Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 45 Acquaintances

Chapter 45 Acquaintances
Outside Black Rock City, at the entrance of an inconspicuous dungeon, Warden Calder and his subordinates are preparing to transfer a group of prisoners who have been sentenced to death into prison vans and send them to the Holy Healing Church in the city.

"The behavior of the Holy Healing Church feels more and more crazy. It has already begun to attack the living."

Warden Calder, who had a beer belly like August and a fat body, couldn't help but shook his head.

At this time, the tall and thin young man beside him spoke: "Recently, there have been more and more cases where the courts have imposed capital punishment. Even if you say something wrong, you will be sentenced to death."
"However, these people will not be executed directly, but will be sent to the Holy Healing Church.

"I always feel that the judges seem to have reached some inexplicable agreement with the people of the Holy Healing Church"

But before he finished speaking, Warden Calder quickly raised his hand to interrupt:
"Stop! Don't say who it is. If you insist, please stay away from me, lest blood splash on me when the head is cut off."

Then, he turned around and took a look behind him. Inside the dozen or so iron cages, some figures were bound by iron chains and locked in the cage.

If they were originally escorted, these people in the prison car would not be locked additionally.
But since the accident a few nights ago, everything has become stricter. Even if you are locked in a cage, you must wear chains on your hands and feet to avoid accidents.

If the previous incident happened again, he would most likely have to be imprisoned and sent to the Holy Healing Church to be experimented on by those lunatics.

But to be honest, he has objections to using these death row prisoners for experiments.

But after all, it is the Holy Healing Church, with a huge momentum, the overlord behind the scenes in the southern border, and the city lord have to listen to each other, so what's the use of opposing it?
Sighing, Calder withdrew his gaze. He always felt that something was quietly brewing in Black Rock City, but he couldn't figure it out. He only knew that things seemed to be getting more and more wrong.

But at this moment, a white-haired crow suddenly flew over from afar and landed on his shoulder.

Calder hesitated a little, grabbed the crow, took a rolled up note from its foot, let it fly again, and then opened the note to see that there was no text on it.

This way of conveying news should be the secret letter of the "Knights of Virtue".

After thinking about it, he crumpled the note into a ball, put it in his mouth, chewed it and swallowed it in two bites.

A revelation began to emerge vaguely in his mind.

When it unfolded, Calder reopened his eyes and turned around, looking at the rest of his men: "Guys, send these people back to the dungeon first, and then send them to the Holy Healing Church tomorrow. We have other tasks."

After speaking, the team began to return.

"What mission?"

"Let us suspend everything in our hands and go to the west to meet a group of nobles who escaped from the catastrophe in the Pale Mountains."

"These guys. Didn't I say I don't accept it? How come they keep up?"

Ke Lin glanced back, and found that the noble team that had clearly rejected before followed up, not far behind, looking at him from time to time.

But I don't know if the misunderstanding has been lifted, and the previous strong guard has been lifted a lot.

And the group of people just followed, did not step forward, and the two sides kept a certain distance.

But as he walked, Colin suddenly realized something was wrong——

The place he is going to now, according to the employee's description, should be a town, and after the group of people are attacked now, there may not be many places to choose from.
At least the experience of the past few days told him that there are very few human cities in this ghost place.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that the two sides are going to the same place.

"Hiss, this is, I was prostituted for nothing? Day, I'm sloppy, I lost a catty of gold!"

Ke Lin didn't know whether to laugh or cry in his heart, but now that he went up to ask about it, he felt a bit embarrassed.

But at this moment, the footsteps behind him accelerated, and they came not far behind him in an instant.

"Your Excellency, it's getting dark soon. We'd better speed up and get to the area of ​​Black Rock City as soon as possible. Otherwise, even you will be in danger at night." The old housekeeper came over and reminded.

It's going to be night?Colin raised his head and looked at the sky. The hazy light was cast from the thick clouds, and there was no sign of it getting dark at all.

Although he didn't know how these people determined the time, he did not refuse the invitation this time.

Because the night here is really dangerous.
On the way, seeing Colin in a beggar's attire, the old butler couldn't help asking: "Your Excellency, did you also escape from the disaster of the magic mist erupting in the Pale Mountains?"

What the hell are the Pale Mountains and the Plague of the Mist?But the disaster of the magic mist is a bit familiar, where did I hear it?Thoughts turned in Ke Lin's mind, and he was curious in his heart, and said, "So those things are the disaster of the magic fog."

"You don't know?" Helena's surprised voice came from under the hood.

"The situation was urgent at the time, and I was only focused on escaping, but I didn't pay attention. What happened over there?"

Colin started to talk out of curiosity, and Helena was silent for a few seconds, first saying something that I didn't quite understand, and then explaining something she knew.

An earthquake disaster occurred in the Pale Mountain Range, the ground split open, and the magic mist sealed there surged out, turning into countless monsters and engulfing several small countries one after another.

Even they escaped by luck because they were on the edge.

But even so, there were 10,000+ people in their city when they first fled, and now, there are only a dozen people left, and the others don't know whether they are dead or alive.

"Yes, yes, it was a terrible disaster. I was almost finished at the time."

Colin echoed that, but he remembered that in the last mission, when the human stitch monster manipulated the cardinal to introduce this world, he mentioned these things.

I thought it was just a background introduction for fooling around, but I didn't expect it to be true.
Then look at the aristocratic woman who was in trouble and fled beside her.

Ke Lin suddenly felt that the human body stitching blamed other aspects, and the lie seemed to be true without saying a word.

"But having said that, that guy knew about the earth a few years ago. There are more than 1000 people, and most of the gun technology has been unlocked. But it seems that this group of people doesn't know much about guns ?”

When Colin remembered that these people saw him draw out the gun, they seemed to be extremely shocked and curious, and even said that they had never heard of it during the conversation.

That guy, hasn't spread the corresponding knowledge yet?

Or do you look down on the power of artillery and explosives?
But before he could think about it, Colin stopped suddenly, sniffed his nose, looked forward, and half-closed his eyes guardedly.


"Be vigilant! Be vigilant!"

Hearing this, the old butler immediately drew out the cross sword on his waist, and looked ahead with the soldiers vigilantly.

However, when he saw the figure in front of him clearly, Ke Lin showed a strange expression. Unexpectedly, he seemed to have bumped into an acquaintance.

 Suddenly I feel like I can’t code

(End of this chapter)

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