Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 410 Yesterday reappears

Under the light of the bonfire, wisps of strange black mist slowly rose from the spiral downward stairway ahead.
"Is the thing that the demons were afraid of just now down here? But I can't seem to feel it."

While thinking, Colin controlled the flame like a stream, going down the stairs one by one and flowing into the negative second floor area.

Through flame perception, Colin "saw" that the layout of the second floor of the negative two floor seemed to be similar to that of the first floor of the negative one, with forks in the road that looked like the word "meter" and the same cold metal creations.
But in different places, some corpses appeared below, and the black mist became thicker.

But overall it doesn't seem to be a big problem.

Confirming this, Colin took his four friends and walked down.

Just when we came down, something seemed to be triggered. Not far away, some abnormal creatures suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Their shape is very special, appearing in the form of aerosol. In the mist, there are vague bright spots, like weird little nebulae.

At this moment, they were rushing towards the turning of the stairs, seemingly planning to leave this place.

But sensing Colin and the others, they paused, and then the roar of thunder and lightning erupted from the clouds.

Lightning flashes came one after another
"Is this another life trapped in the 'countercurrent' of time?"

Colin's thoughts flashed through his mind, and the flames he had prepared for erupted further, dissipating the lightning.

Then, without waiting for those things to decide whether to run or stay, he bent slightly and dived towards them like a cheetah.

In the process, he raised the revolver and pulled the trigger one after another.

Bang Bang Bang!
The gunfire was almost continuous.

Ordinary solid bullets attached with flames penetrated their bodies in a dense fog state, and seemed unable to form an effective attack. However, the flames on the bullets directly ignited them.

Each one burst into flames like willow catkins when exposed to fire.

"Clang clang ~"

A large number of colorful crystals containing strange energy fell from mid-air.

"Tsk, gold coins exploded."

Colin's eyes wandered among the dozens of crystals, and then he saw some small metal things among the fist-sized crystals.
They are about the size of an index finger, with something densely written on them.

He stretched out his hand, rolled the flames, and took the things the size of his index finger into his hands. Then he glanced around and understood the situation of the abnormal creature he had just encountered.

"Contained object tag, number 6-978341, containment level, level 6 and below, low threat, low intelligence, special silicon-based life form, experimental report, each '6-978341' can stably produce about 74 kilowatt hours of electricity per hour, With continuous power supply, it can survive for three years. After death, the crystal can absorb the heat energy of the star. Most of them can be regenerated within three months to one year in a suitable environment. The hatching difficulty is medium level three."

"The evaluation of the Starship Energy Department is that the development value is low and not as good as the Devil"

"Tsk, 74 kilowatt-hours of electricity per hour, is this still low?"

Colin's eyes lit up. The company looked down upon this, but he felt it was quite good. It had 74 kilowatt-hours of electricity per hour, and just this one could power a building.
The key is that it seems to have no pollution and is considered to be efficient and clean energy.

The methods to stimulate it to generate electricity and limit it are all in the metal plate that contains the tag.

You can use it by adjusting it later.
As for the hatching method, in addition to separating them through unknown means, they can also be manually forced into crystal shapes, and then cut into a certain amount and exposed to the sun, they can become two
This process is somewhat like potatoes, except that the results are not stable.

"Let's give it a name, let's call it 'Plasma Potato'. The company doesn't like this thing, maybe because its upper limit is not high enough, but it's just right for us."

Colin nodded. The company at its peak at that time despised it, but he did not despise it. Instead of handing it over in a hurry, he took part of the crystal.

This kind of person does not die from being drained of energy. The resurrection time is much faster. It takes about a few days to come back to life and continue to dedicate itself to human energy.

In Colin's opinion, this is definitely a strategic level of energy.
As a person who is willing to share and never eat alone, Colin picked up a dozen and did not forget to give one to his teammates. He also selected two pieces of "plasma potatoes" and handed them to the four people around him.

"You two should each share half of it." Colin warned.

"What is this?" Ful Mushroom did not refuse, but was just a little curious.

The other three people did the same, all looking at Colin waiting for an explanation.

"See for yourselves." Colin gave the containment number label.

“Hiss, shit, I feel like I’ve seen a new energy future besides nuclear energy.”

"The life coach is so cute" looked at the crystal in his hand with a shocked look on his face.

Although it is said above that the value is lower than that of the devil, the devil's energy mining is more difficult and far less suitable than this easy one.

Of course, the only limitation of this thing is that it has an upper limit for differentiation. It seems that if it exceeds a certain number of times, the efficiency will decrease, the difficulty of differentiation will increase, the results will be unstable, etc.
But even so, its value is still very high in the eyes of everyone.

