Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 390 Under the world ready to change

"How much gold?"

Colin recognized the other person at a glance.

The two parties have been in contact many times. In many cases, the other party usually comes to talk to him on behalf of Mr. Wu.

After all, even if a ninth-level person has a clone, the clone will probably not be able to take any time off.

So in order to find someone to connect with him specifically.
Although it is somewhat wasteful to use an eighth-level personnel to do such errands, Colin's identity is too special and has a great relationship. Therefore, even though many places have an abnormal lack of high-level combat capabilities, such a senior personnel is still squeezed out. He butts.

But under normal circumstances, Colin remembered that this guy would not show up easily, and he didn't know why he came out now.

Without any pleasantries, he directly asked the reason.

At this moment, after hearing what Colin said, Duo Jin, who looked middle-aged but was actually only in his thirties, nodded.

He took out his sunglasses and put them on while looking at Colin:
"I'm here to answer some questions about your ability to predict fate for Mr. Wu. However, before that, is there one thing I can ask first?"

"What's the matter?" Colin nodded.

"How did you learn about 'Fate Reset'?"

Many golden sunglasses looked confused: "This is a method that only high-level people can master. It is usually kept strictly confidential. Even high-level people who are not members of 'Tianhui' will find it difficult to know."

And this is a method that will only be used when forced to do so.

Then, there seems to be no traitor among the high-ranking members of "Pushing Life", so how did the other party know about this?
Could it be that he secretly and silently killed a high-level member of "Thu Ming"?

Although many Jin have heard that some individual extraordinary people have mastered similar methods, in that case, Mr. Colin would not ask them by name.
"This is related to a train mission I did two days ago. If you have paid attention, you should know that on that train, you can meet many former Bonfire Company personnel."

Colin didn't hide it, and explained the matter roughly.

"So that's it?" Duo Jin lowered his head slightly when he heard the words. There was a look of awareness in his eyes behind his sunglasses, as if he had figured something out.

Then, he took a deep breath and explained: "Methods similar to this are generally called 'fate correction' within us, and they are abilities that can only be used by at least level seven.
"The specific way it is used is to observe both the enemy and ourselves before the battle, and then try to record the situation at this moment as much as possible like a photo, and then close your eyes.
"When the time comes, open your eyes again and let everything go back to before everything happened."

Hearing this, Colin couldn't help but think of the words of the D-class personnel who had previously "predicted fate": "The so-called 'seeing is believing. I haven't seen it with my own eyes, so it is false?'"

"Huh?" Many Jin glanced at Colin through his sunglasses in surprise, and then nodded:

"Yes, that's basically what it means. This effect will be activated when he dies or when he feels it is appropriate."

"Death can also activate? Then there is no point in beheading him in advance. He can't defeat such a BUG. Can't it be reset infinitely?"

Colin took a breath, as long as his opponent's strength didn't exceed too much at once, wouldn't it be enough to drag him out without thinking?

"No, first of all, the number of times is not unlimited. Generally speaking, our seventh-level personnel only use it once or twice in a week and survive three times. The company may have more, but it will never be unlimited."

"Secondly, this thing is affected by factors such as the venue and the enemy's strength. Generally, the narrower the venue, the better. Otherwise, 'recording' will take a lot of time. In terms of strength, the stronger the enemy, the worse the effect."

"If he activates the skill due to death during the battle, the effect will be extremely poor."

"Then, if the enemy's reinforcements arrive, the variables generated will also have a considerable impact on this ability, and there is even a certain probability of directly breaking the effect."

"But once you successfully 'record' it, it's very difficult for the person in the record to escape. You usually have to use stupid methods and beat them again."

Jin Tan smiled and shook his head. After answering the relevant questions, he asked Colin about the details of the battle in detail.

Then it is basically confirmed that the company does have some more in-depth means.
For example, judging from Colin's words, the opponent's strength is obviously not as good as his, but the "recording" time is very fast, more than twice as fast as his, and the condition after use is much better than imagined.
And more importantly.
The mental outlook of the company's personnel still looks like that of a young man.

My hair is not gray, my head is not bald, and my skin is not aging.
Duo Jin pulled up his hat with his left hand and reached in with his right hand to touch his hair.
As a result, nothing was touched.

'Is that form the state after taking that 'gene compensation potion'?'

