Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 408 The mothership shrouded in death


A large amount of flames burst out
After setting up the "signal tower" in the three rings, Colin fell directly towards the surface without any explanation.

As it goes deeper and deeper, the black mist becomes thicker.

Moreover, a large number of mangled corpses began to appear above the world's atmosphere.

There are humans, but most of them are inhuman remains that have never been seen before.
"The fighting here must have been pretty brutal back then."

As his eyes swept over a mutilated mummy that looked like a mountain, Colin couldn't help but feel shocked.

He felt that this was probably part of a terrifying first-level containment object.
But fortunately, it seems to be quite clean. Except for organic and inorganic substances, the divine activity has completely disappeared.

"You shouldn't suddenly come back to life and punch me."

Suppressing the inner panic, Colin withdrew his gaze and continued to fall into the surface of this world.

But that's about it.
He was startled and realized that the death situation of the corpse looked familiar.

"Wait a minute, this way of death, isn't this the way those creatures died near the chapel on World Number-13?"

Colin carefully observed the corpses around him and was basically sure that the way this thing died was similar to the ones near the "World Number-13" chapel.

"Is it another mission related to a certain 'world number'? However, the effect of this ability is that the vitality, spirituality and divinity are completely wiped out, and all things are completely extinct. Could it be that the existence that caused this effect in the first place happened in this place?"

Thinking of this, Colin became wary.

You must know that until now, he still hasn't figured out why there were such strange deaths near the chapel in the first place.

Bacteria, animals, plants, etc.
Everything that is alive is completely dead.

"I hope the thing that created this effect is not here."

After praying silently, Colin withdrew his gaze and continued his actions.

At the current speed, it is estimated that in a few minutes, we will be able to reach the surface of this special celestial body that is said to be a starship, but is not small in scale.

And that was while Colin was rushing on his way silently.

In his mind, the D-class employees arriving one after another gradually calmed down and stood in the campfire looking around curiously.

"What the hell is this place? Why does it feel a bit like outer space?" a First Ring employee asked curiously.

"Take away the feeling and it's like outer space. I can still see the stars from this angle."

"Tsk, Brother Shunzi is no longer satisfied with the other worlds he has left behind. This time he begins to conquer the stars and start an interstellar war."

"Our goal is the sea of ​​stars!"

"What are you doing here, recycling this weird world?"

"I don't know what Brother Shunzi is doing, but as for us, have you ever used WIFI? Our function is similar to this."


"The veterans among D-class personnel know a lot."

Colin controlled his descent while looking at the information in his mind.

After these guys arrived, he obviously felt that the dead and depressing atmosphere had been diluted a lot.

After a while, Colin suddenly saw the black fog fading, and not long after, the outline of a vast land appeared in front of him.

"Except for the weird black fog, it's almost a complete death zone."

Colin sensed everything around him, but he didn't feel any special sense of threat.

After getting out of the black fog layer, he looked back and found that the sky here was almost covered by this layer of creeping black fog.
Under the black mist, there is a dark world without any light.

But without thinking much, Colin fell on a piece of pale gravel.

"Click, click."

The body landed on the ground, and a lot of crisp and crisp sounds were made under the feet.

"These things are bones?"

Colin looked at the white "gravel" the size of a fingernail at his feet in surprise, and then noticed that they were pieces of bones.

Moreover, by the flames penetrating under the bones, it can be determined that this layer of bones is tens of meters high, and the area that can currently be sensed is covered by this kind of bones.
"Why are there so many bones?" Colin sniffed the air, trying to distinguish.

Unfortunately, these things were so completely weathered that they couldn't be smelled at all, so more advanced instruments would have to be used.

Immediately, Colin looked at the little maid.

"Mr. Colin, most of these should come from humans. A small part has unknown ingredients and belongs to unknown species outside my database." The little maid quickly gave the result.

"Humans, how many people are there?"

When Colin heard this, he lowered his head subconsciously and looked at the skeletons dozens of meters deep under his feet, feeling his heart palpitate.

In the firelight, wisps of black energy rose from under the bones.

It was really hard for him to imagine what was happening here, that there would be deaths of this magnitude.
However, he didn't think too much about this. Colin continued the mission, summoned the fourth "bonfire", and summoned the fourth batch of D-class personnel.

This time, there were nine people in total.

"Hey, I've been tricked. I've received a fraud-type mission. This ghost place is very dangerous at first glance!"

"Damn it, these are human bones under my feet."

"Hey, who are you? Wait, Brother Shunzi?"



After a moment of confusion, all D-class personnel took defensive postures and looked around warily.

Then, they discovered that a familiar figure emitting flames was standing not far away.

"I need four people to follow me and go deep into this place together. Although we don't need to take any action, the risk level is probably a little higher than staying here."

"You guys choose among yourselves, we'll leave in 10 minutes."

Colin didn't talk nonsense. After this group of people came out, his next mission also came out.

Take four people with you to continue deep into it for further investigation.

Of course, the best case scenario is to capture a certain number of anomalies, hand them over to the company, and then start the next subsidiary event.
'It seems that the company should have obtained the information that Jin Ka is here, but it has not locked the specific location. '

Colin pursed his lips and probably had some guesses about the progress of the current task.

But before he had time to think too much, a shout came from the bonfire.

"Brother Shunzi, the choice has been made." "Has it been chosen now? Is it so fast?"

Colin was surprised. He had thought that the group would shirk in various ways due to the dangers of following the mission, and in the end they had to select members through coin toss, rock-paper-scissors and other methods.

But unexpectedly, in less than 3 minutes, the candidate had already appeared.

However, when he saw the names of the four people who came forward, Colin was not surprised anymore.

