Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 416: The “Victory Bell” in the ancient prophecy.

Chapter 416: The “Victory Bell” in the ancient prophecy.

'It seems that I am narrow-minded'

Looking at the people in front of him who were willing to continue to stand here, Colin was silent for two seconds, but he did not expect that the other party would refuse.

However, I didn’t think much about it.
He noticed a key word in these words——

'Prophetic Bells'?
"You just said the word prophecy, right?"

Colin didn't know if this was the company's passive "machine translation" mistake, so he spoke and emphasized it.

Originally, when he heard the "bell of victory," he thought it was some kind of description.

However, if the word "prophecy" is added in front of it, it will be different.
This shows that this so-called "victory bell" is probably a real thing, rather than a simple description.

"Well, yes, the predicted 'victory bell'."

Ye Xiao affirmed, then glanced at Colin and the people around him with a hint of curiosity:
"You, don't you know this?"

'I really don't know. It seems that except for 2044, I haven't come across other prophecies.'

Colin shook his head, then glanced at the people around him, and saw that they were also shaking their heads.

"Can you tell me what's going on?" he asked.

Night Owl has nothing to hide about this. The only thing they cannot reveal is the specific location, status and other information of hundreds of "breeding halls"
Other than that, it doesn't matter.

Soon, with his explanation, Colin understood the situation of this thing.

The rumor of the "Victory Bell" came from a certain starship senior officer who did not know how many years ago, but there is not much detailed description of it. It just said that if one day, they heard a special bell ringing
That means humanity has achieved final victory.

'What the heck, you can tell at a glance that it was proposed by an extraordinary person like the 'Book of Numerology'. Will these guys die if they explain it in more detail? 'Colin was speechless.

The only thing worth caring about about "Victory Bells" is that it seems to have some connection to "2044".

Because according to the prophecy, that bell will ring at this time, space, place, or something?

"What do you mean?" Colin asked.

"Sorry, in the prophecy, we cannot accurately describe it with a certain established word, because it is not necessarily time, it may be space, or something else. The only thing we know is that the 'bell of victory' will It sounds at a certain moment. At this moment, maybe you have found something called '2044', or it may be time." Night Owl said in an uncertain tone.

It was difficult to explain this thing, and he felt that there was a problem with his language organization ability.

'2044 is not necessarily the time, it could be something else? '

Colin was stunned for a moment, this was something he had never expected.

Although it seems like more information has been obtained, the number of mysteries has also doubled - damn the Riddler.

Taking a deep breath, he suppressed some inexplicable restlessness in his heart.

At this time, Nite Owl, who was opposite Colin's seat, said: "Although this aspect is a little hazy, generally speaking, we can roughly confirm that we are getting closer and closer to victory."

"Oh? What do you say?" Colin was curious.

He and other employees have opposite feelings towards each other.
With the arrival of a certain time or thing, everything is getting worse and worse, there are disasters almost everywhere, there is suffering almost everywhere, and no normal place has been seen so far.

While thinking, he saw Ye Xiao getting up, taking out a document, and handed a copy to him and several others.

"This trend may not be easy for you to detect, but we, who have been in a state of war, have discovered some special things. You can check the specific situation through this document."

Taking a stack of dozens of pages of documents, Colin flipped through them.

The first part is about the "Flood Demon", with pictures and articles, like some encyclopedia illustrations.

'The changing trend of the Flood'

Colin muttered silently, turned over the paper, and checked the status of this special secondary containment object with others.

The earliest "Flood Demons" were quite different from today. They were special mist-like life forms without much substance. However, after a period of time, they began to grow flesh and blood, and their appearance became very ferocious and terrifying.
After some time, the "Flood Demon" gradually grew various organs, flesh and blood.

Until recently, the kind of look Colin saw
A large number of organs, limbs, internal organs. Even the brain.

Compared with the original, they now have some more abilities such as mental disruption.

The shapes are becoming more and more terrifying, bloody, and terrifying, as if a person was torn apart alive and then mixed together, making people feel uncomfortable.

'I feel that the original version of 'Flood' looks much better than now.'