Duo Jin sighed inwardly, but unfortunately he had reached level eight and it was already too late to use it.

After exhaling a little, he looked at Colin and continued: "You should have noticed that the users of 'Fate Push' will talk the most nonsense in normal battles. Don't think that is nonsense.
"Actually, this is them deepening the connection between you. The effectiveness of the various methods of 'destiny' most of the time depends on their understanding of you and your relationship with each other.
"Because of your strength at that time, his 'destiny adjustment' activation was obviously not perfect.
"A truly perfect 'destiny correction' can be achieved, leaving allies unscathed, leaving the enemy injured, and even making it impossible for you to recall what happened before."

Listening to Duo Jin's description, Colin clicked his tongue and expressed shock at the capabilities of these fancy foxes.

Then, he suddenly felt that it was time to raise the level of this guy "Hu Zheng".
It's quite good to have some kind of "fate-corrected" back-up.

'If all those soy sauces reach advanced levels, then I will be reborn infinitely.'

Colin suddenly had the urge to upgrade his trumpet.

At this time, many Jin lamented that they were not lucky enough to experience the effects of the potion, and at the same time talked about other abilities such as "fate promotion".

"In addition, the main combat method of 'Destiny' is an ability called 'The Third Hand of Destiny', which is the most powerful attack method on our path."

Hearing this, Colin was shocked and saw a strange "hand" stretching out from many golden chests.

He had a premonition that he would be seriously injured if caught by this thing.
"Once I touch an enemy with it, as long as I think about it, the opponent will age instantly, or his abilities will be limited. If I'm rough, I can crush him to death. If I'm prepared, I can block a two-hundred-year-old car head-on. The impact of the kilometer-per-hour train”

"At the same time, it can also grasp the thread of a person's destiny, interfere with and rewrite other people's destiny, memory, etc."

"The disadvantage is that its speed is not fast, it is slower than ordinary people. If you want to hide, it is easy to avoid. In addition, once it is attacked by extraordinary means, it is easily injured. Once it is injured, it will be worse than my head falling off. trouble"

"So it's usually used as a final decision."

While he was talking, Colin saw Duo Jin manipulating this hand, passing through the door of the helicopter, touching the body of the fifth-level personnel and the undercover, and seemed to be modifying something.
After showing this thing, Colin felt that there were many invisible "hands" extending out of many gold bodies.

"In addition, the 'third hand' also has many deputies. These deputies are more focused on fighting. They have strong strength and speed, but they have no special means of modifying memory. The advantage is that if it is destroyed, it will not affect the main body." "According to the standard, starting from level [-], there are two deputies, which double with each level, and the range of power will increase."

"Just like everyone's development and growth are different, some soy sauces may have too little experience and do not have the ability to reach level [-]. Some geniuses are less than level [-] and have as many deputies as level [-]."

It sounds a bit jealous. Are you hinting at Hu Zheng?
Colin murmured in his heart. He looked at the densely packed "hands" on Duo Jin's body except for the black lines, and remembered that he didn't seem to see his colleague using this method on the train.

However, if there are no problems in the second round of battle, there is a high probability that we will encounter it.

After all, in the second round, that group of people came up with the means to suppress the situation. Unfortunately, at that time, the group just "reset" and lost control within two seconds.
Shaking his head secretly, Colin continued to listen to Duo Jin talking about relevant information.

In addition to these, many Jin also talked about many other methods known to Colin, such as precognition, luck manipulation, and spiritual insights similar to "fatal insight", etc.
Let Colin know a lot about the high-end combat power of this force.

"Generally speaking, the combat effectiveness is okay, but it is not biased toward combat. Playing as a support player has miraculous effects. Of course, if there are suitable props, it is not impossible to take an alternative combat route."

Colin listened to the other party's words and made a general conclusion in his mind.

With this information, if he encounters a similar situation in the future, even if it is C-level, he will not be caught off guard due to insufficient information.

After exchanging relevant information, Duo Jin did not leave, but asked cautiously:
"Mr. Colin, there is something we would like to ask. There may be some problems with the 'World Barrier'. According to your understanding, is there any relevant information in the company?"

"Is there something wrong with the 'World Barrier'? Can I ask a question first?"

Colin was confused, and then saw the other party nodding, and said: "This matter is also related to your last incident. Didn't most people requisition it at that time?