"It is indeed a battleship capable of crossing galaxies. If there is anything missing from it, it feels like it can solve the biggest problems plaguing our world." The rookie sighed while putting the things in his pocket, planning to go back and study how to use them.

If we could find the technology to allow them to hatch naturally, we would be entering a new era.

"Fore Mushroom" on the other side heard what he said and couldn't help but joke: "By the way, if this thing spreads, there should be no 'oil is coming out of the backyard, it's so beautiful' in the future, right?"

"It's impossible to say for sure. You have to be careful when planting potatoes in the future." The "Son of Sexual Abuse" pursed his lips.

"Okay, let's continue the downward investigation and see if there are any other gains."

Colin waved his hand and handed a "Plasma Potato" to the company, then held the "Sealed Right Hand" card and continued to lead them.

There are not many anomalies on the negative [-]nd floor that are trapped in the "reverse flow of time".
However, the strength is much stronger than that of the negative one, otherwise it would not be possible to come to this place. Unfortunately, although I also encountered other fugitive containers twice during this period, their value was not very high.

In other words, for them now, the value is not very high.

In addition, Colin and others also saw some corpses, some of different races, and some of starship members.

"It's strange. From the current point of view, as long as it is not recovered by the company, once it dies or leaves a certain range, it will be forced to go back in time. Generally, no body will be left behind. So how did this part of the body be left behind?"

In a passage, Colin and others looked at the body of a man wearing a faded brown coat with confused expressions on their faces.

The corpse is like a mummy in the desert. I don’t know how long it has been dead.
The method of death should be due to the loss of half of his head and several large holes in his chest.

But even in death, he still held on to several iron chains in his hands, with the bodies of multiple strange creatures connected to the ends of the iron chains.
Not surprisingly, they should all die together.

"I can't see any creature, it must be an unknown species, and everything has been wiped out. It died completely. I can't even judge the strength level before birth, but I feel that it shouldn't reach C level."

Colin withdrew his gaze and did not think deeply about the unclear questions.

He tried to inspire a mission to recover the body.
However, the task did not respond, and the company does not seem to have any plans to take this employee back and bury him.

"Sorry, buddy, I can't take you away for the time being. I'm afraid you'll have to continue lying here."

After Colin grunted, he walked through here and walked towards the stairs in front of the road.

He also sensed the situation below through the flames, and after making sure that there would be no surprises, he took his four mobile eyes to the negative three floors.
Compared to the place above, the black fog here is thicker and the atmosphere is more depressing.

Even the metal wall, which had never seen any scratches, had some remaining permanent marks.

"The strength of the monsters here should be quite high. After all, according to my estimation, if you want to leave traces on these special metal walls, at least a level three containment device can do it."

"To be honest, those monsters trapped in the 'Time Backflow' are quite troublesome. They will only be triggered if you get close to them. Otherwise, you won't be able to detect them through the campfire at all. You have to activate the 'sealed right hand' to be able to detect them."

"But activating this thing all the time consumes too much energy and cannot be maintained forever. Forget it, let's take it one step at a time."

Shaking his head, gathering his thoughts, Colin continued to move forward according to the mission requirements, and continued to follow the mission instructions to find the staircase leading to the next floor.

However, as they approached the stairs leading down to the negative third floor, Colin and others noticed that there were more corpses that had not been caught in the "time countercurrent".

Sometimes a passage is filled with corpses in various forms of death, and the intensity of the war is extremely high.

Even weirdly, in some places, even if Colin didn't go there, he could still hear voices, roars, or heavy footsteps. The whole thing was extremely chaotic.
However, after walking over with curiosity to see if they could investigate anything, they found nothing, nothing was triggered, and nothing was seen.

But after leaving, I could faintly hear invisible whispers coming quietly, and see unknown figures wandering around.
This place is no longer as "quiet" as the negative one and negative two floors.

"It's almost like a haunted house."

Even with the blessing of Brother Shunzi's flame, "The life coach is much cuter" still couldn't help but touch his arm and feel a chill in his spine.

He is not afraid of the demons and monsters that can be seen, but he is a little bit confused about these invisible weird things.

"Get ready for protection."

Colin warned, then controlled the fireball to hang behind his head, continued to move forward, and led the team forward.

The task requirement is to keep investigating, but it does not give the extent to which the investigation is completed.

Even if it feels wrong, they can only continue to act.

Another ten minutes later, Colin solved a monster caught in the "reverse flow of time". When he passed a fork in the road and turned the corner, he couldn't help but take a "hiss" breath.
I saw that in the corridor for a long distance behind the corner, there were all corpses wrapped in brown clothes.

