Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 420 When the true God comes, everything will be fine.

Chapter 420 When the true God comes, everything will be fine.

The terrifying red color covered the whole place, and neither of the two warring parties seemed to have expected this sudden change.

At this time, when they felt the power of the flame, they all showed shocked expressions.

"'Fire Bearer'?!"

In shock, they all stopped attacking, contracted their strength, and protected themselves.

However, in the next second, everyone came back to their senses and realized that this could never be a "fire supporter", because if it was a serious "fire supporter", it was just the sneak attack. Everyone at the scene, now It's already coke
There won't be another chance to think here.

"Reservists? Or some special beings who can borrow power?"

Some of the "Chosen Ones" thought inwardly, and after stabilizing themselves, quickly found the other party through their own methods.

Soon, everyone saw a figure in the flames covering the whole place, like a "fish", rushing towards the people of "Dark Night" who were occupied and eroded by the followers of "Red Moon"...
No, to be more precise, it should be the semi-out of control high-end prop not far away.

"I was caught off guard and attacked a bunch of C4s. One or two of them were not even seriously injured. At most, they only had one leg broken. My reaction and strength are pretty good."

Sensing the entire audience through the flames, Colin couldn't help but sigh.

At this moment, when he decided to take action, he handed the humility badge to "Life Coach Lovely" and others, and asked them to use this item to evacuate the pit first and wait outside.

With their strength, in a place like this, it's okay to be careful and protect yourself.

But it's a bit unrealistic to expect them to be of any help.
At the same time, when the trinity of "Red Moon" divine choosers saw Colin rushing up with the intention of snatching items and props, they suddenly showed disdainful emotions.

What about company personnel?

What about reserves?

This object has been abandoned here for more than a hundred years, and during this time, they continued to corrode it.

Through their respective abilities, their limitations are erased bit by bit, and through the blood containing special characteristics, they are activated. Even if company personnel come, they cannot take them away.

Unless, kill them
But trying to achieve this with just this "fire reserve" is probably a bit of a fantasy.

A scarlet tentacle squirmed in the body of the "dark night" people, controlling the body. Immediately, a mass of rich and terrifying darkness spurted out from the surface of the body.
Most of the flames burning around him were instantly wiped out.

In fact, even Colin had to avoid it after seeing it. He had a feeling that if he bumped into it directly, he would suffer a big loss.

At this time, the three "Red Moon" God-chosen ones gathered together were in the bodies of the people of "Dark Night". One controlled the bodies of the people of "Dark Night" and corrupted this high-quality special prop, and the other controlled the "Dark Night". The body of the people, facing the enemy.
There is also an inner subconscious that suppresses the people of "dark night".

After all, he is an inhuman creature that has been directly blessed and has been upgraded.

Even if they occupy the parasite, it will be difficult to completely defeat it.

"It's a little troublesome."

Colin looked at the bloated figure in front of him, with cracks all over his body, and the blood-red figure under the cracks. He looked at the rich darkness spreading from it, covering everything around it, making it difficult for him to move forward.

After hesitating for a moment, he decisively used his trump card
The flames that filled the battlefield returned in large quantities, gathered in the right hand, and poured from the right hand into the "Rebel" that turned into a long sword.

next moment.
A red sword energy flashed past.

The darkness covering the front was instantly cut in half, causing the scene ahead to unfold again. Colin followed the red sword energy and controlled a large amount of flames to pour into it, aiming directly at the out-of-control golden card.

At the same time, behind him, a group of alien lifeforms followed.
"Hahaha, as long as I live, it is impossible for you to take it away. Otherwise, wouldn't our corruption and 'temptation' for so long become a joke?"

The followers of Trinity's "Red Moon" sneered.

Over the years, they have continued to use methods on this thing, including but not limited to "intimidation", "bewitchment", "corrosion", "activation", etc., and have been quite successful so far.

If the content of the "divine revelation" is followed, reinforcements may arrive soon.

When the time comes, the true power of God will come.
Everything will be fine here.

Now, facing the terrifying blow from the campfire reserve, they felt disdain in their hearts. Among them, the "Red Moon" follower who was responsible for continuing to corrode the gold card endured the pain and sacrificed part of his "red blood".
Then, he remotely controlled the prop and issued a roaring command: "Get back!"

