Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 399: The tragic situation outside "Base 5".

Chapter 399: The tragic situation outside "Base [-]".

"Is there an emergency at Base 5?"

Colin was stunned for a moment, and it wasn't until half a second later that he suddenly came back to his senses and quickly said:

"What happened? Do you need me to reinforce you?"

While talking, Colin glanced at the primary school student lying on the ground and realized that things might not be simple.

The attack on Base [-] made him feel as if his home had been robbed.

"Yes, although I am also rushing, but not that fast. If you have time, I hope to apply for your assistance. As for the situation of Base [-], I am not very clear at the moment. I only know that it may be Anomaly containment accidentally got out of control." Duo Jin's voice was very fast.

Then, the phone hung up.

"Mr. Ke Lin, is there anything important?" Hu Zheng asked.

He saw Colin's face changing several times, and coupled with the powerful inspiration of "Promoting Fate", he realized that something bad was probably going to happen.
"Well, there is something going on at Base 5. I need to go there immediately. You can handle the situation here yourself. Xia Liufang is outside and will come in soon."

With Xia Liufang's follow-up support, there shouldn't be a big problem here.

After a simple explanation and no further words, Colin was ready to take action. However, before leaving, he suddenly remembered something and took out his cell phone from his pocket to make a call to Mr. Wu.

Although Duo Jin can be regarded as the spokesperson of Mr. Wu, at this time, it is definitely best to be more cautious.

Especially since the "Seventh Box Court World" was inexplicably tricked last time, Colin became very vigilant in this regard.

As for this account, Colin had talked about it before when he had a conversation with Mr. Wu. The contact information was given by him personally. As long as he was not definitely dead, there was no need to worry that the person replying was not him.

Because as long as there is no one on earth, no one can pretend to be him
The call was hung up after a few seconds.

Then, Mr. Wu, who wore a black tower avatar, sent a message: "You can go, but don't pursue it in depth."


After a simple response, Colin felt relieved, and his whole body flew rapidly through the air like a comet.

Amidst the rumbling vibrations, even though the effect of the Emblem of Humility was used, many people noticed it because the movement was too loud.

"what happened?!"

"Have the enemies from the other side of the sea come over?!"

"It's a missile! Quick, find a bunker, find a bunker and hide!"


Ignoring what was happening below, Colin continued to speed up, causing cracks to appear on some of the windows on the upper floors.

However, compared to the possible index decline caused by extraordinary exposure, it is better to reach Base 5 as soon as possible.

This is an extremely important facility, and if something goes wrong, the impact will only be greater than his hasty exposure.

"I remember that there was at least one extremely powerful eighth-level personnel guarding Base No. [-]. With the blessings of various things in the territory, it was almost like a domain. But in this case, one could suddenly attack into it. It shows that the enemy is also very strong.”

"Also before the attack, the sudden accident on Qinchuan and Hu Zheng's side felt a bit like it was intentional. Now that I think about it, the distance has indeed been stretched a bit."

"Looking at it this way, it should be premeditated rather than an accidental loss of control."

As his thoughts flashed, Colin did not dare to continue to be careless and stacked all the BUFFs he could in mid-air.

Not long after, he was looking at the scene in the distance, his heart sinking slightly.

Although there was still quite a distance, he could already smell many unusually active "smells" in the air coming from the direction of the huge base.
At the same time, in a containment unit at Base [-].

With a bang, an official fell to the ground suddenly, with a hideous face, foaming at the mouth, and twitching continuously.

It was like an epileptic hysteria attack.
However, what was more terrifying than the epilepsy was that within a few seconds of his convulsion, he exploded into a pool of blood.

The blood slowly flows forward
There, stood a gray stone statue wrapped in many chains.

The shape of the statue is like a cabbage wrapped in dozens of jet-black wings, and in the center of the "cabbage", there is a tongue with eyeballs restlessly licking towards the blood on the ground.

It seemed like he wanted to lick the blood right away.
Seeing this scene, a Level [-] official had to shout again, reminding dozens of people in the field:

"Stare at it and don't avoid looking away! Otherwise, you will be directly attacked by it!"

Although the overall statue is only one meter high, which is not too big. Even in the risk assessment, it can only be regarded as a medium or low risk, but at this moment, the people present felt like they were facing a formidable enemy.

Normally, they only need to keep staring at it and retreat to safety 1000 meters away.

But now, many anomalies suddenly broke out in Base No. [-]. If they exit, it may not be better than here.

