Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 434 Level 1 Contained Object "King of Crazy Sound"!

Chapter 434 The first-level containment object "King of Crazy Sound"!
"Let me out, let me out"

"I already know the mistake"

"Great Rosen, please let me out. I sincerely pray here."

"I would like to be a human being and work hard for the rise of mankind, and I am bound to do so."


Slightly distorted but still clear words were simulated by the little maid.

Colin just listened to it for a moment and immediately remembered a brief but impressive encounter.

"That guy in the deep underground labyrinth with this tone?"

Colin looked slightly strange.

While thinking, some memories came to mind. It was through this guy that he first learned the name Rosen.

During that encounter, the other party thought he was Rosen, so he kept praying.

"Once this guy recognizes me, there's a high chance he'll fall out."

Colin muttered softly, but for this first-level containment object that seemed to be left over from the past era.

He himself is quite interested. After all, he is a high-level containment object. Maybe he can ask something interesting from the other party.

Thinking of this, he looked at the little maid and asked, "Can you get in touch with the other party?"

If you communicate with the other party in this position, it is quite safe.

"I can give it a try, but I wouldn't recommend it at this location."

'Not here? '

Colin was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he would not say whether he could be contacted, but if he could be contacted, there would be a high probability that this place would be exposed to the other party's eyes.

Being watched by a Level [-] Containment Object is not a good thing.

He nodded and stood up immediately. After inviting others to give some instructions, he left the territory and flew to a random location for nearly half an hour before stopping.

Colin then arranged some grease cans here.

The little maid also has no ink marks, and part of the intelligent mechanical body seeps into the ground, seeming to be in contact with the other party.

After a few minutes passed, the little maid looked at Colin again: "You can be sure that my message was sent. In theory, it should have received it, but it seemed that for some reason, it did not show that it had received the message. status.

"And now its voice is beginning to weaken."

"Is that so? It seems that the 'Containment Kingdom' holds people quite strictly."

Colin hesitated to go to the underground area: "By the way, this call depends on the situation. Has it happened before? Or did you only receive it today?"

"Not sure. It should only be able to send out signals during the transition from 'night' to 'day'. It might have happened in the past, but at times like this, I'm usually in a dispersed state and don't have enough power, so I didn't receive it."

The little maid called up her previous work report and guessed that there was a high probability, but she was not aware of it due to work reasons.
"Is that so."

Colin nodded, and then looked in the direction of the underground maze with some kind of perception.

Flames flicker in the eyes
'Although it is a first-level containment object, it is in a forced state. In this case, with my current strength, it should be no problem to talk to it within a certain distance. '

As his thoughts turned, Colin probably made some decisions.

As a former enemy of the company, this guy must have a lot of knowledge about the company.

For example, the company's superstructure, such as the 2044 disaster, such as the red moon, or the whereabouts of "0-09 'Hunger'", etc.
For the sake of this knowledge, this risk can be taken.

With the decision made, Colin did not hesitate. He took to the air again and dived towards the target direction.

Almost a few hours later, he came to the edge of the giant underground maze again.

Not far ahead, there was a crack in the ground.

Walk some distance from the crack in the ground to find the maze.

When he went to recover those "brave men" who had made mistakes, Colin took this path.

Nowadays, those "brave men" have been awake for a while and have joined in the construction here, but generally they can't be of much help.

After all, the only thing they are worth to this world is some knowledge in their heads.

But in this regard, the employees specially selected by Colin know more.

And the most embarrassing thing is that because they came here from non-company channels, they were contaminated with some unexplainable things.

They can't get back there through company channels.

"But because of the special organ implanted, now there are two of them, and their physical fitness is quite good."

Shaking his head, Colin looked away from the crack and did not rush to enter. He took out various items, "Fire Bearer" grease, energy crystal blocks, revolvers, etc., and probably strengthened himself.

Afterwards, Colin jumped into a crack in the ground and kept moving forward under the guidance of memory.

Not long after, I saw an entrance to the chaotic giant underground maze again.

After making sure that he was prepared enough, he flashed his figure and jumped inside.

That's the moment when your feet hit the floor.
Colin clearly "heard" the sounds of pleading over and over again reaching his ears.

The content is very different from the Little Maid translation.
However, just after he "heard" the voice here, the pleading suddenly disappeared, and immediately after, a "sight" with a strong sense of oppression seemed to sweep over him.

The next moment, a violent and harsh noise erupted all over the body.
Colin felt the entire area around him shaking.

The air, the ground, everything seemed to be stirred by something.

"It's you. Hahaha, you're here again!"

"Make a deal!"

"Release me to a certain extent, lift some of my constraints, I will allow some of your curiosity to be satisfied, and give you some of the power that comes from me."



"Otherwise what?"

Colin's expression darkened, flames burned on his body, and he was ready for battle.

His intuition told him that if he were here.

It is not difficult to deal with a Level [-] containment object that is under strong control.

At the same time, judging from the tone of this guy's words, Colin didn't know for a moment whether to describe him as bullying or fearing the strong or as rich in humanity.
However, judging by the latter's standards, it shows that the transformation was indeed successful.

What the heck, it’s true that the country can change its nature but it’s hard to change it.
Colin shook his head secretly.

"Otherwise, Jie Jie Jie, I will let you know this time." Amidst the weird noises, something terrifying came from all directions in the corridor.

As soon as he finished speaking, Colin immediately saw a strange creature that was invisible to the naked eye, seemed to be composed of some kind of vibration, and had a hint of humanoid shape, emerging from the depths of the maze.

It's like a ball of violent and harsh noise. Just hearing the sound makes people feel irritable.

Moreover, Colin can be sure that it is not the original body, but the power it emits is not weak at all.