"Da da da"

The clear sound of moving hands sounded immediately.

The figures of all the incoming enemies freeze, and then continue to retreat back amidst the sounds.
However, upon seeing this scene, the trinity of "Red Moon" Divine Chosen Ones, before they had time to show their smiles that they had finally succeeded in mobilizing this terrifying prop, suddenly froze, lowered their eyes slightly, and saw a bone spur full of cracks. into one's own body
At the end of the bone spur, there is a white hand, following the hand back.
The "bonfire" reserve team came closer at some point!

"Why, how is it possible that you are not affected?" They all felt incredible.

Under the influence of the semi-out of control "time countercurrent", even "mother" will be affected to a certain extent!

However, before he had time to think about it, extreme pain broke out.


The part of the body that was stabbed let out a violent cry alone.

However, despite the screams, they reacted quickly. The other two people in this body temporarily put aside some of the parts they were responsible for, and simultaneously attacked the sudden appearance of Colin.

'Tsk, after all, he is a person from the war era. He can resist much more than those followers of the Red Moon I saw before, and the bone spurs can't be effective for a long time. However, he didn't seem to notice that I just used Shi Stop to get closer. ? '

Colin was thoughtful, and then without thinking, he threw out a "Firemaker" grease grenade and caused an explosion.

Directly blocked the attack of these guys
Then, he stretched out his hand toward the object that was half a card and half a clock a few meters away.

"It's impossible, it's already partially connected to me."

In extreme pain, the followers of "Red Moon" suddenly widened their eyes. At this moment, they felt that they had lost contact with the prop.
Then, they worked hard for more than 100 years, but they couldn't move the gold card much.

He actually flew towards the guy who just appeared.
"How is this possible?! It has been partially activated for a long time. Even without us, there is no way it would be willing to return to the sealed state."

"We have poured so much blood and promised so much price."

"How can this be?!"

Three roars were transmitted from the consciousnesses of several "Red Moon" gods at the same time. It was obviously them who came first, whether it was unblocking or other things.
How is this possible?
'What I want is the prop itself. What does it have to do with whether it is happy or not? '

Colin looked at the crazy guy, muttered in his heart, and forced him to come to him through his "sealed right hand". Then, he stretched out his hand and pinched the card.
The moment he touched it, Colin's eyes were in a trance.

It feels like time is stretched infinitely at this moment.
There is an uncomfortable feeling of waking up in the afternoon, blinking, and the whole world has changed.

But soon, through the aura of the "Sealed Right Hand" orange card, Colin forcibly suppressed this negative effect.

"Hey, if it weren't for this legendary card, just touching it would kill someone instantly," Colin thought with some lingering fear.

At this time, he wanted to put it into the "storage room" and leave directly. Unfortunately, he could not do this without further suppressing it.
However, there is also good news.

[Event [-]: Bring "Time·Countercurrent" back to the surface of the starship. 】

"This is the shortest mission I've ever seen. However, the company didn't recycle it directly here? Is it because it can't be collected or is it for other reasons?"

Doubtful thoughts flashed past, and Colin couldn't think more about it.

I saw a horrible dark curtain coming over me
This time, Colin did not choose to attack forcefully. The long knife in his hand instantly transformed into a prototype revolver, aiming at the enemy. The sound of more than a dozen bullets was almost continuous, hitting the shadow of the target.

Bullets with added flames are unexpectedly not affected by darkness and directly hit their bodies after penetrating.

At the same time, the "death" effect triggers.

This effect was superimposed on the previous bone spurs, and the screams in the shadow of the humanoid suddenly stopped.

The entire humanoid shadow collapsed on the spot
From the cracks in the shadow, red blood is constantly flowing out
"Huh? It shouldn't be, it doesn't feel right." Colin raised his eyebrows, grabbing Jinka and running away, while doubts arose in his heart.

Although the bullets fired from this revolver do seem to be able to ignore most effects except for physical objects.

Logically speaking, if the opponent wants to block it, there should be many other means.

Instead of dying suddenly like this, the possibility of such an accident is too low.

It was at this moment that Colin suddenly realized something. Although he did not turn his head, he "saw" a dark figure standing up through the flames.

People of "dark night".

"Sure enough, this guy is not dead."