After all, this anomaly was also released by them themselves
The purpose is to prevent other uncontrolled things from sneaking into this containment unit and destroying the sealed objects here.

As for the situation outside this containment room, they had no time to care.

Anyway, no matter what the cost, they must defend this containment unit. Once this place is destroyed, many anomalies that have just been transported and have not been further sealed will explode.
By then, there may be nothing inside the core of Base [-], but everyone in this peripheral area will definitely die!
"Hang in there, let's."

The Level [-] personnel was about to say a few words to encourage everyone, but in the next second, he and everyone present suddenly felt their hearts sinking and realized that the picture in front of them had darkened.

The place became inexplicably humid, and countless mold plaques grew on the surrounding walls.

clack, clack.
The sound of sticky footsteps on water came step by step, from far to near.

As it approached, an extremely strong stench began to appear in the air, just like the disgusting smell of flesh and blood put in the refrigerator and left to rot for more than ten years before it was discovered.

And a light mist began to appear in the space that was already constantly humid.

In the mist, there are figures floating here and there like ghosts.
"No way, this can't be the case, Director Chen." While staring closely at the statue, an employee noticed something strange in the air and immediately realized something.

"Damn it, the ability to control ghosts and mold corruption"

The sixth-level personnel know what the other party means. This ability is only possessed by his "God Fighter" leader who is already at the seventh level.

Sure enough, this time, a figure suddenly walked out of the doorway.

A figure whose skin and flesh were highly rotten.

His skin has disappeared, exposing his pale bones, but strangely, his internal organs are still in place and are constantly squirming, seemingly still functioning normally.
"The leader is out of control." Upon seeing this, the Level [-] personnel suddenly felt shocked.

The leader just left alone in order to lure away some extremely troublesome anomalies. Unexpectedly, we saw each other less than 10 minutes before we were already like this.

Several civil servants who had fled here finally couldn't bear it any longer. They looked away and vomited at the same time.

They are not members of the front line, and their psychological endurance is not that strong.

But before they could vomit anything, their bodies suddenly stiffened and their faces were extremely distorted, as if they had seen something terrible. Then, they all died suddenly and turned into blood flowing to the stone statues.
The sixth-level personnel couldn't care about this and could only pray while looking at the statue. The leader hurriedly left here.

However, what made them all despair was that the highly decayed figure did not walk directly through the door of the holding unit. Instead, he slowly turned around at the door and staggered over, muttering to himself in a low voice:
"Hold, protect, hold, protect"

Driven by instinct, it entered the containment unit. "Damn it." The Level [-] personnel cursed secretly, knowing that the worst had happened.

Although from the vague whispers, he guessed that the leader returned here based on his strong instinct of duty when he died, this did not mean that it was a good thing.
Upon its arrival, it is directly encountered by the cabbage-shaped wing sculpture.

On the wet ground, pale arms stretched out to grab the statue, and in the air, the souls of injustice condensed in the mist also attacked.
Its targets are not only statues, but also other people.

"Get ready to fight! We must hold this place back for as long as one second! Remember, when fighting, you must also keep an eye on the statue, and focus on the statue first."

The Level [-] personnel gritted their teeth and raised a big knife of their own.

A shadow that looked like an ancient military commander slowly appeared behind him.

Whether it's the statue or his former leader, they all have a wide range of attacks. It might be okay if they deal with one alone, but now the two are superimposed.
They may not be able to defeat each other in a short time, but others will suffer.

The Level [-] personnel stared at the statue while cutting off the arms at their feet.

However, not long after he persisted, a certain red light flashed, and the shadow on his body collapsed.
"Oops, something came in again."

The Level [-] personnel were stunned for a moment, and then looked desperate. They saw a strange scarecrow running into the place at some point, and locked onto him to launch an attack.

Moreover, when his eyes were misaligned, an extremely terrifying feeling of palpitations came over him.
He triggered the statue's attack pattern!
"It's over."

Suddenly, the surroundings were dark, and countless terrifying creatures seemed to be swallowing him up.

But just when he thought he was finished.

The weird and terrifying atmosphere suddenly exploded.
"What happened?" Level [-] personnel and several official members were confused.

They could feel that something was coming. Even before it was approaching, its momentum had already arrived, and it actually dissipated the dark atmosphere of death just now.
Without thinking much, they suddenly saw that the ceiling above the containment unit suddenly turned red and melted.

In less than a second, a stream of flame poured into this place from the entrance of the cave.

A figure shrouded in flames fell directly into the place, directly hitting the out-of-control level seven personnel.

