Campfire Shelter.

Chapter 435: Conservatives believe that extremists are still too conservative

Chapter 435: Conservatives believe that extremists are still too conservative
“It is something that is known but cannot be understood.”

"There is no definite conclusion yet on what it is specifically and when it will arrive."

"I don't know much about this, because there are only a very few existences that can observe it and prepare around it, and these existences do not include me."

The "King of Crazy Sound" looked like he knew something, but not much.

'Something that even Level [-] Containers don't know about?Although it is a mid- to low-level containment object, it is still comparable to the existence of the ancient gods. '

Colin frowned, feeling a little dizzy.

At this time, he seemed to realize that he was not very satisfied with the answer.

"King of Crazy Sound" added:

"The company should know more. If you want to know more, I suggest you ask some B-level and above Bonfire executives after you go out. As you are now C-level and have joined the talent plan, you can get the answer."

Ah this
Colin's expression remained unchanged, but he felt strange in his heart: The other party saw his identity as a "Fire Bearer" reserve, but did not realize his true authority level at this moment?
After thinking about it, he still didn't tell the other party his true identity.

After all, with the character that this thing is currently expressing, it is possible that other thoughts may not arise after he finishes speaking.

Of course, the most important thing is that he has already obtained all the useful information.

It seems that '2044' is not a particularly secretive thing in the company. Once you reach a certain level, you can understand it. '

'However, the way to understand is from the B-class'

'The only thing I need to worry about is that it's hard to say whether there are serious B-level executives in the company. '

Colin rubbed his chin and thought for a few seconds.

"Ms. Rabbit" he always felt that the level should be enough.

Although there is no direct and definite evidence, Colin always feels that her identity is somewhat sensitive.

Shaking his head secretly and retracting his thoughts, Colin looked at the other party: "Is this all the information you know about this thing?"


Unfortunately, this information is not the same. Colin asked the next question: "Do you know anything about Rosen?"

"Huh?" Upon hearing this question, the vibration frequency on the "King of Crazy Sound" changed, as if it made a dazed expression, as if to say... People from the company, are you asking me?
"For some reasons, I don't know much about him, so I need to find out more from you."

Colin said casually.

Did you get promoted from another place and haven't gained much knowledge yet?
The "Lord of Crazy Sound" thought for a while. After he was arrested, he didn't know much about the outside world, so he didn't know what the current state of the company was. He could only feel that something was wrong, but no matter how he said it, he was still a skinny camel compared to a horse. big.
It's not clear at all. Now these people can't even send a "fire supporter" out.

Then without thinking much, he directly told what he knew and told Colin the information about Rosen.

This is one of the top "Fire Holders" who once made countless lives and heretical civilizations fearful.

His specific rank, "King of Crazy Sound", is unclear, but it is speculated that he is at least a B+ level, or he can occasionally get an A rank due to need, but it doesn't seem to be a permanent one.
But even so, Rosen is one of the few people in the company whose status is second only to the Big Three. He is extremely powerful and has the terrifying "First Fire" Army in his hands.
At the same time, he is also the first front-line executor under an unidentified corporate giant.

'The Fire Holder' with a B+ level status. '

Colin was a little shocked in his heart. He thought back to the mediocre head in the chapel - why didn't he feel a little different?
Look at how domineering the other "fire bearers" left behind before they died, and look at this one again, the gap is not small.
'No, the key to the 'Fire Bearer' should still be the heart, and the head may not be so important. In other words, this guy who likes to 'keep a hand', even if he just loses an 'unimportant part', All are quite powerful. '

Colin was secretly frightened. He even suspected that the other party's head might also be a "backup".

After all, judging from their habit of "keeping a hand open", they may have a lot of backup materials for their bodies in their pockets.

If the head accidentally falls off, you can replace it with a new one and keep the old one as materials.
As long as your heart is fine.

However, by interpreting the information, he had a vague understanding of the company's top-level structure.

'A non-resident A-level level, this level is not very common?So looking at it this way, the three giants who stand at the top of the company are the kind of permanent A-level employees, or are they a little higher than S-level? '

'But it seems that company ratings, prop evaluations and various things all use A level as the highest standard, and there are no judgments such as S, SS, SSS, SSSR. '

'So, A level may be the highest level within the company. '

Thoughts flashed through him quickly, and Colin estimated that the so-called Big Three should be the kind of resident A-level people.

