Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 426 The gift of "Book of Numerology".

Chapter 426 The gift of "Book of Numerology".

"Any time after January 1th, use an 'item lottery ticket' with no upper limit on level?"

Colin opened the parchment and looked at the task, but the details seemed to be less than the name of the task.

After being confused at the beginning, he soon realized that when the time came, there was a high probability that he would draw a golden item.
Even if you use the most inferior one, the probability of getting a lottery ticket for a golden item is only one in a billion.

He can also become one in a billion
'Doing this will give you a sense of imperial authority? '

Colin's expression was strange. He always felt that doing so seemed to be a bit deceiving.

It would be better to give it to him directly.

"However, the Jinka was in a semi-out of control condition at the beginning. It has only been recovered for less than a week and it can be returned. Is the repair speed so fast?"

After thinking about it, Colin felt that it might not necessarily be a gold card.

There is also a certain probability that it was the special moldy giant scepter that he snatched, no, picked up.

"The lowest level of that thing is purple, and the upper limit is orange. And even if it's purple, it's a very powerful purple item, but I don't know what its specific capabilities are."

Colin remembered feeling an indescribable rotten aura from the scepter.

That kind of threat level is less than bone spurs.
There’s no need to worry too much. After all, whether it’s a gold card or this scepter, there’s always a powerful piece of equipment guaranteed.

"Speaking of it, it seems that the company has never come up with the idea of ​​'properizing' the 'bone spur' thing. It's a pity."

Colin pursed his lips, but this time, even if he didn't need any inspiration to remind him.

He also probably knows the reason for this situation.
Strictly speaking, the "Bone Spur" is not an ownerless thing. The "Light Sect" where the Saint belongs has a strong claim on it, and the "Light Sect" seems to have a friendly relationship, or it is not considered an evil force.

Therefore, companies that pay attention to various regulations will most likely not be able to do that.
Unless, like the Earth officials, the Holy Lady makes serious negotiations.

Transfer the ownership of this thing to the company in a formal way.
"What a pity." Colin sighed.

If it were "turned into a prop" and guaranteed to be orange, it would probably be very scary to use it for "prop liberation".

He felt that the bone spurs probably had something to do with it.
It was because she was afraid that the saint would "repent" and take away this item.

So I never asked the other party.

"But fortunately, we agreed last time that we would recycle her body after disaster relief. This is expected to take quite some time. If you have the chance this time, you can inquire about it. Well, the top priority right now is another matter. "

Colin rubbed his forehead. What's a little troublesome now is that he doesn't have a lottery ticket on him.
This thing is quite difficult for ordinary employees to obtain.
Because you have a high score, you have a chance of getting this thing.

The level of the score has little to do with how smoothly the employees pass the customs. The key lies in whether the value of the recycled items is high enough.

Normally, in Colin's view, it would be difficult for them to recover anything of value in those difficult tasks that could easily be solved by just throwing a snow girl in there without having to take action on their own.
If you are lucky in a year, if you get two or three, your character will be over the top.

For Colin, it is not particularly difficult. Although it cannot be obtained every time, it can be obtained by doing one or two more tasks.

"In addition, there may be a mysterious force behind the scenes. Maybe I will get it directly after I come back from 'World Number-13' the day after tomorrow. Of course, I will have to find something to do when I go there."

Colin rubbed his forehead.

The tasks there are usually more routine now, and we no longer take the initiative to send any tasks.

Even if there is, you have to trigger it yourself
'Speaking of which, there seems to be a 'hunger' fragment over there, and there is a church that eats feasts or something, which is related to it, but these people are as hard to find as rats.'

Colin was there some time ago and inquired about relevant information, but unfortunately he didn't gain much.

Then, I gathered my thoughts and prepared to close the task.

But at this time, another task appeared.
[Event: "At noon on January 1th, in Base No. 4, a transaction was conducted."]

"Remarks": As in the title.

"There is a message-type mission. Is this the second transaction?"

Colin opened it and looked at it. It was from Ms. Rabbit, about the second official transaction with the company.

This time the scale is much larger than last time
A total of more than 180 items were traded, including three Level [-] items. Oh, two Level [-] items. One of the items was lost.

Maybe you can find it in a bonfire in "World Number-13".

"Level [-] containment objects. Although I am capable of handling them on my own, the environment this thing is in is usually very dangerous, so there is no need. Just touch the oil and water."

It's not difficult to find secondary containment objects, but it's not easy to find lone ones.