Colin was not surprised. He knew that it should be him just now, and he used his own hand to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

Before he had time to think about it, his heart trembled, and a picture emerged in his mind——

Under the soles of his feet, within a radius of [-] meters, liquid darkness seeped out of the ground. He used Time Stop, which worked despite the time stasis.

But the dark things were larger in scope, enveloping him along with the space beyond the effect.

Like a giant egg.
Then, after a seven-second countdown, darkness enveloped him and swallowed him up. Except for a few powerful props, everything turned into nothingness.

Its attack style is very simple, it is some kind of weird erasure.

"What the hell."

Colin was shocked. In the flash of lightning, his thoughts turned, turning the revolver into a spear, and thrust it down hard.

"No two hits!"

A large amount of flames poured into the ground along the spear, causing the ground to bulge upwards and melt a large area. In the crimson fire, countless darkness evaporated
Seeing this, Colin breathed a sigh of relief and continued to escape from here.

The people of "Dark Night" were about to catch up, but in his tattered body, another red light emerged.
Obviously, he also paid a lot for using that weird power.

Causing those parasitic guys to reappear.

"Okay! In a desperate situation, we still have to watch 'Red Moon'."

If it weren't for the wrong scene, Colin would have shouted "OK".

While they were holding each other back, he immediately set out to escape from the pit. However, at this time, various other miscellaneous alien races that had just been forced back by the "time countercurrent" arrived again.
At this moment, when they saw the transformed battlefield, they were all stunned.

But after seeing the disgusting flames, he gritted his teeth at the same time.

Compared to the followers of "Red Moon", no one has a higher hatred value than the company's employees these days.
Especially these ones with the flames on them.

I can't beat the big one, but this small one
"Damn 'Fire Bearer', I'll fight you." A strange inhuman thing rushed towards him speaking a language that he had never heard before but could be passively translated by the company.

But unfortunately, after a gunshot, he exploded into countless pieces on the spot.

at the same time
A demon with a red body and green fire attached to its body. It was a powerful demon. The moment it saw Colin, a trace of fear flashed in its eyes.

Some other people looked at the exploding "fireworks" and paused.

As those who were active in the company's peak era, they understand the horrors of the company better than the "newborn calves" Colin usually sees.
It is deeply clear how powerful the companies of this era are.

Everywhere they go, they are like locusts passing through. In many cases, they not only steal all the resources of a galaxy, but also detonate stars or drag them away before leaving.
They are also keen on catching various alien races, conducting a large number of inhumane experiments, and squeezing all their value.

In order to let human nature take the dominant position, countless alien life forms have been exterminated, and countless creatures have been forced to change their inner beings and become humanoid. Even those high-level beings have fallen into human form.
In just a few hundred years, there was only tragedy among the stars.

However, it was precisely because they thought of the great will they believed in that they once again strengthened their hearts.

"Release my lord immediately and unconditionally, otherwise you will never leave!"

An alien creature with a yellow-green aura of corruption all over its body rushed towards Colin with a ferocious face and the determination of a moth flying into a flame.

'How much money does your master give you per month? '

Colin did not take action immediately, but waited for it to approach the ten-meter range before decisively activating the effect of the gold card's "Force·Repulsion".

The next moment, the leader exploded again and returned to the "reverse flow of time".
The next time it appears, I don’t know how long it will be.

'The strength of these guys is far weaker than I thought. At most, they are at the level of common D-class personnel. Also, their status is not as high as that of the people of the Night. If they are repeated so many times, they will probably be wiped out a lot.'

Although it was killed in one move, the trouble was that because of its leadership, the others seemed to have found their courage again.

There was no moment of sadness over the death of the unknown chosen one. The next person standing in front of him was a demon.


He didn't feel sad for a moment because of the demon's death. The next person standing in front of him was an unknown chosen one.
Bang bang bang.
Not for a moment because of
'Damn, it's endless, isn't it? '

Seeing enemies coming one after another, Colin had a headache.

Although these guys are not as strong as before, their experience is still there.
They wouldn't pounce on him all at once, but one by one. Others would help him from the side, and with mutual cooperation, they could roughly stop him.

Although Colin would not be killed by them, a certain uneasy feeling became stronger and stronger as time went by.
(End of this chapter)

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