Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 425 "The 'Good Will' of the Fire Holders"

Chapter 425 "The 'Good Will' of the Fire Holders"

[Name: "The 'Good Will' of Fire Supporters"]

[Quality: None. 】

[Condition: perfect. 】

[Ability level: None. 】

[Description: An auxiliary learning prop made of unique materials. Through it, you can better release the power of the "Fire Holder" and further master more skills. It is the most suitable adaptive learning prop before becoming a "Fire Holder". 】

[How to use: It can be used when it enters the "Fire Added" state. Plug and play. When it ends, it will automatically disassemble and return to the "storage room". 】

["Direct Gaze": After locking the target through eyes or will, you can ignore most defenses and directly let the flames burn the target you see, directly igniting the opponent's life energy]

["Direct Gaze·Primary Fire Summoning": After locking the target, summon a trace of "Primary Fire" through its own flame to directly incinerate the enemy. The upper limit of the flame intensity is level 5 (this prop can be summoned up to 3 times. )】

[Negative effects: When using "Direct Gaze" and "Direct Gaze·First Fire Summoning", your eyes will bleed, become tired, and your vision will temporarily decrease. 】

[Note 1: This ability was originally developed by a kind-hearted "Fire Holder". She was always willing to give some aliens who could still turn back a chance, so she specially developed this ability. In this way, the enemy It will be burned until it is on the verge of death and cannot resist or even commit suicide, but will not directly turn into charcoal ('First Fire Summoning' is not applicable)]

[Therefore, it is also called "the goodwill of those who support fire." 】

[Note 2: What are you looking at? 】

[Upgrade conditions: Unable to upgrade. 】

"The prop name is 'The Goodwill of the Fire Holder'. Special auxiliary learning prop. Direct gaze, campfire summoning, level 5 flame."

His eyes swept over this special prop, and Colin quickly jotted down the key points.

When he saw the level 5 intensity flame, he was stunned for a moment. What kind of judgment system is this?
Soon, my hand was warm, as if I had just removed the eyeballs.
Some inspiration suddenly flashed through Colin's heart, and he had some understanding of this thing.

'According to this evaluation, level 1 can easily melt general steel bars and the like, level 2 can easily melt some special steel, and level 3, it seems that there will be no good reference for a while.'

'But in my normal state, I usually have level 2 flames. With some BUFFs, I can probably reach level 2.5.'

'In the top state, it can reach level 3, and then when everything is piled up, it can reach level 3.5 by performing 'item liberation'. This level of strength is enough to deal with the second-level contained objects.'

Colin took out the revolver and made some calculations in his mind, and he probably had an idea of ​​the strength of his current ability.

Then, through this eye prop, he can directly lock eyes, ignore the enemy's defense, and directly strike the opponent with fire.
Under first-level containment, this ability is easy to use.

"In addition, there is another trump card. It can be used to summon a level 5 intensity flame. Although it is only a trace, the price is quite high. But once the target body is locked, as long as there are no accidents, even if it is a level 2 contained object, it will most likely be killed instantly. , even first-level containment objects can be forced back or severely damaged, and even higher-level objects can also exert certain effects."

Colin hissed.

Although he could only use it three times, these three times were enough for him to change the entire situation.

"Even without these three killer moves, it is quite good as a preschool item for the 'Fire Bearer'. However, it seems that it is not very effective at the level of the 'Fire Bearer'?"

After a little interpretation of some inexplicable knowledge, Colin vaguely understood.

The flame intensity of the "Fire Holder" is about level 5, so this ultimate move is not a big help to the "Fire Holder"
"Well, speaking of it, the intensity of the flame is one thing, but the method of utilization is another."

Colin remembered that the "Fire Bearer" had used part of his flames to directly push back the "Dark Night".

That guy showed an extremely superb skill in using flames.
The same bonfire, under the control of the opponent, exploded with power far beyond what he used.

"My eyes tell me that, at least in theory, I can do that. But on a practical level, this operation seems a bit difficult to perform. Proficiency is a comprehensive thing, so you can't rush it."

When Colin recalled it at this moment, he felt like he understood but didn't quite understand.

The only thing that can be determined is that the other party’s operation accuracy is very high
It was as if he controlled every ray of flame.

