Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 43 Followers of "The Great Eater"

Chapter 43 Followers of "The Great Eater"

"Has something to do with 'hunger' come up so soon?"

When Colin stood behind a tree and dealt with some javelins that occasionally flew towards him, he suddenly realized that the things he encountered now were probably influenced by that "Token-13".

However, he didn't expect the impact to come so quickly.

A few more minutes passed, and more than 100 people stopped after throwing several rounds of javelins. In the original carriage, except for the aristocratic woman who was guarded in the middle, the other soldiers were somewhat injured even if they did not die.

What's more troublesome is that in this surprise attack, all the horses were tied up as hedgehogs!

This made it even more difficult for them to break through.

Seeing this scene, the attackers slowly approached from the beginning, intending to reap the fruits of victory.

They carried ordinary weapons such as picks and axes in their hands. They were not sophisticated, but they were numerous, and their eyes showed an extremely greedy look.

"Hehehe, usually I can only eat some skinny two-legged pigs, but today"

"Fresh and delicious horse meat, a fresh and capable woman, hehe, a noble woman!"

"Nobles are to be handed over to the 'Big Eater'!"

"I understand, I understand, I'm really curious, what does the nobleman eat like."


The old butler held the cross sword and looked around, trying to find a direction to break out.

But it didn't look like a good location.
This group of people obviously came prepared, there are ambushes everywhere, if they act rashly, they may fall into the enemy's trap, but if they don't do anything, once they are besieged, they will definitely die!
"No, no matter what, Miss Helena must be guaranteed to be safe and not let her fall into the hands of these guys!"

"There will be a fight later, you take the young lady to break through, and I will hold back the group of people behind!"

"As long as we get to Black Rock City, everything will be fine!"

The old butler made a decision. He felt that the attack must have been premeditated. After all, it is impossible for refugees to be as disciplined as these people.

Ordinary people would never dare to attack a nobleman, even if the nobleman appeared alone in the wilderness.

Apparently some people might not want them back in the kingdom
But at this moment, an attacker seemed to have discovered something, and pointed behind a tree:
"Wait, look, it's the smelly big fat that ran away just now!"

"It is indeed him, very good, this time he can't escape!"

Several acquaintances recognized Colin.

They had smelled an indescribable fragrance from Colin's body before, and they wanted to take it down before the attack on the noble convoy, but unfortunately they were a step too late.

Unexpectedly, they turned around and met each other again!

Under his guidance, some mobs also looked over, and then the saliva in their mouths was secreted crazily.

"It smells so good! What's going on?! Why is he so fragrant?"

"Smells sweeter than that noble woman"

"Same as 'Big Eater', no, it tastes sweeter than 'Big Eater'"

"I'm so hungry, I want to eat him."

The surrounding refugees were in some confusion, staring at Colin one by one with greedy faces.

The change here also attracted the attention of the carriage team. Although they couldn't understand what they said, they all noticed Colin's abnormality.

After the previous rounds of javelin investment, they were all uncomfortable, but this guy stood there as if nothing had happened.

"Your Excellency, although I don't know who you are, but at this time, I implore us to cooperate together. Only in this way can we have a chance to escape the siege together."

Suddenly a female voice came from his ear, and Colin turned his head to look at the sound, and saw the noble woman in the cloak facing him, but because of the hood, he still couldn't see the specific appearance of the other party.

It can only be determined from the light blue hair hanging from the shadow of the hood that she probably has a head of light blue hair that is different from ordinary people.

As for what the other party said
Ke Lin pursed his lips and didn't care about it at all. Whether it was killing or leaving, he had at least nine ways to deal with the immediate crisis.

But what worries him is not this group of people, but behind all this, will there be something else hidden?
Colin has a deep understanding of the cunning of this local from the Stitcher.

And he didn't appear here to be a hero to save the beauty.

At this time, while Colin was hesitating, a new event appeared in his mind.

[Event 22: Capture at least ten "Big Eater" followers alive, and guarantee that their brains will not be destroyed. 】

Remarks: Capture as many "big eater" followers as possible.

When this task came out, Colin, who didn't know what to do, immediately had an idea. He turned around and shouted at the people in the carriage:
"We can cooperate, but my request is to assist me to capture this group of people as much as possible."

"Caught alive?"

Under the cloak, Helena had a strange expression, staring at the ordinary-looking figure, wondering if she had heard it wrong.

Your Excellency, don't you understand the situation at hand?
You don't have any magic fluctuations on your body, how dare you say such a thing?

"Hahaha, did you hear, that big piece of fat actually said that he wanted to capture us alive, hahaha"

A "Big Eater" follower laughed out loud at this moment.

After laughing, he showed a ferocious face, picked up a javelin and was about to throw it at Colin.

"My lord, times have changed."

Colin sideways avoided the slow-moving javelin, pulled out his revolver expressionlessly, and aimed a shot at the opponent's knee.

With a bang, the man fell to the ground.

"what happened?"

Seeing this scene, the rest of the people froze for a moment, looking at the fallen companions one by one, not knowing what happened.

But before the group of people froze and didn't react, Colin moved his arm, pointed at the knees of several people, and pulled the trigger with his finger continuously.

bang bang bang-

Another three fell down one after another.

It wasn't until this moment that the group of people seemed to have reacted, and launched a surprise attack on Colin one by one.

"Damn it! Get rid of that guy with the strange weapon first! He's only one person, kill him!" A mob yelled angrily, wanting to attack until he was shot in the knee.

Without incident, he was brought down with a single shot.

It is still too difficult to fight bullets with only flesh and blood.

But when one mob fell, there were still many mobs charging forward bravely!

"Very good, it has much more backbone than that human stitching monster."

Colin was relieved by this, then took the bullets from his pocket and loaded the revolver.

The guns were aimed at the rushing mob.Without hesitation, he pulled the trigger, smashing their knees and knocking them down.

At the same time, under Helena's order, the carriage convoy that briefly formed an alliance surrounded them to stop the charging crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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