They are everywhere, leaving almost no room for a foothold.

"They are all humans, and most likely they are battleship employees. What is happening here."

Colin raised his eyes and looked ahead. His eyes stood upright, and there was a flash of fire. He vaguely saw the stairs leading to the next floor a thousand meters away. At the same time, he saw countless corpses on the way to the stairs.

All of them are employees of the company.
It's eerie and strange, but inexplicable and not scary. "They all have their backs to the stairs. From a rough judgment, what should they be dealing with? But it seems that there are no corpses of monsters other than humans. Why? Is it a non-entity type, or are these people killed instantly?"

"Forget it, it's the same as before, don't think too much about it."

Colin looked at the stairs in front of him and then at the bodies on the ground. Although he had respect for these employees, he wanted to avoid accidents.

He still controlled the flames and burned the corpses on the ground.
"In the past, it was okay to have a few occasionally, but this time there are too many. If something goes wrong, we may not be able to cope with it."

Looking at the "renewed" corridor, Colin gathered his thoughts, then, holding three cards in his left hand at the same time, holding the revolver in his right hand, he continued to move forward.

However, just when we reached the middle section, a sudden change occurred!

"Death to me!"

With a roar, a female figure galloped from the front. Her face was blurred, she had short hair, she was wearing a brown coat, and she was dragging a long knife that continuously spewed out a large amount of flames.

When it appeared, the entire corridor shook, and the temperature seemed to rise extremely.

"The life coach is so cute." The others' scalps tightened, feeling that the other person was like a locomotive, and they quickly put up their defenses.
'The smell of a campfire?Is this one of our own? '

Colin was about to draw his gun and shoot, but when he felt a similar power, he stopped, and the flames on his body also rose, hoping to use this to check the opponent's identity.

However, even though he did this, the other party still did not stop.

"Didn't he recognize it, or did he lose his mind? However, he is quite strong, but he is definitely not a C-level personnel, and he is most likely a D-level person."

As his thoughts flashed, Colin kept a close eye on the opponent, preparing to subdue him when he reached the "time stop" or "repulsion" position.

But just when he thought he would meet the other party
The next second, the figure stopped halfway and suddenly swung out the raging fire-breathing sword.


The broadsword seemed to have hit something.

An illusory figure covered in cloth was forced out of the air and chopped into pieces with a knife.
However, before he died, he also gave a fatal blow to the female personnel dragging the fire knife, cutting off the left half and nearly one-third of her head.

"This seems to be the 'Bonfire Stalker'? His target is not us. Wait, is this a historical image reproduced by 'Time Reverse'?"

With his understanding of the "time series", Colin immediately realized the fundamentals of everything.

At the same time, he saw that the female member holding the flaming sword shook her figure after her head was cut off. She didn't know what kind of ability she used, and then her pale hand stretched out from the ground and picked up the other half of the head. Hand it to her.

"These inhuman things are really troublesome!" She pushed the head back to its original position.

"Damn, what a strong vitality!" When several employees saw this scene, their eyelids twitched.

However, "Life Coach is much cute" glanced at the three of them and said:

"You don't have to underestimate yourselves. After D-level promotion and matching talents or props, you can achieve similar effects even if your head is chopped off."

Hearing this, several people said "uh".

But before he could say anything more, a large number of anomalies rushed towards the venue.

A new enemy is coming
"At least the strength of a level 2 containment object." Colin felt the aura and made a quick judgment.

At this time, some faint figures appeared beside the female personnel.

"Sir, you can't continue fighting. We won't be able to hold on for long if we leave this line of defense. Please retreat quickly."

"Leave this to us."

". Will do anything to block it."

Compared to this powerful woman, those figures were very blurry and could not be seen clearly, and even her words were a bit distorted.

It can only appear slightly when it appears next to her. At other times, it is in a weak state that can be sensed but cannot be seen or heard.

"Evacuate?! There are still a large number of victims below who have not been relocated! The breeding site is still in the process of being relocated. If we evacuate, what will happen to those people?! With your strength, can you stop them?"

She said disdainfully, with no intention of retreating. After speaking, she held the knife and sensed the scene through the flames: "10 minutes! Hold the No. 17 defense line! At any cost!"

"You have been nominated for C-level. There is a high chance that you will not die in vain like us."

"Fuck C-level, you can't even defend your position, what's the use of going up there? Nothing can be lost here! My intuition tells me that once the position is lost, the entire battle situation may be affected, and I don't want to become a human sinner!"