Of course, the "King of Crazy Sound" does not have a very accurate understanding of the level of the absolute top.

Even if this kind of information from the upper levels of authority is not kept secret, it is not something that a prisoner who is about to be infused with human nature and forcibly transformed can know.

Colin then asked for the names of other people. Unfortunately, the "King of Crazy Sound" read out most of the names that he did not know or understand, and among them was not the "Ms. Rabbit" that he was most curious about.

Shaking his head, Colin asked about another thing of interest:
"'First Fire' Group Army?"

This was the second army name he had heard.

"Well, the group army organized by some 'Fire Holders' is not a large army, but its prestige is not weak at all. It contains a large number of 'Fire Holders' from the entire company, with the number exceeding three digits, as well as many companies. Elite.”

The quantity exceeds three digits, one hundred is also three digits, six or seven hundred is also three digits, and a large number should be at least one-third or one-half
So, in theory, there are at least two or three hundred "fire supporters", or as many as a thousand?

Wouldn't it be a little too little if there were only three hundred?

No. It seems there are quite a few. If you pick them out individually, they are the masters in an area who are extremely unable to raise their heads.

At this time, Colin, who was thinking, suddenly heard the "King of Crazy Sound" cautiously say:

"I see that you haven't joined the group army yet? If you don't mind, I can give you some advice on the choice of the group army."

Colin asked curiously: "What suggestions?"

"If you want to join, my suggestion is, don't add this."

"Huh?" Colin made a nasal noise in confusion.

"It's a bit too dangerous. The people in their legion are all very scary 'conservatives' and are very strict in doing things. This also leads to them having the most enemies. Although they are very strong, they usually go directly into the most dangerous places. The area, directly facing the superior existence, is also the legion that is targeted, no one."

Are you wrong?Do things that are very useful for "conservatives"?No, Colin was a little suspicious when he saw the fear displayed in the form of the "King of Crazy Sound".
This "conservative" may not be a conservative in the ordinary sense.

In addition, it is understood that Rosen seemed to have initiated an "extermination order" more than once during this mission.

'Ah, this is the kind of conservative who thinks radicals are too conservative.'

Colin couldn't help but groan in his heart.

Of course, from an inhuman standpoint, Rosen's behavior may have been a bit outrageous, but from a human standpoint, it's another story.
Before the initial rise of mankind, it suffered a lot and was on the verge of extinction many times.

I'm a little tougher on what I do. Is there any problem?
However, facing the other party's suggestion, Colin waved his hand and interrupted his follow-up words: "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

"no no."

"Okay, it's not your job to know which legion to join. Tell me the names of the other armies."

Colin didn't have much idea about whether to join the "First Fire" group army. After all, he didn't know much about it, and he didn't see anyone sending an invitation letter or anything like that.

Soon, he learned many other legion names from the "King of Crazy Sound".

"First Fire", "Zoo", "Radient Angel", "Shenzhou".
Colin said in surprise: "Only four?"

"More than that. But there are specific army groups stationed in each galaxy area. I only know these here, and the only two armies I have actually come into contact with are the 'Radiant Angels' and the 'Primary Fire'."

Speaking of this, the "King of Crazy Sound" seemed to recall the past: "Back then, I was still active in this galaxy, and then the 'Numbered World' arrived. I fought against the 'Raradiant Angels' group army above, and we won indiscriminately. Back away."

"Later, I, who was full of sinful thoughts at the time, heard that a major change had occurred in 'Bonfire Company', so I descended on 'World No. 334' and wanted to take away one of the powers that could be fused with me."

Speaking of this, his whole "person" showed a horrifying emotion, as if he had seen something terrible.

Affected by his emotions, the entire area was shaking uncontrollably, as if a collapse or major earthquake was about to occur at any time.

What the hell? Colin raised his eyebrows, snapped his fingers, and the fire exploded.

The "King of Crazy Sound" calmed down.

"What's going on?" Colin asked.

