Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 42 Raiders

Chapter 42 Raiders

Colin is full of curiosity about the food in this world.

After squeezing into the crowd and queuing for more than ten minutes, he finally got a piece of bread.

It's a black lump, the size of a palm, and feels slightly pressed. Holding it in your hand is like holding a hard clod.

"Get out of the way, stand behind, don't block here." The soldier in charge of distributing the bread scolded.

Ke Lin didn't mind, and walked out of the crowd a few steps. Under the coveted eyes of some people, with strong curiosity, he took a small piece of bread full of strange smell and put it in his mouth.

Immediately, his eyes narrowed slightly, his body trembled slightly, and a thought popped up in his heart—why didn't he bring Li Ming with him?

It is a great pity in life that there is no one to share with such a unique food from another world.

The bread in the mouth spreads continuously under the decomposition of saliva.
Colin finally couldn't hold back anymore, with a contorted face, he couldn't help but vomit on the ground.

"It's not bread at all. It smells so bad and earthy, wood residue, grass roots, mud and sand, everything, but there is no smell of bread."

What kind of things like Laoshan snake grass water are nothing compared to the thing in hand. I am afraid that only canned herring can compete with it in terms of smell.

In the spirit of not wasting food, Ke Lin didn't think about throwing it away, and planned to give it to his teammates to eat later.

Although happy sharing may be late, it will never be absent.


A grunt came from the side.

Colin turned his head and saw a dirty, thin and small child who was squeezed out by the crowd and fell on his buttocks.

It's not a big deal, Colin was about to look away when his heart skipped a beat.

I saw that the child didn't know what he felt, he was suddenly alert, turned his head, and met his gaze directly.

On his dirty face, he was full of guard, but when he found that there was no problem, he couldn't help but look at the bread in his hand, and swallowed eagerly.

But Ke Lin, who is 1.7 meters tall, is tall and mighty enough among the short refugees, so he dare not think too much, and is about to get up and squeeze into the crowd.

But at this moment, Colin's words made him stop.

"You want this?"

Colin showed a friendly smile and tossed the bread in his hand.

The child was obviously stunned for a moment, and nodded hesitantly, looking like he wanted it, but his body was retreating.

He is more afraid of being the food in the opponent's mouth than the food in the opponent's hand.

But at this moment, he saw the other party throw the bread over.

The child who wanted to run away was stunned, and subconsciously hugged the bread. He didn't come back to his senses until some unkind eyes around him turned around. He didn't turn around to look at Colin, and ran away without a trace.

"Very vigilant enough, but, is it just a coincidence that the intuition is so keen?"

Ke Lin thought that he just glanced casually just now, and the other party immediately turned his head to lock on him, which really scared him a little.

But it doesn't look like anything special.

may be just a coincidence
But before he could think about it, he suddenly felt something, smelled a familiar smell from the air, and noticed that some uninvited guests had mixed in among the group of refugees waiting in line.

It was the few people who tried to attack him just now.

The battle mentioned in the "Book of Fortune Telling" is about to start?

It was also at this time that there was some commotion at the front of the queue.

"Please, I still have two young children, please donate two more bread!" An old woman held the soldier's hand, her face like old bark was full of pleading.

"It's stipulated that each person can take up to two, and no more is allowed!" The soldier said, and was about to drag the old woman behind.

But at this time, the noble standing in front suddenly spoke.

"It's okay, just give her a few more breads, anyway, we're going to Black Rock City soon, let's share all the food, just to reduce weight."

After the noble lady finished speaking, an old man dressed as a butler suddenly came up and whispered in her ear:

"Miss, I have no objection to your kind deeds, but we should really leave now, and it will be night soon, if we continue to distribute food like this, we may not be able to catch up.

"It's better to put the food where it is and let them get it themselves."

The old housekeeper made his own suggestion, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the young lady waving his hand: "Before we escaped from the catastrophe, you should have seen what would happen if we did this."

The old butler opened his mouth, but he closed his mouth again thinking of the character of the young lady.

Of course he knew that if he did this, these refugees would come up to snatch food like mad dogs, trample, scramble, and kill.
The number of casualties is likely to exceed half!
But in the eyes of the old housekeeper, this is just the fate of some bad people, ignorant and short, dirty and smelly, ignorant of etiquette, meaningless in existence at all, what's the use of caring about their lives?

When will the fate of bad people be fortune-telling?

The only purpose of their existence is to make food expensive!
"My order, my father's order, is to be done at once."

Seeing the unwillingness in the old butler's expression, the noble lady gave the final order, and the old butler nodded helplessly: "Yes, miss."

Alas, it's all because of the saint of Guangjiao. If it weren't for her, the lady would never pay attention to these so-called bad people.

"Thank you, thank you, you are really good people like saintesses."

The old woman wept and stepped forward to take the bread from the soldier, but at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

"what are you doing!?"

The expression of the soldier who handed the bread over changed.

Seeing the old woman who was crying just now, she suddenly raised an awl and stabbed at him.

In a blink of an eye, he pulled out the dagger at his waist, blocked the attack with a backhand, waved the severed head of the old woman, and then kicked the corpse away.

At the same time, when the mutation happened, a large number of figures appeared in the crowd, raised their right hands, raised wooden javelins, and threw them at the horses in the carriage.

When everyone reacted, groups of horses pierced by wooden spears screamed.

Most of the refugees who were still in line were startled by the sudden change, and immediately scattered like birds and beasts, and fled in panic.

There were also some refugees who snatched a few pieces of bread in the muddy water before fleeing.

"Attack! There is an enemy attack!"

The old butler immediately realized that something was wrong, and stood in the way of the noble lady. At this moment, his figure became strong, and his muscles bulged up the costume.

At this time, dozens of wooden javelins flew over in the sky!
The well-trained soldiers reacted quickly and blocked the attack, but what made them palpitate was that among the chaotic fleeing crowd, a group of people dressed as refugees surrounded them from all directions.

There were at least a hundred people in this group, they were short but very strong, they didn't talk nonsense, they carried more than seven or eight javelins on their backs, and threw them at the people in the carriage.

Many refugees who had no time to escape were tied up like hedgehogs on the spot.

And Colin, who was also included in the strike range, stood behind a tree, stretched out his head, looked at the attackers, and smelled a familiar aura from them.

A smell that makes people feel intensely hungry.

(End of this chapter)

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