'The life coach is so cute', 'The Son of Sex', 'Fol Mushroom', 'Little Rookie No. 7'.'

Colin hadn't noticed it before, and he didn't expect that it would be this group of acquaintances.

"We said before when we were on the train that if you have a request, Brother Shunzi, as long as the task is not too tricky, we will definitely come!"

"This time we came right over as soon as we saw the mission."

The "son of pervert" patted his chest, while the other two nodded.

"Yes, yes! I didn't expect you to be here. It seems that all the five of us except Sun Huang have arrived. I don't know if they didn't receive the mission, or refused it, or something else."

The little rookie looked around and couldn't help but say.

But before he finished speaking, "Fol Mushroom" patted him on the shoulder:

"At best, he might just be dead."

I'm so moved. Next time I can't find a D-class candidate, I'll take it from the three of you. Colin felt a warm current in his heart.

I didn't recruit these acquaintances before, purely because their value was not very high.

What he needs are employees with some technical skills.
But this time, just because of their attitude, it was worth giving them a "Seven Days of Adventure in Another World" gift package.

The "life coach is much cuter" on the other side looked at the small circle of three people, but didn't say anything. The reason why he came this time was also very simple, it was because of Brother Shunzi's name.

And now he's not worried about Project Advent.

As far as he knew, once the "Advent Project" has been determined in a certain place, it will generally not be replaced by other similar tasks, so as long as you can go back, you don't have to worry about being forced to send it later.

"Okay, now that the candidates have been chosen, let's get ready to take action."

"As for other people, if you find anything wrong, immediately communicate with me through the channel in your mind. If you find anything unusual, please report it."

Colin reminded others not to be careless, and took four employees into action.

"By the way, where exactly is this place? Why are there so many bones?" The little rookie looked at the scene here and couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know, I just know it's a starship. These bones are probably the bones of enemies or something."

Colin casually explained the intelligence he had collected so far.

This so-called "starship" of celestial body is probably much larger than the moon.

After hearing his words, several people couldn't help but clicked their tongues, unable to imagine how this place was built.

"The company actually had such a glorious side back then. It even built a fucking starship." In order to express his surprise, "The life coach is much cuter" made a rare swear word.

Many strange props in the company can be explained by abnormalities, but these things cannot be achieved without hard power.

He thought the "ghost train" incident was a big scene before, but if the battlefield were placed on the scale of space, their previous "big scene" would be a bit like a village fight in ancient times.
"Who actually runs this company? The more I know, the more outrageous it feels." Another D-class employee couldn't help but sigh, and sent a message to the team in his head.

Unfortunately, no one here can give an answer to this kind of question.

During the exchange between several people, Colin did not interrupt. While acting according to the task instructions, he observed several employees and noticed that compared to previous meetings, their actions this time were much more "standard".

It seems that he is in a state of being able to fight back immediately at any time.

It cannot be said that this state did not exist before, but it was not as "capable" as it is now.

'It seems that the guidance effect of the C-level brother is quite strong. In a short period of time, he has promoted them to a big rank. I don't know how many times one or two died before they can be so proficient. '

Colin muttered in his heart, and then retracted his thoughts.

Not long after leaving the camp, about ten minutes later, they followed the direction of the mission's investigation and found an arched hillside of bones.

Through flame perception, Colin was able to determine that there was an unknown facility under the hillside.

After thinking about it, Colin stretched out his finger towards the pile of bones. A ball of flame surged down his finger, incinerating all the bones blocking the target. Then he saw a cylindrical metal protruding from the ground.

It is about ten meters in diameter, like a huge chimney, and its appearance is extremely smooth.

At the same time, an idea emerged from the mission.

Colin tilted his head, continued walking, came to the chimney-like building, stretched out his hand and pressed it against the metal wall.

The cold, hard metal touch came.
However, more than ten seconds passed.It seems like nothing happened?

But just as Colin had this idea, he saw a light shining where his palm was attached.

Circles of light spread like water ripples

An intermittent mechanical female voice sounded in my ears.

Immediately afterwards, part of the place Colin touched felt extremely hard. The dark metal, which was not even affected by the campfire just now, began to squirm, and then caved in, revealing a downward passage.

"I thought it had been completely destroyed, but I didn't expect that it still retains some operational capabilities."

Colin did not enter immediately, but with a thought, he let the flames pour into it.

Soon, he roughly understood the scene here: spiral staircases, dense and complex metal corridors, and a large number of vague and non-human life breaths.
"The situation inside is quite complicated, but generally speaking, it is still within the control range."

Colin nodded his chin, then withdrew the flame and stepped directly into it.

Several D-class employees behind him didn't say anything nonsense when they saw this, and followed him without hesitation.
Having experienced various things together as a team, they had no doubts about Brother Shunzi's judgment.

And just as Colin thought, after they successfully completed the spiral staircase, they came to a fork in the road.

There are six passages at the fork in the road, which are like the word "meter", leading straight to different directions. Each passage is relatively spacious, about seven or eight meters wide, and the ground is covered with a layer of ashes.

On the thick metal wall, there are rows of guiding lights emitting green light, extending all the way into the distance.

It's a pity that we can't see very far, everything is obscured by black fog.

"Brother Shunzi, which one should we go for? Or should we explore separately?" "Son of Sexual Abuse" looked around and asked curiously, then rubbed his throat and spat out a mouthful of phlegm.

Those bones were too weathered and filled with dust, which made his throat feel uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the ashes themselves are not dangerous. Just be careful to avoid inhaling more.
"Not separated."

Colin looked around and randomly chose a direction to move forward.

After coming down, the mission guide disappeared, probably leaving him to perform on his own.

(End of this chapter)

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