prevent the other party from escaping, on his left side, the fifth-level official whose shoulder was grasped by him felt the gradually increasing force on his shoulder, and at the same time felt the vague danger in the air. The breath of terror is a completely different thought.

At this moment, he just felt that if he stayed in this damn place for one more second, he would die suddenly.
The existence behind the starlight brought a great sense of oppression to his heart.

With his eyes moving slightly, the Level [-] personnel saw that Colin's face became more "serious" and immediately felt that the situation was quite bad.

This guy has always had a calm expression
Being so serious at this moment is enough to explain one thing - the situation is not good!
'No, if he is really discovered, we must find a way for him to leave successfully, otherwise.'

When the fifth-level personnel think about the unfortunate death of such a top member within their jurisdiction, they feel as if the whole sky is falling.

Although, in his opinion, the whole thing was entirely due to Colin's rash intrusion that led to the current predicament.
But no matter what, he must not be allowed to die here.

At this moment, he was trying to persuade the other party to find a way to leave here before he was discovered.
But at this time, it seemed that he was becoming more and more afraid of something, and a sudden change occurred.

"Who is it?! Get out!"

Has it been discovered? !

The fifth-level official was shocked. Then, when he was about to let Colin escape as soon as possible, and then fight to the death, he felt a strong pressure from his left hand on his shoulder, which directly suppressed all his words.

At the same time, there was a tremor in the entire cave, and the surroundings of the cave seemed to be activated.

The cold cave began to wriggle like the stomach.
Under Colin's gaze, sarcomas grew out of the wriggling caves like polyps, and fell off like hemorrhoids, turning into figures wearing blood-red robes!

"Red Moon" followers!
Colin was not particularly surprised by this. He had vaguely noticed some "Red Moon" followers lurking nearby.

At this moment, dozens of "Red Moon" followers attacked the scene as soon as they arrived. "Damn Outer God, we will never let you come to this land and pollute this beautiful land!"

"Expel these evil alien gods with ulterior motives! Victory belongs to 'Red Moon', long live 'Red Moon'!"

"The restricted area of ​​the earth, the outer gods stop!"

"As long as I don't die, no outside god will ever touch our beautiful home!"



Groups of "Red Moon" followers with tentacles growing from various parts of their bodies chanted various slogans while waving their weapons to launch attacks.
In the red light, the surrounding air became strangely active.

Countless things also showed active reactions.

A member of "Dawn Star" failed to avoid it and was hit in the head by a group of "Red Moon" followers with a special scepter. Immediately, his body disintegrated on the spot, and all his organs became independent individuals one after another, with arms and legs growing out. , join the embrace of "Red Moon".
"Tsk, that's interesting. If someone else were to shout these lines, they would probably be more enthusiastic."

Colin watched the chaos at the scene, but he was not in a hurry to take action.

He was surprised by the behavior of the "Red Moon" followers, but he could not say that he was surprised, because as early as in some documents, he had heard that in the face of the "foreign god" belief, this group of "Red Moon" followers Extremely sensitive.
Many times, these guys have discovered it in advance and stopped them before the officials even get off the field.

Even at some special times, I heard that official personnel in some places occasionally received reports from evil groups from followers of the "Red Moon".
Or, when fighting against certain evil groups, when official personnel are exhausted and desperate, they will see followers of the "Red Moon" enter the scene to force King Kuanglan.

Of course, they won't save anyone when they arrive, they will just kill or convert everyone into the same kind.
However, in addition to the followers of "Red Moon", other followers of the outer gods will also do similar things.

The official summary is
This group of followers of foreign gods can accept the failure of the advent of their own beliefs, but they cannot accept the successful advent of other beliefs, which would be even more uncomfortable than killing them.

They are in a state of distrust and holding each other back.

It’s just different from the followers of “Red Moon”.
In addition to reporting, they sometimes even cooperate more deeply with the authorities to crack down on the actions of "Red Moon" followers.

"It is not without reason that the followers of 'Red Moon' have single-handedly become a grudge-bearing being for everyone."

Although Colin had seen a lot of documents after joining the official, this was the first time he had seen it with his own eyes.

In the chaotic battlefield, the members of "Dawn Star" were not particularly surprised by the arrival of this group of people. After all, every force knew their reputation.

We have already taken action against them!

"Your dog's nose is still so sensitive, but that doesn't mean much!"

A "Dawn Star" member was excited, his face flushed, excited that he could contribute to the girl in his dreams.

In this operation, they set up a large number of false locations all over the world.

These fake venues share a lot of the firepower for the operation here.
Therefore, by the time those officials or other forces arrive, the "perfect lady" will already be here.

Due to its special nature, as soon as it comes here, it can escape immediately and lie dormant on the earth.

With the leadership of the "Star Girl" who is like a spiritual totem, "Dawn Star" will soon become a first-class force. It will no longer have to be sneaky in everything it does now!

When the "Star Girl" adapts to this land, she can become a true god container, carrying the great will of the "Dawn Star".

At that time, they will turn around and make a dark horse counterattack from countless dark forces.

Be the first force in this land to call the Lord to come!

The future is great!
That is to say, after he finished speaking, the followers of "Red Moon" became more violent.

Some "Red Moon" followers directly choose to commit suicide in an attempt to break through.
Unfortunately, because the main force has not arrived, they cannot break through here. On top of the altar, strange lights flash frequently, and a door is slowly established.
The "Star Girl", whose body proportions appeared perfect in everyone's eyes, but could not see the details, slowly stretched out her hand.

"Hahaha, it's too late! Our Lord's messenger has arrived! The 'Light of Dawn' will surely be the first to return to this land!"

"Dawn Star" A great elder turned around and looked at the starlight gate, preparing to kneel down to greet him.

However, with a "pop", his knees landed.

He saw the figure of the girl who had just emerged from reality disappearing before she could explode her momentum.
This situation stunned everyone present.

So much so that the fierce fighting came to a standstill.

At this time, some highly inspired people could vaguely hear some sounds that seemed to be sounding out of nowhere in the empty venue.
"Under witness, I will fight a fair and just duel"

"First, I promise not to use it. The other party can't use it either."


"Among the three mysterious items, I only use props made from the company as a matter of fairness. The enemy must also be the same as me and can only use company props, as..."


In the intermittent voice, everyone looked stunned and didn't know what was going on.

"What happened?! What did you do!"

"Dawn Star" looked ugly. He could feel that the "Perfect Daughter" who was sent by the Great Will to lead them was still here at this moment, but he looked around to find the problem, but found nothing.

At the same time, in the arena, Colin looked at the extremely perfect body in front of him with a smile, and slowly took out his thirsty sword:

"I am poor recently and have no money to buy bullets, so I will use this knife to kill you."

The duel field effect of the "Shield of Fairness and Notarization" is that except for the first battle of the day, which can lead to a draw, at other times, either one party surrenders and admits defeat, bears the terrible curse of instant death, and becomes a slave who cannot resist, or is beaten to death.
For this kind of external force, Colin did not expect the other party to admit defeat.

Since you don't admit defeat.
Then it can only be beaten to death. (End of chapter)

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