Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 409 The terrifying golden out-of-control prop!

'It's weird, there are abnormal smells everywhere in the air, it seems like there are monsters everywhere, but apart from the black mist, I don't see any living things, not even abnormalities. Could it be that everything has died long ago? '

'It's quite annoying that there is no clear target of investigation.'

Colin frowned slightly, observing as he moved forward. Fortunately, as long as he went deep enough into the investigation-type mission, he would definitely be able to complete it, so there was no need to be too hasty.

Subsequently, every 1000 meters or so in the corridor, there will be another "meter" fork in the road.

Other than that, nothing else was seen.

This place is like a very special large maze.

"Clang clang."

Colin stepped hard on his feet, with flames attached to his body, trying to create a downward path directly.

Unfortunately, I don't know what kind of material this metal is made of, and it will burn red if you increase the intensity.

Wanting to burn through is a bit of a fantasy.

But at this moment, a rush of footsteps suddenly came from behind.

It seemed like something finally appeared.


Colin flicked his hand, and the ring on his ring finger immediately transformed into an exquisite revolver and was held in his hand. Then he looked over there with a vigilant face, not daring to be careless at all.
Just now, when they passed that road, they clearly didn't see anything.

As a result, footsteps suddenly came out.
Something seems to be appearing in an incomprehensible way!
Just as everyone took a defensive stance, a group of weird-looking humanoid creatures wearing various skins rushed out from a corner of the road a thousand meters away.

Although it was the first time he saw them, Colin still recognized their essence from the unique energy aura.

"Devil-like creatures? There are quite a few of them."

Colin grunted.

However, the black fog here seems to have little to do with them.
In other words, this group of demons is most likely one of the victims who received a "distress signal" and wanted to come here for revenge, but ended up being tripped.

At this moment, their original target seemed not to be Colin and others, but to go somewhere else.

But after noticing them, their eyes lit up.
"You smell so weak, are you a lone civilian employee?!"

"Great, kill them!"

"Replenish the blood food, then leave this damn place, and then commit suicide and return!"

"Hurry, or those things below will catch up!"

After a brief exchange of words, a group of strange demonic creatures made a decision and attacked and killed Colin and others.

A ferocious heretic demon was carrying a long sword emitting green light. It was very fast, galloping like a cheetah. It could cover a distance of more than 1000 meters in just a few seconds.
It was at this time that it saw that those guys seemed to have reacted and made hasty defense preparations.

This speed is completely different from the legion members we encountered before——

And this is indeed the level of non-combatants!

What's even more ridiculous is that in the middle, the man is aiming a broken pistol from an unknown era at him.

The bullets fired by this weapon may not run as fast as it does!

If it is a standard Gauss weapon, it may choose to retreat, but if it is just a small pistol
"Too weak! Let you experience what speed is power!"

The demon holding the lightsaber roared and doubled its speed again, completely surpassing the speed of sound!
However, just when it was about to rush in front of the opponent, the voices of other demons came from its mind.

"Damn, be careful, there's something wrong with this guy, be careful with that pistol!"

"Something wrong?"

As soon as the thought of the devil holding the lightsaber arose, a sense of crisis suddenly arose. Then, while moving at high speed, it suddenly discovered that the opponent had pulled the trigger. In the muzzle of the flickering gun, a seemingly normal weapon appeared. Bullets flew out.

After the bullet was fired, it quickly enlarged, with a layer of heart-stopping flames attached to it, and shot at a faster speed.
A ball of bloody meat paste exploded in front.

A large amount of intestines fell to the floor like scattered spaghetti.
"I'm shocked, is this all?"

Colin pursed his lips. As soon as they met, he saw the other person coming to kill him. He was quite powerful. He thought he was some kind of strong man, but he turned out to be a guy who was shot to death.

At the same time, a dozen demons were shocked.

"Damn it! That guy is too young and doesn't know that this is a weapon with a 'skin', so he can't beat him at all!"

"Go away!"

Compared to the young demon, when some of the old demons saw the revolver in Colin's hand and the flames on his body, they almost didn't think much about it due to some bone-deep fear, and they turned around and ran away without a moment's silence for him.

