Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 391 The terrifying steel behemoth!

Chapter 391 The terrifying steel behemoth!

On the parchment, many colleagues were still discussing their recent experiences. Apart from the point rewards, the most mentioned one was the scene where Colin blocked a million troops by himself.

There is no doubt that that scene left a great shock to their hearts.
"Blow more, blow more, I like to watch."

Colin was holding the parchment, lying on the boat, looking across the rainbow farts, looking for the destined person for the journey to another world.

Of course, compared to yesterday, the topic today is relatively cooler.
Many people also scolded those "employee emperors" and "roll kings".

"Ba's Sky": Huh!This group of curly dogs came well-prepared. They had all kinds of props on them. Many of the equipment were better than purple ones. They even had stronger props. They were more efficient in doing tasks than mules. How can we compete with such an opponent? What should we do? How can you compete with your mouth? "

"The Supreme Preserved Egg·Elden Beast": No chance, humans can't defeat animals, we have already lost completely.
"Call me Queen!": Damn it!Don't let me discover the real location of these scabs, otherwise I will go offline to find them!
"Unnamed 114514": @call me Your Lady Queen!I know where they are, but it’s difficult to communicate online in the internal lobby. I suggest we meet privately and I’ll take you to find them.”

"Lord of the Fish Pond": @call me Your Lady Queen!Speaking of which, I really know the origins of this group of people. They are official people. They are official in the literal sense. Hehe, if you force your way in, you will definitely be able to get in. In addition, we will continue to collect bonfire points, which is the highest ratio in the company.

"Chasing dreams with a pure heart": Brothers, stop struggling and come ashore. Now you can enter directly without taking the exam. The salary is quite good, and you will be escorted throughout the entire mission. It is super comfortable and safe!
"The Bard's Brother Xun": Conspiracy!I advise you to protect yourself offline. It is definitely not a good thing to expose yourself.
"Yuan no Kong": What should I do if there are no tasks? I can't get out of the way. Now even if the legendary 'Advent Project' comes, I might have to take it. After all, Brother Shunzi and that group of people are fine.
"Baizhi is so cute": If someone beats ten to one, you will also beat ten to one?

"Okay, okay, after watching it for half an hour, there are still people asking for it? 'Yuan no Kong', right? I'll write it down first."

Ke Lin nodded and said that children can be taught, and asked the little maid next to him to write down the name.

Then, he continued to search. This mission can bring 21 F-class employees, 6 E-class employees, and 3 D-class employees.

Time is the day after tomorrow
You should be able to pick people out.

But there is a question mark as to whether the selected person will choose to accept the task.

You know, employees have the right to refuse tasks. Even if this group of people accepts any "adventure project", in fact, when they are actually given tasks, each of them may run faster than Usain Bolt.

Therefore, how to get employees to take over tasks voluntarily is also a science.

"The only advantage now is that after the 'Advent Project' is issued, if you don't accept it, it will not be rejected by default, but accepted by default."

"If I don't refuse in time, it will be like the first time I entered the incident. I will directly enter the incident. By then it will be too late."

Colin thought about it, and the key point was how to catch the opponent off guard.

"F-level employees are really not good enough. I should be able to borrow some from the official. For E-level employees, these guys are considered little fools. There is a chance that they will refuse if something is wrong. The trouble is for D-level employees. These old fools have to be tricked into it. I'm afraid they won't be able to do it." It’s easy, well, people can’t choose randomly, it’s best to choose the right one.”

Colin has his own choices about who to choose.

Generally speaking, he pays more attention to the opponent's "functionality" and does not attach much importance to whether its combat power is strong. Anyway, no matter how strong it is, it is not as strong as him——

Except for a few cases.

After roughly jotting down a list of people, Colin began to adjust the specific content description of the released tasks.

The original mission of the company was to send employees to the real "World No. 13". After thinking about it, Colin changed it to go to the "abnormal location" to investigate.
Unfortunately, this modification was rejected on the grounds that the location could not be changed. Finally, after some brainstorming, he successfully changed it to "go to an unconventional location (for location details, open 'Note 1')" to carry out constructive tasks and so on.
As for the reward, the mission is repeatable, with a minimum of 200 points for F-level, 500 for E-level, and 800 for D-level.
"No, the description still needs to be changed."

Colin licked his dry lips and then touched up this one.

[Tip: The minimum points for this task are guaranteed to start at 800, and can be superimposed with the 'score'! ! ! (Open 'Note 2' for details)]

"Well, most people usually go straight for the reward, so they will most likely look at 'Note 2' and then 'Note 1', and as long as the time exceeds 15 seconds, the task will start."

Colin's mouth slowly opened into a smile.

