Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 415 We cannot become sinners.

Chapter 415 We cannot become sinners.

when? !

The commander of the Silent Legion squad turned his head and saw a figure covered in fire standing beside him at some point.

Follow him and look at the giant "Flood Demon" that was killed in front of him.

At this time, it seemed that he noticed his gaze. The powerful man retracted his gaze and turned to look at him. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing eight teeth, and gave what he thought was a gentle smile:

Whoa whoa whoa.
The other members of the team reacted very quickly and simultaneously aimed their weapons at the stranger who suddenly appeared.

However, before they could actually counterattack, the team commander raised his hand to stop them.

He felt no obvious malice from this group of people.

And judging from the situation, it seems that they are not betrayers of mankind, and they will not be those heretical believers.
"Who are you?" asked the team commander.

Hearing the indistinguishable electronic sound of male and female, Colin didn't go around too much and said directly: "Sent by the company to carry out the recycling of certain special props."

While speaking, he took a look at this group of "survivors".
It can be seen that this group of people are wearing a kind of airtight special armor all over their bodies. They are all very standard two meters in height. Except for the logo on the shoulders, it is difficult to identify which one is which.

After hearing Colin's words, the team commander was confused: "Company?"

Not recognized?Could it be that he is not from the company?
Colin raised his eyebrows, but soon noticed that the logo on the chest of these people's armor should be the Expeditionary Force logo he saw earlier, so it should be right.
Moreover, this group of people has more or less the "aura" that only some employees have.

Of course the most important
Just after seeing this group of people, the mission was refreshed.

[Event [-]: Communicate with them, obtain as much information as possible, and use them to sneak into the 'Core Area B' at the right time to find and recover props. 】

"Remarks": The time is roughly within three hours, please understand the specific situation.

With a mission "guaranteed", you can basically be sure that it is one of your own.

After thinking about it, he changed his words and then said: "The full name is 'Bonfire Camp Special Items Containment Company'."

Hearing this, the team leader was confused for a moment, and then seemed to realize it, his body was shocked: "Are you people sent by the company? Is the company still there?"

When other personnel heard this, they seemed to be surprised, and even held their guns unsteadily.

If they hadn't all been wearing full-coverage armor, Colin felt that the expressions on their faces would have been quite wonderful.

'It seems that the company's voice has been missing for too long, so it probably didn't even come to mind? '

After thinking about it, Colin nodded.

"It's actually great. People from the company are still outside. Our perseverance is not meaningless."

The squad leader commander murmured in confusion, his hands trembled, and he clenched his fists. Then, after some unknown psychological changes, he finally let out a long sigh of relief and unclenched his fists.

When the other person pronounces that name, they can be sure through some items implanted in their minds.

These people are colleagues!
'Why are the moods fluctuating so much? What's the matter?' Feeling the mood changes, Colin had a feeling that the guy in front of him would sublimate and "die with a smile" at any time.

"I wonder what you guys are trying to recycle?" the squad leader commander seemed to have put aside all doubts and said.

"An item related to time will cause time in certain places to set back regionally, and the affected people may repeat this process over and over again."

Colin was afraid that they would not understand "Time·Counterflow", so he briefly explained some related effects.

"Is it related to time?" The team leader immediately realized what Colin was talking about.

After all, the famous "reversal" of the entire starship happened because of this thing.

All the anomalies that wanted to leave were trapped here as if for eternity because of its power. Unknowingly, things were repeated countless times.

But didn't wait for him to say anything.

The earth trembled slightly.

Several people looked up and saw a large number of twisted and distorted waves of flesh and blood rushing towards here.

Seeing this, the squad leader's face changed under the armor. He spoke quickly and handed something on his chest to Colin:

"It's a huge 'flood'! You run away first, take this sign and head in that direction."

"What about you?" Colin took it subconsciously.

"We will help you divert these things away as much as possible. According to their habits, they will give priority to tracking the group with the largest number of people. Heading over there, you will soon encounter the execution brigade. You will be safe by then. Then tell As long as you meet them 999178534220121511"

As he spoke, the squad leader put his hands on his helmet and took off his black helmet, revealing a female face with short gray hair and a pretty face, but a little asymmetrical.
It's like a realistic oil painting that has been roasted by flames and become somewhat distorted.

At the same time, a large group of other team members also took off their helmets.

"Hiss" After seeing their appearance clearly, Colin and the four mobile eyes behind him couldn't help but be stunned.

It's not that this group of people looks so amazing.

It's because, regardless of whether they are men or women, their appearance is so similar that they seem to use the same mold.

The only disharmonious thing is that the appearance is somewhat distorted
However, he didn't pay too much attention to this aspect. Colin shook his head: "I thought you had other mission arrangements. If it's just this, you can just follow me."

If these twisted beings continue to fight against him for ten days and a half without interruption, they may indeed consume him to death.

But, as long as you find the direction
Colin spread his hands, sighed and shook his head: "These little things can't pose any threat to me. With my strength, I can ensure the safety of everyone present."

"Don't be careless, this is a large regional complex." The team leader named after a long series of numbers was about to say something.

The next second, a giant pillar of fire fell from the sky and enveloped everyone.

And it was at this moment that she seemed to realize something. She noticed that the brightness here seemed to be much higher than usual.
Slowly raising his head, he saw a huge "sun" with a diameter of hundreds of meters above his head.

The flames hanging down from it made them feel the warmth they had never felt since they were born.

"Don't worry, keep up. I, Brother Shunzi, never die when doing tasks." "Little Rookie No. 7" on the side saw that they still had concerns, and quickly reminded them.

Then, Colin did not stay any longer and directly took the lead in the charge.

The others looked at each other and finally followed Colin, following behind.