Then I learned that after this guy and several of his kind broke through the defense of the "numbered world" together, they just got the things in hand and before they could warm them up, they met Rosen who had just started the recovery mission.

No, to be more precise, they encountered a powerful team headed by Rosen and supplemented by five "Fire Holders".

Then if there were no accidents, there would be no more accidents.

When Colin heard this, he could only sigh silently, this guy is really unlucky.

At that time, it was detained and thrown into the "Containment Kingdom" specially prepared by Rosen.

The release conditions are
After completing a series of transformations, he must recognize himself as a human being and voluntarily sign the first-level special recruiter contract given by Rosen in a fair and friendly atmosphere.

After Colin asked, the general news he got was:
The contents of this contract include the obligation to work non-stop for 3000 years with only food, accommodation and no wages.

In addition, there are generally half-yearly assessments on learning human values, cognition, etc.
And if you commit any crime while working, you will be severely punished.

After signing a contract, it is equivalent to being bound by some "agreement". There is no way to regret it anyway.

Of course, if you die unexpectedly while working, your characteristics will be forcibly recycled and turned into props to continue working.

After being released from prison, oh no, after the completion of the term, there is a certain probability that some remaining backup plans will be used to reshape his own consciousness.

This method seems to involve intercepting part of the "consciousness" in advance, and then creating a new one when the body is gone.
In theory, Colin feels like cloning, but much more complicated.

But if the death is too complete and even that part of the "brain" is destroyed, then there is nothing you can do - the company will thank it for voluntarily donating its extraordinary characteristics and add a new prop.

The 800-year contract of "Father of the Ocean" is far behind this one. Is this the difference between prisoners of war and active recruitment? '

Colin secretly smacked his tongue, but unfortunately, his spiritual intuition told him that the current D-class status did not have the authority to act as a representative. Even if he signed this thing with the other party, the risk would be very high.
Otherwise, you will get a super thug directly.

Afterwards, Colin curiously bought some other miscellaneous knowledge for free.

For example, what are the determination points for high-level containment objects?

'The secondary containment objects are not subdivided. The strong ones are very strong and can change the general planetary landscape. The weak ones are very weak. They are probably no better than me. '

'The first-level contained objects in the company's judgment generally refer to existences that have certain abilities to cause devastating blows to ordinary planets (based on the earth) and the civilization on them. Specifically, there are low-level, medium-low, and low-level objects. , middle, upper middle, and upper subdivisions.'

'Of course, this can only be done if no one can limit it. '

'Each subdivision has a huge gap in strength. Among them, the upper-level containment objects are much larger than the others. Sometimes they are also called super-level. They are the middle layer between '0' and '1'. They are only But the quantity is small. '

In addition to being powerful enough, '0' level containment objects usually have certain rules. Even a company cannot evaluate this thing very well. Some level 0 things that exist in special forms can only be understood and lucky enough to follow the rules. , even ordinary people or even children can easily survive under their influence. On the contrary, even B-level or even stronger 'fire bearers' may be in danger of death.'

'So, to deal with this level, you usually need to follow the rules. '

Colin generally had a clearer understanding of these guys in his mind, and then continued to speak:
"By the way, do you know 'hunger'?"

Hearing the sound, the "King of Crazy Sound" seemed to tremble: "You know, I was eaten by it along with the entire 'World Number-334', and then was contained. This thing is a legend in the 'containment world' , because I heard that the initial level was not high, but under the control of the company, it continued to integrate and finally became '0' level."

Artificial "0" level creatures?However, eating the whole world together was a bit powerful. Colin was frightened. He didn't expect that this thing would be so terrifying in the hands of the real owner, Rosen.

"So can you sense it now?"

"I can't, I don't dare, it will eat your 'premonition' and then find it all the way. As for you, it should be fine, because you are implicitly protected by the 'Bonfire Company'. Even if you actively contact it, just cut it off in time. But my words, even if they are just fragments, even if they are theoretically weaker than me, they can still swallow me now."

The "King of Crazy Sound" seemed to realize what the person in front of him was planning to do, so he quickly explained.

But he didn't know what he was thinking of. He paused and added: "Of course, if you are willing to release me and remove the control."

(End of this chapter)

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