Assuming that he can use flames like his opponent, then in addition to those floating in space, Colin himself can also block other attacks such as those behind the crack under the starship.

It can be said that the opponent taught him step by step what "technical" victory is.

"Sigh, I still can't figure it out. I don't know if it's unique to 'Fire Bearers' or something else."

With a long sigh, Colin put away his greed.

Then, looking at the information under his eyes, especially the note, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth slightly.
"Good guy, I thought the 'fire-wielding kindness' was referring to the kindness expressed by the other party when they gave me this equipment, but I didn't expect that the kindness of feelings is such a kindness."

"It is so kind to burn an enemy who can still be saved until he is on the verge of death and is too weak to commit suicide."

After two seconds of silence, Colin told the truth that he felt that this "goodwill" needed to be enclosed in double quotes.
However, compared to some other radicals who do not give too many opportunities to foreign races, this "fire supporter" can be considered kind-hearted.
Of course, it’s kindness from their perspective.

At least she gave the alien heretics a chance to be "human" instead of just giving them the option of making firewood like the others.

"This 'eyeball' seems to have a lot of skills hidden in it. You can learn it. Go back and practice with the C-level brother. Although his 'fire bearer' seems to be half-assed, he must be better than me no matter what."

After secretly making a decision, Colin looked at other aspects of the item: "Unfortunately, this seemingly special item is not within the mainstream system of the company's props, which means that it cannot be used for liberation. "

But think about it, it seems that even if you are liberated, there is a high probability that it will not be as good as the "Revolver·Retrograde".

The upper limit of this revolver is still very high
Colin's use of it is said to be able to release 5.00%, but in actual use, the probability is less than that.

In other words, the upper limit of advanced props is actually quite high.

"Time·Counterflow" means that in its semi-out of control state, its scope of influence covers the entire starship.

"Time Stagnation" at the same level can only stop for seven seconds at present and cover no more than a few dozen meters, but if it is released to a certain level, compared to "Counter Flow", even if there is a difference, it will not be much different.
It wasn't until this mission that Colin finally understood the true horror of golden props.

"I just don't know if taking this thing away will have a big impact on the starship."

Colin thought about it, probably not
When those employees recovered, they didn't feel that the "countercurrent" was starting at all.

Maybe they experienced some kind of blessing before they were alive.

That's why we can reappear from history again and again, blocking the big crack and preventing the emergence of human enemies.
grateful. "call"

Colin put his eyeballs, which were as warm as red crystals, into his pocket, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and collected all the unnecessary divergent thoughts.

Then, after emptying his mind for a dozen seconds, he raised his head and glanced at the clock on the wall.

"January 1nd, evening, hey, New Year's Day has just passed not long ago. The last time I entered was January 2st. This time, the time should be one to one. If not, it's almost the same. But this aspect is not a big problem."

"I'll look for Duo Jin or Mr. Wu later to ask about the 'Shen Da' and see if I can get any further information about the company."

"Then, the day after tomorrow, 'World Number 1' will arrive every day on January 3."

"By the way, there is also the matter of using the gimmick of the 'Daughter of Starlight' to descend from the gods to fish for various pagan organizations. At that time, it took half a month, and now it seems that less than half has passed. I don't know how it is progressing. Come back and ask around."

Colin sorted out the various things to do, and then he remembered one more thing.

Can I use the second "D-level genetic compensation potion"?

Colin calculated that it had indeed been a week and he could take the second dose.

Immediately, he opened the parchment, entered the "mall", and took a look at the D-level potions for sale above.

"Three gold mission vouchers add [-] points, which is a small amount of money. However, mission vouchers are not easy to earn, but it is not a big problem. At least for me, buying D-level genetic compensation potions is not stressful."

Colin briefly looked at the price and made the purchase directly.

Compared with obtaining D-level potions through missions, when purchasing them, you can choose how to use them:

"Micro-needle injection type, liquid oral type, chewable tablet type. Huh? And anal suppository type? Huh??? Would anyone really choose this?"

Puzzled, Colin fell silent when he saw "11 sold this month".

He was a little curious about the psychology of choosing this kind of use.
However, in addition to these free options, he also sees some fee-based types, such as the way they are applied and absorbed by the skin.

100 point
There are also exclusive customized models for your physique.

