Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 400 "2 Double Death Saving Throws"

Chapter 400 "Double·Death Saving Throw"

The figure outlined by the lines was a bit sloppy and lacked facial features, but Colin could roughly tell that it was probably the official guard stationed here.
At this time, it can be seen from their hurried movements that losing control is not the first thing here.

But not long after, a wall here collapsed, revealing a hole, and more than a dozen figures rushed out and attacked other people present.

The people at the scene were shocked for a moment, and then they also started to fight back.
Unfortunately, facing this group of well-prepared sneak attacks, the on-site guards suffered heavy losses in an instant.

Even though there were a few strong ones among the guards, they were still unable to hold on.

The battle did not last long and ended
After taking this area at almost no great cost, Colin and others saw that they spread out as if they had a plan and continued to sneak into the periphery of Base 5.

But unfortunately, at this point, the lines are almost impossible to maintain.

Other than knowing that the entire process took no more than 10 minutes from their appearance to their departure, nothing else is clear about the follow-up.

There is no way of knowing what the purpose of their attack was.
"They have special countermeasures. It's hard to get too specific. They even specifically erase their own aura."

Beside Colin, Duo Jin sighed, stretched out his hand to wave, and retracted the black threads.


Colin recalled what he had just seen and asked curiously: "Do you know the so-called 'Awakened One'?"

As the agent contact person of Mr. Wu, Duo Jin obviously knew about this matter and nodded immediately:

"You want to say that all these people are that kind of guy?"

"Well, I'm not sure, because this group of people left too few traces of their actions, but precisely because of the few, I feel like those 'awakened ones'." Colin briefly explained his thoughts.

"The current information is that 'Awakened Ones' usually appear alone and in small numbers. They are like special cases that happen by chance. We have never seen them act together, and there are no personnel with strength higher than level five. of."

"However, after hearing what you said, I also think the possibility exists."

"If that's the case, things will be in trouble."

Duo Jin's tone became more solemn. He looked around again, looking at the corpses everywhere, thinking of the interference when the scene reappeared just now, and a group of high-level "awakened ones" who were suspected of forming a team.
Faintly, it seemed that an invisible hand could be glimpsed trying to disrupt everything.

Colin followed his gaze and looked around, then said, "I feel that compared to this matter, you need to start a round of internal cleaning."

The mastermind behind this attack has a very high degree of understanding of the situation here.

They may even transfer their higher combat power away to find openings for invasion.
To be honest, if there was no internal information leaked out, Colin wouldn't believe it anyway.

Hearing his words, Duo Jin had no objection at all.

It's time for a general cleaning inside.

But without saying anything more, the two of them felt something at the same time, turned their necks together, and looked somewhere.

The wall there squirmed, and a round, short figure came out. His body was covered with long talismans with red characters on a yellow background. After that, he glanced at the scene silently, and then a strange sound came from his abdomen:
"Sorry, I have to ensure the safety of the interior."

"Well, is there no problem with the internal area?" Duo Jin asked.


"That's fine."

Many Jin looked at this special clone of Base [-] and wanted to say something, but in the end he shook his head and did not continue to speak.

As the defender of Base 5, the opponent's performance this time can be said to be very bad.

Its strength is definitely more than just this.
But as a high-level internal official, Jin knew very well that in a sense, this defense could be considered a success.

Because what he needs to ensure is the safety of the core area inside Base 5, he can only intervene to a limited extent here on the periphery. Even if the main body comes and can quickly suppress the group of people here, it is impossible to really come over.
At present, there are no mistakes in the core area, and there is no problem that can be pointed out in the entire response process of the other party.

After the conversation ended, there was silence for a while.

Then, the man with a round body looked at Colin and ventriloquised in an indifferent tone, saying like a report:
"I can sense that there are still some out-of-control anomalies wandering around in the base, but the threat level is not high. Multiple level 3 armed suppression teams have been dispatched, so there should be no other problems.
"Also, the enemy may be targeting specific containment items because I can feel that some of the containment items are missing.
"But what it is exactly has yet to be confirmed. If necessary, I will tell you as soon as the results come out."

