Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 419 He doesn’t want “dark night” to come again.

Chapter 419 He doesn’t want “dark night” to come again.

The infusion of spirituality and the spread of invisible secret power covered Colin and everyone around him.
Although essentially, this orange card has no real power.

However, in some special scenarios, such as the present, they can be exempted from the effects of the "time series".

After confirming that there was no problem, Colin reminded: "That's it."

"Okay?" Nightingale was stunned for a moment. She was originally quite curious about what the other party could do to avoid being affected by the "reverse flow of time."

But she didn't expect that she felt nothing and everything was over?
However, he didn't question anything. Since the other party said there was no problem, he could make some final preparations before taking action.

Standing at the edge of the exit, Nightingale looked at Colin and others, and warned again:

"Remember, first, you must ensure that your body is in a state of activity at all times. If you stop, your body must also turn, sway your body, waist, turn your head, wave your hands, step silently on the spot, etc. Otherwise, after a few Seconds, it will freeze to death.
“Second, if you feel someone calling, or someone calling you, hold it back, don’t look back, don’t respond.
"Third, try not to raise your head or look directly at the sky."

After saying that, seeing Colin and others nodding, she did not hesitate anymore and made a skillful gesture. The entire team immediately took action. After pushing away a large stone that blocked half of the rockery in the small park, they came out one by one.
During the action, Colin did not raise his head, but glanced at the sky through the corner of his eye.

An indescribable hazy light flows across the entire sky, filling the space here with indescribable distortions.


My heart beat violently.

An inexplicable sense of impending death arose in my heart.

Colin decisively withdrew his attention from his heart and did not continue to think deeply about what was up there.

'Hey, it's so dangerous. I feel like something is trying to follow my line of sight. I don't know if it can successfully come over, but if I'm forced to do so, I'll definitely be dead or injured.'

'But having said that, the whole top of the head seems to be very complicated. It feels like there are everything, including first-level containment objects and even higher. Gee, the danger here is higher than imagined. I just don't know why they are here.'

After a slight change of thought, Colin withdrew his attention and began to concentrate on his way.

Compared to the space they passed through in the "living area", many buildings on the "core floor" are still there and are more spacious, but the level of danger is several orders of magnitude higher than outside.

After only ten minutes of walking, Colin in the team saw multiple "Chosen One" level beings.

But with the guidance of Nightingale, they all avoided it calmly.

Most of those figures were trapped in the "reverse flow of time". After countless repetitions of events, their mentality had long ago collapsed, and they did not notice that Colin and others would go crazy for a while and then return to the "past". .

"Those who are weaker here are fine, but those who are stronger are miserable, but those who are not strong enough will be miserable."

Colin commented secretly.

After the latest lunatic shouting "Ahhhhh, I can't tell where this is," retreated and disappeared, the team continued to move in the designated direction.

During this period, we occasionally encountered some "flood demons" that were everywhere.

However, it was solved by this team without Colin taking action.

Only when there are some stray powerful individuals that the team cannot deal with, Colin will take action, sneaking in concealment, touching them close, and piercing them with a bone spur.
Just some "Flood" branch node individuals cannot block the power of bone spurs at all.

After wailing a few times, his body trembled and turned into black sewage on the ground.

After killing a "Flood Demon" about the size of an elephant in an instant, Colin held the bone spur and was about to return, but suddenly his heart tightened and he heard an unknown female whisper in his ear.

In the cool breath, there seemed to be a soft body pressed against his back, and his lips were brought to his earlobe, calling softly.

Colin subconsciously wanted to detonate the flames and drive this thing away.

But thinking of the previous reminder, he just paused and returned to the team as if nothing had happened.

"Hello hello hello hello"

The girl's voice continued one after another.

But the further he went on, the more he began to become a little distorted and even anxious.

The air also became a little solid at this moment, as if he was becoming a little annoyed because he had not responded.
A cool feeling came from his neck.

It was vaguely felt that a rope seemed to be wrapped around his neck.

The "girl" figure holding the rope was riding on his neck.

However, in fact, Colin could feel that his body was not affected at all. This was just some kind of extremely strong hallucination.

'What the hell, you dare to ride on me. If it weren't for the special situation here, in another situation, if I didn't give you a fire to burn into carbon and turn it into fuel, my surname would not be Ke.'

Colin muttered secretly, still ignored it, and continued to return to the team.

In other words, after walking for more than ten meters, all the sounds in my ears disappeared.
At this time, everyone in the team who was waiting for him to deal with the Flood Demon was standing about 300 and [-] meters away from the Flood Demon, and they were constantly shaking their heads from side to side.

In this gloomy and dilapidated scene, their behavior seems somewhat magical.