Colin flipped through the contents of "Flood" and looked at the others. He found that many anomalies seemed to be undergoing strange flesh and blood mutations.

Vaguely, he finally understood why people here said victory was getting closer.

However, at this time, "Fu Mushroom" on the side scratched his head, pressed his hand on his document, and said in confusion:

"I'm sorry, what does this have to do with getting closer to victory?"

He didn't find anything of value except seeing the stuff getting more and more disgusting.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he realized that the people around him began to look at him with an inexplicable ambiguity.
This made him feel like his intelligence was being questioned.

But, having said that, isn’t it a good habit to just ask if you don’t understand?
Next to him, although the "Son of Pervert" and "Novice No. 7" didn't quite understand either, they also paid attention to their former teammate to avoid being suspected of having an IQ.

Ye Xiao shook his head and was about to speak, but "The Life Coach is much more adorable" spoke first and gave his own explanation:

"If you pay attention, you will find that they are transforming into humans. Regardless of whether they look like humans at the moment, this is a big trend."

Ye Xiao glanced at his colleague, nodded happily, and added: "Not only that, they also have preferences and emotions that should not appear. Otherwise, their original behavior would be even more disordered and chaotic."

After hearing his words, the three people who didn't know what they were talking about suddenly realized.

"Whether they want to or not, they are becoming like humans."

Colin concluded with a final word.

He thought of a lot of things he encountered. Some anomalies clearly did not belong to humans, but they had humanoid shapes inexplicably.
I'm afraid it's not because it wants to have this shape.

'If this progress continues, many things will be 'humanized', including some powerful individuals. Tsk, no wonder those higher beings are so nervous.'

Colin still doesn't know what will happen to them after they turn into human shapes.

However, the reason why the senior executives in the company are so willing to do this kind of thing is definitely not because it is simply fun.
"It always feels like a big chess piece is being played." Colin raised his hand, rubbed his chin, and followed the company's direction
Is it possible that if these things become human beings, all suffering will disappear?It seems unlikely.

Or is there some other deeper arrangement?

After thinking for more than ten seconds, a bunch of ideas came and went. Unfortunately, with insufficient information, even if he thought of the correct answer, he couldn't be sure.

'Only when the boat reaches the bridge will it straighten out.'

Collating the divergent thoughts in his mind, Colin glanced outside the command vehicle. The battle with the "Flood" was still going on here, but the front line had been pushed further and further away.

Then, he looked at the other person and said: "It seems that there is still more than an hour. If you don't mind, can you ask about those, those black fogs, the eyes at the top?"

After Ye Xiao followed his gaze, he thought for a few seconds and then agreed:

"The eye on the top of the head was originally an important part of the ecosystem here. It once operated as the 'sun'. At the same time, it was also part of the 'defense system' of the home planet. After the war, they have been constantly passing through that power. Let the abnormal laziness here fall asleep.

"There is a similar 'sun' in each independent area of ​​the 'living layer'. However, there are more or less problems, and some do not distinguish between friend and foe."

"Each independent area?" Colin interjected.

He thought that a huge space like this was just one place.

But it doesn't seem like it?
"Well, there are a lot of similar spaces. Some are completely closed, and some are just okay. For example, this place is okay." Ye Xiao didn't specify how many spaces there were, but just gave a rough idea.

Colin didn't ask further questions, and instead asked about Black Mist.

He discovered that the black mist seemed to start emerging from here, rather than from the next level.
"About this, you may need to come with me to understand the specific situation. Otherwise, it will be just a verbal explanation and it will be difficult to understand."

Night Owl seemed to have known that they would ask this, so he stood up and pointed outside.

Colin nodded, stood up, and then, under the leadership of the other party, walked to somewhere in the temporary base.

There, you can see thick black fog rising into the sky from a distance.
A few minutes later, Colin and others saw what the smoke-blowing thing was——

A very special large armored vehicle.

By visual inspection, the number should be sixty or seventy. On both sides of each armored vehicle, there are some cylindrical "cans". There are many pipes on the top of the "cans", connected to the center of the armored vehicle.