In just a moment, he arrived in front of Colin from an unknown distance deep in the maze.

".I will let you know that if you don't abandon me, I will work for you and pray to become your subordinate."

The words suddenly stopped due to the special violent noise, and then, as if he finally felt the breath of fire, he softened.

His figure, like a kneeling figure, slid to a stop not far in front of him.

"Ah this."

Colin, who was ready to fight, was stunned for a moment, and then felt a little weird.

To be honest, this thing is a first-level containment object after all, and its real strength is definitely much higher than what he is now. When fighting, he will have to be "hungry" and fight for his life, but what it is showing now
Is it too abstract?

But it seems to be consistent with its true nature of bullying the weak and fearing the strong?

'It should be afraid of my identity, not my true strength. However, the high-level reputation created by the high-level containment object in my mind has been completely destroyed by your thing. '

Colin shook his head secretly.

Containers of this level are undoubtedly extremely powerful.

He has the power of a god in the eyes of ordinary people, and is extremely cold and arrogant.
But... due to the existence of this "shame of Level [-] Containment Object".

Everything is destroyed.

'Your name as 'King of Crazy Sound' has absolutely nothing to do with your behavior. '

Colin felt that his mood was very complicated and subtle.

It feels like my childhood has been ruined.

In fact, the special life form composed of violent noises did not expect that in the blink of an eye, the guy who was almost like an ant before would actually start to move closer to the "fire supporter".

Moreover, he actually inherited the revolver weapon that Rosen often used, if nothing else.
There would be no accidents at all.

Looking at the revolver in the opponent's hand, it once again recalled the fear of being dominated.

For a moment, there was a certain awkward atmosphere in the air.

No one on either side spoke.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that Colin took the lead to break the silence, looked at the other party and said, "We can talk about this later. I came here to ask some questions."

"Don't worry, as long as I know and can answer it, I will definitely tell you. I just ask you to accept the pious me." Words composed of vibrations came from the air.

After hearing this, Colin thought about what he wanted to know: "Tell me your information first."

After saying that, he felt that the other party had sent a special message composed of information and inspiration.

In view of the credibility of this thing, Colin did not listen himself, but asked the little maid to do it for him.

"The 'King of Crazy Sound' is a mid-to-lower first-level containment object. It is essentially composed of a mass of vibration frequencies that are restless all the time. Its authority is related to vibrations and specific frequencies. It has been injected with a special genetic compensation agent."

The relevant information was revealed bit by bit from the little maid's mouth.

'First-level lower-middle-level containment object?Is there such a subdivision? However, this thing can also be injected with 'gene compensation medicine'?Also, the name 'King of Crazy Sound'.'

Colin thought of "Son of Sound": "Do you know 'Son of Sound'?"

"'Son of Sound'? I know Him, no, it is it. We have both wanted to devour each other, but we have never had the right opportunity."

"King of Crazy Sound" caused the surrounding area to vibrate. After saying this, Xiao Xinyi asked, "Can I ask, what's wrong with it?"

When responding, it couldn't help but feel uneasy
Judging by his own experience, that guy wouldn't secretly become the company's dog behind his back, would he?
If this is the case, this time this person comes over, he won't want to use him to the other party to "make up for the situation", right?
But fortunately, just when he was about to say a few words to himself.

Colin waved his hand and said, "No, it was beaten to death some time ago. I just asked casually."

Hearing this, the violent frequencies that made up the "King of Crazy Sounds" paused significantly. A second later, they burst into extremely excited laughter: "Good death, good death. Did the company recycle it?"

Speaking of this, his mind started to become a little more active.

If the company recycles him, if he performs well and makes contributions, he will not only have the opportunity to regain part of the power that was taken away by one of his old enemies, the "Son of the Sound", but he may even directly devour all the power of the "Son of the Sound".

Then the strength skyrocketed, becoming a powerful containment object at the upper level of the first level!

Of course, although in this way, he will be more restricted. But compared with this benefit, it is basically not worth mentioning.

It's a pity
"do not know."

Colin shook his head. He only roughly knew about the "Ghost Train" incident from Ms. Rabbit's envelope.

Several high-level beings have died.
One of them is "Son of Sound".

Then, without waiting for the guy to ask anything, Colin waved his hand:

"Okay, let's get down to business. Do you know where Rosen went in the end?"

Regarding this person's final whereabouts, all the information he has so far is just speculation and there is no concrete conclusion, so he is still quite curious about his final situation.


After pronouncing the name with some fear, the "King of Crazy Sound" looked at the revolver in the opponent's hand with some trepidation.

Then, after adjusting his emotions, he said: "He, he should have led his team into 'World Number-1'. The reason for entering, I learned from other contained objects, was that he was with a giant from a certain campfire camp. Death is related, and the giant seems to have gone to the "unknown area" beyond "everything known" to find something.
"Something went wrong in the end and he died, but he sent his coordinates
"Rosen's purpose is to recycle this thing, but there seems to be some unknown situation. I don't know what the specific situation is, but it should not end well, because his exclusive weapon is now in In your hands."

In an unknown area beyond the known, the corporate giant fell, and Rosen ran to recover it.
It seems to be similar to the information I had before.

Colin touched his chin, thought for two seconds, and then continued: "Do you know what the recycled items are?"

"It's impossible for me to know, but it probably has something to do with the 'Ultimate of All Things'."

"The ultimate of all things?"

Colin murmured to himself. When he heard this word, he was confused at first, and then a flash of inspiration came out, connecting this unfamiliar word with another thing.


An indescribable and inexplicable fear suddenly emerged.

Colin took a deep breath and then said:

"What on earth is 2044, or the 'ultimate of all things'?"

(End of this chapter)

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