Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 407 Don’t get close, don’t get close, don’t

Chapter 407 Don’t get close, don’t get close, don’t
"Please help? Is there anyone alive in this ghost place?"

Colin's face showed surprise, but after thinking about it, it didn't seem very strange, so he continued to ask:

"Where did the distress signal come from? Can you hear the specific content?"

"It probably means 'rescue', and it should be sent mechanically and repeatedly, not by a living person. Apart from these, the rest is unknown, because when the signal content reaches here, it is already very weak. As for the location, it seems to be right in front of us. ."

"Ahead, that should be where the target is."

Colin was thoughtful, he was a little curious about what was sending this signal.
It might be a human, it might be an anomaly, or it might be some alien race.

Anyway, there are quite a few possibilities
However, no matter which one it was, he had to be careful now, lest he suddenly capsized in the gutter.

Thinking of this, Colin slowed down a bit and was prepared to deal with emergencies. However, the scope of the flame light did not weaken at all. On the contrary, it expanded a bit.
Although doing so would increase the likelihood that he would be discovered by something strange.

But the probability of him discovering an anomaly also increases.

Then, a few boring and uneventful hours passed. Colin, who was advancing like a comet, suddenly saw an extremely huge, dark and empty area in front of his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he narrowed his eyes slightly, his pupils stood up, and he looked forward through the spreading firelight, and couldn't help but his breathing stagnated slightly.

An extremely huge celestial object occupied most of the scene in front of him, and Colin, who looked directly at it, felt an invisible sense of oppression.

After calming down a little, Colin concentrated his attention and looked at the celestial body in front of him.

It floats in the center of the open area, and further around, you can vaguely see the weird meteorite belt.
The overall pattern seems to be a layout of stars and moon.

The surrounding celestial body was wrapped in a layer of black mist, which looked like black mold from a distance.

An indescribable strange aura slowly escaped from it.
"The current perspective is a bit like the way the Earth looks from the moon on TV, but in terms of distance, it shouldn't be that far."

Colin opened his mouth and muttered silently to himself.

Then, he gathered his thoughts and looked at several huge man-made things on the periphery of the spherical black mist celestial body——

Three huge, dilapidated rings.

Their existence makes this sphere look like a special gyroscope.

At this moment, the little maid appeared again, causing a line of translated text to appear on the retina.

"Mr. Colin, I have received the identifiable information frequency band. After translation, I can confirm that it should be a distress message. The meaning is probably: 'The Warning Star' has been seriously damaged, please support.'"

'Is it identifiable information?' '

Upon hearing this, Colin immediately realized that the things existing on the body should be related to the Bonfire Company.

Otherwise, I don’t know how long it will take just to decipher it.
However, for some reason, a spiritual intuition made Colin feel that the information given by the little maid might not be right.

"Can you send me the original content of the signal?"

Colin asked, and after the little maid nodded yes, he quickly got those signals.

He found that they all seemed to be in coded language, which was impossible to understand. However, after looking at it for two or three seconds, Colin suddenly obtained another piece of information.

This information is completely opposite to what the little maid gave.
"Don't come close, don't come close, don't."

“Whoever enters will be trapped”

"All things near here"

".Please be careful with it."


Because the signal is incomplete, the information obtained is not complete, but it is obvious that the content is much different from the so-called "help".

It was at this moment that an idea flashed in Colin's mind, and he realized the reason for this situation.

'It must be interpreted by real humans in order to obtain real information, while other lives will only get false information.'

'So, the distress signal is just like fishing? '

'If an alien hears it and knows that there is a company's military force sending out a distress signal, they will probably step forward and step on it, and then there will be no more.'

After deciphering the content, Colin was a little dumbfounded.

This is in line with the style of the company's previous generation of employees. That group of people were generally ruthless and had the character to bite back or lay a trap before they died.

There is a high probability that it was one of the mines planted when this place fell.

They treat all inhuman things and heretics without mercy at all.

"However, my mission this time is to come here. If I don't get close, then wouldn't it be in vain?"