At this time, after walking in, Colin saw that each "jar" was filled with people.

Wisps of unusually polluted aura were drawn out of their bodies.

Colin squinted his eyes slightly, concentrated his gaze, and found that the polluted smell was not black mist, but after being extracted, it was filtered by something and turned into black mist and was discharged?

Just as he was about to ask about the situation, he saw an armored vehicle making a "click" sound.

Rows of open cans on this armored vehicle
The people inside walked down.

'It seems to be a bit 'cleaner' than before. The black mist actually comes from the abnormal pollution aura on their bodies?But I just don’t know how they deal with those auras. '

Colin nodded secretly. Just as he thought this, he saw the rear of the armored vehicle open after everyone left.

The space inside contains more than a dozen human skeletons.
The pale bones looked like they were brand new, with no trace of flesh or blood visible.

"What's going on?" Colin raised his eyebrows.

Ye Xiao looked there and said: "If you stay here for a long time, your body will be stained with various kinds of pollution. If it exceeds a certain threshold, mutations will occur.
“To avoid this, we will select people who have reached their physical limits.

"Let them act as 'filters' to filter the pollution from other people and then dispose of it harmlessly."

He pointed to the skeletons in a calm tone: "These have been inspected. If there are no problems, they will be processed and crushed into pieces, and they will be sprayed out through special pipes."

After hearing him explain the situation here, everyone was silent for a moment.

'How did feelings come to cover the surface of the starship with a layer of bones?However, how many people died to make such a thick layer? '

Colin can no longer imagine how many lives were lost in this long war.

"Is this the only way to deal with abnormal smells?" "Life Coach Cute" on the side said.

"More than that, but we have the only way to solve the problem at the lowest possible cost and use it on a large scale." Ye Xiao simply explained the problem:
"This method cannot be sustained forever, because no matter how it is transferred, there will always be pollution residues, and these residues are deeply rooted. Therefore, after a certain period of time, if they are not sacrificed due to abnormal events, then everyone's final destination will be to become a 'filter element' .”

At this time, another group of people who acted as "filters" were sent over.

Colin looked over and immediately noticed that one of them was a member of the team that had just broken out with them.
The person who had just acted together seemed to have suffered some injuries on the way back. The biggest part was a serious abdominal opening.

Colin did not help with the treatment at that time, thinking that these people should have their own medical camp or something like that, but he did not expect that the serious injuries were just wrapped up and then sent as consumables.

Here, "serious injury" is about the same as death.

It's just that Colin didn't see any unwillingness in the other person who was still lying on the stretcher. Instead, he felt calm and resigned to death.
When Night Owl saw these "filters", he also didn't show any other thoughts.

Because, after a while, when he reaches his limit, he will also become a member of the "filter element" and contribute his remaining strength to the stability here.

But at this time, Colin suddenly spoke and asked the teams to stop.

Then, he took a few steps to the stretcher of the acquaintance, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the injured person who had just broken out together: "Perhaps, we can use another method."

As he spoke, the power of flames burst out from his body, covering the people on the stretcher and even this group of people.
He could clearly feel every trace of abnormality being melted by the flames.

At the same time, an illusory tree shadow was outlined from Colin's side, with several tentacles hanging down and taking root on him.

Quickly repair the opponent's injuries
Ye Xiao, who had been watching on the side with an expressionless face, finally showed surprise and his eyes widened. It was not that he was surprised by the effect of this treatment, but he was surprised by another thing:

"Actually, the pollution was completely eliminated? Completely."

However, thinking of what the other party said, he shook his head again and persuaded quickly and clearly:

"I know your good intentions, but this method can't help us much.

"You will have a more difficult battle in a moment, don't waste your strength here, it's not worth it.

"Because there are too many of us. You can save one person, ten, a hundred, or even thousands, but can you still save millions? Tens of millions or even more are about to be saved." A person who was born?”

"Yes, I can really do it."

Colin interrupted the other person's words and pulled out a long flaming knife from his pocket.

(End of this chapter)

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