Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 414: Special Level 2 Containment Object "Flood Demon".

Chapter 414: Special secondary containment object "Flood Demon".

"You're so decisive when you slip away. Is this artificial intelligence?"

Colin was a little speechless, but didn't think much. He looked away, took a deep breath, identified some smells, roughly chose a direction based on his feeling, said "Follow me", and dived in front.

As soon as he started taking action, he saw more "Flood Demons" surging quickly like fluids approaching.

But most of them were turned into complete charcoal under the flames.

During the breakout, after getting closer to these things, Colin and others could see their appearance more clearly.

A kind of special amorphous liquid creature made of thick pigments. Their surface has a large number of seemingly incompletely developed hands, feet, eyes, noses, as well as various biological organs, etc.
Every "Flood Demon" looks extremely ferocious.

However, compared to these external things, what makes Colin and others secretly feel frightened.

on these things
He smelled humans.

Even when the bonfire burned away, the screams coming from the mouths were very close to human voices.

'Could it be that out-of-control humans turned into monsters?No, generally speaking it's more like some anomalies have merged with humans.'

Colin thought as he fired and used "air bullets" to kill those individuals that AOE could not kill immediately.

But anyway, since the company's mission is not shown to be completed, it does not show that they are human beings.

Then they are not human
At the same time, in another part of the vast space, a large group of people wearing completely covered light black armor were walking under the dusk, holding special weapons and attacking the dark asphalt-like things on the ground and walls. extermination work.

After each "reversal", in addition to some more abnormal things, there are also a large number of such "floods" seeping out from the deepest "core layer" of the starship.

It must be cleared up as soon as possible, otherwise if it accumulates too much, the next "reversal" will become an extremely troublesome disaster.

Moreover, only by solving these things can they further solve the troubles seeping out from the "core layer".

"Move carefully, don't let your own biomass leak out, and avoid activation. Huh?"

A commander with a knife on his waist was talking, and suddenly he felt something was wrong.

The "Flood Demon" in the gaps on the ground began to squirm slightly.

It seems that it is recovering quickly.
"Damn it, whoever exposed their biomass aura. Get out of here!" The commander was startled, and then immediately made a decision to evacuate here first.

Otherwise, their team alone would not be able to suppress them.

After hearing his words, everyone did not hesitate and immediately put down their work and evacuated as usual drills.

But it was at this time.
A member of the team was caught in the anomaly's legs and fell to the ground.

He has been entangled by a "Flood Demon" that came to life first.

However, when the fellow traveler fell, no one stepped forward to help. The entangled person did not show any struggle after falling, nor did he call for help.
According to regulations, in this case, he has ten seconds to try to escape.

Ten seconds passed quickly.

He took out a sharp kinetic dagger and tried several times to cut off the Flood's limbs, but failed to achieve any effective success.

A short dagger cannot cut through the entanglement of the "Flood Demon".

When the time came, he activated a special device on the armor without any hesitation.

In an instant, a cold mist erupted, freezing him and the Flood demon together, and they returned to death silently.These abnormal things are very sensitive to the breath of life.
If you don't kill yourself in time, once the armor is damaged, all the creatures within a dozen kilometers will revive.

By then, it will be impossible for everyone on site to go back.

But what he didn't expect was that after he chose to die together, all the "Flood Demons" in the venue would quickly revive at an unimaginable speed.

The whole place seemed to be boiling.
"Damn, everyone's armor is still intact, who made them alive?"

The commander cursed lowly. This kind of creature usually chooses to fall asleep after being active for a day or two and does not feel the active breath. During the dormant period, as long as they wear special armor to avoid the detection of their own life breath, they can be easily eliminated. .

But now I don't know what went wrong, causing them to fully awaken.

Regarding this potentially disastrous situation, what he was thinking about was not the safety of himself and his teammates, nor was he uninterested in holding anyone responsible, but about another thing:

The Flood Demon in this area has mysteriously revived and is fully alive. If the information is not conveyed back, the entire rear team may be affected.

Even more dangerously, the entire defense could be breached.

Because this thing is said to be a second-level containment object, but it actually carries the characteristics of some first-level containment objects. Once they escape, it means that the human enemies in the "core area" will once again take their claws away. Reaching out to the outside world behind them
This is absolutely not allowed!

However, at this moment, they are in deep trouble. Who can penetrate the black fog and go back safely with the information?

"Everyone, follow me to area 112. There is a signal tower there."

After thinking briefly, the commander issued the order.

After a certain period, because of the existence of a special abnormal life, they gave up their original communication system and only used offline personnel to communicate face to face.

But at this moment, they used this thing contrary to convention to pass the information back.

That regardless of whether the information has been tampered with.

It will be clear to everyone else that something is wrong in this area.

Immediately, without any hesitation, they changed their direction decisively. Without thinking that anyone could make it back alive, they launched a breakout towards a possible signal tower in the area.

At the same time, a large number of "Flood Demons" also emerged from their slumber.

Then attack them directly.
Facing the surging terror, they wielded their power swords, and then relied on their armor to continuously absorb the black energy in the air and harness them to deal with the enemy.

Finally, after more than ten minutes, the price was paid with one third of the soldiers killed.

The commander saw the collapsed signal tower in the ruined city, but the main part was still preserved.

"The main part is still there, as long as repairs can be completed."

As soon as the commander had this idea, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he saw a giant "Flood Demon" entity with a diameter of more than 100 meters falling from the sky.

There was a roar, smoke and dust rose into the sky, and the terrifying shock wave made everyone stagger.

All of a sudden, the only "hope" he had placed was shattered into pieces.

However, what frightened him even more than this was that a voice he had never heard before suddenly sounded in his ears.
The language was very unfamiliar.

But somehow it seems to be understood.
"After searching for a long time, I finally saw a living person."

(End of this chapter)

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