"Just in time, I'll call Duo Jin or Mr. Wu later to discuss the source of the 'God Strike'. You can tell them about this matter."

Thinking of this, he took another look at the message mission.

Then he couldn't help but shake his head: "The poor company's task system is manipulated and played with by senior employees at will, while applauding."

Nowadays, it seems that there are so many backdoors. If the person above me is caught in the company's internal anti-corruption operation in the future, will he be taken away for inspection?
After learning more and more internal information, Colin became more and more aware of what the "company" and "company executives" were thinking.

Not necessarily consistent
Just like as the container of "Dawn Star", the "Daughter of Starlight" who can represent its will to a certain extent is not very consistent with those believers.
Or, in reality, people who call you family every day may not really treat you as family, but may just be trying to get you to buy fake wine.

"It feels a bit chaotic inside the company. I don't know if it has anything to do with the intruders."

Colin rubbed his chin and thought about it, but couldn't figure out anything.

Shaking his head, he stopped thinking too much and looked at the time. After confirming that it was only eight or nine o'clock in the evening, he took out his mobile phone and contacted Mr. Wu.

As before, there was no response.

It is estimated that he is performing some relatively difficult special task.
"Mr. Wu is too late. Otherwise, if he joins the company, he will be a model worker."

Colin muttered, and then related "a lot of gold".

I don’t know if this person was just sitting next to his phone. He just sent the word “at” and got a reply:

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"I have one thing to ask. It seems inconvenient to use the mobile phone. Can you come over here?" Colin finished typing in the information with his fingers quickly.

At the same time, in an unusually dark semi-enclosed space, Duo Jin, wearing a decent suit and meticulously combed hair, stood on the top of a big tree.

On the face of a middle-aged man, one eye is looking at the mobile phone, and the other eye is looking at the battlefield in front, like a chameleon, each performing its own duties.

However, when he saw Ke Linfa's inconvenient question, he suddenly raised his eyebrows.A sense of impending death arose in my heart.
It was like being suddenly submerged in water and feeling inexplicably out of breath.

This feeling came and went quickly, like an illusion, but he knew that it was not an illusion, but a special feeling of "promoting life"——

'Hey, what kind of question can make me feel like I'm going to die?'

After a moment's hesitation, he took a look at the situation in front of him and determined that it was in the final stage and there would be no major problems, so he launched an inquiry.

"Okay, but can I ask what it is?"

"Oh, the problem isn't that big, it's just something about the source of the 'God Strike'."

Isn’t this a big deal?
Duo Jin raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead. Instinctively, he didn't want to answer these questions, and he didn't want to go there. However, Mr. Wu asked him to try his best to cooperate. It happened that he was indeed capable of answering.
Well, talking about this, Duo Jin suddenly realized something.

In the early hours of yesterday morning, Mr. Wu suddenly and inexplicably gave a "kind" reminder to remember to charge his mobile phone today.
'You don't want to answer your feelings yourself, let me do it'

Many people are speechless. If there is no reminder from the other party, he is likely to have an instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

Subconsciously “forget” to charge your phone
Then avoid this matter. Although you can't hide for a lifetime, you can hide for as long as you can.

Of course, this is not something he wants to avoid, but a rather metaphysical characteristic of "fate prediction".

It's a pity that Mr. Wu woke up the "dream man" with his words.

You can't escape by hiding.
Many blondes sent a message to Mr. Wu, but the other girl's avatar was gray and there was no response. I wonder if she forgot to charge the battery.
Shaking his head, he opened Colin's dialog box again, sent a reply that would arrive in an hour, and then put away his phone.

Without hurrying on, he raised his head and looked far away, looking at the old village in the mountains ahead. Deep in it, he could sense that there were multiple level six personnel working on a resurrected ancient evil sacrificial creature.
It has been suppressed now, and it is the final stage of gradually closing the net.

However, in order to speed up the progress, a dozen transparent, seemingly boneless, invisible long hands stretched out from many gold bodies. They grabbed various silk threads in the air that ordinary people could not perceive.

Adjust, manipulate, arrange.

Suddenly, the evil beings in the field who wanted to fight desperately made multiple mistakes one after another, and were finally completely captured.

Under normal circumstances, he would not be so anxious to do it. After all, every time he uses it, he has to pay a certain price and his body will be corroded, so he doesn't use it if he can.

But in order to rush for time and ensure that no accidents occurred, we still took action.

At this moment, seeing the thing taken down, Duo Jin withdrew his gaze, turned around and prepared to leave, rushing to the room where Colin was.

