Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 44 Missing Gold

Chapter 44
bang bang bang-

The shots fired one after another, and every time the fire flickered, a mob fell to the ground and hugged his knees in a daze.

It was only when they fell that they noticed that their knees had exploded.

The wounds with bloody flesh and cracked bones are even contrary to common sense. They can't feel any pain, just a piece of numbness.

This feeling is even more frightening than being hacked!

The most important thing is that with the protection of the group of noble guards, they couldn't break out and kill that guy at all. In just a few minutes, three or forty people on their side fell down.

But the results were almost non-existent. Every time a gunshot fell, one person would fall, and the interval between each gunshot would not even exceed three seconds.

If things go on like this, even if they fight all the people out, they won't be able to take down this group of people.


The sound of ringing bells came from nowhere in the woods.

When all the mob heard the sound, they hurriedly backed away and fled in all directions like crazy.

Ke Lin didn't give up the attack because the opponent retreated, and emptied another round of magazines, leaving a few "big eater" followers before stopping shooting.

After confirming their retreat, the old butler in the carriage convoy turned his gaze to Colin, and his hand holding the cross sword tensed.
The straight line between the two sides was less than ten meters.

At this distance, if you use the six skills of the knight, it only takes one second to take the person down.

In his opinion, this attack was too coincidental. First, he encountered a group of suspected other nobles who were ambushing him, and then happened to have a friendly person with an unknown weapon to repel the enemy.

A little too fake.
But he can't guarantee that he can definitely win the opponent.

That metal weapon is too mysterious, although it seems to have obvious flaws, it seems that people who cannot attack objects behind it need to be filled with something after every six rings.

But he can't guarantee that this is a "loophole" that the other party can leave.

But at this time, he saw the young lady waved her hand, signaling not to act, the old butler sighed, withdrawing his hostility.

"The hostility has been temporarily suppressed? I thought there would be a cunning and dead dog cooking."

Colin was very sensitive to hostile gazes now, and he had confirmed that the old butler seemed to be locking himself all the time before cooperating.

Just now I even felt like I had to do it
Although I don't know why, I still suppressed it in the end.

But if there is a conflict, he doesn't mind teaching the other party how the kneecap disappears.

"Your Excellency, what do you plan to do with these people?" Helena, who was wearing a hood, stood behind the protection of the guards and did not approach Colin rashly.

And the reason for asking this is that what the other party asked for from the very beginning was to capture him alive.

After thinking about it, Colin was not polite and asked them to tie up all these people.

A total of twenty or so people.

"The person is caught, what to do next?"

Ke Lin came to the group of captives with some confusion. The task mentioned arresting people, but there seemed to be no further explanation.

But just when he looked puzzled, a transparent vortex appeared.

This time, it didn't suck everyone away. Instead, it felt like an invisible hand stretched out from the vortex and reached out to the group of captives.

Then, Colin saw that their expressions were in a trance, as if they had been hammered.

But soon, the invisible hand retracted, and the vortex disappeared.

"I didn't take people away. What did you do? Searched their memories?"

Colin looked at these people curiously, only noticing that they had no other symptoms except that their mental state seemed to have declined.

As for the other people present, it seemed that they didn't notice the actions of the campfire company at all.

Without thinking too much, Colin turned around and was about to speak to the crowd, but suddenly felt a signal source appearing in his mind——

Second employee!
But after a little perception, Colin frowned and found that something seemed wrong.

The employee's location is still a long way from here.

There was no time to think about it, and the other party who hadn't been in contact with him suddenly sent a message:
"Captain, I am Duncan. I was resurrected in a place like an ancient town. I was just sent to a dungeon, and now I was pulled out and put into a prison van. They seem to be escorting me somewhere."

a town?
Colin was stunned. The signal was that he would be resurrected near here, and the book of fortune telling also mentioned that he would be resurrected near here, but it turned out that the person was not here.

Thinking of this, he glanced suspiciously at those nobles, wouldn't it be because of interfering here that the fate would be deviated again?

For example, the container in which the other party was resurrected did not die.

The more he used the "Book of Numerology", the more Colin felt the lack of this thing. Every time he knew the future, he would change the future.

No wonder both the forum and Miss Rabbit are saying try not to rely on the "book of fortune telling".

'Forget it, no matter what, one more trip is for sure. '

Colin sighed silently in his heart.

Before thinking too much, a female voice came: "Your Excellency, thank you for your help. I would like to ask if you can be our guard and go to Black Rock City."

After a pause, she added: "Of course, when I get there, I will pay you ten spoonfuls of first-grade refined gold as a corresponding reward.

"If you continue to be attacked, then I will pay more."

As she spoke, she confidently waited for the other party's consent.

As one of the most advanced and most versatile ritual consumables in the mysterious world, gold is an absolute hard currency, and five spoonfuls of it is enough to invite a second-tier powerhouse to dispatch.

But what she didn't know was that Colin listened to her with a confused face.

ten spoons?What unit is this?And what is the first-level refined gold?Is it pure gold?

Question marks popped up in Ke Lin's mind, but at this moment, a flash of inspiration came to his mind, and he realized that the amount of "one spoonful" was about the same as "one or two".

But I don't quite understand what the specific standard means for the first-level purification.

In other words, are you willing to spend a catty of gold to ask me to do it?If it was in the past, I would definitely work hard, but unfortunately, I am no longer who I used to be
Colin shook his head and rejected the other party's request:
"I have other things to do. I'm afraid I won't go with you, so I won't be together."

After speaking, he didn't intend to delay too much, and rushed towards the place where the signal was sent.

However, after more than ten seconds, the figure disappeared from everyone's field of vision. However, looking at the direction he left, Helena and the old housekeeper had inexplicably strange expressions.

"Will, if I remember correctly, that direction is Black Rock City, right?"

Not on the same road?When Helena thought of what Colin said, her tone was a little unconfident.

The old butler Will didn't answer immediately, but took out a map to look at, then turned his head to look around, and then nodded and replied: "Indeed, there is nothing wrong."

Helena was silent for a while, and the voice came from under the hood: "Has our distress signal been successfully transmitted this time?"

"Successful." The old housekeeper added: "It can be confirmed that the group of thugs have special means to seal this place just now.

"And the guy just now"

"He should be fine. If that's the case, let's follow up and have a look. I always feel that he is not in the same group as those people."

Helena beckoned, and the others didn't say much, and the wagon convoy with only two or three disabled horses started to move again.

(End of this chapter)

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