Just for a moment.
They saw that their leader was instantly carbonized and turned into ashes.

"Is this support arriving? Who is this? Which level eight personnel is here."

Everyone was overjoyed, this kind of display of power could only be achieved by level eight personnel!
However, before they could continue to think deeply, Colin looked around the scene, raised his chin slightly, and looked at the level six personnel: "What happened here?"

Upon hearing the question, the Level [-] personnel felt his scalp numb as soon as he opened his mouth and shouted to Colin: "Be careful! It has absorbed too much blood and has entered the second stage!"

I saw that all the wings of the gray cabbage stone statue covered in flames suddenly activated, and countless wings moved towards Colin, as if they wanted to swallow him inside.
Although the threat level of this thing is medium-risk, which is not too high, its terror level is not low at all.

Many higher-threat things will be suppressed by it!

Even if you are an eighth-level personnel, if you are involved
However, the next second, he saw an even more incredible scene.
Facing this fatal attack, the "eighth-level personnel" just glanced at it indifferently, and then raised a fist in an ordinary way, aiming at the countless wings that enveloped it.
There are no fancy abilities, just simple punches.

The image of Colin's bloody arm flashed through their minds.


Amidst the deafening explosion, countless wings exploded and feathers flew away.

The statue body seemed to be wrapped up by a huge force, and it was embedded in the steel plate wall for more than three thirds.

Vibrations echoed throughout the containment unit.
"Try taking another look at me."

Colin looked at the statue, stared at the eyeball on the tongue in the center, spoke calmly and raised his fist again.

As soon as he finished speaking, the wriggling tongue with eyeballs retracted into the stone statue.

At this moment, everyone present seemed to have just come back to their senses, and couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

This is the first time I have seen such a simple and crude sealing method.

"Now, tell me what happened here." Colin turned his head and looked at the level six personnel.

Soon, he roughly understood some of the situation from this level six personnel.
Almost an hour ago, some of the transported containment objects suddenly broke through the seal in the base, and then a commotion broke out. They didn't know what happened inside, but they only knew that this loss of control was most likely not an accident.

Because they seemed to see the alarm sound of an outsider breaking in.
And the most important thing is that the internal level eight personnel have not appeared yet, and they don’t know what happened.

At present, the inside of Base [-] is not clear, but a considerable part of the outside area, especially the G area where they are located, can almost be described as occupied. It has been determined that at least one senior personnel has died.
'There's not a lot of useful information.'

Colin nodded and said, "You just stay here, other assistance will arrive soon."

After saying that, he walked quickly inside without waiting for a response.
The flames on the body surged in all directions, like walking fire, but the humans covered by the flames were not only unaffected, but also protected to a certain extent.

Many other low-level abnormal things are either destroyed or returned to the state of containment and sealing.

With the newly learned flame perception
Colin quickly found the suspected problem.

Tens of seconds later, he walked into a place that looked like a slaughterhouse. All the personnel on duty here were killed, and their limbs were mutilated and scattered all over the area.

"Not a single one alive."

Colin walked slowly and unhurriedly in the corridor covered with blood and almost nowhere to stay, while looking at the corpses in miserable death conditions.

The direction they were facing when they died was all forward, as if they were fighting something.

But it's a pity that because of the large gap in strength, the ending is not very happy.
Colin did not go ahead and cremate them. After walking for a while, he stopped in front of a cave entrance.

The pitch-black hole was about as tall as a person, like a large mouse hole, sloping downwards and leading nowhere.

A faintly palpitating aura emanates from it
The moment he saw the cave entrance, Colin was silent for a moment, because he was not unfamiliar with it.

I had seen a similar "mouse hole" in the Hague Shelter in the "Seventh 'Hakoniwa World'"——

Sure enough, is it related to the thing that escaped?
"Alas, it's still a step too late."

A sigh sounded in Colin's ears.

Colin turned his head and saw many golden figures appearing not far from him.

"What's going on with the eighth-level personnel at Base 5?" Colin asked. He didn't enter the core area of ​​Base [-] because he didn't feel there was a problem there.
"Trapped, but it should be okay."

Duo Jin glanced around and looked at the corpses, with a flash of anger in his eyes.

Although this raid did not break into the core area, it caused heavy losses to the personnel on the periphery.

Taking a deep breath, Duo Jin suppressed the anger in his heart: "I'm here to recreate this place to see what happened and what the purpose of this group of people is."

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and a large number of dark threads floated out from his body.

Then, these dark threads outline a silhouette, recreating what happened here like a movie.


(End of this chapter)

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