Colin muttered in his heart.

Then, he looked at the thing that looked like mold, filled with black mist, and was called a police star or a number, and began to wonder what was going on here.

The real signal is that once you enter, you will be trapped.

But it didn't mention why it was trapped.
"Is this the black fog? Next, go into the moldy celestial body to investigate?"

Colin stopped at the edge for a moment, and then without much hesitation, he began to move forward.

This time, he became more cautious. Every time he advanced a certain distance, he mentally called out the full name of the company to ensure that the connection was not interrupted.

'If there is no signal here, I'm afraid we will be in bad luck. '

As his thoughts flashed, Colin got closer and closer to the celestial body with three rings like a gyroscope, but with a "mouldy" center.
And as the distance got closer, he saw that the outermost ring reflected a cold metallic luster in the flames.

It is much wider and larger than what is seen outside, and the width of the ring may be tens or even hundreds of kilometers.
There are a large number of equipment on display that cannot be clearly seen for their specific purpose but are full of technology.

"The ring belt did not trigger any so-called defense mechanism. Maybe it was scrapped? No, all the black mist was restricted to the ring belt. This should not be a coincidence."

"So, not being able to enter means not being able to enter the outer ring?"

"But speaking of it, if we add a few super energy cannons to it, it would be perfect."

Colin couldn't help but think about it, and felt that the outermost ring might be related to weapons, but unfortunately, he didn't seem to see the part that could be called a weapon.

I haven’t seen anything like the planetary orbital gun described in science fiction works.
Or maybe some of those incomprehensible devices are deadly weapons.

But he couldn't recognize it.

But before Colin could think anything more, he suddenly received a prompt.

["Event One" has been completed. 】

["Event [-]": In any area of ​​the third ring of the "Vigilance Starship", light a special temporary bonfire and summon five employees]

"Remarks": Under normal circumstances, this task will not cause the actual death of an employee before 21:34:59.

["Event Three": In any area of ​​the second ring of the "Vigilance Starship", light a special temporary bonfire and summon five employees]

"Remark 1": Under normal circumstances, this task will not cause the actual death of an employee before 21:34:59.

"Remark 2": Event [-] needs to be completed as a prerequisite.

["Event Four":] "."

"The countdown is 21 hours. I haven't seen a countdown task for a long time. I don't know what will happen if the countdown ends. But my dear, you are asking me to build a signal tower from scratch, right?"

Colin immediately realized the true nature of the mission when he first saw it.

Just to find more signal sending devices.
No, to be precise, it feels like this has to be called a signal tower.

However, as long as he is prepared, he does not have to worry about the employees who come here dying suddenly due to appearing in the space environment.

"Under the premise that the task can be rejected, it's probably not easy to find employees who can come to a place like this, right?"

Colin raised his hand and scratched his head.

Those who want to come here, especially those from the outer rings, if they are not D-class, or E-class with special physical talents, and other low-level company personnel come, even with his help, it will be difficult to withstand the space environment.
But it is basically impossible for such an old man to perform such a task.

"This kind of thing should also be an 'arrival project', but it's not the permanent type. Forget it, since the missions are all out, let's try it first."

Colin didn't think much and quickly flew towards the third ring.

Not long after, he landed on the third ring. When his feet touched the top, the long-lost "gravity" returned.

Even the sound can be heard again.
However, if you leave the ground, everything will become like space again.

"It's kind of magical."

Colin stepped hard on the third ring with a dark metallic luster. Then he looked around and made sure that there was still no danger, so he found a position and opened "Event [-]".

[The destination has been reached, do you want to put out the "bonfire" materials? 】


After the words fell, Colin saw a transparent vortex emerge, and from the vortex, a metal ball was thrown out.

After it hit the ground, it opened on its own with a snap.

Immediately afterwards, it was extremely dark, and the big eyes that looked like humans but not humans were thrown out.

Colin took a glance and was probably sure that it should have been some kind of devil brand charcoal during his lifetime, but he didn't think much about it. He stretched out his hand and the flames covered it.