"Okay." Duo Jin nodded.

Afterwards, after listening to the conversation between the two for a while, Colin left Base 5 first.

Although he was interested in what the enemy's specific purpose was, he didn't have much interest here.
On the way back, he called Qin Chuan and others and asked them to call everyone up and report to his office.

Not long after, Colin returned to the city and walked into the office.

The eyes of the "experience babies" who didn't know what was going on brightened up, thinking that a new mission was about to begin.
The feeling of being able to upgrade while lying down is so comfortable!
However, Colin just checked and made sure that there was nothing wrong with the group of people around him, and then dismissed everyone present, leaving only Hu Zheng on crutches, Qin Chuan with bandages all over his body, and Xia Liufang.

"Mr. Colin, do you want to ask about what happened in the morning?" Xia Liufang asked, curious about the reason for Colin's meeting.

"No, if you want to ask this, I asked you on the phone."

Colin waved his hand and continued: "From now on, all abnormal tasks you encounter, whether you can solve them or not, should be postponed as much as possible, and keep a prioritized list. When I find time every once in a while, I will Let’s solve it together.”

Although he was used to seeing death, it was usually the death of enemies or unrelated people.

Seeing the tragic situation outside Base No. 5 today, he was suddenly worried that one day if he didn't pay attention, Qinchuan, Hu Zheng, Xia Liufang and other kittens would be beaten to pieces.
After working together for so many days, he personally didn't want this to happen.

You may be a little tired if you ask yourself like this, but if you are tired, just be tired.

Although there are many dangerous things on Earth, as long as the mission is not issued by the company, it is not a big problem.

The general environment here tends to be stable, and the probability of encountering extraordinary things is very low.

After hearing what he said, several people were stunned for a moment, but they all nodded without hesitation.

"Boss, is this related to what happened at Base 5 today?" Qin Chuan asked curiously.

"It has something to do with it, but it is confidential. If the higher-ups want to tell you, you should be able to receive the information in the next two days." Colin did not explain too much.

After making sure that his group of people were fine, he went home directly.

Nothing happened all night until the next day.Colin took a bunch of soy sauce to solve surrounding problems on a daily basis, and then went to the market to buy some seafood. After returning home, he asked the maid to make dinner.
Normally, he doesn't eat seafood, but before, it was just because he had no money and nothing else.

However, I thought that a catastrophic event might happen soon.
Colin planned to make up for the gaps in his life, otherwise he would have no place to eat seafood in the future.

Even when a disaster breaks out and filth spreads, seafood may come ashore to eat him.
However, dinner had just been cooked and before there was time to start eating, some blond hair came in with some information.

Colin picked up a crab leg and opened the text message. He saw that the content above was about Base 5.

At present, many people have asked Mr. Wu to observe, and it is basically certain that the enemy is indeed the "awakened ones", a group of "awakened ones" who can fight against level eight personnel, know the internal mechanism information, and work together.

The second thing is that the things these people stole are also revealed.
However, when he saw the stolen items, Colin couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, because the stolen items had something to do with him.

Some time ago, he went into a school to deal with items left over from the "Astronomical Observation Club", some special oily pigments with strange activity.

"Just to grab these things, you didn't hesitate to expose yourself? Could it be that there were some important items that were missed at that time?"

Colin was stunned. He remembered that the key abnormal nature of this mission seemed to have been taken away by the company.

The rest are just some inconspicuous gadgets.
Could it be a mistake?
He couldn't help but send a message to ask, but Duo Jin quickly responded and told him that he thought so too at first, because there were several lost objects, but through some of their extraordinary means of "promoting life", it was determined that it was This thing.

In the end, he even asked Mr. Wu for advice, and he told him to trust his judgment.
'In other words, this gang of people rushed in and killed each other randomly, exposing themselves for a little bit of paint that was of little use? '

Colin pursed his lips, not quite understanding the behavior of this group of people.