Although they are not afraid of death.
But if they have a choice, they won't have to sacrifice deliberately.

The team leader looked at the man in front of him who was in a state of overwhelming force, as if he was in no one's land. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "As expected of a direct member of the company, he is indeed as strong as the historical data said."

Since the distant times, generations have persisted until now. They are no longer the first group of people.

I haven’t inherited much of the original legacy either.
In the face of many dangers, the only thing they can offer is life and sacrifice.

After advancing for almost ten minutes, Colin suddenly heard a vibration in his ears. Immediately afterwards, he saw hundreds of armored vehicles of various models equipped with multi-barreled cannons in the continuous ruins of the town. Appear.

Every cannonball erupted from it can kill a flood demon.

Amid the vibrating sound of artillery, there were also swarms of unmanned machines swarming around, shooting out scorching rays and plasma to suppress waves of enemies.

The huge war scene in front of him reminded Colin of a word.

Iron torrent.

"The weapons are very advanced, and some of us feel threatened."

Colin was surprised at the situation of this group of people. He thought the people here were very weak.

But now that these equipments are out, the strength is still on par.

'Yes, if the strength is too weak, it won't be able to last that long, but compared to the regular 'Zoo' group army, the strength level is quite different. '

Colin compared it secretly.

At this time, it seemed that Colin had been noticed. The huge torrent of steel began to adjust its bombing position, and a large number of drones about the size of dogs flew over.
"Attention! Please follow the green lights."

"Attention! Please follow the purple indicator light and retreat."

"Attention! Please follow the yellow light."

Over and over again, mechanical shouts came from the drones ahead.

Colin punched an anomaly with his left hand, and the revolver in his right hand transformed into an eight-foot sword. Holding his breath, he threw out a charged air slash with flames attached, forcibly tearing a path through these inhuman waves.

Then, he looked at the things in mid-air and frowned.

"It's okay, because some things, our signal transmission, will be distorted. However, there is only a problem here, just keep up with it."

The squad leader, who has a good face but a very long name, explained while running.

The man in front of them was faster than expected, and they originally wanted to give him some help.

As a result, in the back, just keeping up with the opponent's speed requires all one's strength.

Hearing this, Colin didn't say much and directly followed this group of drones who were dishonest in their mouths but still very honest in their bodies.

Not long after, he led everyone through the dense group of artillery shells and came to the huge group of tanks. He stretched out his hand and made the fireball in the sky shrink continuously. Finally, it turned into a bright orange-red fireball, only the size of a basketball, floating around him. .

A lot of people looked at him with curiosity and interest in his power, but they only took a second look and did not come over.

In the entire huge team of steel torrent, except for the sound of mechanical operation, there was no other unnecessary sound.

As soon as Colin walked into the advancing steel torrent, a tactical team immediately came to respond. They first moved them to a relatively safe place, and then took away the gray-haired tactical team leader.
"Sorry, you need to wait here for a while, and leave those things outside to us." A soldier covered with armor came up and said.

Colin nodded, indicating that it was not a big problem, and took off the "fake strong man" on his body.

Although after gaining strength, the negative effects are much smaller than stated.

I need to communicate with people for a while, and it’s not appropriate to carry it with me.

The people at the scene did not let them wait for too long. After 10 minutes, someone came over and took them away quickly. After wandering around the battlefield with a large number of tanks, they came to a dilapidated mobile base vehicle.

At this moment, here, several people who had been waiting for a long time got up from their seats.

They looked at Colin and the others for a while, their moods seemed to fluctuate greatly, but after a while, one of them sitting in the middle said:
"We don't have an exact name, only a number. However, you can call me 'Night Owl'. Maybe it will be more convenient to talk next. In addition, thank you. Your appearance lets us know that our existence is not without us." significance."

After a pause, without waiting for Colin to say anything, the expeditionary force officer who called himself "Night Owl" went directly to the topic:
"Your goal is to recover that special time prop?"

"Yes." Colin nodded.

"That thing. It is currently located in 'Core Layer Area B Area 3441 Area 301 Street', and it will only appear at certain times. Every time it appears, it will trigger a 'reversal'."

While speaking, he took out a paper document and handed it to Colin.

After reading the above content, Colin understood the meaning of "reversal", which means that at a certain time, there will be a certain degree of chaos in the entire starship at all times.
Enemies from the past may take advantage of this time to return from the past.

Sometimes they leave something behind, sometimes they don't.

What the people stationed here have to do is to clear out these remaining things to prevent the heresy from truly returning.

"Have you brought anything that can offset the effects of time? If we don't have the corresponding items, then we won't be able to successfully enter that place." Ye Xiao asked.

"Bring it." Colin nodded.

"Well, according to the intelligence, the best time to leave is two hours later. At that time, we will assist you as much as possible to enter it and recover that thing."

It's about the same time as the mission prompt, so it should be right, that is, just after confirming the identity, you provide help without any mention of reward?Colin looked at them:

"Thank you. If everything goes well, I think I should be able to help you take away a group of people as the continuation and future of civilization here."

'If you apply, I should be able to bring some people with you. It's not much I can do. ' Colin added in his heart.

However, what he didn't expect was that Ye Xiao shook his head after hearing his words.

"The war here is not over yet. We will not leave. Moreover, we have been marked a lot. If anyone leaves, it may lead to extremely catastrophic consequences."

"We cannot be sinners."

"If one day the bell that represents the victory of mankind really rings and we are still needed there, then we will go back and rebuild houses and homes, one by one."

"However, we have not yet heard the prophetic bell. Everything has not ended yet. The war is still going on. No matter how many houses are rebuilt, they will be destroyed."

"So... we're not leaving."

"In our eyes, colleagues, you are the future."

(End of this chapter)

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