Soon, a cluster of flames hundreds of meters high burned and rose, covering the surrounding area.

"This flame is indeed a bit special. It feels like as long as you are in it, you can guarantee your survival."

Colin felt it and roughly determined the situation.

It’s time to call the employees here.

This is also done automatically, but Colin has a pessimistic view on whether it can find employees willing to come here, especially those D-class employees who are like seasoned professionals.
But what he didn't expect was that just a few seconds later, the fire light squirmed, and five figures were outlined from the flames.

"Damn, I feel a little uncomfortable all of a sudden."

"what happened"

"What the hell is this place?!"


As soon as a few people appeared, they felt obvious discomfort. However, with the protection of the flames, they would not die suddenly on the spot. Then, they subconsciously activated the innate effect of "Body of Violence".

In an instant, they turned into human-wolf figures, and their condition was stabilized.

"Then, divide it yourself. If you feel like it's not working anymore, just take one."

Colin took out fifteen "colorless crystals" and threw them to them.

It was then that they noticed Colin's figure.

"Brother Shunzi?" One of them asked curiously while taking the crystal.


Colin nodded, and then asked curiously: "Why are you here?"

Normally, this group of guys are all crazy, but this time it comes so soon, it's a bit contrary to common sense.

But soon, after a brief exchange, Colin understood the reason.

The task description is to perform a certain task together with employee number "654321" and provide a certain degree of assistance.

2000 guaranteed points reward
A few people took a look, and it seemed that there was no problem in carrying out an investigation mission with Brother Shunzi?Isn’t this the points you picked up for free?So they all agreed.

Then, during the transmission, they realized too late that something was wrong.

"I'm so stupid, forget it, this isn't the 'Advent Project', is it?" A D-class personnel said uneasily.

"It's a foreign mission, but I don't know whether it will come or not. I won't know until the execution is completed."

After hearing Brother Shunzi's words, several people were on the verge of tears, feeling that they had suffered a big loss just to get these points.

Although there are more than twenty hours of "immortal" time in the mission content, it does not explain when you can go back.

"You just stay here as required by your mission and make sure the bonfire doesn't go out. Judging from what I've discovered so far, it should be quite safe here unless something unexpected happens."

Colin waved his hand and rushed directly to the second ring without waiting for the employees to say anything.

The distance between the two rings is not too far.

Looking a little further, it can almost be described as "perfectly matched".

In less than half an hour, Colin, who was moving at full speed, landed on the second ring. He followed the same pattern and summoned the second batch of D-class employees.

Then, these employees looked at this place like the previous batch, with sad faces.

However, at the bonfire point of the third ring on the other side, when they felt that new colleagues were coming and saw the mission-in-progress proprietary communication in their minds, the five D-class personnel all had smiles on their faces.

"Boys, this expression is so inappropriate. Don't worry, I will leave as soon as I can collect the things."

Colin shook his head, and without much dialogue this time, he rushed directly to the first ring.

There are a total of four bonfire "signal towers" required by the mission, one on each ring, and the fourth one needs to be built on the surface of the Vigilance Starship.
This time, as they approached the Starship itself, some strange black mist floated in. There seemed to be invisible life squirming in the haze.
It gives people an extremely strong sense of uneasiness.

But before he got too close, he was melted by the flames around Colin.

"We have entered the black fog area, but the feeling of being unable to leave has not appeared."

Colin raised his eyebrows, but without thinking much, continued the summoning.

"You just stay here. Don't leave the bonfire casually. You can leave when I go to retrieve the target."

After speaking casually, he dropped the "Colorless Crystal" and without waiting for anyone to respond, Colin looked at the surface wrapped in thick black mist and rushed in.
His intuition told him that the longer he stayed in this ghost place, the more likely things would happen.

You have to complete the task as quickly as possible.

As for the five employees who had just arrived, they had the communication channel within the Brain Squadron, and they quickly understood the situation here.

(End of this chapter)

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