He has currently selected a list of more than 100 people. When the time comes, he can hand out all the tasks by grabbing red envelopes, and whoever grabs them will get them.
Of course, there is an opportunity to arrange some official F-level personnel to compete as gangsters.

In the end, as long as one-fifth of the 100 people agree, the recruitment task will be completed, and with these people entering "World Number-13", the situation there should be able to develop rapidly.

As for whether this group of people would be obedient after they passed by, Colin was not particularly worried.

He still doesn't know the specific requirements for employees recruited by the company, but one thing is that employees generally have a sense of openness that "if you die, you will die, if you don't die, you will earn more."

"Let the legendary mission no longer become a legend, let everyone have the opportunity to become a member of the legend, and satisfy everyone's dream of traveling to a different world and becoming the protagonist."

Colin nodded, and then began to wait for the day after tomorrow, that is, December 12th.

Then, he looked at the time and saw that it was only three o'clock in the middle of the night. It was still early, so he picked up his mobile phone and started arranging tasks for Qin Chuan, asking for a batch of about 3.5 cubic meters of emergency supplies.
The special food obtained through official internal channels was far better than what he could obtain on his own.

"This should be able to initially solve the problem of food and clothing, so that a group of people will not have to drink some 'holy water' and compressed starch every day to survive."

As his thoughts turned, Colin arranged his next steps bit by bit.

At present, as long as he uses two genetic compensation potions step by step, he can successfully start the D-level promotion mission.

During this period, you can bring some soy sauce people to clean up the surrounding area.

If there are no accidents, there will be no accidents
"The flexible working system is indeed okay. At this time, I still have to consider how to deal with periodic tasks. Now I can consider promoting the dungeon."

Colin grunted, and after roughly sorting out the incident, he slowly closed his eyes.

A free day passes quickly
By December 12, Colin obtained ten F-class employee quotas from the official side.

If possible, he wanted all low-level employees to use the official ones. Unfortunately, when the officials heard that he was implementing the "Advent Project", they were all shocked.
After haggling for a while, the price was finally given to only ten people.

There were less than half the 20 people he expected.
"As for that, one by one, it seems like you can't come back after going to another world. Those two-dimensional people want to escape reality and travel to other worlds every day, but there is no way!"

Colin complained gloomily, glanced at the time, and found that it was almost time, so he lay back on the bed and began to wait for the gray fog and the bells to come together as before.

At the same time, a Bonfire employee also received an unexpected task at this moment.

[Special event: "Go to an unconventional location (open 'Note 1' for location details) to perform constructive tasks." 】

"Description": On a barren land (see 'Note 1' for details), a group of refugees are in dire straits, and a large number of innocent boys and girls are suffering from illnesses.
"Requirement": Perform this task together with thirty other employees and provide assistance to the refugee group, and you will receive a relatively generous reward (currently the required F-level quota is 11/21). "Mission Difficulty Assessment": Almost no danger (currently).

"Tip": The minimum points guarantee for this task starts at 800, and can be superimposed with the 'score'! ! ! (Open 'Note 2' for details)
"Tip 2":
"Note 1":
"Note 2":
"Constructive mission? What kind of strange mission is this? Disaster relief and rescue of people?"

Some F-level personnel didn't know what was going on. They glanced at the top and their eyes suddenly lit up when they saw the minimum points starting at [-].

Missions with such high point rewards are rare at their level.
In particular, the number of people participating has now reached 11, and the difficulty is assessed as almost non-threatening, plus it is a rescue and disaster relief type.
It's just a disaster relief, what big problem could go wrong?

Seeing that there were less than ten spots left, some of them were anxious to confirm their acceptance first.

However, when they were confirmed to accept and grabbed a spot, before they had time to reveal a bargain-hunting smile, they looked carefully at the precautions, and each one of them showed a look of despair!
"Damn it, I can't stand it anymore, it's the 'Advent Project'!"

Compared to the F-level, the little ones in the E-level quota felt that something was wrong. Most of them, as Colin thought, first took a look at the mission reward note 2 and noticed the first problem, but it was still aware of the problem, and the guarantee of 500 points was also pretty good.

However, when I was thinking about whether to execute it, I opened "Note 1" and saw the contents, and everyone looked shocked.

"Grass, yes"

Before the words were spoken, the bells and the fog had arrived.

Some rejections are timely, while others are not so timely.
As for the more experienced D-class employees, the moment they received the task, they immediately realized that something was wrong through the mechanism of task matters.

"There is something wrong with the text style of this task description. Also, I clearly didn't accept it. How can I open it directly to view the specific content?! It's a scam!"

Some of them didn't even think twice and directly refused this kind of task that was obviously not serious at first sight.