However, lacking enemy intelligence, he could not guess any useful information in this regard.
After thinking about it for ten minutes to no avail, I gave up.

"From the current point of view, the official focus should be on the 'Awakened Ones'. We hope to find these guys early or get more information. Otherwise, the current situation where there is nothing to do is really passive."

Shaking his head, Colin took a deep breath and prepared to continue cooking.

But at this time, an intuition suddenly arose in his heart.

"What's the matter? Are you going to let people eat?"

Cursing, Colin put down his rice bowl, took out the parchment, and then saw an unfamiliar task called "Prop Return" on it.

However, this task has already been completed as soon as it was taken over.

"Is this... the batch of contained items traded half a month ago arriving?"

Colin opened the "storage room" and took a look, and found that there were eight more props in his pocket, two purple, three green and three white.

According to the task prompts, he can choose one of these eight props as his reward.

"The first purple item, the 'Yin Soldiers Passing Scroll', can release a large number of 'Yin Soldiers' as a means of attack. It is a summoning gadget that has been around for a long time, but the quantity is very large and can summon hundreds of 'Yin Soldiers'. ', but the quality doesn't seem to be very good, and the physical quality is only slightly better than that of F-class personnel who don't carry anything."

"But if used well, hundreds of Yin soldiers, each with a bag of explosives strapped to their body, should have a good effect."

"The second purple item, 'Doppelgänger·Death Saving Throw', has an overlapping clone on the basis of my main body. This clone cannot escape within ten meters of me, and its strength is not that great, but that is not the key. The key is , with this thing here, as long as I suffer any actual fatal attack, it can die on my behalf."

After briefly browsing the purple clothes, Colin looked at the other green clothes and felt that one or two items among them were quite good.

For example, there is a prop that can promote the rapid growth of plants, which is simply a farming artifact.

If you take it to "World Number-13", it will be a complete kill.

Compared to the two purple outfits, this thing seems to be more practical.
'Yes, when choosing equipment, the right one is the best. For a person who is about to be seriously injured and dying, a green outfit that can stabilize his injuries and save his life is more precious than golden props. '

'So, the key to props is whether they are suitable and useful'

'Instead of blindly pursuing an excessively high rating, if you choose poorly, even if the rating is high, it won't work.'

As his thoughts turned, Colin seemed to have a higher understanding of the choice of props.

Then, he chose a prop with a purple name.

["Double·Death saving throw"]

[Quality: Excellent. 】

【Condition: Almost new (89% complete). 】

[Energy level: none. 】

[Effect "Death saving throw": This prop is a special type of prop. After use, it will always exist in the user's body in a passive form. It can save the user from a death attack at any level and restore all the user's status (excluding Props, etc.) can also be used in daily life, and you can discover the details by yourself. 】

[Negative effect: When the "death saving throw" is activated, the prop is completely ineffective. 】

[Note: Jie Jie Jie, what made you have the illusion that I only have one life? 】

"It's pretty good to avoid death once. Well, everything is meaningful as long as I live. If I die, it won't make sense no matter how fast the potatoes in the field of 'World Number 13' grow."

Colin nodded, took out "Doppelgänger·Death Saving Throw" and looked at it.

It looks like a burning blue fireball.

Looks a little weird
After watching for a few seconds, Colin did not hesitate anymore. He suddenly exerted force with the five fingers of his hand and crushed the blue fireball. Countless flames immediately seeped into his skin.

Then, Colin noticed that there was an invisible and blurry figure under his feet.

At the same time, he also learned more insights related to it
"It feels like I'm trapped by it. Well, it's actually not accurate to say it's a 'death saving throw'. To be more precise, it's equivalent to a special protective shield. Only by destroying it can my true body reappear."

Colin rolled his eyes and thought thoughtfully.

Then, he shifted his attention and looked at a letter in the "storage room".

On top of this letter is Ms. Rabbit's signature.

(End of this chapter)

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