"Don't think about leaving once you're here."

The flames in Colin's body were stirring. It was hard to find someone who could understand the situation here. How could he let him go so easily?

And luckily, there's only one type that can break the speed of sound.

Soon, Colin easily caught all the demons he could catch and locked them together. The ones he didn't catch were also made into a tomato meat sauce dish.

However, just when he was about to start interrogating to obtain information about this place, a mission prompt appeared.

"Then the next task comes up? I haven't even started to ask yet."

Colin murmured, not surprised. He recalled the specific content of the mission in his mind and thought about how to obtain information from these demonic creatures.
He was more curious about how these guys appeared in the first place and what they were running from.

Just, at this moment.
"Brother Shunzi, which one should we go for? Or should we explore separately?" "Son of Sexual Abuse" looked around, asked curiously, and then rubbed his nose.
"Not separated."

Colin looked around and chose a direction at random.

After coming down, the mission guide disappeared, probably leaving him to perform on his own.

'It's just that there is an abnormal atmosphere everywhere. It seems to be full of people, but except for the black mist, there are no other living things. Could it be that everything is dead? '

'It's weird, I always feel like something is wrong, very wrong'

Colin and others observed and moved forward, and soon discovered that this place was like a large maze.

Every 1000 meters, there will be a "meter"-shaped road fork.

The whole thing is like a very special large maze.

Then, Colin glanced at the ground, then withdrew his gaze and looked into the distance.

This kind of metal is so special that even with the power of a bonfire, he can't leave any traces. If he wants to forcefully open a path, the price will definitely be high.

But as soon as he looked back, Colin was suddenly startled——

He had never tried it, so how could he know that it couldn't be stepped on with the power of a bonfire?
Just don’t think too much about it
The sound of rapid footsteps suddenly came.


Colin flicked his hand, and the ring on his ring finger changed, turning into a revolver.

At the same time, a group of extremely strange demons that seemed to have been seen somewhere rushed out.
"You smell so weak, are you a lone civilian employee?!"

"Great, kill them!"

"Replenish the blood food, then leave this damn place, and then commit suicide and return!"

"Hurry, or those things below will catch up!"

"." What's catching up?
When Colin was confused, he saw a very fast demon rushing towards him. He shot it without thinking.

155 shells shot out from the muzzle
There was almost no suspense, and the demon instantly exploded into a mess of meat under the various blessed cannonballs.

'Weird, I always feel like something is so weird.'

Colin was confused, seeing that the other employees didn't seem to be any different.

Moreover, when the group of demons behind saw the death of their companions, they ran away without any hesitation. He didn't have time to think too much and chased after them.

After a while, all the demons were caught.

But Colin didn't rush to interrogate him. He always felt that something would happen at this time?

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration, opened the taskbar, and immediately there was an additional task.

[Special event: After killing any demon and recycling it, you will immediately be blessed by the "sealed right hand" effect to protect yourself]

“Tip”: Act ASAP.

"Just kill one? Then tell me earlier, it will waste a few minutes of my time. Wait, when did there be another task?"

Colin was puzzled, but he did not hesitate and was immediately ready to do as asked.

His hand reached into the "storage room."

"Brother Shunzi, we..." "Son of Sex Abuse" asked.

But before he could finish speaking, Colin interrupted: "Don't scatter, go this way."

"Uh." "Son of Sexual Abuse" was stunned. He hadn't finished speaking yet. How did Brother Shunzi know what he wanted to ask?
At the same time, Colin was also startled for a moment. Looking around, he felt very familiar.

But he didn't think much and quickly moved in the chosen direction.
Although several people felt that something was wrong with Brother Shunzi, they still followed him and acted quickly.

Not long after, a burst of footsteps sounded from behind

At the same time that Colin drew his gun, a thought came to his mind subconsciously: 'Here we go again, wait, why did I say 'again'? '

And at this moment, a group of demons that seemed to have been seen somewhere appeared.

The same familiar conversation came
Another demon rushed out.

"Bang" sound.

The demon exploded in response, and the other demons fled.

Just as Colin was about to chase after him, he suddenly remembered something and opened the task bar.