But before I even moved my feet, I felt something and saw several of the latest combat aircraft flying overhead.
They didn't know what mission they were going to perform, but they seemed to be passing by exactly where he was going.

"Mr. Wu's connection is really good."

Duo Jin sighed, knowing that this was probably the other party's arrangement.

An hour later, Colin, who had just played a few 1V1 battles with his C-level brother, first heard a rumble in the sky, as if a row of fighter planes were flying over.
Then a few minutes later, a knock on the door was heard.

"The door is not closed, come in"

As soon as he finished speaking, Colin saw a lot of gold pushing the door open and entering.

He pointed to the sofa next to him. After the "middle-aged and elderly man" who was wearing a decent suit but could not hide his temperament sat down, he asked directly without any polite greetings:

"Is there any special explanation about the origin of 'Shen Da'?"

When he contacted me on the phone before, he didn't know if it was an illusion. Colin felt that many Jin seemed to be quite cautious about this topic.

But since I can answer it, it shouldn’t be a big problem
Of course, Duo Jin, who was sitting opposite him, had no expression on his face, but he couldn't help but take a breath in his heart.

Is it such a big discussion right now?
After pondering for a few seconds, Duo Jin seemed to have finished thinking and said:

"The source of the 'God Strike' is actually a taboo matter, but this taboo is not dangerous. The main reason is that there are some loopholes in it. If it is known, personnel at level six and below will be more dangerous.
"However, this is not a big problem for us, and I can tell you directly that this is not what you want to understand.

There was a pause in his words, knowing that something fatal was about to come next.

Colin may not necessarily be fine, but he doesn't necessarily, because he knows better.

Then, Colin saw that there was so much gold, it was as if his mouth had been burned. He hissed for a long time, and then he said hesitantly little by little:

"The emergence of 'Shen Da' and another system is, in a sense, the arrangement of 'numerology'"

"The arrangement of the 'Book of Numerology'?" Colin asked curiously.

"This, well, it is." Duo Jin wanted to remind the other party not to say the name of this thing so bluntly.

However, after thinking about the other party's identity, he was suspected to be a special employee with a background from the old club of "Book of Numerology".
So he didn’t say any more, and instead said:
"When the abnormality first appeared, the source of people's extraordinary power was very confusing, and there was no so-called systematic way. Becoming an 'extraordinary' at that time to deal with other troubles was equivalent to pouring oil on oneself, then lighting it on fire, and then working hard to expel other anomalous threats.
"Usually, you inherit the power today, but lose control tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, or within a week at most.
"Although guns and artillery can play their role, many anomalies have to be covered by firepower, which is too costly.
"Some Level 5 abnormal threats were considered to be extremely difficult to solve at the time."

A level 5 abnormal threat, if converted, seems to be a weak level [-] containment object under the company's standards. However, you have such a system that I have to do the calculation myself every day.
Colin couldn't help complaining in his heart.

Then, Duojin continued: "But after the end of the second year, the situation changed.

"In one incident, someone made a wish and prayed in desperation, and then something powerful, but more 'friendly' than dangerous, appeared.

"That's one of them."

Speaking of this, Lotus Gold suddenly stopped. Colin was puzzled, but his eyelids suddenly twitched, and he saw the shadow of Lotus Gold falling on the ground expanding and stirring uncontrollably.

The silk threads on its body are constantly swaying like seaweed.

Colin snapped his fingers, and a ball of flame erupted, covering the place.

Intangible things seem to disappear in the scorching heat.
Many golden shadows recovered. He raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, glanced at the special flame, and smiled bitterly.

"I can't say it, why don't I stop saying it?" Colin reminded.

It's okay for many Jin to have problems, but he is worried that the other party will drag him along and explode.

"It's okay. I mainly thought of other things, which have nothing to do with this conversation."

Duo Jin pursed his lips, and several invisible hands stretched out from behind him. While manipulating the "black thread" on his body, he spoke:
"In short, even that book came out, and 'Pushing Fate' appeared with its appearance, and then under arrangement, the other two formed paths were also found by 'lucky'.

"Three major systems are thus determined, and chaos ends
"Then, due to the efforts of the previous generation, a catastrophic situation was about to break out and was forcibly suppressed."

Although he did not explain it, Colin has realized that the official power now can be regarded as a gift from the "Book of Numerology"
The sentence that "Tui Ming" believes in more is:
'Behind all the gifts of fate, the price has been secretly marked. '

However, currently, no one knows what the price is.

(End of this chapter)

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