The impact of the picture is no less than that of seeing a group of aunts in the deep mountains and wild forests wearing wireless headphones and silently dancing in the square in a supernatural movie.
Although, I know it has to be like this because of some large-scale and high-level abnormal effects.

But when I saw it, I still felt inexplicably weird.
"A rule-type abnormality, but judging from the feeling, as long as the campfire is added, this thing should not be able to affect me. Its level will not exceed the second-level containment object at most."

"I just can't find the core key, and it will be more difficult to deal with it."

Colin silently assessed it, and after confirming that it was not a big threat to him, he felt a lot more relaxed.

Then, when he returned to the team, the team started moving forward again. According to the itinerary, it would take at most 10 minutes to arrive.
Colin raised his head slightly and looked in the direction of the target, but unfortunately, for some reason, it was very dark and hazy over there, as if it was covered by some kind of dark curtain, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

However, from the deep darkness, many strange noises could be heard.

Apparently there were quite a few guys gathered there.
At the same time, there are more human corpses of all kinds on the road leading to the final goal. Most of them should have been company employees in life, but they died in miserable conditions.

Either arms or legs were missing, or here and there, all kinds of mummies almost covered the road ahead.

After taking a deep breath, a few minutes later, Colin and others saw a huge crater.

The size of the pit is so large that you can't see the edges at a glance. There are many building debris inside, but there is nothing there at the moment.

However, when they arrived here, everyone felt that the visibility was several levels lower. There was obviously still light, but they couldn't see clearly.

They seem to have entered some kind of "dark curtain".

Fortunately, this "shady" experience has no further impact other than causing some sensory discomfort.

Everything is still within the acceptable range.

"We're here." Nightingale stopped leading the way and stood at the edge of the pit.

"This?" Colin glanced at the empty front.

This big pit is rare. It is impossible to tell what facility it was originally. It was completely destroyed.

"Well, you probably need to wait a while, the time hasn't arrived yet." Nightingale explained simply.

This is the exact location they spent decades, countless people dying along the way, and through various means to find out.

According to the "normal" method, it is just to avoid various "time countercurrents".

It would take them four or five days to complete this section of the road.
But with the blessing of this group of people, they arrived directly at the target area in just over half an hour.

"By the way, can you identify that item and its specific location?"

Colin stood at the edge of the pit, waving his hands and asking.This pit is a bit too big. A rough estimate is that it must be a few kilometers away. If you don't find the specific location, you will be in a lot of trouble.

"I'm sorry, although we sent a lot of teams here, about 1000 people in total, it's a pity that after the 'reversal' started, no one alive got back the specific information from here. We can only roughly confirm that it is there this."

Nightingale shook her head: "Except for knowing that there are people of 'Dark Night' here, we don't know anything else. From now on, we can no longer give you any more information."

'More than 1000 died?The legion's acquisition of information was a bit miserable, but these "dark night" people. According to the legion, they belong to the 'Chosen Ones', but they have been upgraded to a certain extent. Now I feel that their status is not low, and they are even comparable to a certain level.' Hong Yue's aura seems to be that of another follower of a transcendent first-level being. You must be careful.'

Feeling the vague darkness all around, Colin was alert, shook his head and said:
"It's okay, these are enough."

Then, without continuing to ask, he swung his arms and looked at the inexplicably dark pit. His eyes traced some remaining traces of battle on the ground, and then walked in.

Others started to follow.
Once they get too far away from Colin, they may be involved in the "reverse flow of time."

To them, it would be no different than death.

At this time, through the traces left behind and the little maid's report in his ear, Colin roughly found a possible center location.
"The battles here are the most brutal. If you bet, it won't be a big problem even if you don't get it right."

Thinking of this, Colin began to arrange, took out the explosives one by one from his pocket, and then ordered the "nano-intelligent" to arrange them.
At the same time, he also sprinkled special "Fire Holder" grease on the surrounding areas as much as possible.

Make sure that when a battle breaks out, he can immediately enter a full combat state.

By the way, use the explosion to give the people here a big surprise.
However, just in the middle of everything, Colin's heart suddenly sank, and he felt that the inexplicable darkness around him became more intense.
Vaguely, it seems to have come to life?
Colin's eyes suddenly narrowed slightly and he saw some traces of battle shrinking on the ground——

The "reversal" is about to begin!
"Step back a little and get into a safe distance first."

Colin waved and led everyone out of the place. As soon as they left the scene, everyone suddenly saw some figures suddenly emerging from the scene in the pit.

The aura of every figure among them is very powerful
"Da da da"

The sound of the clock hand moving suddenly appeared in my ears, but it was different from before.
You can tell from the details that it seems to be going backwards.

However, this unique sound can only be heard by Colin, who is holding the "sealed right hand".

At the same time, the mission content is updated.