"We asked many people to seal some anomalies, and then we planned to throw them out."

Fuck, the situation was so chaotic at that time, and you guys did a lot of work.
After listening to Duo Jin's words, Colin couldn't help but complain. He thought they were all thrown by an island country, but he didn't expect that everyone was throwing them there.
'This is something I usually catch and have no place to put. I finally found a trash can and threw it away without my life.'

Muttering in his mind, he heard the other party continue to speak.

"According to our expectations, with such a large number of anomalies thrown out, the reality stability index will probably rise by seven to nine points, or even ten points. In this way, the 'world barrier' will be further strengthened by a lot."

"But the situation is that the stability index only rose by about three percent, which is seriously inconsistent with expectations."

"In a previous joint meeting, everyone felt that when we threw things out, there might be something quietly occupying those vacancies."

Duo Jin said the current information with some worry.

Usually, when they see a space similar to "another dimension", they cannot throw it away casually, because it may be the limit there, and if it is thrown into the "different dimension", it will explode and become a bigger disaster.

Or maybe after throwing it over, the existence over there will be thrown back to them.
A fight may even break out.

It is really rare to be able to throw away "garbage" casually without worrying about the consequences like this time.

However, what should have been a happy thing now makes them unhappy, because this situation means that there is a huge threat happening, and they know almost nothing about it.
After listening to the other party's words, Colin thought about it and combined with his own experience, he probably made some guesses.

"Be careful of things that cause chaos, disease, tampering, etc., and pay attention to their sources. This incident may have something to do with the other worlds that Qin Chuan and I went to that time."

Colin recounted the response on the envelope from "Lady Rabbit" at the time.

"Is that so?" Duojin nodded thoughtfully and asked for some details.

Colin answered one by one. After a while, after the questioning was over, he withdrew his "third hand" from the Level [-] official, glanced outside the helicopter, stood up, and seemed ready to jump off and leave.
However, before leaving, Colin asked Mr. Wu about his situation.

The answer is
Apart from the pessimistic situation on the "World Barrier" front, things are looking pretty good so far.

Then, Duo Jin asked the pilot to control the helicopter to rise a little higher, then he opened the hatch, took a step out, and jumped from a height of thousands of meters like jumping off a building.

Colin moved his head to the window, wanting to see what special means this man had to take off.

As a result, many Jin mid-airs took out a hang glider from nowhere and calmly put it on themselves, and then something spurted out from the end of the wings and flew away.
"Ah, this is such a simple and unpretentious method."

Colin blinked, not knowing what to say. He noticed that the official personnel were in general action.

They try their best not to use their extraordinary abilities.
However, after thinking about it, he understood the reason. It wasn't that these people didn't want to use a more exciting way, it was just that the cost of using their abilities was very high, so they would try to save as much as possible.

The higher the strength, the more so
Under normal circumstances, they would never spend as much as young people like Qin Chuan.

Shaking his head, without thinking much, Colin closed his eyes and reviewed the information about the "rats" he had just encountered in the battle. Unfortunately, he didn't gain much. He only knew that they were a group of troublesome things related to the "Seventh Box Garden World".

After a while, the helicopter stopped on the roof of a building in the city. Although the level [-] personnel who woke up remembered Colin, they forgot the specifics of what had just happened.

In my memory, it is no longer Colin who has taken care of everything, but many Mr. Kims arriving to change everything.

Although he felt a little wrong about this memory part, he didn't have much doubt.

After all, Colin is indeed very strong in my memory, but no matter how strong he is, it is impossible for him to be a fifth-level personnel and kill all the hundreds of heretics, right?

But even so, he still maintained full respect for Colin, who could summon an eighth-level boss with the Babel document.

"The power of 'fate-promoting' is indeed a bit chilling."

After looking at the Level [-] personnel who seemed to have forgotten what they had just done, Colin grunted, then set foot on the road home with Qin Chuan and others, and returned to his small bedroom a few hours later.

"The next step is to go to World Number 13, and we have to prepare for this."

Colin sat upright on the bed, opened the parchment, and glanced at an employee.

I plan to draw a few "lucky employees" and give away the "Seven-Day Tour to Another World" gift package that I have worked hard to prepare for them.
(End of this chapter)

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