300 points once.
"The smear type seems to have extra additions to make it more comfortable? However, no matter which one, the indirect time is seven days, and the effect is the same. Who would be bored and spend money on these things?"

Colin shook his head. The company always does some inexplicable operations in some places.

He was already a bit used to it.
I randomly selected a liquid oral type, took it in my hand, opened the lid, and drank it in one gulp.

Bland watery smell.
"After drinking the early levels of compensating potions, the body seems to have some reactions, such as fever and so on, but later on, the higher the level of potions, the duller the taste."

If you haven't drank it once, you know that this stuff tastes like this.

Colin even suspected that he had drank fake medicine.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be like in the novel. After taking the magic elixir, the body keeps heating up, exuding all kinds of black impurities, peeling the skin, tempering the bones, etc.?
Why is it really just like drinking mineral water?
'But one thing is certain. After drinking, your body is indeed changing subtly. You may not be aware of anything on the first day, but after two days, you will be able to roughly notice it. '

'The physical strength will increase slightly, and then the adaptability will be further improved, especially the resistance to various abnormal pollution will continue to increase. '

Colin felt that it was like the original "Shit Mountain" code of the human body was being constantly modified.

At this time, a few seconds after drinking the potion, some information suddenly appeared on the parchment.

[It has been detected that your rank has been improved. According to the content of the "Bonfire Excellent Talent Training Plan", your current permissions will be updated]

When this message appeared, Colin quickly learned about the permission changes through some kind of induction.

"The additional three cubic meters of space continues to expand and is now five cubic meters of additional space."

"The upper limit for personnel transfer has been increased from 30 to 50 people. We can find 12 additional F-classes, 6 E-classes, and 2 D-classes. Oops, another group of employees can enjoy the blessing."

"It seems that the main changes in authority are these two, and the others have not changed. Regarding the 'extermination order', I can still just watch and not say anything."

"But speaking of which, I don't know when a high-level figure will issue an 'extermination order' for me to watch and gain some experience."

Colin couldn't help but think curiously.

Although he probably knew how to execute the "Extermination Order" through that hand.

But the specific effect is not known yet.

Then, he shook his head and opened Parchment's internal group chat, intending to find some new candidates for the "Advent Project".

Now, under his hint, the previous batch of people who entered "World Number-13".

The "whitewashing" of the "Advent Project" has begun.
"The five-nut mooncake is so delicious": It's so uncomfortable. I'm just a few hundred points short of buying the third F-level potion, but I haven't seen the mission in two weeks, and I haven't been able to get the mission I applied for. It's so frustrating.
"Baishou is so cute": @五仁 mooncakes are so delicious. I went to apply for the "Advent Project" of "World Number-13". I often say one thing, Brother Shunzi was able to rely on the "Advent Project" in less than three months. Promoted to D level. Then let’s join this mission and be promoted to D level in half a year. It’s not a problem.
"莣咒咒①勼勼⑦": Is the "Advent Project" too dangerous?

"Baizhi is so cute": Not to mention other things, if Brother Shunzi is here in "World Number-13", what difficulties can there be?Sometimes, if you want to be promoted but don’t want to work hard, sometimes you have to look for problems in yourself. After so many years
"Anonymous 007": Wow, it was so easy to experience the "Advent Project" some time ago. I only need to work with Brother Shunzi for three hours a week and I can get thousands of points. No surprise, I can get it this week Promoted to D level, easily surpassing his peers by a large margin
"Arsonist-Taotie": Wow, really?I want to become stronger, please bring me one. Where can I apply?

"Brother Xun of the Bard": You guys are too fake. If you weren't all anonymous, I would have believed you. It's strange. Why are there so many scammers trying to trick people into the 'Advent Project' recently?Was invaded again?

"Tsk, in order to win people over, you are just pretending to be a red-faced person and engaging in back-channeling."

Colin didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He saw many familiar people speaking enthusiastically above, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

He did not participate in their conversation. He planned to find a "life coach, Lovely Duo" to get to know some of his colleagues who had various technical knowledge, and gave them a beautiful travel gift package to another world.

Support their dreams of promotion.

However, at this moment, a mission message suddenly popped up.

[Event: "On January 1th, use any one of the 'Item Lottery Tickets'" has been issued. Please check the taskbar for details. 】

(End of this chapter)

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