[Event [-]: Recovering the semi-lost prop "Time·Counterflow". 】


Colin's heart tightened, and he suddenly felt that some kind of terrifying power was erupting from the front.

A vague golden card emerged from mid-air.

The difference from what he holds is that only one-half of this golden card is still a card, while the other part is an ancient thing that is semi-illusory, like a clock.
Its true form is not a clock, but people can recognize only the "clock" part of it.

The other parts present a gray and hazy state.
The moment it appeared in reality, the entire area immediately became unquiet.

The darkness shrouded in the huge pit is traced back, and on the edge of the "time countercurrent", it gathers into a dark figure like a black hole.
"Hahaha! It's been a hundred years, and you will be mine soon!"

The moment he appeared, the darkness on his body turned into a torrent, moving towards the golden card that covered the sky and the earth.

However, at the same time, other figures who had fought fiercely here returned.

After they appeared, there was no nonsense, and they attacked the "dark" people at the same time. Among these people, there were heretical races and heretics that Colin knew, such as "Red Moon" followers, various demons, etc. do not recognize
"You have died a million times and you still don't realize how weak you are in front of me?"

Blocked by various attacks, the people of "Dark Night" showed no signs of anger and opened their hands.

The body exploded and countless shadows spread out.

All incoming attacks are directly wiped out from the world in the simplest way.

"If it weren't for the 'Time·Countercurrent' thing, you would have died countless times, but don't worry, I can accommodate it right away and kill you completely."

"No, when I release the eternal 'dark night', even those guys after you won't be able to survive!"

The black figure taunted, looking at more people coming around, and looking to the other side, where there were several humans who were glowing with "scarlet" light, and everything around them was constantly activating.

Looking at them, he pointed at everyone in the field: "Block them!"

"Yes." Several people wearing robes and glowing red responded.

He was extremely reassured about the strength of these "Chosen Ones" under his command, knowing that they were strong enough to withstand incoming enemies.

Taking advantage of this period, he can continue to devour "Time·Countercurrent".

As long as he fully incorporates it into his body, he will have a chance to recall that ancient existence!

But on the other side, Colin looked at the scene in front of him, his eyes widened, and he doubted himself, whether his mind was not clear enough——

What did he see?
"Yao Shou," the followers of "Red Moon" would actually listen to the words of the people of "Dark Night"?This kind of fluctuation in strength seems to be a high-level figure among the followers of 'Red Moon', right? '

Colin was extremely surprised. This was the first time he had seen such a situation, and he wondered if he had also been contaminated.

However, just when he was doubtful, he suddenly saw three "Red Moon" followers who were extremely powerful, even more powerful than ordinary level 8 officials. After repelling many enemies, they seemed to look at each other. The act of one glance.

Then they suddenly turned around at the same time, ignoring the other incoming enemies, and a scarlet sharp tentacle flew out from their bodies.

Plunging into the people of "dark night".

At this moment, the special being whose body was completely composed of darkness reacted, but unfortunately, by the time he reacted, those tentacles had already penetrated into his body.

'That's right, this is right.' Colin felt that his world view was normal again.

"Why did you betray me?"

The people of "Dark Night" looked at the three huge tentacles pierced on their bodies and felt some kind of substance being injected into their bodies. Their bodies became stiff and difficult to move. They never expected that these three people would betray them.

"We just received the revelation from 'Mother'"

Facing this former leader, the three "Red Moon" followers whispered while injecting their own "blood" through the blood-red tentacles, intending to occupy the other party's body.
"'Red Moon'? It's Him, He made you. No, it's impossible. 'Red Moon' was born from 'Darkness'. How could He betray you?"

The mental fluctuations of the people of "Dark Night" became weaker and weaker, but before they could finish speaking, they fell into deathly silence.

However, the silence lasted for less than half a second.

In a slight tearing sound, three huge cracks suddenly appeared on his body, among which a round and terrifying scarlet light appeared.

Suppressing the consciousness of the "dark night" people in his body, "he" muttered to himself:
“Although it’s a bit incredible, I don’t know what happened.
"But, 'Mother' said, He did not want the night to fall again."

After saying that, the darkness spread out from his body and easily blocked all incoming enemies.

In the case of C level not coming out.

They are a trinity, forcibly controlling the "people of the night", almost equal to invincibility!
Then, he turned around and stretched out his hand towards the high-level prop that caused chaos in time and space here.

After killing the C-class campfire personnel holding this item, their corrosion has continued for a very long time.

And this time, there is the power of "mother" to support me.

If nothing else happens, you can take it down directly.
But at this very moment.
A flash of crimson fire rose from under the earth, and the surging flames instantly swallowed everyone present.

Colin took action.

In the last ten minutes, please give me some monthly votes.
(End of this chapter)

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