However, some of them wanted to refuse, but after opening "Note 1" and seeing the content, especially the words "World Number-13", they looked thoughtful and did not refuse immediately.
The distant and ancient bells slowly fade away in my ears
When Colin opened his eyes again, he was already in a familiar small church, with a three-level bonfire burning slowly in front of him.

Immediately, he opened his mission content and checked the recruitment status of this coming mission.

"Thirty people, 30 are here, tsk, there are only two D-class people. It seems that these people are really not easy to fool."

Although it is a pity that there is one less person, this mission is not something that can only be done once.

I can continue to post in the future. If this fish doesn’t bite the hook, sooner or later other fish will bite the hook.
At this time, the figure of the alien trio appeared behind Colin. Li Ming looked around expectantly, but after not finding his new colleagues, he looked at Colin:

"Hey, boss, where are the other people you mentioned?"

Yesterday, on Sunday, the boss summoned them to the office with the big fireball hanging, and told them that new colleagues were here. There were about 30 people this time, and they were cattle and horses that could be put into use as soon as they arrived. No, they were labor force.
This made them excited. Finally they no longer had to work around the clock for seven days!

Although Colin has always "taken the lead" and never sleeps, after the initial excitement, they suddenly realized that something was wrong. What kind of physique does the leader have, and what kind of physique do they have?

If the other person doesn't sleep for a long time, it's like playing. If they don't sleep, they will really be exhausted!

"They are almost the same as the first time you came. They are now scattered in various places and need to be reconciled. But it is estimated that they will all arrive in a short time. Well, there are four or five outside now. We can reconcile them in a while. As for the others, use It won’t be long before I can find it myself.”

Colin explained briefly.

He is not too worried that something will happen to this group of newcomers, because they also have three chances to be resurrected, and quite a few of them have experienced the self-selected trial of "World Number-13" before and know what to do.
Although the official group is a latecomer, the problem is that this group of idiots is theoretically level 1, but they are full of various "unleveled" equipment given by the official that may actually be level [-] or [-]. Don't worry too much either.

After Colin felt it briefly, he turned around and left the church.

He did not rush to call the saint, but planned to deal with the territory matters first.

At this moment, there were many people standing outside, including Warden Calder and his nephew, "Light" Sister Vanessa, Xiao Hong, etc.
"Big brother!"

Xiaohong, who had been waiting for the whole day, wanted to say hello, but she thought that usually at this time, the eldest brother wanted to know the situation in the territory first, so he stood next to Sister Vanessa and others in order to listen to her explain the situation in the territory. Go up and disturb.

However, Colin at the door waved to her, and after she came over, he took out a lollipop and handed it to the little girl, while touching her head and saying to the others:

"Since there is no big problem, let's start the mass. Bring all the injured and I will treat them. By the way, there will be a commendation meeting later for the people I told you about last time."

During the last fog disaster raid, many people came forward. These people need to be encouraged.

In addition, some people who work hard should also get some rewards.

This kind of commendation meeting is not new on Earth, but for this world, it means a bit of a dimensionality reduction attack.
No refugee has ever heard of any honorary rewards for working for a lord.
While handing over the task, Colin dragged out various supplies that had been prepared long ago from the "storage room". Vanessa and others, who were about to say something, stared at this:
"This, so much this time?! Are these all the same food as before?"

They looked at Colin in disbelief.

The previous ones combined are less than one-tenth of what is here, which can barely keep a large number of people alive.

This time there is so much increase at once, I am afraid that tens of thousands of people in the territory can be full!
"Yes, you go and distribute it. By the way, you guys should also come and get familiar with this thing and operate it."

As Colin spoke, he looked at the trio and took out a palm-sized vehicle model from his pocket.

How does this work?

Just when several people were confused, Colin found an open space and dropped the vehicle, and a large cloud of thick fog erupted from the vehicle like a smoke bomb.

Not long after, from the dense fog, many vehicles larger than ordinary super-large heavy trucks appeared in front of us.

"Hey, what kind of monster is this? Some kind of giant beast?"

Vanessa and the others once again opened their eyes wide, looking at the giant steel beast in front of them in astonishment. They felt an extremely strong sense of oppression from this unknown creature.
At this moment, the giant steel beast suddenly let out a deep roar, causing the entire earth to tremble, and its two pairs of eyes emitted a dazzling light.

The light was particularly dazzling, and no one except Vanessa could look at it.

Calder and others instinctively took precautions.
However, they felt that the aura exuded by the giant beast was very heavy, and they felt that their defenses were like a joke in front of it.

They have a very strong premonition.
Once it collides with it, the result will be death or injury!

(End of this chapter)

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