As soon as the words fell, a new round of fighting broke out.

Colin saw this figure wielding a long knife. During these "long" 10 minutes, he wielded the long knife to repel many enemies.

Even the secondary containment objects were forced to retreat under the impact of not caring about life and death.
Even though he knew she wasn't alone, in Colin's eyes she almost was.

Most of the other members only reveal themselves when they are around her.

"Report! The front line is in emergency. The enemy is rushing in."

"It is a second-level threat from the Terror. Some of the first-level threats cannot be dealt with by conventional means."

"Hahaha, the will of a first-level threatening creature? It seems that my place is indeed the key to affecting the situation of the battle, otherwise these guys would not come!"

The female personnel with the power of the bonfire sneered, her broken and bleeding face looked straight ahead, there was no fear at all for the coming power that was once called "god", but only hatred.

"There are three minutes and 21 seconds left. The time has come for the brothers of the expeditionary force to sacrifice for the destiny of mankind!"

"Bet your life and mine! Everyone, activate the 'Bonfire Furnace Device'! Within 3 minutes! I will not allow any enemy to break through this line of defense! No. 17 line of defense will not become an opening!"

She threw away the long knife, stabbed her heart with her right hand, pulled out a burning heart with force, and held it high above her head:
"Accept the power of the 'Bonfire', and I will fight side by side with you!"

In an instant, scorching flames spread from the burning heart.

It was at this moment that Colin's eyes narrowed and he saw tens of thousands more figures in the spacious corridor.

The power of the "bonfire" was blessed on them and concentrated on their hearts.

Each member of the expeditionary force collided with the invisible enemy like a torrent of flames.

The defense line that was about to be broken through once again held up.
However, not long after, a more terrifying force came here.

A large number of members fell to the ground and died.

The "reverse flow of time" stopped, and the tunnel originally filled with flames returned to darkness, leaving only countless corpses on the ground.

Looking at the reappearing bones, Colin's breathing stagnated at first, but soon calmed down.

"There is no pollution in the air, so it shouldn't turn into a zombie or anything. However, was the first-level containment object the original body just arrived?"

Colin thought deeply and realized that the thing should not be trapped here.

Otherwise, there should be its presence in "Reverse Flow of Time".

Instead of looking like he was hedging against the air like just now.
Then he shook his head and gathered his thoughts. He glanced at the corpses on the ground that were so densely packed that there was almost nowhere to rest. Instead of burning them again, he stretched out his feet and toes to move away from the group of bones and continued to move forward.

The few people behind him wanted to step on where Colin had landed and follow him like a chicken and a hen, but after thinking about it, they decided to maintain their formation and continue to move forward as a group.

Not long after, Colin passed by the area where the female soldier was killed and subconsciously glanced there, but did not see her body.
On the contrary, where she is, there is a rare "open space".

After all, he is not a 'fire supporter', and may not even be a reserve. If he uses his strength to ignite his ego, the result will be that not even a bit of scum will be left.
However, even though she herself was completely burned, there was still something left.

A broken sword lay quietly in an inconspicuous corner of the corridor.

After thinking about it, Colin took out 100 yuan and summoned a "scooter" to go over and pick up the things.

After visually checking that there was no danger, I took it in my hand and opened its panel.

[A completely scrapped long knife: It once seemed to be an excellent item, but unfortunately now it has been completely scrapped, and its characteristics have been wiped out, without any possibility of repair. 】

"Ah, it's a pity. But looking at it this way, she should indeed be a D-class personnel, just an elite one."

Thinking of this, Colin subconsciously glanced at the people around him, and then couldn't help but shake his head.

They are all D-class members, why is the gap so big?
'Speaking of which, this employee seems to be wearing a purple outfit?Including the somewhat special heart, it can hold two to death. Besides the heart, even if this long knife is repaired, judging from the performance just now, the effect will not be much.'

'I can't say I'm at the bottom among the purple outfits, but I'm not considered a high-quality one. If I'm in a company group, I might even be disliked.'

Suddenly, Colin suddenly understood why when fighting with that C-level guy, the other party would often use their props to argue, and felt that the excellent purple props were a complete waste in their hands.
If this person has an orange equipment in his hand, or that heart, it is a genuine "Fire Bearer" heart.

Maybe the situation here will be reversed.

Even if it doesn't work, if this knife is replaced with a purple one that's just right, maybe this place won't be so tragic.
After noticing Colin's eyes just now, several D-class employees looked at me and I looked at you, and they were all a little confused.
I feel inexplicably that I seem to be despised, but I am not sure.

ps: I’m kindly asking for monthly votes. (End of this chapter)

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