"this mission"

At this moment, Colin vaguely understood something. Instead of chasing the group of demons, he came to the pile of familiar "Spaghetti Bolognese" and determined the task of uploading these things.

At the same time, he pulled out the orange card named "Sealed Right Hand" from his pocket.

"Isn't this thing only usable during the 'Item Release' period?"

With doubts in mind, Colin injected a lot of spirituality into it, and then felt that he was more familiar with "time stasis".

If you keep stimulating it, your use of "Time Stagnation" may be a little stronger.

But for such a little proficiency, it is quite uneconomical to expend a huge amount of energy to maintain its effect.

Even Colin can't use it for too long.
'But why did the mission ask me to do this? '

Colin had an inexplicable feeling that he didn't understand.

However, before he could think of anything, a sudden change occurred.

"What's going on with those demons?" "The life coach is so cute" looked forward in surprise.

I saw that the demons that had originally fled in all directions retreated back from the passages in all directions in an extremely funny manner. The whole process was like a movie played in reverse.
They seemed to gather together at the intersection, and then step back to their original place.

However, the recycled "speed is power" disappeared forever.

Even if we could turn back the clock, we couldn't make the company spit out what it had eaten.

At the same time, watching this scene, some memories emerged in Colin's mind.
"Fuck! No wonder everything feels so familiar to me."

Colin sensed the memories in his brain, and then quickly looked strange. These memories also included a regression process.

He saw the "Son of Sexual Abuse" spitting out the mouth twice in a row.

Colin shook his head and shook the disgusting image out of his mind. When he saw the "son of pervert" who was completely unaware of everything, he hesitated for half a second and decided not to tell him about it for the time being.
Then, watching the demons retreating under the influence of unknown power
Colin realized which gold card was in this incident.


Apart from this card, Colin couldn't think of any other effects that could stimulate similar effects.

Looking at the orange card in his hand, he couldn't help but shake his head.
'No wonder the company asked me to come here. I'm afraid it's not suitable for anyone else except me. At least it's not very cost-effective. '

'However, the effect of a general gold card is only a few dozen meters, but I didn't notice it was nearby, tsk.'

'Isn't this card in some kind of situation that's about to get out of control?Is it really appropriate for me to recycle the out-of-control golden props?'

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and Colin couldn't help but let out a long breath.

And at this moment, he felt that the power that filled this place and could turn back time disappeared.

He immediately released the effect of "Sealed Right Hand", and then his eyes showed a trace of fatigue.
This thing consumes a lot of energy.

At the same time, a new subsidiary task event appeared.

[Event [-]: Due to unknown reasons, the location of "Time·Counterflow" is still unable to be locked. Please follow the guidance and enter below the negative second floor of the mothership to recover as many heretical race creature remains as possible to obtain further information. 】

"Can't you feel it? This is similar to me. When I activate my right hand, I feel that this card is here. It seems to be everywhere, and it seems to be nowhere."

Colin recalled his previous feelings, then shook his head and collected his thoughts.

At this time, "Life Coach Cute" saw that he had finished his thinking state and asked about the situation.

"It has something to do with what we are going to recycle this time, but let's talk about it while taking action."

As he spoke, Colin looked in a certain direction, took steps, and explained the situation under the guidance of the mission.

"Hiss, another gold card." Several D-class personnel couldn't help but look at each other.

Brother Shunzi said that he was recycling it for the company, but they all felt that there was a high probability that this card would end up in Brother Shunzi's hands.
In this case, he is probably the only person in the company who holds two golden props!

Ignoring what these people were thinking, Colin led the team forward seriously. During this period, he encountered several "time counterflow" phenomena and encountered several waves of enemies that appeared out of thin air.
There are demons, and some other cultists, and weirdos.

But you will be prepared for this. Basically, if you encounter him, you will kill him directly.

"They seem to have been trapped in different time reincarnations. Maybe they will be triggered when I get close to them, and then appear out of thin air again. Is this why the signal warns that once you enter, you cannot leave?"

"But, is this the true power of Jinka? It's simply terrifying."

Colin was thoughtful.

Ten minutes later, I saw a spiral staircase leading downwards.

ps: I’m kindly asking for monthly votes. (End of this chapter)

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